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Technology in Restaurants

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Technology in Restaurants

Restaurants in Europe, the US and Japan are testing a new technology for ordering dishes using touch screens, designed to replace not always polite and sometimes mistaken waiters. Besides the fact that the electronic menu helps to reduce costs attractively, it is for young customers, and seductive photos of dishes serve as visual advertising for them.(Suyunov Rakhim)
Marriott International Piloting Facial Recognition Hotel Check-in with Fliggy

Figure 1: Source: (
In Israel, Conceptic has already begun installing e-Menu in sushi bars, pubs and family restaurants. The system is based on touch terminals. In addition to Israel, Conceptic systems are installed in restaurants in Belgium, France and South Africa. At Tel Aviv sushi restaurant Frame, revenue from e-Menu-equipped tables increased by 11% compared to conventional tables. When customers book a table over the phone, they often ask for a table with a screen. Marriott International is piloting a hotel check-in system using facial recognition technology with Fliggy, a travel service platform owned by Alibaba Group. The technology is currently being tested at two Chinese Marriott hotels, the Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Qianjiangand and the Sanya Marriott Hotel Dadonghai Bay, with the prospect of global deployment in the chain's hotels around the world. This will make Marriott International a pioneer in the application of facial recognition technology to the hospitality

Figure 2: Samsung Gear S3 smart watch Source: (
A smart watch is not only a step tracker and notification of incoming SMS or calls, but also a good way to work more efficiently. This can be confirmed by the Viceroy Hotel Group, a prestigious hotel chain that has adopted the Samsung Gear S3. The hotel chain provided all its employees with TIZEN devices. But they will use them not to receive personal messages, but for operational communication in order to provide hotel services faster and better. Amazon has unveiled a special version of the voice assistant for hotels - Alexa for Hospitality, which is currently being tested in Marriott hotels.
The service is implemented on the basis of "smart speakers" Echo, which are installed in each room and are configured directly for the specifics and needs of a particular hotel facility. This will allow hotels to simplify service processes, and guests will be able to receive all the necessary information about the hotel and order services directly from the room. For example, find out the location of the nearest fitness center, pool opening hours, order dinner in the room or cleaning, and contact the concierge or reception. To do this, it will be enough to ask “Alexa, order wine” or “Alexa, reserve a place in the SPA”. This request will be sent to an employee of the relevant department of the hotel.(Suyunov Rakhim)

Figure 3: Alexa for Hospitality Source: (
Alexa can even replace a phone. Amazon showed in a promotional video how a girl was able to call her children from her hotel room using only Echo. If necessary, the system can be configured to control "smart" technology in hotel rooms: adjust the air temperature and lighting in the room, raise and lower the blinds, play music and control TV. Guests will be able to listen to music and radio via iHeartRadio and TuneIn, which are set to play music that matches the hotel's brand. In turn, the hotel will be able to control and limit the playback volume so that guests do not disturb their neighbors.(Suyunov Rakhim)

Figure 4: Nest's smart thermostats Source: (
Meanwhile Elements hotels, where Starwood often tests innovative features and services before rolling out to other hotel chains, are planning a series of "smart technologies" for their guests. In the near future, this hotel chain will actively use smart thermostats from Nest, which “remember” the preferred temperature and adjust to the preferences of the guest of the hotel room, if necessary, allow you to adjust the temperature in the room through an application on your smartphone. The gadget also has a motion sensor: as soon as it notices that there is no one in the room.(Suyunov Rakhim)

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