Parents don’t understand them; Their teachers can’t stand them; Their peers reject
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ADHD THROUGH THE MOVIES www.adhdclinicjeeva.com
Patients with “ADHD” may suffer Because….. Their parents don’t understand them; Their teachers can’t stand them; Their peers reject them; Their spouses and bosses can’t stand their disorganization and intensity; They themselves begin to think: “no matter what I do I can’t win…”
Famous People with Attention Deficit and Learning Disorders
ADHD Diagnosis 5-9% children with this condition 60% of these children go on to adulthood with impairing symptoms Core symptoms are - Impulsivity
- Attentional problems
- Motor hyperactivity
Visual Images Move in the academic teaching arena to use movies and visual processes as ways of teaching - Auditory processing problems
- Strengths in visual-spatial ability
- Ability to see the forest but not the trees
Impulsivity An urge that is difficult to resist - Dennis the Menace
- The Simpsons
Dennis the Menace
Inattention Loss of order and loss of presence of mind - Home Alone
- Inspector Gadget
- Gilligan’s Island
- Get Smart
Home Alone 2
Motor Hyperactivity Any movie by - Jim Carrey
- Robin Williams
- Howie Mandell
- Tom Cruise
ADHD-Developmental You must accept that if ADHD is a lifelong disorder, then your personality must change. The Adult is still having power battles with authority figures which is similar to the power battles within themselves. Different Examples -Officer and a Gentleman -Goodwill Hunting -The Lion King -Mrs. Doubtfire
Good Will Hunting
ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER A.D..D. IMPULSIVITY Failure to think of Consequences before acting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Combined”
Symptoms of Hyperactivity Often Manifest Differently in Adults Squirms and fidgets Can’t stay seated Runs/climbs excessively Can’t play/work quietly “On the go”/driven by motor Talks excessively
Symptoms of Inattention Often Manifest Differently in Adults DSM-IV Symptom Domain Difficulty sustaining attention Doesn’t listen No follow-through Can’t organize Easily distractible, forgetful
Symptoms of Impulsivity Often Manifest Differently in Adults DSM-IV Symptom Domain Blurts out answers Can’t wait turn Intrudes/interrupts others
ADHD Impairment Persists
Diagnosis of ADHD in Adults: Common Clinical Histories Difficulties in Elementary or Secondary School - Comments: “not living up to potential,” “spacey,” “hyper”
- Behavioral issues: “class clown”
- Incomplete degree or longer time to complete degree
- Difficulty engaging in further education
Difficulties at Work - Underachievement (mixed reviews)
- Low efficiency: 4 times longer to complete tasks
Difficulties at Home - Poor organization, does not complete tasks
- Strained relationships with spouse and kids (who also may have ADHD)
Sound of Music
Office Presentation Patients with ADULT ADHD:
ADHD and Comorbid Conditions
Clinical Presentation
Comorbid Psychiatric Disturbances Are Common in Adults With ADHD
ADHD Comorbidity in Adults with Other Psychiatric Disorders
Domains of Impairment
Mrs. Doubtfire
ADHD Owners Manual Many people with ADHD don’t realize they have an owner's manual. We help them to learn about themselves. This is the way you are. ---How to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. It helps people look at themselves in a more positive way and to learn why things have happened.
Potential Areas of Impairment
Sound of Music
Pharmacotherapy in Adults Stimulants - Methylphenidate-Ritalin
- Amphetamine compounds-Dexedrine
- Magnesium pemoline (not recommended)
- Long acting stimulants -Ritalin-SR.Ritalin-L.A,Concerta,Adderal XR
Atomoxetine (FDA-approved in adults)-Straterra Antidepressants - Bupropion-Welbutrin SR
- Tricyclics
Other - Mood Stabilizers: Valproic Acid/Lithium - Atypical Antipsychotics: Resperidone Research
ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Effects of Medication IMPROVES: Compliance Following the rules Percentage of seat work completed Accuracy of seat work Teachers’ rating of behaviour Performance on cognitive laboratory tasks Handwriting Central auditory processing testing Positive attention from mothers
ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Effects of Medication DECREASES: Fidgeting Impulsivity Negative social behaviours Controlling behaviour of mothers and teachers Intensity of interactions by teachers Off-task behaviour in class
ADHD, ODD and CD Integrative Interventions Preventative interventions (i.e. preventing the development of comorbid disorders) Patient, parent, spouse training and support Individual counseling and therapy Group counseling and therapy Family counseling and therapy Interventions at school and work place Medication eg. Resperidone
Lion King
Conclusions ADHD symptoms are impairing The symptoms continue into adulthood Early problems of attachment lead to a false sense of self Insight to the clinical symptoms has profound implication to treatment and compliance
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