Ielts model Essays Kindle

Scientific Research Essay

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@thompson english IELTS Model Essays

Scientific Research Essay
This is an IELTS scientific research essay.
For this essay, you need to discuss whether the funding and controlling of
scientific research should be the responsibility of the government or private
Governments should be responsible for funding and controlling
scientific research rather than private organizations.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
This is a fairly complex topic so you may want to do an internet search and
do some reading about it before you attempt to write a practice answer.

The model answer below puts forward two ideas against private
organizations holding such responsibility.
There are more arguments around the topic in opposition to this that could
be discussed, but with 40 minutes to plan and write your answer you will
need to choose carefully which ideas you want to present.
Note the way that the body paragraphs have been organised in a comparison
/ contrast style.
You are asked which of the two is best placed to manage research so it
makes sense to compare the relative benefits / disadvantages of each. 
Another way to approach this scientific research essay would be to present
ideas for and ideas against in separate body paragraphs.
Model Answer
Governments should be responsible for funding and controlling scientific
research rather than private organizations.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Undertaking scientific research is imperative if countries want to progress
and compete in a globalized world. However, the funding and controlling of
this research remain contentious issues. In my opinion, the government
should have the predominant responsibility for these.
One of the first issues is the knowledge that we gain from research. If
governments are responsible then they are driven by the need to make
advances in knowledge in order to improve people’s lives. This is because
they are accountable to the public and the research is paid for by taxes. On
the other hand, private organizations are driven by profit. This may mean
that some research that could be valuable to society may not begin because
there is no monetary gain.

Another issue related to this is the research process. When the funding for
research comes from the same organization that is going to gain from a
favorable outcome, there is a strong potential for biased results. Taking
drugs companies as an example, legislation usually requires rigorous trials
for new drugs that can take many years to complete. The companies have
large amounts of money invested in such research and the need for positive
results is paramount. It is difficult for a scientist to remain impartial in these
circumstances. However, if this is controlled and funded by governments,
their accountability means that such conflicts of interest are less likely to
On balance, I would argue that although it is not realistic to remove all
opportunities for privately funded research, governments should have the
main responsibility for the monitoring and controlling of this. Strong checks
and balances need to be in place to ensure future research is ethical and
(281 Words)

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