Ministry of education and science of ukraine


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The raising of a problem. Changes in the content of education and training, taking place at the present stage of development of the society, are accompanied by a significant increase of attention to full disclosure and implementation of personality traits, particularly students – future physical education specialists.

In the XXI century, especially in the last decade, the system of value orientations of young people changed fundamentally. The development and functioning of personality are deeply influenced by social and cultural conditions in which the performance criteria of training, value orientations of students require clarification. Depending on how the institutions of socialization have prepared the younger generation for independent activities and decision-making under conditions that did not exist and could not be in the life of previous generations, the performance criteria of pedagogical activity in the field of physical culture are changing.

Whatever areas of education, we would have touched, and physical education in particular, they should be considered, depending on how they affect the spiritual world of personality, contribute to the development of humanistic culture of young people and formation value orientations.

Professional activity in the field of physical culture places high demands on the professionals and their personality. Therefore, in the XXI century it is particularly important to prepare highly qualified teachers with the established system of general cultural humanistic values.

Based on the technological approach to learning proposed by modern researchers, we consider it appropriate to be used in solving the problems of professional skills of future teachers of physical culture with their own system of values.

The use of innovative technologies in teaching and pedagogical process during the preparation of physical culture teachers creates new opportunities in order to improve teaching and to enhance thinking, provides different forms and ways to assimilate of information.

Meanwhile, lack of practical application of innovative technologies to the training of physical education specialists gives rise to a series of contradictions: between the demands of society to the preparation of future teachers of physical culture and insufficient reflection and generalization of this process in teaching science; between massive training and individual creative nature of their profession; between the focus on new models of teaching and educational process and traditional content, forms and methods of training future physical education specialists.

The analysis of recent research and publications. The process of training physical education specialists is considered by scientists in a wide range of scientific research. Only in recent years, this issue has been devoted to a series of studies aimed at the use of innovative technologies in the field of physical culture. In teaching practice the direction of the development and testing methods and tools, which are based on an advanced innovation technology – particularly on the introduction of a new into the pedagogical process, are clearly observed.

The problem of formation of professional mastery of physical education specialists is constantly within a sight of special scientific research institutions, research groups and individual researchers. Therefore, only in recent years, there has been held a number of scientific conferences in Ukraine, devoted exclusively to this problem, or the issue has been discussed along with other areas of research.

V. Bogdanov, A. Solovyov, V. Ponomaryov believe that innovations contribute to the improvement, rationalization, structuring of the curriculum, methodologies, learning aids and learning process as a whole [1].

V. Vlasov, H. Vorobyova, A. Grigoryev state that effective implementation of innovative activity is possible under the condition of high creativity of both teachers and students, which implies the development of creative abilities, aimed at non-standard solutions to educational problems and the ability to self-realization and self-improvement [2].

Thus, the actuality of the research is on the one hand, the need for training highly qualified specialists in the field of physical culture, on the other hand – the improving of the training process with the help of new tools and techniques, which are based on modern educational technology.

The main objectives of the study are as follows: to identify the main components in training of future professionals and to base the ways of improving the preparation process of future teachers of physical culture and formation value orientations of students.

The main body. The current system of formation of the skills of physical education teachers refers to the priority rank of ideals and national interests. It is characterized by the construction of a long teaching and educational process, which is based on the use of variable means and methods, active implementation of innovative technologies and is in constant need of research.

Theoretical concepts that would define innovative approaches and new teaching technologies that have emerged in the theory of physical culture in the past decade should lay into the basis of the modern system of absorption values of physical education.

Formation of a professional – a true professional of his craft – should be conducted with the use of the latest technologies, techniques, educational innovations, with the use of the acquired native and foreign experience. The foundation for this should be the principles of the humanization of education, individually oriented approach, updating of the content and form of the organization of the educational process in accordance with international standards, which became the basis of national doctrine of education.

The complexity and ambiguity of the changes taking place in society and higher education, face the specialist with the need of value self-determination, require the implementation of democratic and humanistic principles in educational activity, setting conditions for the significant changes in the training of teachers of physical culture.

The current stage of the development of education is characterized by intensive search for a new in theory and practice. This process is driven by a number of contradictions, principal among them is – the discrepancy of traditional methods and forms of learning the new trends in the education system, the socio-economic conditions in the development of the society, which have formed a whole series of objective innovative processes.

Update the process of preparing of future professionals is possible only through science-based improvement of teaching technologies, which became one of the important issues of pedagogic and practice. The purpose of innovative teaching technologies is improving the efficiency of the educational process, guarantee of the achievement of the planned learning outcomes.

New approaches to the educational process of high school that will promote the formation of humanistic values and goals of students are identified by modern educators:

1. Cultural approach, which determines the formation of learning content in high school and taking into account the priority of personal development of young people;

2. Personally-active approach, which is associated with new learning technologies that are designed to make the transition from abstract formation of personality to educational laws of its development;

3. Multi-subjective (dialogic) approach, which provides a subjective position of a student, the attitude to him as a personality who has his own extraordinary properties;

4. Individually-creative approach, which defines the structure of subject-subjective relations.

The latest technologies of education can be seen, on the one hand, not just as a form of getting knowledge, as well as the development of students' creative abilities, allowing to convert knowledge into personal life and consciousness; on the other hand – as the formation of innovative teacher who has to implement the innovative technologies into the learning process, to absorb system of knowledge, to form a personal attitude to any problem, considering it from different perspectives.

Innovative education is a process organized for the future, accentuated to train professionals to work in the new environment. In an educational context, "innovation" means the creation of new approaches and technologies based on the rethinking of previous experience and the introduction of the latest achievements and their integrated use.

One of the characteristic features of the current state of Pedagogical Education is to find not mechanical growth of innovation but careful preservation of traditions, the focus on the eternal pedagogical values, a combination of new forms, methods, tools and technology of education – pedagogical innovation. This problem should be solved first of all in order to ensure the future teacher with the mobility in the realization of the professional training and personal creative potential in educational activity.

Innovative technologies can be treated as individually oriented learning technologies that provide online training, during which the trainees become active participants in the learning process.

The created educational technology assumes that patterns of formation of personality should be considered as well as individual characteristics of training and the development in each future teacher the abilities and professional qualities.

High-performance designing of students and teachers lies in the basis of the professionally oriented learning technology developed by us. The technology is based on educational and professional standards in the positive potential and creative capabilities of the individual.

Conceptual Foundations of Technology we created serve the fundamental role of physical activity as a multi-factor education; humanistic direction of physical activity; integrity, projectivity and continuity of the process of professional qualities formation.

During the creation of the conditions that reflect the unity of physical culture and personality of a student, there appears a mechanism that ensures the maintenance of the physical interaction between physical culture and personality of a future specialist. This mechanism is particularly important because it facilitates the process of student learning, methods of teaching impact on his personality.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the professional education of future teachers of physical education should ensure their professionalism, the conditions for self-identity and the formation of humanistic set of values. The improving of the process of training of future teachers of physical culture at the present stage requires more effective organization ways of the teaching and educational process, raising it to the modern technological level with the use of innovative approach to learning. Work to improve the professional skills of future teachers of physical education has allowed to establish that the introduction of innovative technologies prior to exhaustively deliberate and thought-out program of action not only for the organization of the educational process and training, but also for a program of formation values, which would become the basis for prospective developments of new technological models.


  1. Богданов В. М. Информационные технологии обучения в преподавании физической культуры / В. М. Богданов, В. С. Пономарев, А. В. Соловйов // Теория и практика физической культуры. – 2001. – № 9. – С. 55 – 59.

  2. Власов В. Н. Инновационные технологии: методология, обучение и совершенствование рациональной системы двигательных действий в спринтерском беге / В. Н. Власов // Теория и практика физической культуры. – 2002. – № 9. – С. 16 – 17.

  3. Воробйова Е. В. Технология проектов – инновационное направление в подготовке специалистов среднего звена / Е. В. Воробйова, А. А. Григорьев // Теория и практика физической культуры. – 2003. – № 9. – С. 6 – 7.

UDC 378.147 : 78

N. Tkachova,

Senior lecturer

(Berdyansk state pedagogical university)
The problem’s statement. The new paradigm of education examines the independent educational activity of students as a continuous process of their professional proficiency, in which the basic education is just the starting point, but its most important goal is to create the directive of self-education, the development of future teachers' skills of independent work and self-improvement.

The independent work is one of the important form of the educational process of teaching (future teachers) the basics of musical art. It is the important component in the preparation of highly qualified specialist which should be able to realize the competent professional activity according to the global standards.

So, the most important task in the system of education has be the identification of ways of improving the professional self-education and self-education of future teachers of music as a necessary condition for the development of teacher-musician’s personality. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find new, more efficient teaching methods of its organization.

Analysis and works on problem. Independent work of students is one of the vectors of modernization of education during the training of future music teachers to the question of the integration of the arts. Studying the problem of searching of new techniques of organization of students’ independent work we refer to works in the field of linguistics (Y. Naumenko), foreign language (A. Gorelova, N. Bochkarev), Informatics and referencing (N. Yatsevich).

According to the dictionaries, the “annotation” is the presentation, review. The transferring of the book’s content, the summarizing [5, p. 38]; the brief characteristics of the idea’s direction, content, the aim of the book, article, manuscript [1, p.31], brief, shortened presentation of the book’s content with its critical analysis; the shortened characteristics of the material, which includes the information about the searched problem [7, p.36]. So, the annotation of the texts is the brief characteristics of the content, of the idea’s direction, author’s point of view on the analysis of their works, appropriate conclusions and critical valuation of the read material.

The definition of the term “annotation” is formed in the musical sphere, it correlates with the specific of this direction. According to the definition of Y. Yutsevych, the “annotation is the short presentation of the musical composition’s content, which includes the full name of the composition, data about the authors of music and literature text; genre, form, facture, tonality, tempo, meter, rhythmic features, dynamics, and knowledge about voice and sounds, cast, range, tessitura, etc. At the music-teacher’s training institutions instead of annotations it is using the integral artistic and pedagogical analysis of the work, which includes, in addition to these components, psycho-pedagogical aspect. This makes it possible to determine the set of tools which are necessary to uncover the ideological and artistic content of the work and the implementation of its educational potential "[8, p.13].

In the choral dictionary made by M. Romanovsky the annotation is determined as the “short presentation of the book’s content or the musical composition, which includes such data: authors of the music and text, dates of their life, genre, form, tonality, tempo, meter, rhythmic peculiarities, dynamich of sounding, the staff of the choir, the diapason of each musical part and the integral one, tessitura, methods of the choir’s presentation” [6, с.8].

The independent activity of students depends on number of outside and inside reasons: level of knowledge, general development of student, his intellectual skills and habits, methods of the educational activity, the consequent using of different tasks’ types.

That’s why, the aim of the article is to uncover the peculiarities of presentation of annotation on compositions of school repertoire as the important condition of the forming of educational and creative work of the student, as the way of forming of independent direction of the student in the branch of the professional pedagogical activity in the comprehensive school.

Presentation of the material. According to the scientist S. Yelkanov, the essence of the professional self-education of the teacher opens as the personality’s process of self improving. The future teacher imp

The future teacher improves everything around himself: “the pushing powers of the self education are determined by the inside and outside social demands and requirements and by the inside attitude to these demands and requirements. ”

Overcoming of the internal conflicts that arise between these two reasons (or parties), essentially is the process of self-motion and self-development of the student. But in this case the position of the personality, age characteristic is complemented by the characteristics of the professional direction of the marked personality"[4, p.10].

During the learning of the course “Methodic of musical education” it is practiced the making by students certain tasks (on writing annotation on the works of the school repertoire). Such type of the self-educative creative work provides the shortened presentation of the material about the song-choir composition, which student prepares for the studying music during the lesson or during the work in the workshop. The annotation includes knowledge of musical and pedagogical direction. The musical component includes historical, style, musical-theoretical, vocal-choir and performance knowledge.

The historical-style characteristic provides the biographical data about authors, circumstances in which the work was written, features of author’s creativity, stylistic peculiarities of the author’s work.

The musical-theoretical direction includes the information about the meter, rhythm, tempo, facture, form, melody, methods of musical expressiveness.

The shortened certain analysis (of the intonation’s difficulties and methods of work with them, diapason of the choral voices, voice-leading, ensemble, breathing) also has to be included to the vocal-choral part. The performers aspect of the annotation has to reflect the plan of composition’s presentation (variant of the interpretation) and methods of its realization (singers, instrumental, conductor’s, poetic content, dynamics, phrasing, ahohiku, matching music and poetic text, using of visual equipment, technical methods of training, etc.)

The main components of the pedagogical part are: teaching, educational ad developing goal of studying song-choral composition; educational discussion, short analysis of the age category of students on what the composition is oriented on, the placed; opportunities of the song for the personality’s musical-aesthetical development; the creation of the pupils’ emotional mood during the studying and presentation of the work” [2, с.62].

During the process of the writing such annotation students gain important teaching-scientific knowledge, skills and habits. They develop the mental field, they enrich knowledge about composers, which wrote music for children, they enrich knowledge about methodic of vocal-choral work, they use modern technologies of musical education and teaching. The future teacher gains skills of analysis, search of literature for the explanation of theoretical principles of annotation, summarizing positions and facts, allocation of principal, coherent presentation of his thoughts and so on. Students learn to represent and enrich their experience with methods and techniques of influence on pupils by means of song and choral music.

So, writing of the annotation gives the opportunity to use the educational potential of the musical work, to gain the skill to understand the material of songs, which have to be studied with the children, to think thoughtfully about musical and poetic texts, ways of art implementation of the author’s intention. Just on this base it is possible to work out the methodic of choir education of pupils at the comprehensive schools. In such institutions the future teacher has to master in analysis of the song, to argue his vision of the art-image content, to ground individual interpretation, to choose the methods with the help of which he will realize the interpretation, to anticipate and identify difficulties (technical, performers, vocal and choral), which it will be necessary to overcome during the music lesson or during extracurricular activities.

The modern achievements and the ways of development of methodic of musical education give the possibility to find another base for the writing of the annotation on the school song. It is necessary to renew the organization of the educational process, to search new methods, forms and approaches to the independent students’ work. One of the most effective approaches scientists name the problematic education. The essence of this teaching is in the stating some tasks for the student, these tasks are the certain complex of problem, which student is able to make alone, independently or they find the creative solution with the help of the teacher.

In the encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies and innovations are treated “goals and tasks of the problematic education: gaining knowledge, skills and habits; assimilation of methods of self independent activity; development of cognitive and creative abilities.

During the problematic education the teacher does not present the knowledge in the ready state, he just states the task (problem), forms the interest, make him the desire to find the solution of it.

The methods which are used by the teacher for the solution and solving of the problem situation:

  • The teacher leads pupils to the contradiction and suggests them to find the solution by themselves.

  • Collapses and pushes contradictions of practice activity;

  • Presents different points of view on the matter of one question;

  • Makes pupils to make comparisons, generalizations, to make conclusions from the situations, to correlate the facts;

  • Makes exact questions (on the generalization, grounding, concretization and logical thinking);

  • Determines problem theoretical and practical tasks;

  • Puts research tasks (eg, with iextra or redundant data, with conflicting data, which content planned errors, etc.”3, p.24].

Depending on the level of cognitive independence of pupils the problem teaching is carried out in three main forms: the problem statement, partially-search activities and independent research activities.

During the problematic education the teacher after the problem’s stating reveals the way of its, solution, demonstrates the course and direction of scientific thinking to pupils, makes them to follow the dialectical movement of thought to the truth, makes them to be cooperators of scientific research.

The content of the problem education regarding to the writing of the annotation on the work of the school’s repertoire is in the organization of the search creative cognitive activity of each student. This activity has to be oriented on the solution of the main problems of the song-choral work, on the deep pervasion into the intention of poetic and musical texts’ authors, on the finding ways of realization of this activity by pupils. The independent work of students dealing with the performer’s analysis of the song has to be concentrated on such questions:

•what content brings the offered song and choral work?

• with the help of what means of musical expressiveness pupils can convey the artistic and imaginative content of the work (tempo, dynamics, phrasing, character of sound-keeping etc.).?

• what difficulties may arise before the teacher in the process realization of performer’s intention (singers, rhythmic intonation, ensemble’s, diction’s, conductor, etc.)?

Basing on the plan of performer’s analysis may content such sections:
• Historical and stylistic aspect;

• analysis of the poetic text;

• characteristic of musical means of expressiveness;

• detection of performance means of expression;

• identifying vocal and choral difficulties;

• development of a plan of work during the lesson or in extracurricular time.

In accordance with the amount of knowledge which have to be gained by each of the students for completing of creative, educational and scientific work, S.S Gorbenko (in his methodical-scientific textbook "Teaching and research activities of students in methods of music education") offers "approximate system of problematic questions and tasks.

1.The main question: what is the character of the song and what is its emotional and imaginative?

Tasks: name the musical means which the authors use for the presentation of the song’s content? Prove, how the type of the melody’s rhythm доведіть, яким чином тип мелодійного руху, ритм, structure, dynamics, register, harmony, texture make affect on the nature of the work; Determine the general culmination of the song, the top of the introductory and refrain; correlate the structure of the poetic text and ground their likeness or difference.;

2.The main question: What means would you choose as the performer for the implementation of your intention, your individual vision of the song?

Tasks: name the main conditions for achievement of the dynamic’s expressiveness and necessary tempo; expand the essence of the influence of different ways sound-keeping, strokes on the nature of performance of the songs and choral works; determine the phrasing in the musical work; prove or disprove the dependence between the structure of musical, poetic text and phrasing.

3.The main question: which technical difficulties do you have to overcome for the realization of your interpretation’s project? Name the means which are you going to use for the overcoming of existing problems?

Tasks: name the parts of the diapason of children’s voices (перших, других, дискантів, альтів) which are favorable and name those portions of the diapason in which voices sound strained. Analyze the composition in general and every voice separately taking in account the intonation difficulties (regularities of horizontal and vertical intonation); Analyze the song taking in account the diction’s difficulties”. [2, p.65].

The main aim of the questions and tasks directs students on the development of self independent thinking and keeps the research component. Such system of tasks and questions helps students in the creation of problem situations on the lesson of musical art, which correlates with the aim of the development teaching: “to form the theoretical conscious and thinking’ to transfer to children not only knowledge, skills and habits, but the methods of the intellectual actions; to recreate the logics of the scientific cognition in the children’s educational activity [3, с.44].

But, in the process of standing tasks of the problematic character, students have to base on the psychological-pedagogical peculiarities of pupils of the certain school age (whom do they have to work with):

  • Tasks have to base on the knowledge and skills which pupils have, to correlate with their abilities;

  • The problem task has to be ahead of the explanation of the material which has to be assimilated;

  • The unknown, which has to be given to pupils by the student has to include the certain level of the generalization (general methods, actions or conditions for the making tasks );

  • Making of the task has to recall the pupils’ need to assimilate these knowledge and habits.

The process of problem situations’ creating which happen systematically and purposefully makes students to active analysis of the musical material, its generation and formulating of the conclusions. The main factors of the work in this case are search discussion, demonstration of the musical repertoire, narrative.

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