Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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Duration of percussion sound increases when:

  1. Pulmonaty tissue is more solid,

  2. * Pulmonaty tissue contains more air,

  3. Pulmonaty tissue consistence and its mass are increased,

  4. It does not depend on consistence of pulmonary tissue,

  5. It does not depend on mass of pulmonary tissue.

  • During inspection of a patient with respiratory failure you may observe the following skin color:

    1. Acrocyanosis

    2. Hyperemia

    3. * Diffuse cyanosis

    4. Yellow color

    5. Spider angiomata

  • During percussion above a cavern it is possible to obtain the following sound…

    1. Bandbox

    2. Dull

    3. Dull-to-thympany

    4. * Tympanic

    5. Resonant

  • During percussion of a patient it was revealed tympanic sound over the lower lobe of the left lung. In which case is it possible in physiological conditions?

    1. If respiration is absent

    2. In labored respiration

    3. In fasting

    4. * In overfilled stomach

    5. In physical examination

  • Except of bronchial mucosa pain receptors are present …

    1. On the surface of pericardium

    2. On the surface of peritoneum

    3. * On the surface of pleura

    4. On the surface of skin and the chest

    5. On the surface of a tongue

  • herpes eruption on the nose and lips are typical for…

    1. Bronchial cancer

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. * Croupous pneumonia

    4. Bronchopneumonia

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Select a possible cause of hemopthysis:

    1. Acute catarrhal bronchitis

    2. Bronchial asthma attack

    3. * Lung infarction

    4. Pleurisy

    5. All mentioned

  • Select a possible cause of hemopthysis:

    1. Acute catarrhal bronchitis

    2. Bronchial asthma attack

    3. * Tuberculosis

    4. Pleurisy

    5. All mentioned

  • Select a possible cause of hemopthysis

    1. Acute catarrhal bronchitis

    2. Bronchial asthma attack

    3. * Lung cancer

    4. Pleurisy

    5. All mentioned

  • Select a possible cause of hemopthysis:

    1. Primary or metasthatic lung tumour

    2. Orthopnea

    3. Bronchiectatic disease

    4. Tuberculosis

    5. * All mentioned

  • Select the earliest sign of bronchial obstruction:

    1. Participation of respiratory muscles in breathing

    2. * Orthopnea and expiratory dyspnea

    3. Inspiratory dyspnea in physical load

    4. Cough with small amount of glass-like transparent viscous sputum

    5. Whistling rales in forced expiration

  • Select the typical peculiarity of pain in pleurisy:

    1. Short pain

    2. Prolonged pain

    3. * Pain occures in deep inspiration and cough

    4. Pain decreases after usage of nitroglycerine

    5. Pain is combined with hemopthysis

  • Secelt typical complain of a patient with pleurisy with effusion:

    1. Pain in the chest in breathing

    2. Dry cough

    3. Difficult swallowing

    4. * Inspiratory dyspnea

    5. Hemopthysis

  • Name symptom of pleurisy:

    1. Intensification of vocal fremitus

    2. Pressing pain in heart region

    3. * Retardation of affected side of the chest in respiration

    4. Whistling breathing

    5. All mentioned

  • Name factors which provoke lung cancer:

    1. Chronic bronchitis

    2. * Smoking

    3. Dust in the air

    4. Irradiation

    5. All mentioned

  • Most frequent mechanism of night cough is:

    1. Pleural irritation

    2. Accumulation of sputum in bronchi

    3. *Compression of bronchi with tracheobronchial lymph nodes

    4. No any of them

    5. All of them

  • Evening cough is typical for:

    1. Chronic bronchitis in remission phase

    2. * Pneumonia

    3. Lung cancer

    4. Bronchiectatic disease in remission phase

    5. Heart failure

  • Most often cause of hemopthysis is:

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. * Pulmonary infarction

    5. Acute bronchitis

  • Expectoration of sputum at once with “full mouth” is typical for:

    1. Tuberculosis

    2. * Lung abscess after rupture in a bronchus

    3. Focal pneumonia

    4. Pleural empyema

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • Main symptom of dry pleurisy is:

    1. Pain in the chest, cough with expectoration of sputum

    2. * Dry cough, pain in the chest, which intensifies in breath

    3. Cough with expectoration of sputum, fever

    4. Pain in the chest with irradiation to the left arm

    5. Dull boring pain in the chest

  • Periodical Biot’s breathing indicates on:

    1. Bronchospasm

    2. Bronchial mucosa inflammation

    3. * Disordered activity of respiratory center

    4. Accumulation of effusion in the pleural cavity

    5. All mentioned

  • Which line should a student start from to determine position of lower border of the left lung?

    1. Parasternal

    2. Scapular

    3. * Anterior axillary

    4. Medial axillary

    5. Posterior axillary

  • Which line should a student start to determine position of lower border of the right lung?

    1. * Parasternal

    2. Scapular

    3. Anterior axillary

    4. Medial axillary

    5. Posterior axillary

  • Comparative percussion of lungs starts on anterior side of a chest should be started from the following region:

    1. Suprascapular region

    2. Intrascapular space

    3. Infrascapular region

    4. Lung apexes posteriorly

    5. * Supraclavicular

  • During inspection of the chest of a patient with pleurisy with effusion we can find:

    1. Affected part of the chest is decreased

    2. Barrel-shaped chest

    3. Protrusion of supraclavicualr regions

    4. * Retardation of affected part of the chest in breathing

    5. Participation of adventitious muscles in respiration

  • During inspection of a chest during attacks of bronchial asthma we can find:

    1. Affected part of the chest is decreased

    2. Paralytic chest

    3. * Protrusion of supraclavicualr regions

    4. Retardation of affected part of the chest in breathing

    5. Decreased sizes of all the chest

  • By inspection of a chest during attacks of bronchial asthma we can find:

    1. Affected part of the chest is decreased

    2. Paralytic chest

    3. Elevattion of supraclavicualr regions

    4. Retardation of affected part of the chest in breathing

    5. * Participation of adventitious muscles in respiration

  • From which level is it necessary to determine lower lung border on scapular line?

    1. II intercostal space

    2. III intercostal space

    3. IV intercostal space

    4. V intercostal space

    5. * Lower scapular angle

  • What disease can you suspect in a patient if he periodically diacharges large anount of sputum in one certain position of his body?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Diffuse bronchitis

    3. * Bronchiectatic disease

    4. Lung cancer

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • How will patient’s body temperature change after rupture of lung abscess into a bronchus?

    1. Will be increase

    2. * Will be decreased

    3. Will be hectic

    4. Will be remitting

    5. Will be subnormal

  • Which shape of a chest is typical for syringomyelia?

    1. Barrel-shaped

    2. Paralytic

    3. Pigeon chest

    4. * Foveated chest

    5. Kyphoscoliosis

  • In which disease the zone of transition of resonant (clear pulmonary) sound to dull one is displaced upwards (data of topographic percussion)?

    1. * Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Focal pneumonia

    3. Bronchiectatic disease

    4. Diffuse bronchitis

    5. No any of them

  • . In which disease hemopthysis will be the most often symptom?

    1. Acute bronchitis

    2. Focal pneumonia

    3. Pneumothorax

    4. * Bronchiectatic disease

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • In which disease of lungs there will be fingers in the form of "Hippocrete’s fingers"?

    1. * Chronic lung abscess

    2. Acute lung abscess

    3. Pleurisy with effusion

    4. No any of them

    5. Croupous pneumonia

  • In which disease of lungs there will be fingers in the form of "Hippocrete’s fingers"?

    1. * Bronchiectatic disease

    2. Acute lung abscess

    3. Pleurisy with effusion

    4. No any of them

    5. Croupous pneumonia

  • In which disease a patient first expectorates fresh blood in sputum, and then in several days– dark one?

    1. Acute catarrhal bronchitis

    2. Bronchial asthma attack

    3. * Pulmonary artery thrombembolism

    4. Pleurisy

    5. All mentioned

  • The cause of displacement of the lower lung border upwards is:

    1. * Hepatomegaly

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Basal pneumosclerosis

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • Which bronchitis is dyspnea typical for?

    1. * With affection of small bronchi

    2. With affection of medial bronchi

    3. Diffuse with affection of large bronchi

    4. All mentioned

    5. No correct answer

  • The cause of displacement of the lower lung border downwards is:

    1. Hepatomegaly

    2. * Pneumothorax

    3. Basal pneumosclerosis

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Acute bronchitis

  • The cause of displacement of the lower lung border upwards is:

    1. Hepatomegaly

    2. * Lobectomia

    3. Basal pneumosclerosis

    4. Pleurisy with effusion

    5. Acute bronchitis

  • In which disease will vocal fremitus be absent on the side of affection?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Tumour of the large bronchus with oncomplete obturation of the bronchus

    3. * Pleurisy with effusion

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • In which disease will vocal fremitus be absent on the side of affection?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Tumour of the large bronchus with uncomplete obturation of the bronchus

    3. * Tumour of the large bronchus with complete obturation of the bronchus

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • In which disease will vocal fremitus be intensified on the side of affection?

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. * Croupous pneumonia

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. Pneumothorax

  • In which disease will vocal fremitus be weakened on the side of affection?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. * Tumour of the large bronchus with uncomplete obturation of the bronchus

    3. Tumour of the large bronchus with complete obturation of the bronchus

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. All mentioned

  • In which disease will vocal fremitus be weakened on the side of affection?

    1. Croupous pneumonia II st.

    2. * Pleural sickness

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. All mentioned

  • Development of pleurisy with effusion is possible due to all pathological mechanisms except of:

    1. Increased permeability of vascular and lymph vessels of pleura

    2. Disorder of lymph circulation because of block of lymph ducts

    3. General immune processes and change of reactivity of the organism

    4. * Prevalence of effusion resorption behind its accumulation

    5. Local allergic processes

  • Topographic percussion of lungs fo determination of lower lung border’s position should be started from:

    1. * II-III intercostal spaces on anterior surface of the chest

    2. Lateral surface of the chest on anterior axillary line

    3. Lateral surface from the costal arch upward

    4. Posterior surface from scapular angles downward

    5. Posterior surface on paravertebral lines

  • Prolonged bleeding is typical for:

    1. Tuberculosis

    2. Lung cancer

    3. * Bronchiectatic disease

    4. No any ANSWER is correct

    5. All named causes

  • Which location of bronchial affection in bronchitis is followed with dyspnea?

    1. Large bronchi

    2. Medial bronchi

    3. * Small bronchi

    4. Large and medial bronchi

    5. All types of bronchi

  • Periodical appearance of hemopthysis is typical for:

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. * Lung cancer

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. Focal pneumonia

  • How Kroenig’s area and height of lung apexes will change in right-sided pneumothorax?

    1. The height of lungs apexes and Kroenig’s area will not change

    2. The height of lungs apexes will rise while Kroenig’s area will diminish

    3. The height of lungs apexes will diminish while Kroenig’s area will be enlarged

    4. * The height of lungs apexes and Kroenig’s area will increase

    5. The height of lungs apexes will not change while Kroenig’s area will increase

  • If a patient developed pneumothorax his chest appearance will be the following…

    1. depressed chest

    2. Normal shape

    3. * Protruded especially in its upper part

    4. Protruded especially in its lower part

    5. Emphysematous

  • In which cases among the following vocal fremitus become intensified?

    1. Pulmonary emphysema

    2. The I stage of lobar pneumonia

    3. Bronchiectatic disease

    4. * The II stage of lobar pneumonia

    5. Above the cavern, filled with liquid

  • In which case among the following vocal fremitus disappears or becomes weakened at affected area?

    1. The II stage of lobar pneumonia

    2. * Pleurisy with effusion

    3. In dry pleurisy

    4. Above Damuazo’s line

    5. In lung infarction

  • In which cases among the following vocal fremitus disappears at affected area?

    1. The II stage of lobar pneumonia,

    2. Pleurisy with efusion (at the zone of the lung located above exudate)

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. * Pneumothorax

  • In which sequence should be percussion carried out to determine mobility of the lower border of the right lung?

    1. Scapular line; midclavicular line; paravertebral line; anterior axillary line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; parasternal line

    2. Parasternal line, midclavicular line; anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

    3. *Midclavicular line; midaxillary line; scapular line

    4. Midaxillary line; scapular line

    5. Anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

  • In which sequence should be percussion carried out to determine mobility of the lower border of the left lung?

    1. Scapular line; midclavicular line; paravertebral line; anterior axillary line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; parasternal line

    2. Parasternal line, midclavicular line; anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

    3. Midclavicular line; midaxillary line; scapular line

    4. *Midaxillary line; scapular line

    5. Anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

  • In which sequence should be percussion carried out to determine the lower border of the left lung?

    1. Scapular line; midclavicular line; paravertebral line; бnterior axillary line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; parasternal line

    2. Scapular line; midclavicular line; midaxillary line; parasternal line.paravertebral line; anterior axillary line; posterior axillary line

    3. Parasternal line, midclavicular line; anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

    4. * Anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

    5. Paravertebral line, scapular line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; anterior axillary line

  • In which sequence should be percussion carried out to determine the lower border of the right lung?

    1. Scapular line; midclavicular line; paravertebral line; бnterior axillary line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; parasternal line

    2. Scapular line; midclavicular line; midaxillary line; parasternal line.paravertebral line; бnterior axillary line; posterior axillary line

    3. * Parasternal line, midclavicular line; anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; scapular line; paravertebral line

    4. Anterior axillary line; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line; Scapular line; paravertebral line

    5. Paravertebral line, scapular line; posterior axillary line; midaxillary line; anterior axillary line

  • Loudless cough is typical for patients with:

    1. * Destruction of vocal cords due to tuberculosis, syphilis or cancer

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Croupous pneumonia

    4. Bronchial asthma

    5. Acute tonsillitis

  • Morning cough is typical for:

    1. * Smockers

    2. Laryngitis

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Lung cancer

  • Night cough is typical for:

    1. Bronchiectatic disease

    2. Laryngitis

    3. * Enlargement of intrathoracic lymph nodes

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Lung cancer

  • Normal respiratory rate is equal to:

    1. 10-14 per min

    2. 12-16 per min

    3. 14-18 per min

    4. * 16-20 per min

    5. 18-22 per min

  • Rusty sputum is the symptom of:

    1. * Congestive heart failure

    2. Bronchiectatic disease

    3. Lung tuberculosis

    4. Lung abscess

    5. Lung cancer

  • Sharp development of diffuse cyanosis is typical for…

    1. Acute bronchitis

    2. Bronchial cancer

    3. Pneumonia

    4. * Pneumothorax

    5. Bronchiectatic disease

  • Sudden knife-like pain in the chest with the following pressing and distending sensations in the chest as well as development of dyspnea are typical for:

    1. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism

    2. Pleurisy with effusion

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Pneumonia

    5. * Pneuumothorax

  • The active mobility of the lower lungs border decreases in the case of:

    1. Deep breathing

    2. * Emphysema of the lungs

    3. Enteroptosis

    4. Physical examination

    5. Dyspnea

  • The height of lungs apexes above clavicles in a healthy person takes approximately:

    1. lungs apexes don’t go upwards from the the level of clavicle

    2. Rise up to 1 cm

    3. 1-2 cm

    4. * 3-4 cm

    5. 4-6 cm

  • The lower border of the left lung at the parasternal line is located at:

    1. IV rib

    2. V rib

    3. VI rib

    4. VII rib

    5. * It is not determined

  • The lower border of the right lung at the scapula line is located at:

    1. VI rib

    2. VII rib

    3. VIII rib

    4. ІХ rib

    5. * Х rib

  • The lower lungs borders are displaced upwards on both sides in the case of:

    1. Deep breathing

    2. * Liver cirrhosis

    3. Pulmonary emphysema

    4. Chronic blood congestion in the lungs

    5. Enteroptosis

  • The sign of pulmonary emphyzema is the following percutorial sound…

    1. * Bandbox (hyperresonant)

    2. Dull above both lungs

    3. Dull above one lung

    4. Absolute dullness (flat sound)

    5. Resonant one

  • Topographic percussion is used for definition of:

    1. Height of lungs apexes

    2. Mobility of lungs borders

    3. Width of `Kroenig’s area

    4. The lower lungs borders position

    5. * All above mentioned

  • Topographic percussion is used for determination of all the following except of:

    1. * Assessment of percussion sound on symmetrical points on the chest

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