Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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  • Radial nerve neuritis

  • *Myocardial infarction

  • On the picture 53 are presented irradiation of pain in the following disease:

    1. Left-side pleurisy

    2. Atrial fibrillation

    3. Left-side intercostal neuralgia

    4. Radial nerve neuritis

    5. *Angina pectoris

  • Which device is presented on the picture 54?

    1. External cardiac pacemaker

    2. Device for 24hr blood pressure monitoring Е2

    3. Cardioverter

    4. Defibrillator

    5. *Device for 24hr ECG monitoring by Holter

  • What is the purpose for usage of the device presented on the picture 54?

    1. For 24hr blood pressure monitoring

    2. For stabilization of cardiacrrhythm

    3. For improvement of metabolic processes in myocardium

    4. All mentioned

    5. For 24hr ECG monitoring

  • In the patient presented on the picture55 develops such a pathological condition as:

    1. Brain stroke

    2. Perforation of peptic ulcer

    3. Spontaneous pneumothorax

    4. Glaucoma

    5. *Myocardial infarction

  • Patient presented on the picture 55 complains of pain. Retrosternal pain with irradiation to the left urm is typical for

    1. Brain stroke

    2. Perforation of peptic ulcer

    3. Spontaneous pneumothorax

    4. Glaucoma

    5. *Myocardial infarction

  • Which examination method is presented on the picture 56?

    1. Electroencefalogram

    2. *Ophthalmoscop

    3. Sonograph

    4. Computer X-ray device

    5. Computer tmomgraph

  • On the picture 56 you can see process of ophthalmoscopy in the patient with arterial hypertension. What actually may be diagnosed with this method?

    1. Vision loss

    2. Brain vessels aneurism

    3. Conjunctivitis

    4. Inflammation of saliva gland

    5. *Retinopathy

  • Which process is presented on the picture 57?

    1. Measurement of central venous pressure

    2. Auscultation of heart murmurs on the limb vessels

    3. Auscultation of pulse

    4. Stopping of bleeding

    5. *Measurement of arterial pressure

  • Which disease may be recognized with the method presented on the picture 57?

    1. Myocardial infarction

    2. Angina pectoris

    3. Cardiomyopathy

    4. Cardiac rrhythm disorders

    5. *Arterial hypertension

  • On the picture 58 you can see the syndrome typical for:

    1. Lung tuberculosis

    2. Lung cancer

    3. Cardiomegaly

    4. Norm

    5. *Pleuricy

  • On the picture 58 you can see the syndrome typical for:

    1. *Hemothorax;

    2. Lung tuberculosis

    3. Lung cancer

    4. Cardiomegaly

    5. Norm

  • Look on the picture 59. According to the appearance of the presented patient you can suspect in him affection of:

    1. Cardiovascular system

    2. Endocrine system

    3. Urinary system

    4. Locomotory apparatus

    5. *Respiratory system

  • On the picture 59 you can see the patient with respiratory failure. How is this forced position called?

    1. Active

    2. Passive

    3. Sitting

    4. Painless

    5. *Orthopnoe

  • On the picture 60 you can see the patient with respiratory failure. How is this forced position called?

    1. Active

    2. Passive

    3. Sitting

    4. Painless

    5. *Orthopnoe

  • On the picture 60 you can see the patient with respiratory failure. Which disease will not cause development of respiratory failure?

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Fallot’s tetrad

    4. Scleroderma

    5. *Pyelonephritis

  • Look at the picture 64. Which among the mentioned diseases is it possible to suspect if you reveal this facial expression?

    1. Myxedema

    2. Addisson’s disease

    3. Cushing’s disease

    4. Acromegaly

    5. *Diffuse toxic goitre

  • Look at the picture 64. Which sign typical for endocrine pathology is it presented on the picture?

    1. Eyes asymetry

    2. Skin paleness

    3. Ematiation

    4. Hyperpigmentation

    5. *Exophthalmos

  • The patient presented on the picture 64 sufffers of endoctine diseases. Except of exophthalmos you can see in here:

    1. Gynaecomastia

    2. Edema on lower limbs

    3. *Enlarged thyroid gland

    4. Red-violet strias on the abdominal wall and thighs

    5. ascites

  • Look at the picture Рис. 65. Which among the mentioned diseases is it possible to suspect if you reveal this facial expression?

    1. Diffuse toxic goitre

    2. Rheumativ fever

    3. Angina pectoris

    4. Acromegaly

    5. *Myxedema

  • Look at the picture 63. Which disease are this body proportions typical for?

    1. Rheumatic fever

    2. Hypothyreosis

    3. Cushing’s disease

    4. Ostheoarthrosis

    5. *Acromegaly

  • Look at the picture 63. Affection of which endocrine gland this disorder of growth is typical for?

    1. Pancreas

    2. *Hypophysis

    3. Thyroid gland

    4. Adrenal glands

    5. Sex glands

  • Look at the picture 65. Which signs of thyroid gland dysfunction can you see?

    1. Paraorbital edema

    2. *Puffy amimic face

    3. Eyebrows enlargement

    4. Acrocyanosis

    5. Hyperpigmentation

  • Look at the picture 63. Which disease this enlargement of feet and palms is typical for?

    1. Rheumatic fever

    2. Hypothyreosis

    3. Cushing’s disease

    4. Osteoarthrosis

    5. *Acromegaly

  • Look at the picture 63. Which disease this enlargement of face sizes is typical for?

    1. *Acromegaly

    2. Rheumatic fever

    3. Hypothyreosis

    4. Cushing’s disease

    5. Osteoarthrosis

  • Look at the picture 61. Which changes of feet are presented on the picture?

    1. Bushar’s nodes

    2. Osteosclerosis

    3. Usuras

    4. Rheumatoid nones

    5. *Ostheoporosis and subluxation of joints

  • Look at the picture 63. Which part of endocrine gland these disorders of grows correspond to?

    1. Posterior part of hypophysis

    2. Thyroid gland

    3. Adrenal glands

    4. Medial part of hypophysis

    5. *Anterior part of hypophysis

  • Look at the picture 66. Which part of endocrine gland these disorders correspond to?

    1. Pancreas

    2. Thyroid gland

    3. Medial part of hypophysis

    4. Sex glands

    5. *Adrenal glands

  • Look at the picture 69. What causes development of presented on the picture elements?

    1. Osteoporosis

    2. Osteosclerosis

    3. Usuras

    4. Accumulation of proteins

    5. *Accumulation of uric acid salts

  • Look at the picture 64. What is the cause of presented pathology?

    1. Hyperproduction of somatotropin

    2. Hypoproduction of somatotropin

    3. Hyperproduction of insulin

    4. Hypoproduction of thyroxin

    5. Hyperproduction of thyroxin

  • Look at the picture 67. Which diagnosis can you put for the patient with such wrists?

    1. Osteoarthrosis

    2. Psoriatic arthritis

    3. Rheumatic arthritis

    4. Systemic scleroderma

    5. *Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Look at the picture 67. Which deformation of a wrist is presented?

    1. Bushar’s nodes

    2. Nails like «watch glasses»

    3. Heberdeb’s nodes

    4. Rhematoid nodes

    5. *Ulnar deviation of wrist

  • Look at the picture 67 Which changes of a wrist are presented?

    1. All mentioned

    2. Nails like «watch glasses»

    3. Edema of tarsophalangeal joints

    4. Rhematoid nodes

    5. *Finger phalanx deformation like «swan’s neck» and ulnar deviation of wrist

  • Look at the picture Рис. 69. Which disease are these elements typical for?

    1. Osteoarthrosis

    2. Rheumatoid arthrotits

    3. Psoriatic arthritis

    4. Rheumatic arthritis

    5. *Gout

  • Look at the picture 69. How are presented on the picture elements called?

    1. Finger phalanx deformation like «swan’s neck»

    2. Rhematoid nodes

    3. Bushar’s nodes

    4. Heberden’s nodes

    5. *Tophuses

  • Look at the picture 70. This symmetrical affection of joints are the most typical for:

    1. Spondyloarthrosis

    2. Osteoarthrosis

    3. Rheumatic fever

    4. Gout

    5. *Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Look at the picture 70. Which deformation of the wrist is presented?

    1. Ulnar deviation of wrist

    2. Nails like «watch glasses»

    3. Edema of tarsophalangeal joints

    4. Rhematoid nodes

    5. *Herberden's and Bushair's nodules

  • Look at the picture 70. How are the presented on the wrist elements called?

    1. Defiguration of elbow joint

    2. Bushar’s nodes

    3. Heberden’s nodes

    4. Tophuses

    5. *Rhematoid nodes

  • Look at the picture 66. Which disease are these changes of face and trunk typical for?

    1. Addison’s disease

    2. *Cushing’s syndrome

    3. Obesity

    4. Acromegaly

    5. Gigantism

  • Look at the picture 66. Which sign of Cushing syndrome is presented?

    1. Increased bidy mass index

    2. *Red-violet strias on the abdominal wall

    3. Puffy amimic face

    4. Enlarged eyebrows, low jaw, feet and palms

    5. Dilated eyeslits, shiny eyes, moist skin

  • Which method of examination is presented in the picture 37

    1. Pneumotachymetry

    2. Bronchigraphy

    3. Bronchoscopy

    4. *Spirography

    5. Electrocardiography

  • Look at the picture 37. Diagnostics of which pathological conditions is it possible to provide with this method?

    1. Intoxication syndrome

    2. All mentioned

    3. Syndrome of liquid accumulation in pleural cavity

    4. Syndrome of lungs hyperinflation

    5. *Respiratory failure syndrome

  • Which method of examination is presented in the picture 38?

    1. Spirography

    2. Pneumotachymetry

    3. Bronchoscopy

    4. Electrocardiography

    5. *Bronchigraphy

  • Look at the picture 38. Diagnostics of which pathological conditions is it possible to provide with this method?

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. Obstructive bronchitis

    4. Pleuricy

    5. *Bronchiectatic disease

  • Which method of examination is presented in the picture 39?

    1. Spirography

    2. Pneumotachymetry

    3. Bronchigraphy

    4. *Chest X-ray

    5. Bronchoscopy

  • Which pathological condition is X-ray film presented on the picture 39 typical for?

    1. Intoxication syndrome

    2. Bronchial obstruction syndrome

    3. Syndrome of liquid accumulation in pleural cavity

    4. Respiratory failure syndrome

    5. *Syndrome of lungs hyperinflation

  • Which pathological condition is X-ray film presented on the picture 40 typical for?

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. Bronchiectatic disease

    3. Obstructive bronchitis

    4. Lung cancer

    5. *Pneumonia

  • Look at the picture 41. What is location of pathological process on this X-ray film?

    1. Upper lung lobe

    2. Medial lung lobe

    3. Lower lung lobe

    4. Medial and lower lung lobes

    5. *Upper and medial lung lobes

  • Which pathological condition is X-ray film presented on the picture 41 typical for?

    1. Bronchial asthma

    2. Bronchiectatic disease

    3. Obstructive bronchitis

    4. Lung cancer

    5. *Pneumonia

  • Which method of examination is presented in the picture 42?

    1. Ultrasound examination

    2. Bronchigraphy

    3. Bronchoscopy

    4. Chest X-ray

    5. *Spirography

  • Which pathological condition can you diagnose with the examination method presented on the picture 42?

    1. Intoxication syndrome

    2. Syndrome of liquid accumulation in pleural cavity

    3. Syndrome of lungs hyperinflation

    4. Mucocilliary insufficiency syndrome

    5. *Bronchial obstruction syndrome

  • Which pathological condition can you diagnose with the examination method presented on the picture 42?

    1. Intoxication syndrome

    2. Syndrome of liquid accumulation in pleural cavity

    3. Syndrome of lungs hyperinflation

    4. Mucocilliary insufficiency syndrome

    5. *respiratory failure syndrome

  • Look at the picture 43. Which character of sputum will be in the patient with croupous pneumonia?

    1. “Strawberry jelly”

    2. *Rusty sputum

    3. Purulent sputum

    4. Curshman’s spirals in sputum

    5. Foamy sputum

  • Look at the picture 43. Which character of sputum will be in the patient with bronchial asthma?

    1. “Strawberry jelly”

    2. Rusty sputum

    3. Purulent sputum

    4. Foamy sputum

    5. *Curshman’s spirals in sputum

  • Look at the picture 43. Which character of sputum will be in the patient with bronchial asthma?

    1. “Strawberry jelly”

    2. Rusty sputum

    3. Purulent sputum

    4. Foamy sputum

    5. *”Glass-like” viscous sputum

  • Look at the picture 44. Which medical preparations are the most often used to release bronchial asthma attack?

    1. Mucolytics

    2. Antihistamine agents

    3. Enzyme inhibitors

    4. Desensitization agents

    5. *В-2 agonists

  • Look at the picture 44. Which method of medical preparations administration is the most often used in treatment of bronchial asthma?

    1. Parenteral

    2. Peroral

    3. External

    4. Sublingual

    5. *Inhalations

  • Look at the picture 45. What is the cause of occurrence of this syndrome?

    1. Bronchial spasm

    2. *All mentioned

    3. Edema of bronchial mucosa

    4. Hypersecretion

    5. Tracheobronchial dyskinesia

  • Look at eth picture 45. Which syndrome are these changes of bronchi typical for?

    1. Increased pneumatisation of lungs

    2. Pulmonary tissue consolidation

    3. Respiratory failure

    4. Bronchial ectasia

    5. Bronchial obstruction

  • Look at eth picture 45. Which syndrome are these changes of bronchi typical for?

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Pleuricy

    3. Respiratory failure

    4. Bronchial ectasia

    5. *Bronchial asthma

  • Which method of examination is presented on the picture 47?

    1. Stomach probing

    2. Duodenal probing

    3. Rectoromanoscopy

    4. Colonoscopy

    5. *Fibrogastroscopy

  • Look at the picture 47. In which disease is this method used the most often?

    1. Pancreatitis

    2. Cholecystitis

    3. Cholangitis

    4. Hepatitis

    5. *peptic ulcer

  • Look at the picture 48. Which syndrome is the presented symptom belongs to?

    1. Intoxication

    2. Malabsorption

    3. Asthenic

    4. Pain

    5. *Dyspeptic

  • Look at the picture 46. Which digestive system orhans may be examined with presented method?

    1. *Large intestine

    2. Esophagus

    3. Cardial part of a stomach

    4. Pyloric part of a stomach

    5. Duodenum

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