M acmillan exam Skills for Russia grammar & vocabulary test Collection

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Akhtamov A.A. Destination B2 test collection

Malcolm Mann
Unit 17

1. I prefer biology … history.

A) than B) that C) then D) to
2. I’d rather you … next to Brain.
A) not to sit B) not sitting
C) don’t sit D) didn’t sit
3. I went to university … I could avoid getting a job.
A) so as B) to C) in order D) so that
4. I really don’t feel like … out tonight. Do you?
A) going B) go C) to go D) went
5. Everyone expected his business … within the first few months.
A) failing B) to fail C) fail D) failed
6. What would you like … this evening?
A) doing B) do C) to do D) to doing
7. We discussed … the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
A) turning B) turn C) to turn D) turned
8. She wasn’t able … very clearly after her accident.
A) speaking B) to speak C) speak
D) spoke
9. Do you mind … your car, please? You’re blocking the road.
A) moving B) move C) to move
D) to moving
10. They’re going to postpone … a decision until next month.
A) making B) to make C) make D) made
11. Are you planning … a new DVD player?
A) of getting B) to get C) get D) to getting
12. Are you thinking … a PlayStation?
A) of getting B) to get C) get D) to getting
13. I’m very pleased … you that you’ve passed.
A) telling B) tell C) to telling D) to tell
14. Sarah’s offered … us up for the weekend.
A) putting B) put C) to put D) to putting
15. I’m really looking forward … on the cruise.
A) going B) to go C) go D) to going
16. I’ll never forgive June for … to me like that.
A) lie B) to lie C) lying D) to lying
17. Ivan’s not very good at … friends.
A) making B) make C) to make
D) to making
18. I can’t resist … things when they’re in the sales.
A) buying B) buy C) to buy D) to buying
19. We’ve got to encourage students … , not blame them for not studying.
A) studying B) to study C) study
D) studied
20. I don’t know how you managed … the bank manager to lend you so much money!
A) persuade B) persuading C) to persuade D) to persuading
21. Does Jessica dislike … so much that she’s not going to come with us?
A) walk B) to walk C) walking D) walked
22. Do you deny … the money? Yes or no?
A) stealing B) steal C) to steal
D) to stealing
23. The kids were pretending … asleep, but they didn’t fool me for a second.
A) be B) being C) to be D) were
24. I refuse … that there’s no alternative.
A) accepting B) accept C) to accept
D) to accepting
25. No one understands how Jill can afford … on so many holidays each year.
A) going B) go C) to go D) to going
26. He only just escaped … to prison. Next time, the judge won’t be so forgiving.
A) sending B) to send C) to be sent
D) being sent
27. He expected … a brand new computer for Christmas, but all he got was a second-hand watch.
A) to give B) giving C) to be given
D) being given
28. I would prefer to go to the concert tomorrow … than on Saturday.
A) to B) prefer C) rather D) –
29. I’d rather … to that jazz club than a nightclub.
A) go B) to go C) going D) went
30. You’d … get tickets soon as they’re running out.
A) rather B) better C) prefer D) –
31. Don’t you think we … better turn the music down a bit?
A) would B) have C) prefer D) had
32. I called the theatre … out what time the concert started.
A) find B) to find C) so that to find
D) so as find
33. We waited for hours so … not to miss the VIPs arriving.
A) as B) that C) in order D) than
34. People appear … in different ways.
A) learning B) to learn C) learn
D) having learnt
35. Both ways of learning seem … equally valid.
A) that B) to be C) as D) being
36. All students should at least think about … the way that they approach learning.
A) to question B) questioning C) question D) to be questioned

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