5. Conclusion
Myanmar has just started its industrialization process and has been implemented several policies to enhance upgrading human resource in industries. Foreign direct investment in manufacturing industries is increasing as well as the demands for high-skilled human resources. However, the supply of high-skilled workers, technicians and engineers are lags behind.
First, this paper explained the Japanese case of human resource development from the initial phase of skill formation as the basic structure building practices for the skill and technology based industrialization. The state policies on company-based schools for technology and training system developed core technicians and engineers who played an important role in post WWII recovery and rapid industrial development in key industries. It succeeded to share the common value of the importance of skill and technology in industries, from top management to engineers and workers.
Based on the Japanese development path, from the 1980s Japan has been transferring the value to the Asian countries through technology transfer. The Japanese technology and the value have been transferred to ASEAN countries and are currently transferring to Myanmar directly from Japan and in-directly through those ASEAN countries.
The second section of this paper examined the human resource development system in manufacturingindustry in Myanmar focusing on TVET system. Under the reformation process by Myanmar government, TVET is consisted by too many institutions, ministries and private sectors. There is no central or major institution to control the whole system and restructure major target to meet the industrial need to meet the demands to meet Myanmar development.
The third section examined the case of Myanmar-Japan center as the Japanese human resource development practicein Myanmar. The MJC courses focus on management and provide variety of courses for owners, managers, engineers in various industries.Although MJC offers management courses and a few technical courses, Japanese management courses includes the contents of management of technology. Business courses to top managers are important at the beginning because those managers are the ones to enhance the company policies toward to skill and technology based industries.
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ii Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yearly Approved Amount of Foreign Investment by Country(May 2015) and Yearly Approved Amount of Foreign Investment by Sector(May 2015)http://dica.gov.mm.x-aas.net/ accessed June 2015
iiiDirectorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yearly Approved Amount of Foreign Investment by Country(May 2015) and Yearly Approved Amount of Foreign Investment by Sector(May 2015) http://dica.gov.mm.x-aas.net/ accessed June 2015
ivJETRO News2015 Dec.15 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2014/12/547e7c24e0da8.htmlews accessed June 2015
vDirectorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yearly Approved Amount of Foreign Investment by Sector(May 2015) http://dica.gov.mm.x-aas.net/ accessed June 2015
viMitsubishi Cooperation Press Room May 19 2014 http://www.mitsubishicorp.com/jp/en/pr/archive/2014/html/0000024792.html, accessed march 2015
viiAuthor interview at Thilawa February 2015
viiiAuthor interview survey in Yangon, February 2014
xMyanmar Times 2015
xiJICA, PADECO Co., Ltd., IC Net Limited: Data Collection Survey on the Education Sector in Myanmar Final Report,2013
xii JICA, PADECO Co., Ltd., IC Net Limited: Data Collection Survey on the Education Sector in Myanmar Final Report,2013
xiiiMyanmar Times 2015 May 18 Better skills in a land of entrepreneurs
xivMyanmar News, 2015
xvJICA, PADECO Co., Ltd., IC Net Limited: Data Collection Survey on the Education Sector in Myanmar Final Report,2013
xviJICA, PADECO Co., Ltd., IC Net Limited: Data Collection Survey on the Education Sector in Myanmar Final Report,2013
xviiMcKinsey MGI: Myanmar’s moment: Unique opportunities, major challenges, June 2013
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