Motorola dsp assembler Reference Manual

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Assembler Messages
Symbol cannot be set to new value
The label has been defined previously other than with the SET directive.  Only sym-
bols defined using the SET directive may be redefined.
Symbol defined in current section before GLOBAL directive
Symbol defined in current section before XDEF directive
The GLOBAL or XDEF directive must appear within a section prior to the definition
of any symbols in its argument list.  Any symbols within a section which must be
accessible outside the section should be declared in a GLOBAL or XDEF directive
immediately following the SECTION directive.
Symbol name too long
Symbols are limited to 512 characters. The first character must be alphabetic or the
underscore character (A-Za-z_). The remaining characters must be alphanu-
meric, including the underscore character (A-Za-z0-9_).
Symbol not previously defined
The symbol specified in an UNDEF directive was not previously defined in a DE-
FINE directive.
Symbol redefined
The symbol has already been used as a label in a previous context.
Symbol tag mismatch
A matching tag reference could not be found for a tagged symbol table entry.
Symbol undefined on pass 2
The symbol used as an operand or directive argument was never defined in the
source program.
Symbols must start with alphabetic character
Symbol names must begin with an upper or lower case alphabetic character or the
underscore character (_).
SYMOBJ symbol must be a global symbol name
Arguments to the SYMOBJ directive cannot be preceded by an underscore.
Syntax error - expected '):'
In an ORG directive using numeric counter designations the parenthesis/colon pair
separating the load or runtime address from the memory space, counter, or map-
ping characters was not found.

Assembler Messages
Syntax error - expected ':'
In an ORG directive the colon separating the load or runtime address from the
memory space, counter, or mapping characters was not found.
Syntax error - expected '>'
The closing angle bracket in a non-local INCLUDE directive argument was not
Syntax error - expected comma
The comma separating operands in an instruction or directive was not found.
Syntax error - expected keyword BY
In a .FOR structured control statement something other than the optional step
clause preceded by the keyword BY was encountered.
Syntax error - expected keyword DO
In a .WHILE structured control statement something other than the optional DO
keyword was encountered at the end of the statement.
Syntax error - expected keyword TO or DOWNTO
In a .FOR structured control statement something other than the loop target clause
preceded by the keyword TO or DOWNTO was encountered.
Syntax error - expected quote
The Assembler was expecting the start of a quoted string.
Syntax error - extra characters
Extra characters were found after an instruction or directive operand.
Syntax error - invalid assignment operator
The loop assignment operator in a .FOR structured control statement is not an
equals sign (=).
Syntax error - invalid compound operator
Structured control statement compound operators are either AND or OR.
Syntax error - invalid conditional operator
The conditional operator in a structure control statement expression is not valid.
Syntax error - invalid expression format
The condition code expression in a structured control statement is malformed.

Assembler Messages
Syntax error - invalid statement terminator
There were extra or invalid characters found at the end of a structured control
Syntax error - missing address mode specifier
An instruction operand was not specified.
Syntax error - missing operand
An operand in a structured control statement expression was missing.
Syntax error in directive name list
A character other than a comma was found separating the arguments in an RDI-
RECT or SYMOBJ directive name list.
Syntax error in dummy argument list
A character other than a comma was found separating the dummy arguments in a
macro definition (MACRO directive), or a dummy argument began with the under-
score character (_).
Syntax error in macro argument list
A character other than a comma was found separating the arguments in a macro
Syntax error in macro name list
A character other than a comma was found separating the arguments in a PMAC-
RO directive name list.
Syntax error in symbol name list
A character other than a comma was found separating the arguments in an XDEF
or XREF directive name list.
Tag name not found
A matching tag name could not be found for the current source-level debug struc-
ture or union declaration.
Too many fields specified for instruction
An instruction field that was expected to be empty contained data other than a com-
ment.  This can happen when an instruction using only the X data transfer field en-
counters data other than a comment in the Y data transfer field.

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