Cat Adoption Application
Today’s Date:
Cat/Kitten your are interested in:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Do you own your own home?: Yes No Rent/Lease
If you rent, are cats allowed?: Yes No Not sure
What type of home do you live in?: (double click )
If you do not own your own home, landlords name and complex phone number:
Please provide a brief history of pets you have previously owned (ie: gone due to illness, moved, etc.):
Current pets you own (type & age):
Are your current pets up to date on vaccines?: Yes No
Are your currents pets spayed/neutered?: Yes No
Are your current cats: Indoor only Outdoor only Both
The new cat will be: Indoor only Outdoor only Both
Are your current cats declawed?: Yes No
Are you having your new cat/kitten declawed? Yes No Not sure
If you are, will they be declawed: Front only Back only All four
Do you have children in the house?: Yes No
If so, what are the ages?:
Do the children have experience with the pets?: Yes No Limited
Does anyone in your home have pet allergies?: Yes No
Is this new cat/kitten for: You Your family Someone else
Name & PHONE NUMBER of current or previous vet used:
This cat needs to get along with: Children Dogs Other cats
I hope this cat will enjoy: Being held Sitting on laps
I hope this cat will: Be affectionate
Is shedding a problem?: Yes No:
Kitty-Korner Cat Rescue
Connie Hodge
Clare, Michigan 48617
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