Haiphong department of transport


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 National Technical Regulation for Noise (QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT)

 National Technical Regulation for Vibration (QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT)

 National Technical Regulation for Ambient Air Quality (QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT)

 National Technical Regulation for Toxic Pollutants in Air Emission (QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT)

 National Technical Regulation for Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils

(QCVN 03:2008/BTNMT)
 Decision N3733/2002/QD-BYT, issued on 10th October 2002 by Ministry of Health guiding application of 21 occupational health standards

 Vietnam Standards for Safety in Construction: TCVN 5308-1991; TCVN4086-1995.


 National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Waste Threshold (QCVN 07:2009/BTNMT)

 National Technical Regulation on Wastewater at Solid Waste Landfill Sites

(QCVN 25:2009/BTNMT)

 Vietnam Standard for General Requirement for Protection of Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill


In instances in which the requirements of this Specification and those of the Government of

Vietnam differ, the Vietnam standards or technical regulations shall take precedence.

Should these standards and regulations not be achieved and the cause is due to the activities of the Contactor, appropriate action shall be taken by the Contractor to rectify the cause to ensure compliance.
The Contractor shall produce a Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) as described below. The CEMP shall include a signed statement from the Contractor’s managing directors attesting to a commitment that all environmental protection, safety, and industrial health aspects of the Project will be given highest priority in the discharge of contractual obligations and certifying a commitment to the provisions specified by the CEMP as approved by the Engineer.
The CEMP shall provide a statement attesting the firm’s understanding of, and means of ensuring due compliance with, the statutory regulations relating to construction work in the Government of Vietnam, specifically in regard to compliance with all safety and industrial health legislation including, without limitation, the rules and regulation of the Government of Vietnam and the authorities having jurisdiction.
The CEMP shall state where copies of environmental, safety and industrial health regulations and documents will be available on the Site and the Contractor verify that all regulations and documents have been or will be available and displayed or kept alongside each other in both the Vietnamese and English languages.
The CEMP shall provide a commitment that the Contractor shall:
 Provide subcontractors with copies of the CEMP and will incorporate provisions into all sub- contract documentation to ensure the compliance with the Plan at all tiers of the sub- contracting.

 Require all subcontractors to appoint a safety representative who shall be available on the

Site throughout the operational period of the respective subcontract;

 Ensure, as far as is practically possible, that employees of subcontractors of all tiers are conversant with appropriate parts of the CEMP and the statutory regulations.

No later than 28 days after Commencement Date, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) to the Engineer for review and approval. The CEMP shall describe clearly how the Contractor will manage the environmental, social and safety impacts on the Site during construction. The Contractor shall translate into Vietnamese (and other languages as necessary) the final version of the Contraction Environmental Management Plan. Such translation shall be made available to the project Owner for information.
The CEMP shall be organized in six sections as follows:
 Management Acknowledgements;

 Organization & Staffing;

 Communications And Reporting;

 Environmental Management Provisions;

 Monitoring;

 Public Consultation and Dispute Resolution;

 Organising and Staffing.
The environmental and management provisions shall consist of a number of individual plans as follows:
 Site Plans;

 Workforce and Site Management Plan;

 Construction Management Plan;

 Clearance, Re-Vegetation Planting and Restoration Management Plan;

 Waste Management Plan;

 Material Handling, Use and Storage Management Plan;

 Ecological Management Plan;

 Traffic and Safety Management Plan;

 Physical, Cultural Property Protection Plan;

 Community Relation and Health Management Plan;

 Utilities Management Plan;

 Unexploded Ordnances (UXO).

The requirements for each of these plans are described below.
The CEMP will be provided to the Engineer for approval following the receipt of all necessary information and documentation. Approval may be conditional as specified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not commence any site activities until the Engineer has approved the CEMP. The Engineer shall also require periodic reviews, updating and supplements to the CEMP in the course of the work. As well as submission of the CEMP by the Contractor and approval by the Engineer, there are also a number of other activities that will need to be implemented before the Contractor can commence work on Site. These include the following:
 Appointment and approval of an Environment/Safety Officer (ESO). The person nominated as the ESO shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor shall not undertake any works on the Site until the ESO has commenced duties unless specifically agreed in writing by the Engineer;

 Environmental baseline surveys are required prior to occupation of the Site;

 Initial safety induction courses are required for all workmen on the Site prior to their commencement of work.
The CEMP shall include Site Plans for each construction location including workshops, maintenance, batching plant, storage areas and staging areas indicating the locations and arrangements of all equipment, buildings and construction activities that may result in environmental impacts. At a minimum, the Site Plans must provide at a scale of 1:1,000.
Areas within the Site where there is a regular movement of vehicles shall have an acceptable hard surface and be kept clear of loose surface material and shall be so indicated on the required Site Plan.
The Contractor shall develop a Workforce and Site Management Plan that addresses the requirements described below.
In order to minimize adverse environmental impacts due to construction and location of areas/facilities for the completion of the Project, the following measures should be put into place:
 To the extent possible, the Project shall utilize the existing mixing stations and asphalt plants of Hai Phong city;

 Site offices, camps, depots, asphalt plants, mixing stations, stone grinding stations, and workshops shall be located in appropriate areas as agreed by local authorities and approved by the Engineer and not within 200 m of existing residential settlements except for asphalt mixing stations which shall not be within 300 m of existing residential settlements.

 Site offices, camps, depots and particularly storage areas for diesel fuel and bitumen and asphalt plants shall not be located within 100 m of watercourses, and be operated so that no pollutants enter watercourses. Camp areas shall be located to allow effective natural drainage;

 The workforce shall be provided with safe, suitable and comfortable accommodations. They have to be maintained in clean and sanitary conditions;

 Potable water safe for human consumption shall be provided for at camps, site offices, and other areas;

 A method shall be established for storing and disposing of all solid wastes generated by the worker camps and/or stockpiles.

 Separate and adequate lavatory facilities (toilets and washing areas) shall be provided for

the use of male and female workers. Mobile toilets must be provided at all construction camp areas where there will be a concentration of labour. A temporary waste containing pits shall be installed for the disposal of domestic wastes;

 A medical and first aid facilities and first aid boxes shall be provided in each construction camp site;

 If kitchens are provided, they must have good ventilation, a refrigeration system and pest - resistance fences. Adequate refuse bins shall be provided in each eating area;

 Security measures shall be put into place in the construction area such as adequate, day- time night-time lighting. A perimeter security fence shall be constructed at least 2 m in height and firefighting equipment and portable fires extinguishers provided at fuel storage sites and offices.
The following activities are prohibited on or near the Project site:
 Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area;

 Hunting, wildlife capture;

 Consumption of wild animals for food;

 Use of unapproved toxic materials, including lead-based paints, asbestos, etc.;

 Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value;

 Use of firearms (except authorized security guards);

 Use of alcohol by workers in working hours;

 Washing cars or machinery in canals or rivers;

 Doing maintenance on cars and equipment outside authorized areas:

 Disposing wastes in unauthorized places;

 Driving in an unsafe manner in local roads;

 Working without safety equipment (including boots and helmets);

 Creating nuisances and disturbances in or near communities;

 The use of rivers and streams for washing clothes;

 Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction wastes or rubble;

 Spillage of potential pollutants, such as grease and oil;

 Use of explosive and chemicals for fishing;

 Latrines outside the designated facilities; and

 Burning of wastes and/or cleared vegetation.
The Contractor shall ensure that any construction worker, office staff, Contractor’s employees found violating theses prohibitions shall be subject to disciplinary actions that can range from a simple reprimand to termination of his/her employment depending on the seriousness of the violation.
The Contractor shall prepare and implement an Environmental Training Plan for all construction workers and staff to ensure that all concerned staff is aware of the relevant environmental requirements as stipulated in the Vietnamese environmental legislation and the Contract specifications. The Plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to its implementation.
The Contractor shall distribute to the key staff, including newly joined key staff members, (1) the Contractor’s Environmental Policy; and (2) copies of relevant extracts from environmental laws, standards and regulations.
The Contractor is responsible for providing appropriate training to all staff according to their level of responsibility for environmental matters. Managerial staff shall receive additional training.
All Contractors’ employees shall be required to comply with environmental protection procedures and they shall be able to provide evidence that they attended the training sessions detailed in the Plan;
Training materials and methods which shall include formal training sessions, posters, data in newsletters, signs in construction and camp areas and meetings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to issue.
The Training Plan shall be developed for all construction workers for the following issues: fire arm possession, traffic regulations, illegal logging and collection of non-timber forestry products, non disturbance of resettlement communities, hunting and fishing restrictions, waste management, erosion control, health and safety issues, all prohibited activities, the code of conduct requirements and disciplinary procedures, general information on the environment in which they will be working and living and establishment of penalties for those who violate the rules;
Periodic training shall be provided when necessary but every employee must receive training prior to commencing activities on Site and every 12 months thereafter.
Records shall be maintained (e.g. attendance records for environmental awareness training, topics covered) and submitted to the Engineer upon request.
The Contractor shall develop a Construction Management Plan that addresses the issues described below.
Water quality regulations shall be strictly observed particularly in aquaculture areas. The Contractor shall ensure:
 All existing stream courses and drains within, and adjacent to, the Site will be kept safe and free from any debris and any excavated materials arising from the Works. chemicals, sanitary wastewater, spoil, waste oil and concrete agitator washings will not be deposited in the watercourses.

 All water and waste products arising on the Site will be collected, removed from the Site via a suitable and properly designed temporary drainage system and disposed of at a location and in a manner that will cause neither pollution nor nuisance.

 Drainage works will be constructed, maintained, removed and reinstated as necessary and all other precautions necessary for the avoidance of damage by flooding and silt washed down from the Works will be taken. Adequate precautions will be taken to ensure that no spoil or debris of any kind are allowed to be pushed, washed down, fallen or be deposited on land adjacent to the Site.

 In the event of any spoil or debris from construction works being deposited on adjacent land or any silt washed down to any area, then all such spoil, debris or material and silt shall be immediately removed and the affected land and areas restored to their natural state by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

 The Contractor shall ensure that construction camps and other potential sources of secondary impacts are properly sited and provided with drainage and wastewater facilities.
There is the potential for site erosion and sedimentation of nearby land and waterways if the Site activities are not carefully managed. In order to avoid negative impacts in the Project area, the Contractor shall carry out the following activities:

 Protect all areas susceptible to erosion by installing necessary temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as possible and by taking any other measures necessary to prevent storm water from concentrating in streams and scouring slopes, banks, etc;

 Areas of the site not disturbed by rehabilitation activities shall be maintained in their existing conditions;

 Reduce water speed and volume by increasing the number of drainage culverts and selecting proper places for culvert placement to avoid erosion effects;

 Stockpile topsoil and reapply this material to local disturbed areas to promote the growth of local native vegetation;

 Apply local, native grass seed and mulch to barren erosive soil areas or closed construction surfaces;

 Apply erosion control measures before the rainy season begins preferably immediately following construction;

 Install sediment control structures where needed to slow or redirect runoff and trap sediment until vegetation is established. Sediment control structures include windrows of logging

slash, rock berms, sediment catchment basins, straw bales, brush fences, and silt;

 In areas where rehabilitation activities have been completed and where no further disturbance would take place, re-vegetation should commence as soon as possible;

 Spray water as needed on dirt roads, cuts, fill material and stockpiled soil to reduce wind- induced erosion;

 Traffic and movement over stabilized areas shall be restricted and controlled, and damage to stabilized areas shall be repaired and maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

No furnaces, boilers or other similar plant or equipment using any fuel that may produce air pollutants will be installed without prior written consent of the Engineer. No burning of debris or other materials shall occur on the Site.
Dust suppression measures including but not limited to the following shall be implemented:
 Stockpiles of sand and aggregate greater than 20 cubic meters for use in concrete manufacture shall be enclosed on three sides, with walls extending above the pile and two m beyond the front of the piles. Locations should be indicated on the Site Plan(s). - Effective water sprays shall be used during the delivery and handling of all raw sand and aggregate, and other similar materials, when dust is likely to be created and to dampen all stored materials during dry and windy weather;

 Areas within the Site where there is a regular movement of vehicles shall have an acceptable hard surface and be kept clear of loose surface material. Locations should be indicated on the Site Plan(s). Conveyor belts shall be fitted with wind-boards, and conveyor transfer points and hopper discharge areas shall be enclosed to minimize dust emission. All conveyors carrying materials that have the potential to create dust shall be totally enclosed and fitted with belt cleaners. Locations should be indicated on the Site Plan(s);

 Cement and other such fine-grained materials delivered in bulk shall be stored in closed silos fitted with a high-level alarm indicator. The high-level alarm indicators shall be interlocked

with the filling line such that in the event of the hopper approaching an overfull condition, an audible alarm will operate, and the pneumatic line to the filling tanker will close. Locations

should be indicated by the accompanying Site Plan(s).

 Cement manufactured from dredging of off-shore coral reef resources shall not be used in the Project;

 All air vents on cement silos shall be fitted with suitable fabric filters provided with either shaking or pulse-air cleaning mechanisms;

 Weigh hoppers shall be vented to a suitable filter;

 The filter bags in the cement silo dust collector must be thoroughly shaken after cement is blown into the silo to ensure adequate dust collection for subsequent loading;

 Provide adequate dust suppression plant including water browsers with spray bars;

 Areas of reclamation shall be completed, including final compaction, as quickly as possible consistent with good practice to prevent suspension of dust by wind;

 All roads within the construction areas of the Site shall be sprayed at least twice each day;

 All vehicles, while parked on the Site, shall be required to have their engines turned off;

 All equipment and machinery on the Site shall be checked at least weekly and make all necessary corrections and or repairs to ensure compliance with safety and air pollution requirements;

 All vehicles shall be properly cleaned (bodies and tires are free of sand and mud) prior to leaving the Site areas. The Contractor shall provide a wash pit or a wheel washing and/or vehicle cleaning facility at the exits from the Sites. The Contractor shall provide necessary cleaning facilities on Site and ensure that no water or debris from such cleaning operations is deposited off-site. The locations of these facilities shall be clearly illustrated on the Site


 The necessary cleaning facilities shall be provided on Site to ensure that no water or debris from such cleaning operations is deposited off-site. Locations should be indicated on the Site Plan(s);

 All trucks used for transporting materials to and from the Site shall be covered with canvas tarpaulins, or other acceptable type cover (which shall be properly secured) to prevent debris and/or materials from falling from or being blown off the vehicle(s). The tarpaulin shall be properly secured and shall extend at least 300 millimeters over the edges of the side and tailboards;

 Construction walls shall be provided in all locations where strong winds could cause the blowing of dust and debris;

 At any concrete batching plant or crushing plant being operated on the Site the following additional conditions shall be complied with:

 An air pollution control system shall be installed and shall be operated whenever the plant is in operation;

 Any vehicles with an open load carrying area used for moving potentially dust-producing materials shall have properly fitting side and tailboards. Materials having the potential to create dust shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, and shall be covered by a clean tarpaulin in good condition;

 The concrete batching plant and crushing plant sites and ancillary areas shall be frequently cleaned and watered to minimize any dust emissions. - Dry mix batching shall be carried out in a totally enclosed area with exhaust to suitable fabric filters.
To avoid potential adverse noise and vibration impacts, the Contractor shall:
 Be responsible for repairing any damage caused as the result of vibrations generated from or by the use of his equipment, plant, and machinery.

 Erect temporary noise barriers where schools and other potentially sensitive receptors (as identified during consultation with local residents) are within 50 m of construction activities or material haulage routes. Temporary barriers of sufficient height with skid footing and a cantilevered upper portion shall be erected within a short distance from stationary plants,

and at practicable distance from mobile plants. The minimum effective height of the noise barriers should be as such that no part of the noise sources associated with the operation of construction machinery should be audible from the target receptors to be protected. Barriers should have no openings or gaps, and preferably have a superficial surface density of at least ten kilograms per square meter (kg/m2). The locations of the temporary noise barriers

shall be adjusted where and when necessary taking into consideration the locations and type of receptor involved and the machinery intended to be protected. Use of the proposed noise barriers, as other construction site equipment, should take into account the following

standard requirements:

 A minimum of 4.5-meter wide thoroughfare with not less than 4.5-meter vertical clearance to be maintained at all times for the free passage of fire appliances;

 The barrier shall not be located where it prevents access to community facilities, residential areas, and places of work or access routes.

 Provide public notification of construction operations prior to construction works.

 Ensure that sensitive receptors shall be avoided as possible from aggregate crushers, operators, etc. Non vibratory rollers (for compaction) shall be used near sensitive receptors such as schools and cultural resources.

 Ensure that all exhaust systems shall be maintained in good working order; properly designed engine enclosures and intake silencers shall be employed; and regular equipment maintenance shall be undertaken.

 Ensure that stationary equipment shall be placed as far from sensitive land uses as practical; selected to minimize objectionable noise impacts; and provided with shielding mechanisms where possible.

 Schedule operations to coincide with periods when people would least likely be affected; work hours and work days shall be limited to less noise-sensitive times. Hours-of-work will have due regard for possible noise disturbance to the local residents or other activities.

 Adopt the necessary and appropriate measures to minimize noise associated with pile driving.

 Construction activities will be strictly prohibited between 6 PM and 6 AM in the residential areas.

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