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The comporative analysis between the English and uzbek languages meanings concerned with the notion of ability

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3.2. The comporative analysis between the English and uzbek languages meanings concerned with the notion of ability
One of the main differences between English and Uzbek in terms of expressing ability is the use of auxiliary verbs. In English, the auxiliary verb "can" is used to express ability, while in Uzbek, the verb "qila olmoq-" is used. For example, in English, we say "I can swim," while in Uzbek, we say "Men suza olaman". Another difference is the use of the present continuous tense. In English, we can use the present continuous tense to express ability in the present moment. For example, we can say "I am swimming" to mean "I am able to swim right now." In Uzbek, however, the present continuous tense is not used in this way. Instead, the present simple tense is used to express ability in the present moment. For example, we say "Men suzaman","Men suzayapman" to mean "I am able to swim right now." Lexical Items: Another difference between English and Uzbek in terms of expressing ability is the use of lexical items. In English, we have a wide range of words and phrases that can be used to express ability, such as "able to," "capable of," "skilled at," and "talented in." In Uzbek, however, there are fewer options for expressing ability, and the language tends to rely more on the use of verbs and adjectives. For example, in Uzbek, we might say "Men suzishni eplay olaman" to mean "I am able to swim," using the verb "eplamoq" to express ability. Similarities: Despite these differences, there are also some similarities between English and Uzbek in terms of expressing ability. For example, both languages use the infinitive form of verbs to express ability in certain contexts. In English, we might say "I want to swim" to mean "I am able to swim," while in Uzbek, we might say "Men suzishni xohlayman" to mean the same thing. Another similarity is the use of adverbs to modify verbs and express ability. In English, we might say "I swim well" to mean "I am able to swim effectively," while in Uzbek, we might say "Men yaxshi suzaman" to mean the same thing.
Phraseological units expressing talent, endowments, creativity have the highest level of mental abilities: Eng. be the brains behind smth, think outside the box, Russ. семи пядей во лбу, на голову выше, Uzb. aqli raso, boshqalardan bir pog’ona yuqori turmoq. The negative evaluation can be found in the phraseological units reflecting total absence of mind, mental activity, limitation, and also behaviour, acts, condition: Eng. be gone in the upper storey, Russ. медный лоб, не видеть дальше своего носа, Uzb. kallavaram, qovoqbosh, befahm.
In a zone of positivity there are the phraseological units reflecting such features, as prudence, sensible mind and mental activity: Eng. be of sound mind, Russ. быть в здравом (трезвом) рассудке, Uzb. aqli joyida bo’lmoq. The lack of intelligence, slow speed of mental processes or total absence of normal mental activity of the person often associates with illness (temporary or permanent): Eng. be out of one's senses, Russ. лишаться рассудка, сходить с ума, мозги набекрень, белены объелся, Uzb. aqldan ozmoq, jinni bo’lmoq. Let's review the examples:31
1. Perhaps, you're right. - Возможно, вы правы.
2. Unfortunately, the weather was bad. - К сожалению, погода была плохая.
3. I really don't know what's to be done. - Я действительно не знаю, что предстоит сделать.
4. Maybe Mary is ill. - Может быть, Мери заболела.
5. No doubt he will come later. - Он, без сомнения, придет позже.
6. Of course I understand it. - Конечно, я понимаю это. Characteristics of modal words of the syntax are as follows:

Your father must be nearly eighty now.
Otangiz hozir saksonga yaqin bo‘lsa kerak.
You must be hungry after your long walk.
Uzoq yurishingizdan keyin och qolishingiz kerak.
We must have taken a wrong turning.
Biz noto'g'ri burilish qilgan bo'lishimiz kerak.
He must know her address.

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