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Lithuanian mission Oli Kaas. Mr Kaas, the fl oor is yours.
Oli Kaas (head of the Lithuanian mission): Mr Chairman, thank You.
First, I express my gratitude to Mr President for a very interesting speech. I 
wish success to him and his country.
Nato Pa: discusses much energy supply and security issues. Dear Mr Presi-
dent, You touched this issue in your speech. You talked of the cooperation with 
NATO and successful economic development. We are sure that the democrati-
zation process in your country will be continued. Regarding the energy supply 
and security issues, I want to know, how long will take the construction of the 
new pipeline to supply Georgia and the neighbouring countries with gas?
Thanks a lot for the answer.
Pierre Lelouche: Mr President, the fl oor is yours.
Ilham Aliyev: Thank you. About the position of the international community 
on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, we are glad that the international community, 
as well UN has recognized the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbai-
jan. Also you know that format of talks is kept at present due to mediation of 
three co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group - France, USA and Russia. They try to 
help us in sett ling the issue peacefully.
I want to express my gratitude for the activity of the Minsk Group for the last 
years, it’s a very useful approach on the issue and real assistance. That is why, 
the current format allows peacefully solve the issue.
I also want to underline that last year the European Council adopted a special 
resolution on the confl ict that declared Armenia as the country having occu-
pied the territory of Azerbaij an. This is very necessary, because the Armenians 
achieved for long time to hide the reality from the international community 
because of the false comment of events. Usually it was said that the Armenian 
military units had occupied lands. But no one knew which Armenian troops 
were meant exactly and where they came from. But the resolution of EC clearly 
states that Armenia has occupied our lands. We already got support of other 
international organizations in which Azerbaij an is member.
We recently held the summit of GUAM member states during which a reso-
lution was adopted on the confl icts in GUAM countries and territorial integrity 
of all the countries was supported there. Resolutions and visions of other in-
ternational organizations clearly describe what is going on, who is the aggres-
sor and who is the victim of this aggression. As well UN SC has adopted four 
resolutions that demand the unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian troops 
from the occupied territories of Azerbaij an. But the problem is that those docu-
ments and resolutions are ignored. Armenia ignores them. They do not obey 
the international law, respect normal international conduct. They consider that 

they can sit in XXI century in the land not belonging to them and nothing will 
happen. This is inaccessible.
But we are anxious because the Armenians celebrated this month as if of the 
release of Shusha. There is question: from whom they released Shusha? From 
Azerbaij anis? More than 90% of people living in Shusha were the Azerbaij anis. 
But the Armenians celebrate this as a holiday. The international community is 
indiff erent to this. This is the problem. The problem is that the resolutions of 
the international organizations do not work. We must create such a circum-
stance in which the adopted resolutions will be implemented.
Regarding the importance of the energy problems which is growing today, 
I want to say that the pipeline to transport the Azerbaij ani gas to Turkey and 
Georgia will be commissioned in September. As a result of this, Azerbaij an will 
become an exporter of gas as well, except oil. Azerbaij an works in the same 
staff , with its partners and neighbours.
At the moment the Caspian energy projects are very important for the global 
energy security. Azerbaij an will become a changed to the country exporting 
energy resources to the world and European markets. We are holding talks 
with new potential consumers. I think that an alternative gas supply line in 
the region and its access to Europe will meet the needs of gas producers and 
consumers. We are ready for cooperation in this fi eld. Our oil policy has justi-
fi ed itself. We have created unique transport infrastructure in the world, and 
as a result of oil and gas supply for the neighbouring countries, European and 
world markets from the Caspian region will be diversifi ed.
Pierre Lelouche: Mr President, thank you. I express my gratitude to you on 
behalf of all our Assembly for visiting Paris and sharing your views with us.
Thank you so much.

President of the Republic of Azerbaij an Ilham Aliyev met Secretary-General 
of NATO Jaap De Hoop Scheff er at the offi
  ce of the Organization, November 
8, Brussels.
Aft er the meeting President Ilham Aliyev addressed the NATO Council. Dis-
cussions were held with permanent representatives and ambassadors at the 
Council of NATO member countries.
Aft er discussions President Ilham Aliyev and Secretary-General of NATO 
JAAP Jaap De Hoop Scheff er held a joint press conference. President of Azer-
baij an and Secretary-General of NATO made statements.
Statement of Secretary-General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Schaefer
Good morning!
The ambassadors and NATO Council and l are much delighted to greet here 
once more President of Azerbaij an Mr Ilham Aliyev. I think his visit is of great 
importance because of several reasons.
First, I must say that the allies on NATO highly value the cooperation with 
Azerbaij an in diff erent aspects. As you know, there is “Individual Partnership 
Activity Plan”. We together work on the issues such as defence reforms, in-
stitutional changes. Wide exchange of views was held on those issues. Infor-
mation given by President on economic development of Azerbaij an, building 
strong political system, democratization, freedom of press and other spheres 
was taken into consideration. There is transparency here.
There is a second reason why President Aliyev has come here this morning. 
It is connected with the important position and role of Azerbaij an in the region. 
The region is sensitive, there are instability risks there. At the same time, our 
guest is the head of a country exporting big volume of hydrocarbons. This fac-
tor is not connected with politics only, but also with strategy and geopolitics. 
Mr. President made a very interesting speech. We had interesting discussions 
on those issues.
In a word, I do not want to take your time. Mr President, Your visit, sincer-
ity in talks are appreciated. As I already noted, we discussed wide range of 
issues. I think, the visit of President Aliyev will serve further intensifi cation 
of the Azerbaij ani-NATO ties. We are working on the “Individual Partnership 
Activity Plan”. Azerbaij an is actively working. So, Mr President, we are much 
Joint briefi ng of the Azerbaij ani President Ilham 
Aliyev and Secretary-General of NATO Jaap de 
Hoop Scheff er - Brussels
November 8, 2006

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