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considerable military force. I think that Ukraine will play an important role in 
Europe in future as Poland.
I think that it might play an important role in the Black Sea context.
I think that we should coordinate the activities of GUUAM and the Organi-
zation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. New elements should be intro-
duced into their work. We should achieve some coordination of their activity 
for their integration into the European Union. The European Union should 
also be interested in that. Only in this case the regional cooperation might have 
large perspectives.
Mircha Joane: Both good and bad news. The good is that the Black-Sea ini-
tiative we have started is an ongoing process. We can't stop it. The bad news is 
that it will be more complicated this time than the fi rst and the second stages 
of NATO expansion. However, we have moral, strategic and political responsi-
bility and duty. We should realize it. We started this initiative with our friends. 
There wasn't chance to name all our friends. They have been indicated in this 
brochure, I thank them. As to the expansion of the Black Sea region, we are 
speaking about the bilateral direction. This is the next step to unifi cation of 
Europe, then the issue of Russia's joining and integration in the West will fol-
low which hasn't found its total solution yet. Until Russia is att racted to this 
issue, until Russia realizes that it should integrate into the West, we can't con-
sider our work completed. The next step is a wider Near East. If we have a 
success in this region, if we achieve stability, we will distribute this stability 
on wider territory. Turkey is of fundamental importance. I am confi dent that 
the European Union will open green way to Turkey. Having att racted Turkey 
to the European Union, our work will become easier. Thirdly, Ukraine is of 
great importance. It is thought that Ukraine should become closer to the Eu-
ropean Union and NATO in the coming years than today. We should intensify 
the ties between GUUAM, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Coop-
eration and the Southern Caucasus. I suppose that we should use the current 
structures, expand existing the structures, expand our ties. Our brothers in 
Moldova may count on us. We will do our best for Moldova's att raction to the 
Southern-European cooperation. Azerbaij an is well known by its resources of 
strategic importance. We have moral duty as rendering assistance to Georgia, 
as sett lement of the "frozen" confl icts in Georgia serves the common interests.

Compere of the press conference 
" Ladies and gentlemen!
Good evening. Welcome to the press conference of President Aliyev in this 
meeting arranged by Marshall Foundation. Thanks for waiting us. As you are 
aware, a revival is felt in Azerbaij an, from which Mr. President has come, and 
in the region as a whole. Azerbaij an has become an intensively developing 
country. At present great interest is att ached to Azerbaij an. That is why, diver-
sity of questions wouldn't surprise anyone. Please, your questions."
Question: Mr. President, in the course of your visit to Turkey you mentioned 
that your country recognized the Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic. Howev-
er, no steps have been taken in this direction yet. Second question: do you have 
any plans to pay a visit to the Republic of the Northern Cyprus in the nearest 
Answer: My position and the position of Azerbaij an in this issue were an-
nounced many times offi
  cially. They were published in the newspapers and 
announced by TV. However, the interest in this topic is so great that the jour-
nalists repeat this question every time and have the same answer. The offi
position of Azerbaij an was stated in the course of my talk to the reps resenta-
tives of the Turkish media during my visit to Turkey. Then my statement and 
  cial statement of the ministry of foreign aff airs were made. The offi
  cial posi-
tion remains unchanged. As it is known, the position was disclosed before the 
referendum, and it was mentioned that if aft er the referendum one of the par-
ties says "yes", another "no", a new situation would appear in the world. In this 
new situation the UN, international community would require to change their 
att itude to this problem. They will require to make amendments to this topic, 
and Azerbaij an will be among the fi rst countries, which will join the interna-
tional eff orts. I suppose that it is not so diffi
  cult to understand. In particular, if 
you take into account that this position was mentioned several times before.
Question: Mr. President, in your speech at the conference today you said 
that you would like the European Union to be more active in the issue of the 
Karabakh confl ict. What steps do you expect from the European Union, which 
OSCE could not take?
Press Conference of The Azerbaij ani 
President Ilham Aliyev - Istanbul
June 26, 2006

Answer: I mentioned in my speech that we do not want to make any changes 
connected with the mandate. The Minsk Group of OSCE has its mandate for 
the sett lement of the issue and it continues its eff orts for the peaceful sett le-
ment of the confl ict. I said that we would like the att raction of the international 
community to the process. I mean the European Union, Council of Europe and 
other international organizations. We are the witnesses of the steps taken in 
this direction. The European Council is discussing the Armenian-Azerbaij an 
confl ict over the Nagorno-Karabakh, and a report has been prepared on this 
topic. The European Union appointed its special representative in the South-
ern Caucasus. During his visits to the region the Armenian-Azerbaij ani confl ict 
is discussed. We would like the international community to be informed on the 
The Armenian propaganda introduces the situation in the form which suits 
them for many years. The international community was misinformed. Nowa-
days the situation has changed. The world is aware that Armenia is an aggres-
sor and occupant.
The Azerbaij an territories are under occupation. In my opinion, the role of 
the European Union and other international organizations might be of great 
importance. They may infl uence the process, programs may be off ered upon 
piece for achieving peace, further discussions may take place.
Question: You said that you would like to take an active participation in the 
European Union. Are you planning to include the issue of Karabakh into the 
NATO agenda?
Answer: This issue has been discussed in the course of my visit to Brussels - 
both in the European Union and NATO. This issue was discussed at all levels. 
I think that conduction of such discussions is of great importance for making 
all the parties understand the problem. Of course, the Minsk Group of OSCE 
is involved in this issue in the framework of peace negotiations. We hope very 
much that these negotiations will produce positive results.
Sometimes it is obvious that some concessions should be made. Of course, 
concessions are one of the key elements in negotiations. And it is possible only 
when both parties accept them. Azerbaij an has not occupied anything that be-
longs to Armenia to make any concession. Our territorial integrity can't be the 
topic of concessions because if we speak about concession from our part, it can 
be as a guarantee of security. We shall never be able to agree with the indepen-
dence of the Nagorno Karabakh or with its becoming a part of Armenia, and 
this position won't change.

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