Pendulum Periods
tarix | 26.09.2018 | ölçüsü | 185,5 Kb. | | #70838 |
Overview Objective Background Materials Procedure Results
Background (cont.)
Objective Measure the period of a pendulum as a function of amplitude Measure the period of a pendulum as a function of bob mass
Materials LabPro or Universal Lab Interface Logger Pro Vernier Photogate Protractor
Procedure Take a 1 m long string tie it up to the stand on the table. Attach a Photogate underneath the string, so that when you attach the mass weight it will pass freely through the Photogate. Part I, amplitude test, change the angle three times, and see how it affects the period. Part II, length, change the length three times, and monitor how it affects the period. Part III, attach three different mass weights and observe the period will it change, record the data each time.
Results Discover that the period is only relation to the length of the string. Find out that T^2 is proportional to L.
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