Preface to the lecture, 1

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elementary vortices


With the classical radius of the electron r


 = 2,82 * 10







 =   3,135  • 10






   =  e/C


   =  511kV 



(constant independent of r




Formation forms (vortex properties): 

I. Amassing (formation of vortex balls):



II. Overlapping (phenomenon of transport)



Fig. 7.1: The amassing and overlapping of elementary vortices






7.1 Elementary vortices


We had derived the electron and the positron as elementary vortices (fig. 4.3). Before we 

can go in the calculation, we must gain a clear picture of the possible configurations of 

vortices, which for reason of the derived properties are possible. For that we start with the 

elementary vortex and afterwards we predict the behaviour of interaction which can be 



Actually only one single particle is really elementary. According to the realizations of the 

new theory it is an elementary vortex in the form of a sphere. Its size is determined by the 

speed of light and this again by the local field strength; its stability is founded in the 

concentration effect of the potential vortex. The whirling takes place everywhere with the 

speed of light, even in the vortex centre, where all field lines run together, where the field 

increases infinitely and the speed of light goes to zero. This last circumstance owes the 

elementary vortex its localization.


We can attribute a charge to this vortex for reason of the field lines which on the outside 

run towards infinity and which we can measure (fig. 4.3). This is the smallest indivisible 

unit, the elementary charge e. Structure and course of the field lines suggest to understand 

and to calculate the elementary vortex as a spherical capacitor. By basing on the classical 

radius of the electron r


 given in fig. 6.3 the capacity according to equation 6.4 is 

calculated to be:




Here the theory of objectivity has provided us the realization that even for a change of the 

radius of the electron the capacity remains unchanged constant (6.30), and this entirely 

corresponds to our observation.


Between the hull of the elementary vortex, measured at the radius r


, and its centre, 

respectively also with regard to infinity, there exists according to equation 6.31 the tension 

voltage of:




  =  e/C


  =  511 kV 



It as well is constant and independent of the size of the elementary vortex.


Since a different solution is refused, we'll have to assume that all elementary particles 

consist of an integer multiple of elementary vortices. For that the amassing, like closely 

packed tennis balls, or the overlapping of individual vortices in the form of shells, like in 

the case of an onion (phenomenon of transport) can be considered.


The among each other occurring forces of attraction can be traced back to the fact that 

every elementary vortex is compressed by the field of its neighbour as a consequence of 

the field dependent speed of light. This field as a rule is for the small distances 

considerably larger than the field on the outside. Therefore do compound elementary 

particles not have the twofold or triple mass, but at once the 207-fold (myon) or the 1836- 

fold (proton) mass. After all there is no other explanation for the fact that there don't exist 

lighter particles (with a mass less than 207 electron masses)!


a. The electron-positron pair



b.   . The e


 - e+ pair for a small distance:



matter and anti-matter




Fig. 7.2: The electron-positron pair annihilation



7.2 Matter and anti-matter 

For the amassing or overlapping of elementary vortices several cases must be distin- 

guished, because two inverse forms of formation are possible for the elementary vortex: 

the negatively charged electron and the positively charged positron. Whereas in the case 

of the electron the vortex produces a component of the electric field which points from the 

inside to the outside, has the field in the case of the positron the opposite direction for


reason of a reversed swirl direction.


This statement can be generalized: if we consider the elementary particles from the 

outside, then we assign the particles with a swirl direction identical to that of the electron 

to the world of matter and call the particles with the opposite swirl direction anti-matter. It 

now is strongly recommended, to take colours to hand, in order to optically clarify the 

properties of vortices. The electron will be marked as a green sphere and the antiparticle, 

the positron, as a red sphere.


If we now look into the world of matter, then appears our world of matter to us "green", 

the world of anti-matter however "red". The uniform green colour of all the in our world


existing elementary particles however doesn't exclude that red anti-vortices can exist 

hidden in the inside of the green vortices, where we can't discover them. But they must be 

completely covered, otherwise a disastrous reaction occurs, the pair annihilation, as a 

consequence of the oppositely directed property of the vortices which cancel out. 

By means of the pair annihilation a dematerialization can occur, because every 

elementary vortex keeps in its inside the same amount of energy with opposite sign and 

the fusion of two inverse particles can result in a zero sum of the energy. The best known 

example is the annihilation of an electron-positron pair under emission of radiation 

discovered by Klemperer in 1934. In the upper representation (fig. 7.2a) the elementary 

vortices still are symmetrical, but the outside field lines already are "bent" and linked 

together in such a way that, with the exception of the ones in the direction of the axis, no 

interaction takes place which can be measured.


The two particles for reason of the different charge approach each other quickly, and the 

closer they are, the larger the mutual force of attraction becomes; a vicious circle, which 

leads to the asymmetry shown in the lower sketch (fig. 7.2b) and only comes to rest, if 

both particles have destroyed themselves mutually.


The electron and the positron had the same amount of, but oppositely directed swirl 

activity, so that purely arithmetically seen a zero sum of the rest energy results. But it 

should be paid attention to both particles having some kinetic energy on the occasion of 

the relative motion to each other and if they rotate around their own axis also rotational 

energy. An emission of annihilation radiation occurs, is the explanation of particle 



With the knowledge of the photon (fig. 4.6) we can interpret the annihilation radiation as a 

consequence of the phenomenon of transport. The faster and consequently smaller vortex, 

for instance the green one, slips into the red one and sees the green inside, which is 

compatible for it. Unfortunately it only can remain there, as long as it is smaller, thus is 

faster, and therefore it shoots out on the other side again. Now the electromagnetic force 

of attraction fully takes effect. It is slowed down and the red vortex correspondingly 

accelerates. The process is reversed.


These around each other oscillating vortices, so we had derived, have a characteristic 

frequency (colour), are polarizable and are moving forward with the speed of light as a 

consequence of the open vortex centre. It therefore concerns the photon.


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