Methods for impurity profiling of heroin and cocaine

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Methods for impurity profiling of heroin and cocaine

Figure VI. GC-ECD chromatogram of the determination of truxillines 

in a cocaine comparison case

(Truxillines indicated by square bracket)

Source: J. M. Moore and J. F. Casale, “Cocaine profiling methodology: recent advances”, Forensic

Science Review, vol. 10, 1998, pp. 13-46. Copyright Forensic Science Review. Reprinted with per-


Annex III


Figure VII. Expanded “window” of the chromatogram in figure VI, 

showing chromatography and identification of the individual truxillines

Source:  J. M. Moore and J. F. Casale, “Cocaine profiling methodology: recent advances”, Forensic

Science Review, vol. 10, 1998, pp. 13-46. Copyright Forensic Science Review. Reprinted with per-


Truxilline isomers:




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