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countries. Why do we think that in one period of history political freedoms and 
democracy will be unavoidable. The transformations taken place in Europe in 
the second part of the previous century make it unavoidable. Most recently 
such a transformation took place in the Central Asia. Democratic reforms and 
revolutionary changes will prevail. 
Nowadays the fi rst potential region for such reforms and changes is the 
Black Sea basin. There are some reasons to say it confi dently. 3 countries out of 
8 in the region are members of NATO and the EU. The relations with Ukraine 
and Russia are conducted within 26+1 format. All the countries of the Black Sea 
basin have entered the European Neighbourhood Policy-Program. The pro-
cesses in the Mediterranean region are going on at the same speed. As you 
know, the Southern Caucasian countries joined the European Neighbourhood 
Policy a few days ago. At present we approach all democracies from the point 
of view of the European democracy. If taking into consideration the approach 
of the Black Sea countries to those standards as a long-term process, it would 
be useful to learn the opinions of the leaders of those countries on this issue. I 
would like you to follow the Copenhagen criteria, the European standards and 
be laconic in your speeches. We’ll leave the frame, too.  
 Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev
Mr. Chairman!
"Ladies and gentlemen!
First of all, I would like to thank Mashall Foundation for the organization of 
such an important international event. I am glad to be here with my friends, 
minister of foreign aff airs of Romania Mr. Joane, l met him recently in Geor-
gia, my friend Mikhail Saakashvili. Mr. Bruce Jackson, he visited Baku several 
times, where we had a number of very interesting discussions. I also highly es-
teem his contribution to our common strategic selection. Of course, as the host 
Mr. Davudoglu, representative of Turkey, Azerbaij an has the closest ties with, 
it, the warmest relations with it are strengthening from day to day.
I am glad to be in Turkey. I am very glad to take part in this conference. Azer-
baij an has achieved considerable progress in the integration into the Euroat-
lantic structures. The selection made in 1993 by our President Heydar Aliyev 
remains unchanged for the country. The strategic course of Azerbaij an is to 
integration into the international community.
The course of integration into the European and Euroatlantic structures, 
pursued by our country is a successful decision. When the country became 
independent, it had extremely serious problems. Internal unrest, war with Ar-

menia, the Armenian aggression against Azerbaij an, economic depression and 
crisis were factors, which were leading Azerbaij an close to destruction. The fate 
of Azerbaij an was under question. The policy pursued by President Heydar 
Aliyev in the last few ten years allowed our country develop in all fi elds. We 
have become one of the most important participants of the international com-
munity. Azerbaij an has joined the Council of Europe and works successfully in 
that organization. We fulfi l all our obligations to this organization. Azerbaij an 
has wonderful ties with the European Union. We are very glad that the Eu-
ropean Union appointed special its representative to the Southern Caucasus. 
This is connected with the growing interest of the European Union in our re-
gion. Azerbaij an is an active participant of "Partnership for  Peace" program of 
NATO for over 10 years.
Now we are at the second stage of cooperation with NATO. We submitt ed 
individual plan of cooperation and only two countries - Georgia and Azerbai-
jan have achieve it. Being at the general head quarters of NATO I asked: why 
Georgia is in the fi rst place in this issue, Azerbaij an - in the second? I was an-
swered: your friend Mikhail Saakashvili visited NATO headquarters a month 
earlier. That is why, next time we shall go there together.
In essence, our ties with the neighbors, in particular with Georgia, Turkey 
are the factors of great importance not only for the domestic policy, but also 
from the point of view of regional cooperation. They are important for the 
development of the region. Azerbaij an is cooperating successfully with the 
neighboring countries. We intend to solve the economic problems. In the last 
seven  years the annual growth in economy is not less than 10 %. By the way, 
in the last seven years the volume of gross domestic product has increased 
by 90%. Azerbaij an is taking the leading position for the volume of foreign 
investments per capita not only among the republics of the former USSR, but 
also among the countries of the Eastern Europe. Azerbaij an has created a won-
derful investment environment. Investors consider themselves and their funds 
fully protected here. Investments in our country in the sum of billions of dol-
lars are provided with that. These funds have been invested not only in oil and 
gas sector, but also in other fi elds of our economy. Socio - political stability is 
the key factor for the stable and successful economic development existing in 
Azerbaij an.
Along with our neighbors and friends - Turkey and Georgia we are realizing 
largest energy projects in the world. This is not only Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and 
Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerun projects. The projects on the development of our giant oil 
and gas fi elds also relate to them. We have already received the required fore-

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