Mr chairman: Good morning. I welcome Mr Vatskalis, and invite you to introduce the officers accompanying you, and if you wish to make an opening statement on behalf of the Department of Health and Families. Minister vatskalis’ portfolios

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Ms CAHILL: That is my understanding, yes.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Was there any thought given to a different aircraft, given the limited 
range of it, that it has to refuel in Katherine?
Mr VATSKALIS: Our problem with Katherine because of the wallabies on the runway and the fact 
that the aircraft could not take off at night time, so what we deemed appropriate for the operation was 
a helicopter can actually fly to Katherine and be refuelled in Katherine and come back; but also 
Katherine is central, if you have to fly from there to somewhere else you can fly somewhere else 
because again (inaudible) Katherine and refuel. Robyn, anything to add to that?
Ms CAHILL: My understanding is that the consideration of larger rotary wing and alternate rotary 
wing aircraft is being considered as part of the tender process, but for the interim service we were 
required to keep the configuration as it was so as not to affect the tender process.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Right, thank you. Perhaps you can tell me of the aeromedical flights that 
take place in the Top End, what percentage or what number are obstetric-based retrievals?
Ms CAHILL: About 27% to 30%.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: And, up until now, to the end of June, are all the flight nurses qualified as 
Ms CAHILL: Yes, the current configuration of staff with aero-retrieval has been that they have had 
midwifery qualifications. After the Cornish Review was done the assessment about what is nationally 
accepted was taken into account and the requirement is to have availability of midwifery services for 
flights, which is my understanding of the tender parameters and the interim service.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Okay, so are you saying that from 1 July all the flight nurses will still have 
midwifery qualifications?
Ms CAHILL: What I am saying is the availability for midwifery support to all flights will be rostered on, 
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Availability for midwifery support?
Ms CAHILL: Yes. So qualified midwifery staff will be available via a roster 24/7. It will not necessarily 
have every single nurse be a qualified midwife.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: No, no, I understand. Will the flight nurses who travel on these aircraft be 
midwifery trained, or will they be available somewhere in the hospital to call on the radio?
Ms CAHILL: There is a requirement for midwifery support to be available 24/7. My understanding is a 
proportion of the nursing staff employed under the interim arrangement are qualified midwives, and 
that would be the first point of call. There is also availability of midwives to support those flights, 
should they be required, if a flight nurse who was also a midwife was not available.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: What sort of support services?
Ms CAHILL: A midwife. I do not have the final configuration of the contract, but that is a requirement 
of the contract, that 24/7 midwifery support is available for all flights. They have advised they are 
complying with that.

Mr VATSKALIS: If the nurse on the plane that day is not a qualified midwife, somewhere else in the 
system a midwife would be available.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: A midwife would be called on duty to …?
Mr VATSKALIS: There is an obligation 24/7 to 
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: I wanted to ensure when you say support available, that you are not 
going to pick up a radio microphone.
Ms CAHILL: No, no, they have to get on the plane as well, sorry.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Thank you, very much. Going back to the flight crew, what is the 
response time for the crew for BK 117?
Ms CAHILL: The take off is from Darwin, so the response time from calling the team to arrival at the 
airport currently is 20 minutes, 30 maximum. I will verify that for certain.
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: That is under the interim contract?
Ms CAHILL: It would be no longer than that, and it may be slightly shorter, depending on the location 
of the team. I will confirm that. I have the clarification on the fuelling. The helicopter lands at Tindal 
and fuels at Tindal. There are occasions where they pick up directly from Katherine hospital, but they 
refuel at Tindal before they go to the hospital. We have been advised of no issues of them landing or 
taking off from Katherine hospital helipad fully laden. There are other fuel depots around that area 
where they can land in extreme circumstances. CASA do allow, in extreme emergency 
circumstances, for a refuelling to occur with a patient on board if time is deemed to be that critical. We 
are getting the timing of the …
Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: Thank you. That concludes my …
Mr CHAIRMAN: If you have finished, we need to take that question and answer process on notice.
Mr VATSKALIS: We can provide it before the end of the day. 
Mr CHAIRMAN: You are happy to …
Mr CHAIRMAN: Minister, we are still at 2.1. The shadow minister has asked for more questions at 
Mr CONLAN: On that aero-med stuff, I know you say it is commercial-in-confidence, but where does 
the taxpayer see how much is eventually spent on anything which is commercial-in-confidence? How 
can it eventually be accounted for? Is it a figure which is never revealed? Is it in the budget paper 
Mr WILSON: The contract price is published on the DBE website when it has been awarded.
Mr CONLAN: Where in the budget papers would that appear? 
Mr VATSKALIS: It will not appear.

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