Mr chairman: Good morning. I welcome Mr Vatskalis, and invite you to introduce the officers accompanying you, and if you wish to make an opening statement on behalf of the Department of Health and Families. Minister vatskalis’ portfolios

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Mr BOHLIN: Where did you get the $3m from, by the way?
Mr HAMPTON: It is part of our agreement - $2m from the Territory government, $1m from Cricket 
Australia. So I would not say it has gone by the wayside.
Mr BOHLIN: It is not the money. It is not mentioned in the books here particularly, so where did you 
find $3m?
Mr HAMPTON: If you go back further it would be in the previous budgets. The money has been given 
to NT Cricket some time ago.
Mr BOHLIN: It is a re-announcement, thank you. Who pays for the final bills for mowing and cleaning 
of the TIO Marrara stadium?
Mr HAMPTON: That would be through my agency NRETAS.
Mr BOHLIN: Who pays for the final bills for Power and Water at the TIO Marrara Stadium?
Mr HAMPTON: TIO is owned by the Territory government, so it would be through my department, 
under the lease we have with AFLNT.
Mr BOHLIN: So, who pays for it?
Mr HAMPTON: It would be AFLNT under that lease with us, as the owners.
Mr BOHLIN: It is or it is not?
Mr HAMPTON: It is the AFLNT.
Mr BOHLIN: You initially said it was not. You initially said you paid for it, so who does actually pay for 
Mr HAMPTON: We have a lease with AFLNT and they are, as the leaseholders, responsible for that.
Mr BOHLIN: Would you like to take that on notice to make sure you get it accurate, because you 
have given me two answers.
Mr HAMPTON: I have answered it.
Mr BOHLIN: You have given me two different answers.
Mr HAMPTON: I will give you the right answer. Under the lease AFLNT pay for power and water.
Mr BOHLIN: So that is the correction? No worries. Thank you. With less than about two minutes, 
would Mr Wood like to ask any questions?
Madam DEPUTY SPEAKER: The time constraint is really just at the end of the session, member for 
Mr BOHLIN: We have plenty to go with the EPA next.

Madam DEPUTY SPEAKER: The internal management time is up to you, committee members.
Mr BOHLIN: That is what I am saying; we have the EPA up next.
Mr WOOD: Minister, in relation to the running track at Marrara, has it been replaced? What is the cost 
of that replacement? And, can you say what was wrong with the previous track, considering it is only 
about six or seven years old?
Mr HAMPTON: Thank you, member for Nelson. In terms of the Arafura Stadium, in February this year 
we made a commitment of $4.2m to upgrade Arafura Stadium athletics track. Part of the commitment 
was to resurface the athletics track, remediate the infield surface and replace irrigation and drainage. 
Where we are up to to date, I am happy to hand over the Steven Rossingh, but I understand that 
tender is to be awarded fairly shortly.
Mr ROSSINGH: That is correct, minister. The timeframes are from February there was an eight week 
design period to issue and then consider and make a decision on tenders, 16 week construction and 
a pretty firm completion handover date of 22 November this year.
Mr WOOD: Minister, the other part of the question: was there a problem in the construction of that 
track or why did the old track, which was not that old, have to be replaced? And by the way, is it 
recyclable? Could be used somewhere else as another track?
Mr HAMPTON: Member for Nelson, with the old track, there certainly were drainage issues in terms 
of the original installation and that caused bubbles to appear like Ayers Rock in certain parts of the 
track, particularly during the wet season, so with the poor drainage previously that was installed it had 
a big impact on the state of the track. Part of the new remediation works is to fix up the drainage as 
well. But with regard to it being recyclable, I am not sure. Mr Rossingh might have another answer.
Mr ROSSINGH: Member for Nelson, it is not recyclable. No.
Mr WOOD: We cannot take it down to rural athletics at Freds Pass and give it to them?
Mr TOLLNER: I have a question. Some years ago, you might want to inform me about this, I am not 
sure exactly when, but, I understand that the Rugby League was given a grant of some $30 000 odd. I 
am not even sure on the amount, but it was to develop a plan for the development of Richardson 
Park. I understand that that plan has been completed some time ago. Can you just outline the details 
of that and can you also outline when government plans to act on those plans that have been 
developed by the Rugby League here?
Mr HAMPTON: I have met with the Rugby League people previously. We did provide some dollars, 
member for Fong Lim, for ...
Mr TOLLNER: Sorry, when was that? A couple of years ago?
Mr ROSSINGH: It was early last financial year.
Mr HAMPTON: Early last financial year, so, early last year.
Mr TOLLNER: Yes. And?
Mr HAMPTON: In terms of that plan, I am happy to get Mr Rossingh to maybe give a bit more detail 
on it.
Mr ROSSINGH: The plan that they came up is fairly extensive. It included provision for additional 
junior grounds. These are the outskirts of the current area; the sealing of the car park; a complete dig-

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