Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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So, these were actually Jewish criminal groups who had come to power in order to suck the life from the body of the victim. Other Jews were immediately given privileged positions.

This is actually confirmed by the rabbi Elmer Berger in his book "The Jewish Dilemma", published in the United States in 1946. Berger wrote that the Soviet government privileged the Jews for being Jews, not just through the fact that Jews dominated the Soviet regime. By a single stroke of the pen, every suggestion of anti-Semitism became punishable with death.

The Beginning of the Government Terror

The Jewish gangster groups who called themselves Bolsheviks became particularly dangerous, since the theory behind their activities attempted to justify the crimes they committed (in the name of the workers) and to practise deceit and sabotage against the spiritual culture.

Lenin was well aware that the Bolsheviks needed all the help they could get to acquire Russia's wealth. That was why he said that they must make

use of common criminals as allies with Communism. (Louis Fischer, "The Life of Lenin", London, 1970.)

The criminals took Lenin's slogan "Plunder what was plundered!" seriously and managed to find a large amount of well-hidden valuables. The Bolsheviks then captured them, confiscated their loot and murdered those rivals on the spot. The criminals probably realised soon enough that the Bolsheviks intended to monopolise crime, like they did the truth. In this way gang after gang of bandits were liquidated.

As I have mentioned previously, the Bolshevik speculators around Lenin found it hard to believe that all their plans would actually succeed, so they immediately began to plunder Russia of its wealth. All those riches were quickly sent abroad, primarily to Berlin.

The international bankers were very happy about this turn of events, according to Igor Bunich. The Bolsheviks acted with such haste and violence that it seems they thought the plundering and murdering might have to cease on the very next day. By the aid of "contracts of sale" written under threat, many estates and houses were handed over to Jewish "businessmen" living outside Russia.

The Bolshevik leaders immediately took over stately homes to live in. Lenin became the "owner" of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov's estate in Gorky near Moscow. All the villagers were forced to leave their homes to make room for Lenin's bodyguards. Trotsky got hold of Prince Felix Yusupov's castle. The Bolsheviks were especially interested in items of gold. The leading Chekists, for example, used only golden plates for their meals.

The Bolshevik leader had, immediately after the take-over, given orders to draw up lists of people who absolutely had to be executed. Lenin declared that an entire social class (the bourgeoisie) would have to be eliminated. The chief revolutionary believed that the children absolutely had to watch while their parents were murdered. It was the Bolsheviks who decided who was bourgeois. In that way many ordinary, simple people were also murdered.

Talented intellectuals quickly perceived the true nature of this crime syndicate, which called itself the Bolsheviks-Communists. The intel- lectuals' name for this extravaganza of murder and robbery was Jewish Bolshevism. They looked on with alarm as the wealth was snatched from the hands of the Russians. Lenin and his fellow criminals wanted to rid

themselves of these clear-sighted intellectuals as quickly as possible. Only the spiritually blind or those blinded by envy were allowed to live.

This giant robbery was transformed into a kind of malformed business. The New York Herald Tribune wrote: "It seems as if the Bolshevik revo- lution in Russia is actually an enormous financial operation, the goal of which is to transfer the control of vast sums of money from the Russians to European and American banks."

At the beginning of April 1919, George Pitter-Wilson confirmed in the Globe (London): "The aim of Bolshevism is to gain complete power in the non-Jewish areas, so that no wealth remains in non-Jewish hands. In this way, the Jews would be able to gain power over everyone, ostensibly in the interest of others."

Meanwhile, they began spreading the most famous myth, according to which the Jews had nothing to do with the so-called Russian revolution. It was not in their interest to allow the truth to come out. For this very reason Lenin said: "The revolution needs no historians!"

The Bolsheviks have to be regarded as the worst mythomaniacs the world has ever seen, since they and their henchmen immediately began spreading the lie that these events were solely the holy action of the Russian people. Unfortunately, most historians took service with untruth. They believed it necessary to adapt to the situation.

The Bolsheviks began confiscating as much private property as they could. They also prohibited private commerce. The subjects were regarded as the property of the state (i.e. the Jewish Bolshevik leadership).

The following lines could still be read in Nordisk Familjebok (a Swedish encyclopaedia) in 1944 (reprint of the 3rd edition, Vol. 10, col. 1228): "The strong Jewish element in the leadership of the Russian Bolshevik regime stirred up resentment in many places in Russia and led to the spreading of the belief that Bolshevism was predominantly a Jewish movement."

Communism was simultaneously used as camouflage for international criminal activity. That was why Communism became a modern form of a collective slave-state. The Communist Party later became a real Mafia and its general secretary was just like the Capo di tutti i capi (the boss of all bosses).

The Russian people faced a dreadful time of violent clashes and complete degradation. The Red Jews' aim was to subdue the Russians as

quickly as possible and later expand their power into other countries. In the beginning these criminals managed, with the help of German troops and American financial support, to eliminate or force into exile nearly all the honest and independently thinking people in Russia and transform the nation into a criminal society.

There were also German and other foreign elite soldiers among the Chekist Special Forces, according to Igor Bunich. A total of 280 000 so- called internationalists protected the Bolshevik regime. The Germans declared that they would immediately send troops if any threat to the Soviet regime appeared. Lenin's bodyguards were also primarily Ger- mans; among them was Friedrich von Platten from Switzerland.

The Germans also continued to give the Bolsheviks financial aid. In November 1917 they received 11.5 million marks, a sum which was the equivalent of 130 million dollars in 1975. Lenin was forced to keep his promise. On December 15th he made separate peace with Germany. After the signing of the peace agreement in Brest-Litovsk on the 3rd of March 1918, he received 40 million roubles in gold to fight against the Whites. On the 20th of August 1918, Lenin, in return, wrote an open letter to the American workers and asked them not to fight against Germany.

93.5 tons of gold (245.5 tons, according to Oleg Platonov, "Russia's Crown of Thorns: the History of the Russian People in the Twentieth Century", Moscow, 1997, p. 528) were to be transferred to Germany in connection with the Brest-Litovsk peace agreement. This "affair" was also concealed from the people.

The rabbi Judas Magnus from the American Jews' committee in New York, admitted on the 24th of October 1918 that he also was a Bolshevik and liked the ideas of the new regime in Russia. The leading Zionist newspapers Jewish Chronicle (London) and American Hebrew (New York) praised the Bolshevik regime in Russia as a triumph for the Jewish model of society in their editorials from December 1918 up to Lenin's death in 1924.

It was certainly a triumph. In fact, the world had never before seen such a triumph of evil and violence.

American Hebrew wrote on September 8, 1920: "The Bolshevik Revo- lution was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct." American Hebrew wrote on September 10, 1920: "What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully

contributed to produce in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind are tending to promote in other countries."

On the 23rd of July 1919, Scotland Yard wrote a report to the American secretary of state, wherein it is written, among other things, that they now had enough evidence to prove that Bolshevism was an international movement controlled by Jews.

Another report to the American secretary of state in 1918 stated that the leadership of each city-soviet was comprised of at least 50 per cent Jews, especially malign Jews "of the worst type", many of whom were anarchists. ("U.S. State Department Report, Foreign Relations 1918, Russia", Vol. 11, p. 240.)

Professor Israel Shahak put it bluntly: "An examination of radical, socialist and communist parties can provide many examples of disguised Jewish chauvinists and racists, who joined these parties merely for reasons of 'Jewish interest' and are, in Israel, in favour of 'anti-Gentile' discrimi- nation." (Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years", London, 1994, p. 17.)

The French Jewish newspaper Le Droit de Vivre wrote on May 13, 1933: "Judaism is the father of Marxism and Communism." To neutralise the threat of the anti-Communists in other countries, the Jewish Voice (U.S.A.) launched the following slogan in July 1941 (p. 23): "Anti- Communism is anti-Semitism!" The infamous American Zionist organi- sation, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has been of the same opinion since the beginning (Executive Intelligence Review, No. 39, 30th September 1988). This organisation has very close connections with B'nai B'rith.

Did not the Bolshevik, M. Kogan, coolly state in his article "Services of Jewry to the Working Class": "Without exaggeration, it may be said that the Great Socialist October Revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews... The symbol of Jewry, which for centuries has struggled against capitalism, has become also the symbol of the Russian proletariat, which can be seen even in the fact of the adoption of the Red five-pointed star, which in former times, as is well-known, was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry." {Kommunist, Kharkov, 12th April 1919.)

This is confirmed in a leaflet written by the famous author Maxim Gorky, which praised the enormous contributions of the Jews to the introduction of socialism. This leaflet worried Trotsky and Lenin. They

thought it was formulated in such an unfortunate way that they feared enemies of the revolution (i.e. anti-Semites) would be able to use the information contained therein - so the leaflet was forbidden.

Maxim Gorky had not always been so friendly towards the Jews, however. Just after the unsuccessful coup attempts in 1905, he published a violently anti-Semitic leaflet in which he exhorted: "Arise, Russian people, against the Jews!" Later, when he had become the willing tool of the Jewish "revolutionaries", he wanted to forget all about his earlier leaflet.

The Bolsheviks concealed as much as they could about themselves. All kinds of truths immediately became state secrets. Lenin was the master of all liars.

Who were those robbers and bandits who believed violence to be the best way of controlling a society? The Bolsheviks' primary and most important controlling organ after the take-over became the Politburo, which consisted of the following seven people: Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Leon Kamenev, Grigori Sokolnikov (Brilliant), Grigori Zinoviev, Joseph Stalin and Andrei Bubnov. Only the last of those named was a Russian.

Those men, together with the Party Central, decided at 2:30 A.M. on November 9th to form a one-party government (Sovnarkom), ignoring the other parties. Lenin named himself head of government. He wanted to make Trotsky his second in command - People's Commissary for Internal Affairs. He would thereby also have become vice-chairman of Sovnarkom. Lenin wanted Trotsky to crush the "bourgeoisie" and the aristocracy. Trotsky declined and afterwards explained: "I said [to Lenin] that it was unnecessary, in my opinion, to play into the enemy's hands... it would be much better if there were no Jews at all in the first Soviet revolutionary government." A Soviet historian, Viktor Danilov, published this infor- mation in the newspaper History Workshop Journal in 1990. (Svenska Dagbladet, 12th April 1990.) That was why an alcoholic Russian, Alexei Rykov (1881-1938) was named people's commissary for internal affairs. Leon Trotsky was made responsible for foreign affairs instead.

So, Trotsky and other Jews in the Politburo wanted as few Jews as possible to be visible in the Bolshevik government. The answer was to employ a number of Russian puppets: V. Nogin (1878-1924) who was responsible for trade and industry; the freemason Ivan Skvortsov-

Stepanov, who became people's commissary for financial affairs; Nikolai Avilov (Glebov), communications; Vladimir Milyutin, agriculture; and the Ukrainian Pavel Dybenko (1889-1938) who became people's commissary for naval affairs. The half-Jew Joseph Stalin was also allowed to take responsibility for questions of nationality, an artificial office. He was hardly ever seen at the People's Commissariat.

The other members of the first Soviet government were Jews, however: the freemason Anatoli Lunacharsky (actually Bailikh-Mandelstam), who became people's commissary for educational affairs; the freemason Niko- lai Krylenko (Aaron Bram, 1885-1938), who became People's Com- missary for Military Affairs; Ivan Teodorovich, who became commissary for foodstuffs; Georgi Lomov (actually Oppokov), who was responsible for justice; Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko (1883-1939) and finally Alex- ander Shlyapnikov (actually Belenin), who was responsible for employ- ment. So, there were 15 members in the very first Soviet government, according to the Worker and Peasant Government's Newspaper, No. 1, 10th of November 1917.

It soon became evident that the Russians in the Bolshevik government were unable to introduce the gangster regime of which the Jewish freemasons dreamed, despite the fact that all those puppet-Russians were surrounded in their offices by Jewish aides who, according to several protocols, eagerly took part in government meetings. I shall mention a few of those advisers here: Fanigstein-Daletsky, Abram Slutsky and Altfater. So Lenin subsequently exchanged the Russians for Jewish Bolsheviks and also introduced new commissary posts.

The alcoholic Rykov's post was given to Grigori Petrovsky (1878-1958) just 20 days later. Georgi Lomov had to leave his post as commissary for justice. This post was instead given to the Jew Josef (Isidor) Steinberg. Vladimir Milyutin was exchanged for the Jew Alexander Schlichter (1868-1940). Nikolai Avilov (1868-1940) had to make way for the Jew Vyacheslav Zof. There were also two new members: the Jew V. Volodarsky (actually Moisei Goldstein) became people's commissary for propaganda and press and the Jewess Alexandra Kollontay was named people's commissary for social affairs.

There were a total of 17 government members, of whom 11 were Jews, two half-Jews and only four were Slavs (three Russians and one Ukrainian). The Jewish members subsequently became more visible.

The first chairman of the Central Executive Committee was the freemason Leon Kamenev (Leiba Rosenfeld), in the West flatteringly termed "president". His assumed name Kamenev means "stony". He was married to Trotsky's youngest sister, Olga. Kamenev held this high post for only 13 days before he was replaced by another Jewish freemason, Yakov Sverdlov (Yankel-Aaron Movshevich Solomon). Kamenev instead became the mayor of Moscow. He was also the vice-chairman of the Council of People's Commissars for a while. He was named People's Commissary for Commerce in 1926. He was executed on the 25th of August 1936.

The Bolsheviks opened a Pandora's box, drowned Russia, and later inundated many other countries in terrible sufferings. They introduced a feudal banditregime they called Bolshevism. Only hope and fear remained. Streets, squares and even cities were eventually named after the Jews in power: Volodarsky, Slutsk, Sverdlovsk...

The Social Revolutionaries protested strongly against Lenin's actions. To keep up appearances, Lenin offered the left wing of the Social Revo- lutionaries four posts in the Sovnarkom. In the beginning they declined the offer, but somewhat later the Social Revolutionaries Josef Steinberg, V. Trutovsky, Vladimir Karelin and A. Kolegayev wanted to join the Bolshevik government and thereby support Lenin's terrorism. This split the left wing faction of the Social Revolutionaries.

Meanwhile, Lenin officially prohibited freemasonry to camouflage his designs. The Jacobins had done the same. He was unable to conceal the predominance of Jews within the government power apparatus.

The Jews dominated everywhere, even from the autumn of 1917 - in the People's Commissariats and in the leadership of every institution, despite the fact that they made up only six per cent (6.1 million) of the population of Soviet-Russia.

The mayor of Petrograd was the Jew Schreider. Even the leadership of the other parties consisted of Jews. But a considerable part of the Jews in the other parties left to join the Bolsheviks, who began a massive propaganda campaign to win the parliamentary elections. The Jews also controlled all the newspapers. Behind Izvestiya, which was originally a soviet newspaper and was later transformed into a government organ, were Yuri Steklov (Nakhamkis), Ziperovich, Goldenberg and other Jews. The periodical Kommunist was controlled by its Jewish editor-in-chief Vilhelm

Knorin. His successor was another Jew - Stytsky. The editorial staff of Znamya Truda were Karl Lander, Levin and Noi Davidson. Volja Truda was led by Sachs, Polyansky and Katz.

The Jew Moisei Kharitonov (Markovich) was named chief of the militia in Petrograd. He had travelled together with Lenin from Switzerland to Stockholm. He later became a Trotskyist. Grigori Sokolnikov (Brilliant) was the editor of Pravda at an earlier stage. After the Bolshevik take-over, he worked as chief commissar for banking affairs. He was appointed people's commissary for financial affairs in 1921. Stalin had him arrested in 1937 and he died two years later in the GULAG archipelago. The Polish Jew Jakub Hanecki (Furstenberg) became chief of the National Bank.

The Bolsheviks failed to win the elections for the Constituent Assembly on the 25th (12th) of November 1917. Of 707 seats, the Social Revo- lutionaries won 410 and thereby secured a majority, the Bolsheviks won 175, the Liberals 105, the Mensheviks won only 16, the Bourgeois Cadets 17, the United People's Movements 86... So the Bolsheviks only got 24.7 per cent of the votes (9 562 358 votes of 40 million), despite the fact that they had manipulated the electorate as much as they could.

Lenin had even abolished the freedom of the press by a decree on the 9th of November. Trotsky had ordered a demonstrative burning of the bourgeois newspaper Rech's entire edition one day earlier. Lenin banned all bourgeois parties at the end of December.

The Constituent Assembly met on the 5th (18th) of January 1918 and rejected the Bolshevik government with 237 votes against 136. On the following day, Lenin had the "Latvian riflemen" (i.e. the German troops) dissolve the parliament. German soldiers opened fire on the crowd who tried to defend the Constituent Assembly. This was when the Bolsheviks actually performed their coup. They had no intention of leaving power at this stage.

There was too much left to plunder. The Bolsheviks plundered riches amounting to 7.5 billion roubles in gold just from the churches, according to a conservative estimate by Western experts.

The Bolsheviks had already set up revolutionary tribunals, had begun "nationalising" (that is - plundering) private property; they abolished the military ranks and in all secrecy founded the political police (the Cheka).

There were an incredible number of freemasons among the Bolsheviks. Here I can further mention Nikolai Bukharin, Grigori Zinoviev, a member

of B'nai B'rith and the Grand Orient, according to Valeri Yemelyanov's book "De-Zionisation", Paris, 1979, p. 14), Mieczyslaw Kozlowski, Semyon Sereda, who later became people's commissary for agriculture, Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov, Mikhail Skobelev, Nikolai Sokolov, Leonid Krasin, Gorky's wife J. Peshkova and her stepson Zinovi Peshkov (Yakov Sverdlov's brother).

There were also a great number of freemasons occupying high posts within the Soviet administration in the 1950s, according to the freemason and publicist Yekaterina Kuskova (Novoye Russkoye Slovo, 1 st of August 1986, p. 6). Communist agents who were freemasons in the West received considerable help in their careers from their lodge brothers. Here I can mention Georges Ebon, who was arrested in France in the 1950s. (Terry Walton, "KGB in France", Moscow, 1993, pp. 67-68.)

On the 28th of January 1918, Lenin decided to set up the Red Army and the Germans and Americans had to give all kinds of support to the Bolsheviks. The situation was catastrophic, because enemy troops were approaching Petrograd, and on March 11, 1918, the Bolshevik government fled to Moscow where it remained. The flight was organised by Alexander Shlyapnikov. (Stalin had him executed in 1937.) Moscow was afterwards made capital. Lenin also introduced the new (Gregorian) calendar.

The Social Democratic Bolshevik Party was renamed the Communist Party on the 8th of March 1918. These Communists now formed a new, Jew-dominated government where Leon Trotsky became people's com- missary for military affairs. Another Jew, Georgi Chicherin (actually Ornatsky) whose Jewish mother was called Meierdorf, was named people's commissary for foreign affairs. Previously, he had twice been put in a mental hospital. This must have suited the Communists perfectly: the crazier, the better.

The evil now broke out over the whole of society. Power became even more centralised than at the time of the Jacobins' coup in France. Trotsky wanted to see his subjects as militarised slaves. All forms of begging were forbidden, just like the Paris Commune had done by a decree on April 16th, 1871. Those breaking this decree were shot.

The bourgeoisie were forced to sweep the streets and shovel snow. Their children were excluded from higher education. Lenin's instructions that the universities should welcome, above all, those people who just wanted a diploma rather than knowledge, were followed later as well.

Even the early Taoists knew that: "The more knowledge people have, the harder they are to control."

In 1918 Patriarch Tikhon put the Soviet regime under a ban and proclaimed it Antichrist incarnate. He protested strongly when the Bolshe- viks began confiscating the property and wealth of the church. The GPU murdered him in May 1922. The Communist reign of terror knew no limits - all imaginable atrocities were permitted in the name of power.

Moisei Uritsky (actually Boretsky) became chief of the Cheka in Petrograd. He worked in an especially brutal manner and gained the nick- name "the butcher of Petrograd". It was Uritsky who, with the aid of sailors and German soldiers, dissolved the Parliament in January 1918.

Despite the fact that the Jewish "revolutionaries" and executioners preferred to live under assumed names, the ordinary people of Russia soon came to realise who ruled their land with an iron hand. The Jewish parties Bund and Po'alei Zion were still allowed to remain when the other parties were banned in 1920. The latter merged with the Communist Party in December 1928.

Not one single synagogue was destroyed or converted into a public toilet or storehouse, as happened to the churches. Not a single rabbi was crucified. Many churches in Moscow were torn down in 1922 and instead a synagogue with space for two thousand people was built. A total of 60 000 churches were destroyed.

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