Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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The lungs borders mobility

  • The width of the Krenig’s area

  • The low lungs borders position

  • The size of pathological focus

  • Vocal fremitus is weakened above the whole lung parenchyma in the case of …

    1. Lung abscess

    2. Croupous pneumonia

    3. Lobular pneumonia

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. * Pulmonary emphysema

  • What percussion sound is possible to hear over cavity in the lungs?

    1. Dull

    2. Bandbox

    3. Dull-to-tympanic

    4. Resonant

    5. * Tympanic

  • What percutorial sound is it possible to hear over the lungs in patients with bronchial obstruction?

    1. Dull

    2. * Bandbox

    3. Dull-to-tympanic

    4. Resonant

    5. Tympanic

  • What percutorial sound occures in the I stage of pleuropneumonia?

    1. Dull

    2. Dull-to-resonance

    3. * Dull-to-tympanic

    4. Resonant

    5. Tympanic

  • What percutorial sound does occur in the II stage of pleuropneumonia?

    1. * Dull

    2. Bandbox

    3. * Dull-to-tympanic

    4. Resonant

    5. Tympanic

  • What pulmonary sound can occur in percussion above the Traube’s space in left-sided hydrothorax?

    1. * Dull

    2. Dull-to-resonance

    3. Resonance

    4. Tympanic

    5. Dull-to-thympany

  • What pulmonary sound occures during percussion above Traube’s space?

    1. dull

    2. dull-to-resonance;

    3. resonance

    4. * tympanic

    5. dull-to-tympanic.

  • What percussion sound occures in the II stage of atelectasis (complete collapse)?

    1. * Dull

    2. Dull-to-resonance

    3. Dull-to-tympanic

    4. Resonant

    5. Tympanic

  • What results of topographical percussion may be obtained in a patient with dry pleurisy?

    1. * Decreased lungs active mobility at the affected side

    2. Displacement downward lower lungs borders

    3. Displacement upward of lower lungs borders

    4. Extension of the Krenig’s area

    5. Reduction of the of the lungs’ apexes

  • Which facial expression is typical for a patient with pneumonia?

    1. Pale and puffy

    2. Moon-shaped and red

    3. Puffy, with pale-yellowish tint

    4. With exaphthalmus

    5. * Facies febrilis

  • Which kind of sound will be obtained above the zone of dry costal pleurisy?

    1. Dull

    2. * Resonant

    3. Bandbox

    4. Tympanic

    5. Complete dullness (flat sound)

  • Which sound will be obtained by percussion in the patient with emphysematous chest when vocal fremitus is weakened on both sides?

    1. Dull

    2. * Bandbox

    3. Resonant

    4. Tympanic

    5. Absolute dullness

  • Morning cough is typical for:

    1. *Bronchiectatic disease

    2. Laryngitis

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Lung cancer

  • Select the sign of bronchial asthma attack release:

    1. Participation of respiratory muscles in breathing

    2. Orthopnea and expiratory dyspnea

    3. Inspiratory dyspnea in physical load

    4. * Cough with small amount of glass-like transparent viscous sputum

    5. Whistling rales in forced expiration

  • Periodical appearance of hemopthysis is typical for:

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. * Tuberculosis

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. Focal pneumonia

  • Select the sign of bronchial asthma attack release:

    1. Participation of respiratory muscles in breathing

    2. Orthopnea and expiratory dyspnea

    3. Inspiratory dyspnea in physical load

    4. * Caugh with small amount of glass-like transparent viscous sputum

    5. Whistling rales in forced expiration

  • Periodical appearance of hemopthysis is typical for:

    1. Pleurisy with effusion

    2. Bronchial asthma

    3. * Tuberculosis

    4. Pneumosclerosis

    5. Focal pneumonia

  • What is typical for pulmonary emphysema?

    1. Decreased vital lung capacity

    2. Increased vital lung capacity

    3. *Increased residual volume

    4. Increased minute lung ventilation

    5. Respiratory acidosis

  • Which changes may be revealed on X-ray in chronic bronchitis?

    1. Pulmonary tissue infiltration

    2. Lung emphysema

    3. Multiple small focci in the lungs

    4. Cavity in the lung

    5. * Pointed lung pattern

  • Rivolt’s test is used for…

    1. * Differentiation of exssudate and transsudate

    2. Determination of allergic sensitivity

    3. Determination of sputum viscosity

    4. Assessment of immune resistance

    5. Assessment of blood coagulation

  • Which elements in sputum are typical for bronchial asthma?

    1. Fridlender’s bacilli

    2. * Charcot-Leyden’s crystals

    3. Mycobacteria

    4. Pneumococci

    5. erythrocytes

  • «Rusty» sputum may be in patients with…

    1. * Mitral valvular stenosis complicated with heart failure

    2. Bronchopneumonia

    3. Pleurisy with effusion

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Bronchiectatic disease

  • Sputum wit admixtures of scarlet blood with turns to be of rusty color in some days may be in patients with…

    1. * Pulmonary artery thromboembolism

    2. Bronchopneumonia

    3. Pleurisy with effusion

    4. Dry pleurisy

    5. Bronchiectatic disease

  • A doctor during auscultation of a patient has found vesicular breathing with metallic tint at the right lung apex. In which disease may it be?

    1. Pulmonary tuberculosis

    2. Lung cancer

    3. Pneumonia

    4. Atelectasis

    5. * Pneumothorax

  • A doctor has found in a patient crepitatio redux. What pathological condition it is typical for?

    1. Bronchial asthma attack

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Chronic bronchitis

    4. Initial stage of croupous pneumonia

    5. * Final stage of croupous pneumonia

  • A patient developed bronchial tumour with partial obturation of bronchial lumen. Which changes of bronchophony will be?

    1. Intensification on affected side

    2. * Weakening on affected side

    3. Symmetrical intensification

    4. Symmetrical weakening

    5. Absent on affected side

  • A patient developed dry pleurisy. Which changes of bronchophony will be?

    1. Intensification on affected side

    2. Weakening on affected side

    3. * No changes

    4. Symmetrical weakening

    5. Absent on affected side

  • A patient developed pleurisy with effusion. Which changes of bronchophony will be?

    1. Intensification on affected side

    2. Weakening on affected side

    3. Symmetrical intensification

    4. Symmetrical symmetrical

    5. * Absent on affected side

  • A patient developed pneumonia. Which changes of bronchophony will be?

    1. * Intensification on affected side

    2. Symmetrical on affected side

    3. Symmetrical intensification

    4. Symmetrical weakening

    5. Absent on affected side

  • A patient developed pulmonary emphysema. Which changes of bronchophony will be?

    1. Intensification on affected side

    2. Weakening on affected side

    3. Symmetrical intensification

    4. * Symmetrical weakening

    5. Absent on affected side

  • Adventitious respiratory sounds are:

    1. Vesicular, harsh and bronchial breathing

    2. * Rales, crepitation and pleural friction

    3. Vesicular breathing, moist and dry rales

    4. Broinchial breathing, crepitation and pleural friction

    5. Harsh breathing, crepitation and pleural friction

  • Atypical cells in the sputum are the signs of…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. Tuberculosis

    5. * Lung cancer

  • Bronchial breathing in normal conditions originates in…

    1. Alveoli

    2. Terminal bronhchi

    3. Medial bronchi

    4. Large bronchi and trachea

    5. * Larynx

  • Bronchial breathing is heard…

    1. During inspiration and first 1/3 of expiration

    2. In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. During inspiration and the last 1/3 of expiration

    5. * During inspiration and expiration

  • Bronchovesicular breathing may be heard in such cases as:

    1. * Appearence of consolidation foci in the deep layers of pulmonary tissue,

    2. Lung emphysema

    3. Thin chest wall

    4. Physical loading

    5. Swelling of bronchial mucosa

  • Cholesterol pleural exssudate is typical for…

    1. * Tuberculosis and cancer

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. Pneumoconniosis

    5. Helminthiasis

  • Crepitation is heard…

    1. During inspiration and expiration

    2. * In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. In lastt phase of inspiration

    5. In last phase of expiration

  • Crepitation is heard…

    1. During inspiration and expiration

    2. * In 1st phase of inspiration

    3. In 1st phase of expiration

    4. In last phase of inspiration

    5. In last phase of expiration

  • Crepitation is the symptom of

    1. * Croupous pneumonia

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Chronic bronchitis

    5. Pulmonary emphysema

  • Crepitation is the symptom of:

    1. * Lung lobe complete atelectasis

    2. Pneumonia II stage

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Chronic bronchitis

    5. Pulmonary emphysema

  • Crepitation originates…

    1. * In alveoli

    2. In terminal bronchi

    3. In medial bronchi

    4. In large bronchi

    5. Between pleural layers

  • Curshman’s spirals are observed in sputum of patients with…

    1. Acute bronchitis

    2. Bronchopneumonia

    3. Croupous pneumonia

    4. * Bronchial asthma

    5. Lung cancer

  • Decreased Tiffneu index indicates on…

    1. Presence of cavity in the lungs

    2. * Obstructive disorders of lung ventilation

    3. Restrictive disorders of lung ventilation

    4. Compensatory erythraemia

    5. Spontaneous pneumothorax

  • Diffuse dry whistling high pitched rales are heard in…

    1. Bronchiectatic disease

    2. Croupous pneumonia

    3. Bronchopneumonia

    4. * Bronchial asthma attack

    5. Cardiac asthma attack

  • Ditrich’s plaques are present in sputum in…

    1. Acute broncitis

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. * Bronchiectasia

    4. Exudative pleurisy

    5. Dry pleurisy

  • Dry rales are observed in:

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. * Bronchitis

    3. Dry pleurisy

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. Pneumothrax

  • Dry rales are observed in:

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Lung abscess

    3. Pulmonary emphysema

    4. * Bronchial asthma attack

    5. Dry pleurisy

  • Dry whistling rales are typical for:

    1. Appearence of liquid secretion in fine bronchi

    2. Appearence of liquid secretion in large bronchi

    3. Appearence of liquid secretion in alveoli

    4. * Appearence of viscous secretion in fine bronchi

    5. Dry pleurisy

  • Elastic fibers are present in sputum in…

    1. Acute broncitis

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. Bronchiectasia

    4. * Pulmonary tissue destruction

    5. Pleurisy

  • Elastic fibers in sputum indicates on…

    1. * Pulmonary tissue destruction

    2. Bronchial obstruction

    3. Migration of helmints

    4. Hyperplasia of bronchial epithelium

    5. Atrophy of respiratory airways mucosa

  • Eosinophils are present in spu

  • tum in:

    1. Acute broncitis

    2. Bronchopneumonia

    3. Croupous pneumonia

    4. * Bronchial asthma

    5. Lung cancer

  • Eosinophils are present in sputum in…

    1. Acute broncitis

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. Bronchiectasia

    4. Pulmonary tissue destruction

    5. * Bronchial asthma

  • For diagnostics of central lung cancer optimal is…

    1. Chest roentgenoscopy

    2. Chest roentgenography

    3. Fluorography

    4. Computer tomography

    5. * Bronchoscopy

  • For diagnostics of perypheric lung cancer optimal is…

    1. Chest roentgenoscopy

    2. Chest roentgenography

    3. Fluorography

    4. * Computer tomography

    5. Bronchoscopy

  • Glass-like viscous transparent white sputum is typical for …

    1. Acute bronchitis.

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. * Bronchial asthma

    4. Pneumothorax

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Harsh breathing indicates on…

    1. * Bronchitis

    2. Dry pleurisy

    3. Pleurisy with effusion

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. Pneumonia

  • Hemorrhagic exssudate is typical for…

    1. * Pulmonary artery thromboembolism and cancer

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. Pneumoconniosis and tuberculosis

    5. Ascaridosis and mucoviscidosis

  • Hemorrhagic exssudate is typical for…

    1. * Pulmonary artery thromboembolism

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. Pneumoconniosis and tuberculosis

    5. Ascaridosis and mucoviscidosis

  • Hemorrhagic exssudate is typical for…

    1. * Lung cancer

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. Pneumoconniosis and tuberculosis

    5. Ascaridosis and mucoviscidosis

  • Hemorrhagic exssudate is typical for:

    1. Pneumonia

    2. * Lung cancer

    3. Pleural ampyema

    4. Ascaridosis

    5. Bronchial asthma

  • Homogeneous intensive darkness with distinct oblique upper level on X-ray film is typical for…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Lobar pneumonia

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Bronchial asthma

    5. * Pleurisy with effusion

  • If the patient develops accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity, which finding will be revealed by inspection?

    1. Retardation of affected side of the chest in respiration

    2. * Retardation of affected side of the chest in respiration and protrusion of intercostal spaces on affected side

    3. Elevation of intercostal spaces on affected side

    4. No changes

    5. Emphysematous chest

  • If the patient with pneumonia develops crepitation over the lower lobe of the right lung, which main respiratory sound should be expected to hear with auscultation at affected area?

    1. Bronchial breathing

    2. Amphoric breathing

    3. Vesicular breathing

    4. Pueril breathing

    5. * Weakened vesicular breathing

  • If the patient develops pleural friction over the lower lobe of the right lung, which character of pain will be in this case?

    1. Constricting

    2. Pierching

    3. Restricting

    4. Dull boting

    5. * Pinching, stubbing

  • If the patient develops pleural friction over the lower lobe of the right lung, which finding will be revealed by inspection?

    1. * Retardation of affected side of the chest in respiration

    2. Protrusion of intercostal spaces on affected side

    3. Elevation of intercostal spaces on affected side

    4. No changes

    5. Emphysematous chest

  • In a healthy individual bronchial breathing is heart at the following area on the posterior chest surface…

    1. * Intrascapular region at ІІІ and ІV intercostal spaces

    2. At paravertebral zones at the level of VІІ ribs

    3. Below the left scapular angle

    4. Below the left scapular angle

    5. Above and below the scapulas

  • In a healthy individual bronchial breathing is heart at the following erea on the posterior chest surface…

    1. * Intrascapular region at ІІІ and ІV intercostal spaces

    2. At paravertebral zones at the level of VІІ ribs

    3. Below the left scapular angle

    4. Below the left scapular angle

    5. At paravertebral zones at the level of Х ribs

  • In patient’s sputum there were found diamond-shaped elements of golden yellow clolr. What is this?

    1. Cholesterol crystals

    2. Hematoidin crystals

    3. * Charcot-Leyden’s crystals

    4. Curshman’s spirals

    5. Ditrich’s plaques

  • In patient’s sputum there were found solis spiral-shaped transparent elements with shiny central part. What is this?

    1. Cholesterol crystals

    2. Hematoidin crystals

    3. Charcot-Leyden’s crystals

    4. * Curshman’s spirals

    5. Ditrich’s plaques

  • In physiological conditions crepitation is heard in the following case…

    1. Heavy physical examination

    2. Intake of large volume of liquid

    3. Overheating

    4. * Long-term bed mode in old patients

    5. In low temperature of environment

  • In which between the following cases moist consonant rales may be heard:

    1. * In combination of bronchitis with lung induration around the bronchus (bronchopneumonia)

    2. In lung emphysema

    3. Accumulation of exsudate in the pleural cavity

    4. Accumulation of transsudate in the pleural cavity

    5. In attack of bronchial asthma

  • In which disease atypical cells appear in sputum?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Chronic obstructive bronchitis

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. Lung abscess

    5. * Lung cancer

  • In which disease elastic fibers appear in sputum?

    1. Croupous pneumonia

    2. Chronic obstructive bronchitis

    3. Bronchial asthma

    4. * Lung abscess

    5. Chronic non-obstructive bronchitis

  • Infiltration of pulmonary tissue on X-ray film is typical for…

    1. Tuberculosis

    2. * Lobar pneumonia

    3. Acute bronchitis

    4. Bronchial asthma

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Intensification of bronchopulmonary pattern on X-ray film is typical for…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Lobar pneumonia

    3. * Chronic bronchitis

    4. Bronchial asthma

    5. Pleurisy with effusion

  • Intensified vesicular breathing is heard in such cases as:

    1. Lung emphysema

    2. * Thin chest wall

    3. Liquid in the pleural cavity

    4. Lung induration

    5. Swelling of bronchial mucosa

  • Intensified vesicular breathing is heard in such pathological cases as:

    1. * Lung emphysema

    2. Thin chest wall

    3. Lung induration

    4. Liquid in pleural cavity

    5. Pneumothorax

  • Intensified vesicular breathing is heard in such physiological cases as:

    1. Physical examination

    2. * Thin chest wall

    3. Hypertrophy of chest muscles

    4. Pulmonary emphysema

    5. Pleuropneumonia, II stage

  • Lukerini’s test is used for…

    1. * Differentiation of exssudate and transsudate

    2. Determination of allergic sensitivity

    3. Determination of sputum viscosity

    4. Assessment of immune resistance

    5. Assessment of blood coagulation

  • Lymphocytosis is typical for…

    1. Focal pneumonia

    2. Acute bronchitis

    3. * Tuberculosis

    4. Pleurisy with effusion

    5. Lung cancer

  • Macrophages are present in sputum in…

    1. Acute broncitis

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. Bronchiectasia

    4. Pulmonary tissue destruction

    5. * Pneumonia

  • Moist coarse consonant rales may be heard above…

    1. * Lung abscess filled with pus and air and connected with a bronchus

    2. Narrowed bronchi

    3. Isolated cavern

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