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Fergana– 2023
Done by : G’ofurova H.
Supervisor : Yigitaliyev D.
Independent work


1.Pasteurization and sterilization
2. Ultra high temperature method of pasteurization
Pasteurized and sterilized dairy products
3.Technology for sterilization and pasteurization food products
The two main forms of industrial pasteurisation are:
• batch pasteurisation – where the product is held in a specific temperature range for a long time (e.g. 63ºC for 30-35 minutes);
• high temperature, short time or HTST pasteurisation – where the product is heated to a higher temperature but for a shorter time (e.g. 72ºC for 15 seconds for milk) using a plate heat exchanger.
Milk pasteurisation
After the milk has been heated it is passed through a regenerator, which brings it into close contact with the cold raw milk pipe. The heat is recycled as the cold raw milk is warmed by close contact with the heated milk. This, in turn, is cooled. The time, temperature and pasteurisation method used differ according to the product being pasteurised in order to minimise chemical, physical and organoleptic changes (e.g. flavour and colour).
Factors affecting pasteurisation
Variables which affect the time and temperature at which the pasteurisation process is carried out include:
• food type;
• viscosity of the product;
pH of the product;
• particle size;
• equipment used;
• method used.
This process uses a temperature in excess of 100ºC in order to destroy nearly all microorganisms present in a food. This is important because some microorganisms can form spores which have the ability to survive at high temperatures.
If the correct temperature is not reached there is the possibility that the spores will germinate and grow in the food, which could cause food poisoning.
Some organisms can survive the sterilisation process if not processed for enough time or at a high enough temperature (e.g. Clostridium botulinum).
Asosiy vositalar ob’ektlarining eskirishi - ularning fizik sifatlari yoki xususiyatlari yo’qolib borishining va to’zib borishining, buning oqibatida esa qiymat yo’qolib borishining qiymat ko’rsatkichidir. Shuning uchun har bir korxona asosiy vositalarni xarid qilish va eskirganlarini tiklash uchun zarur mablag’larni jamg’arishni ta’minlashi kerak. Bunday jamg’arishga amortizatsiya deb ataluvchi ajratmalarni xarajatlarga kiritish hisobiga erishiladi.
Amortizatsiya (lotincha amortisatio - qoplash) baholangan xizmat muddati davomida aktivning amortizatsiyalanayotgan qiymatini ishlab chiqarilayotgan mahsulot, bajarilayotgan ishlar, ko’rsatilayotgan xizmatlarga muntazam ravishda taqsimlash va o’tkazish ko’rinishida eskirishning qiymat ifodasidir. Soliq solish maqsadida amortizatsiya davlat tomonidan belgilangaq yagona me’yorlar asosida boshlang’ich qiymatga nisbatan foizlarda hisoblanadi.
Har bir ob’ektga eskirishni hisoblash har oyda amalga oshiriladi. Amortizatsiya qiymati korxona xarajatlariga to’liq o’tkazilganda asosiy vositalarning bundan keyin foydalanishda bo’lish davri uchun eskirish hisoblanmaydi (eskirish boshlang’ich qiymatning 100 % idan oshishi mumkin emas).

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