Mr chairman: Good morning. I welcome Mr Vatskalis, and invite you to introduce the officers accompanying you, and if you wish to make an opening statement on behalf of the Department of Health and Families. Minister vatskalis’ portfolios

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Mr Wood: Do not put us down too much member for Goyder.
Ms PURICK: Pride. 
Mr Wood: Wallaby Holtze Road selling land at about $1.4m a block.
Ms PURICK: No, no that is just the neighbours. 
Minister, my land has depreciated considerably because of my neighbour. Us goat farmers appreciate 
it. Sorry, Mr Chairman.
Minister, my question is about the negotiations and discussions with St John regarding their contract. 
As you know they have different ways they prioritise their responses. They have code 1, code 2, and 
code 3. Code 3 is the low priority transporting people from home to hospitals for care and treatment 
and things of that nature, and I understand it is about 30% of people. 
Minister, perhaps we need to consider additional support such that St John can set up what could be 
called a patient transport system. It is not the normal crew, it may require different vehicles so those 
vehicles taking people from their homes to the hospital for care, do not go to the accident and 
emergency centre so it does not clog up that centre, it relieves it at so they can treat more serious 
people. The required qualified officers can be dealing with the more urgent, serious cases. It also, 
possibly, has opportunities for more involvement by Indigenous people in the transportation and 
training opportunities. Would your department consider that as part of the negotiations?
Mr VATSKALIS: As Ms Cahill said, the first thing is to have a look at all of these issues and continue 
the meetings in order to find out how the system in use will operate, and that will be part of these 
Ms PURICK: You could see the merit of having a system different to what it is now?
Mr VATSKALIS: I do not want to clog an ambulance by transporting somebody who actually does 
need to go to the emergency, but is not injured ...
Ms PURICK: Well, that is what they have to do currently, minister.
Mr VATSKALIS: Yes, that is why we are actually looking to improve efficiencies.
Ms PURICK: Thank you, minister.
Mr CHAIRMAN: That concludes consideration of Output 2.2
Output 3.1 – Community Health Services
Mr CHAIRMAN: We move to Output Group 3.0, Health and Wellbeing Services, Output 3.1, 
Community Health Services.
Mr CONLAN: Minister, there is no indication in the budget paper that explains why cuts of some 
$5.5m have come out of community health services. Are you able to explain what the cut is for? You 
will see there, it is $5.583m.
Mr VATSKALIS: Well, there is not an increase in the community health output group of $5.5m from 
the last financial year, which is primarily due to the completion of funding agreements from the 
Australian government, in particular, (inaudible) programs valued at $9m. 

As the 2010-11 year progresses, negotiations for a new agreement with the Australian government 
will be complete, which will be added to the budget. Also, there is a federal allocation of $3m for 
Australian government programs carried forward (inaudible), and $4m to CPI and wage indexation. 
This variation, clearly, is because of the completion of programs funded by the Australian 
Mr CONLAN: What were those programs, minister, that were completed?
Ms CLEARY: The Commonwealth programs that have ceased in the funding coming into the 2010-11 
budget include $9.6m from the Office of Aboriginal Torres Straight Islander Health, which is for 
general support of primary health care in remote health centres, and $2.4m worth of oral health and 
hearing services follow-up to child health check associated with the NT Emergency Response. Those 
are programs which will be funded in 2010-11, but for which agreements are not yet struck. 
Mr CONLAN: Okay, that brings me to the oral health then. The $2.3m dental blitz - was that part of 
the Commonwealth program that ceased for this year?
Mr VATSKALIS: The $1.5m to implement the dental blitz was Northern Territory government money. 
The $1.5m was to implement the dental blitz, and $700 000 per year ongoing from 2010-11.
Mr CONLAN: Okay. On that, why has the estimated number of occasions of service for oral health 
been decreased by 4000 instances, as it says? In 2009-10 it was 49, as you see. In 2010-11 it was 
45. Does that mean that you got to those 4000, as it equates to around 4000 appointments? 
Mr VATSKALIS: Prior to the commencement of the blitz in 2009, the waiting time was 52 months. By 
18 May 2010, this had been reduced to 24 month for more than 90% of the people. The waiting list 
has not only been slashed, but the number of people also has been reduced from 4525 people to 
1355 people. We intend to maintain that number of people ongoing.
Mr CONLAN: Okay, so how many did you do with the blitz? The $1.5m invested by the Northern 
Territory government - how many dental appointments did that equate to? It is reduced by 4000 in the 
budget, so I suppose you would assume that you achieved the 4000 appointment mark.
Ms CLEARY: Jenny Cleary, Executive Director, Health Services. I do not actually have with me the 
number of appointments that the blitz enabled, but what i can tell you is that, as at 18 May, there were 
1355 people waiting for general care, and that was a reduction from 4525 in November of 2009, but 
not all of those will be actual appointments, but if you subtract 1355 from 4525, you have got the 
number of people who came off the waiting list.
Mr CONLAN: Yes, but does the department actually have that figure somewhere?
Mr VATSKALIS: The patients treated up to the 31 May, 1103 - number of appointments 2347.
Mr CONLAN: Sorry?
Mr VATSKALIS: Two thousand three hundred and forty-seven appointments.
Mr CONLAN: Two thousand three hundred and forty-seven.
Mr VATSKALIS: That was the blitz.
Mr CONLAN: That was the blitz.

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