Proceedings brand creation for a prescribed fire culture – utilizing key social media parameters. Lars Coleman*1, J. Kelly Hoffman1, Thomas McDaniel1, R. Patrick Bixler2, Urs P. Kreuter1, Morgan Russell3

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Groundwater inputs to streams, or baseflow, can potentially modulate discharge response to climate extremes, thereby protecting ecosystem health and water supply to downstream users.  Baseflow also serves as a metric of watershed support for groundwater dependent ecosystems; such as springs, mountain meadows and riparian zones, that sustain much of the ecologic biodiversity in the Great Basin.  Large portions of the Great Basin lack a robust stream and meteorological station network making it difficult to assess how sensitive baseflow is to shifts in climate. To address data scarcity we applied a nested-multiple regression approach to nearly 1500 HUC12-sized, perennial watersheds across seven sub-regions in the Great Basin: Central, Eastern Humboldt, Lava Plains, Lahontan, South East Idaho and Utah. Baseflow was calculated using a low pass, automated filter to both active and inactive stream gauges that contained at least 10 years of daily discharge data and were coincident with selected watersheds (n = 34). Monthly historical climate for water years 1896 to 2015 was obtained from the Parameter-elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM), aggregated by water year and processed for watershed mean values based on total and seasonal precipitation and associated mean daily temperatures.  Climate variables were regressed against baseflow over each observed streamflow period of record, and these climate coefficients were then modeled as functions of watershed characteristics defining shape, topography, stream-network configuration and geology.  The subsequent approach allows baseflow to be calculated solely as a function of PRISM and watershed characteristics and is thereby transferable to ungauged basins. We review baseflow as a function of total annual flow over the historic record and present individual sub-regional models of the Great Basin that allow a comparison of physical attributes that promote baseflow resilience to changes in precipitation and temperature.



. Keirith A. Snyder*1, Rosemary Carroll2, Tamzen K. Stringham3, Justin Huntington2; 1USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV, 2Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, 3Univ. Nevada Reno, Reno, NV


Keirith A. Snyder, ARS; Rosemary Carroll, DRI; Tamzen K. Stringham, UNR; and Justin Huntington, DRI

Sagebrush steppe and associated meadow systems are critical habitat in the Great Basin for wildlife and provide important ecosystem goods and services. Expansion of pinyon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) in the Great Basin has reduced the extent of sagebrush steppe causing habitat, fire, and forage concerns.  Additionally many meadow systems have been degraded due to a variety of factors such as grazing pressure by both cattle and wild horses, road capture, and potentially from climate change with the combination of stresses resulting in the expansion of these deeply-rooted evergreen trees. We focus on the Porter Canyon Experimental Watershed which was established to address the hydrologic and ecological effects resulting from changing climate or management option on the distribution of vegetation, ecosystem function and land cover.  Ecosystem changes will influence temporal and spatial water budget partitioning of precipitation across the watershed with implications on hydrologic partitioning of soil moisture to evapotranspiration (ET), interflow and groundwater recharge.  These changes will affect the resistance and resilience of downstream meadows. We used a combination of field measurements and an integrated groundwater and surface water flow model (GSFLOW) to understand flow within and between three regions: (1) plant canopy to the bottom of the soil zone, (2) surface water bodies and (3) the groundwater system below the soil zone. Model runs simulated tree removal and changes in climate.  Field based measures were used to examine various components of the water-budget such as canopy interception, changes in soil moisture with treatment, and plant transpiration. 


. Camie M. Dencker*, Sherman R. Swanson; University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV


Following wildfire, the Bureau of Land Management customarily follows a 2-year deferral from grazing to allow short-term rehabilitation objectives to be met for burned area stabilization. However, lack of scientific evidence has many rangeland managers and permittees questioning its necessity. Riparian areas are particularly susceptible to concentrated livestock use during the hot season when uplands are senesced. This research sought to quantify riparian condition across channel and watershed attributes, fire severity, and pre- and post-fire grazing-use. We monitored 23-burned streams on public lands in Nevada, selecting reaches of greatest management concern across the watershed. To quantify stream recovery, we used Multiple Indicator Monitoring of Stream Channels and Streamside Vegetation and focused on indictors of riparian condition: greenline plant composition, woody species cover and height, and streambank stability and cover. We quantified watershed and stream channel characteristics in ArcGIS and measured stream gradient and substrate diameter at site. Riparian species composition and community structure were most related to watershed position. Bank stability, species richness, and woody species cover and height increased with duration of recovery periods and decreased with duration of continuous, hot season grazing-use prior to the fires. Bank cover increased with vegetation and streambank stability and moving up in watershed position. Banks were more stable with increased bank cover and decreased fine substrate, stream gradient, and post-fire grazing duration. Over the two-year study, bank stability decreased at sites with increasing fine substrate and grazing-use, which were more common lower in the watershed. Lower positioned sites were grazed the longest, have the lowest values for condition, and may be more susceptible to grazing pressure because of high proportion of fine substrate material. Grazing strategies that reduce the duration of hot season grazing promoted riparian vegetation recovery and bank stability following disturbance, which may help meet post-fire objectives more quickly.




Many species depend on water availability in low-order, headwater streams, which constitute the majority of streams in the Great Basin. Though these streams are important for a variety of reasons, we know very little about their current status (i.e., whether they are perennial or not) and potential responses to drought or other climate-related changes. To address these fundamental questions, we have deployed a series of instrument networks to track year-round patterns of temperature and flow permanence in focal watersheds in the northwest Great Basin, including southeast Oregon, northeast California, and northern Nevada. We have developed robust methods for determining both temperature and stream drying from instrumental records of temperature alone collected in stream channels.  Results from an intensively monitored watershed in southeast Oregon revealed spatially and temporally variable responses to recent wildfire (2012) and drought (2015). Overall, the system exhibited a high degree of climate sensitivity, with implications for vulnerability of threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout.  These findings have prompted a broader, collaborative effort to evaluate climate sensitivity of a much larger sample of streams managed for recovery of Lahontan cutthroat trout across the Great Basin.  Though trout are the focal species, results of this work will have important implications for water-dependent wildlife, livestock grazing uses, and a variety of other values associated with water quality and availability in this arid landscape. 

. Phillip A. Street*1, Jim Sedinger2; 1University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV, 2University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV


Identifying quality habitat is a critical step in the conservation and management of populations.  Species often select habitat that maximizes their fitness in terms of reproduction and survival.  For Greater Sage-grouse, the presence of protein rich forbs is required for chicks to persist and grow on the landscape.  In the Great Basin, many of these forbs are abundant in spring, but die during dry summers, with the exception of forbs found in moisture-rich refuges.  These refuges can be either in the form of wet meadows or at elevations that are high enough to receive more precipitation than the surrounding landscape.  Using known locations of sage-grouse during July and August from 2013 to 2017, we built a year-specific resource selection model to identify these refuges as high quality late summer habitat.  We assessed how the location of sage-grouse on the landscape relative to the predicted late summer habitat quality, affected survival of pre-fledged chicks and adults.  We found that chicks in predicted lower quality habitat did not survive as well as chicks in higher quality habitat.  Alternatively, adults that spent more time in the high quality habitat did not survive as well as adults that were located in habitat of lower quality.  These results suggest that moisture rich refuges are essential for successful reproduction but attending these refuges likely comes at a cost in terms of adult survival.  We hypothesize these cost are due to biotic processes such as density dependence and predation.  We fit the habitat model to a validation dataset located 260 km from where the data used to train the model were collected, and found that the model accurately predicted where the birds were through both space and time.   A predicted surface was created for the entire state of Nevada.  Identifying these areas will help the mangers balance grazing pressure, mining, and energy development in the Great Basin with the long term persistence of sage-grouse.



. Jerry R. Miller*1, Jeanne C. Chambers2, Peter J. Weisberg3, Mark Lord1, Keirith A. Snyder4, Rosemary Carroll5, Erica Fleishman6, Jason B. Dunham7; 1Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, 2USDA Forest Service, Reno, NV, 3University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, 4USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno, NV, 5Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, 6Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 7U.S. Geological Survey, Corvallis, OR


An understanding of the factors that determine watershed resilience to disturbance is a critical aspect of identifying those locations where conservation and restoration actions have the greatest potential for achieving the desired objectives and determining appropriate management strategies. We have developed a resilience-based framework for the Great Basin that is based on a hierarchical, multi-scale classification of watershed and riparian corridor resilience to disturbance.   The framework provides information on the type, magnitude, and rates of ecosystem degradation and is based on the hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic characteristics of the watersheds and their observed responses to disturbance.  We have identified five distinct categorizes of watershed resilience to date, each of which exhibits different potentials for conservation and restoration management. These watershed categories include: (1) stream segments characterized by rapid and extensive incision that has significantly degraded riparian and wet meadow ecosystems. These watersheds exhibit little opportunity for effective restoration and, while often exhibiting currently stable conditions, are prone to renewed incision; (2) stream segments characterized by high magnitude floods and large amounts of highly mobile sediment that leads to frequent and extensive avulsion and widespread reworking of the valley floor. The dynamic nature of these systems inhibit long-term channel stability and the implementation of restoration projects; (3) watersheds and channel systems characterized by slow, but continuous channel incision and, in some cases, localized avulsion. These reaches exhibit the highest potential for restoration; (4) stream reaches characterized by large bed and bank materials that can only be entrained during high magnitude events. These relatively stable reaches are resistant to extensive geomorphic and biotic alterations due to anthropogenic disturbance; and, (5) stream segments that are semi-stable, but exhibit characteristics that make them highly sensitivity to change, thereby requiring aggressive management strategies.



. Kasten Dumroese*1, Jeremiah R. Pinto1, Tara Luna2, Francis F. Kilkenny3, Bryce A. Richardson4, Justin B. Runyon5, Deborah M. Finch6; 1USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID, 2Luna Consulting, East Glacier, MT, 3USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID, 4USDA Forest Service, Provo, UT, 5USDA Forest Service, Bozeman, MT, 6USDA Forest Service, Albuquerque, NM


Greater Sage-grouse and pollinators share dwindling sagebrush habitat in the western United States and thus are currently receiving intense attention from federal, state, tribal, and private land managers. Both rely on a robust availability of forbs; more than 5,000 native plant species grow within the bounds of the sagebrush ecosystem. For Greater Sage-grouse, the invertebrates associated with abundant forbs are a critical source of protein, especially for developing chicks. Given this knowledge, various sage-grouse assessment frameworks and pollinator plant lists encourage use of a broad suite of genetically appropriate native forbs in restoration activities. Despite this, typical seed mixtures specifically for restoration of habitat for Greater Sage-grouse often have very limited numbers of forb species, despite empirical evidence that the best habitat for Greater Sage-grouse may have 30 or more species (with multiple species within genera). Pollinators also require a broad suite of forbs to ensure pollen and nectar are available throughout the growing season. I looked at lists of species preferred and consumed by Greater Sage-grouse and species recommended for pollinating insects. Twelve genera are standouts: milkvetch (Astragalus), balsamroot (Balsamorhiza), mariposa lily (Calochortus), hawksbeard (Crepis), fleabane (Erigeron), buckwheat (Eriogonum), avens (Geum), desert parsley (Lomatium), bluebells (Mertensia), aster (Symphyotrichum), clover (Trifolium), and vetch (Vicia). 

Given the current costs of direct seeding a robust suite of forbs, a management strategy might include direct sowing 6 to 10 “workhorse” species across the restoration area, and then outplanting seedlings of another 15 to 20 species in islands that serve as seed sources and nucleate the restoration area. Such islands might be used to foster connectivity between more pristine sagebrush habitat fragmented by degradation. This idea is not new, but the technique has yet to be thoroughly tested in sagebrush rangelands.

DIVERSITY IS MAGIC: NATIVE SEEDS LEAD TO RESTORATION SUCCESS. Thomas N. Kaye*; Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, OR


Habitat loss is accelerating globally due to changes in land use, invasive species, and climate change.  About 4% of Earth’s flora is near threatened or already extinct according to the IUCN Red List, an in the United States, approximately 20% of all plant species are non-native.  Habitat restoration with high plant diversity is crucial to restore species and ecosystem services.  Plant diversity increases both community stability over time, and diversity of many other organism below and above ground, including pollinators and others.  In some cases, diversity of invasive species can be high and serve some functions of native species diversity, but invaders tend to homogenize plant communities across the landscape, with the same invaders present and abundant and many locations.  Therefore, restoring with natives is key.  Recent replicated and regional experiments in upland and wetland prairie habitat restoration in Oregon have shown that treatments such as fire can improve habitat quality, but they must be combined with seeding native species to increase diversity.  In addition, even after the effects of grassland management treatments fade over time, diversity boosts from seeding tend to persist for at least five years.  If novel plant communities must be restored in highly degraded landscapes, prioritizing native plants that remain in habitat fragments or invaded sites as community members (i.e., species with demonstrated resilience to climate change and invasion), even if they did not historically co-occur, may increase restoration success.  Seeding with native species is necessary to increase diversity, restore habitats, and enhance ecosystem function.


HOW COMMON IS LOCAL ADAPTATION IN THE GREAT BASIN? . Elizabeth A. Leger*1, Owen Baughman2, Alison Agneray2, Erin Espeland3, Rob Fiegener4, Matt Forister2, Matt Horning5, RC Johnson6, Tom Kaye4, Francis F. Kilkenny7, Jeffrey Ott7, Bradley St. Clair8; 1University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 2University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, 3USDA Agricultural Research Service, Sidney, MT, 4Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, OR, 5USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR, 6Washington State University, Pullman, OR, 7USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID, 8USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR


Plants experience variation in natural selection across their range due to differences in biotic and abiotic factors. When adaptive evolution occurs in response to local selective pressures, populations are considered to be locally adapted, and we would expect to observe: 1) differences among populations in phenotypic traits, 2) correlations between these trait values and environmental or other habitat-related variables, and, if reciprocal transplants experiments have been done, 3) higher fitness of local over nonlocal populations in the local’s environment. Focusing on plants native to the Great Basin, we asked how frequently each of these three signatures have been observed in wild populations. We conducted a broad literature search to find published studies that compared phenotypic traits of multiple populations of native Great Basin species in one or more common environments. We located 216 experiments in 170 published studies involving a total of 3650 populations of 124 taxa of forbs, grasses, shrubs and deciduous trees, totaling 326 taxon-unique samples. For each sample, we documented whether each of the three signatures of local adaptation was present, and recorded which traits were involved. Additionally, using published data, we asked which phenotypic traits showed the strongest relationships with mean annual temperature and precipitation. Of the studies suitable for detecting each signature, we found that 95.4% reported population differentiation for at least one trait, 81.4% reported significant trait/environment relationships, and 70.4% reported greater performance of local populations in at least one garden for a fitness-related trait. Results indicate that the prevalence of local adaptation in the Great Basin is similar to results in other systems, with many phenotypic and phenotypic traits varying by environment. Our results indicate that considering local adaptation when selecting seed sources could improve restoration success in this large and increasingly imperiled region.




Seed transfer guidelines are tools that help ensure that seed used in reforestation and restoration is "genetically appropriate" – adapted to local environmental conditions and reproductively compatible with remnant local populations. These tools have been used to guide reforestation practice for nearly a century in forestry, and have recently been adopted for use in the restoration and conservation of non-forest ecosystems, particularly rangelands. In the last 15 years seed transfer guidelines have been constructed for a number of postfire restoration workhorse species in the Great Basin of the western United States. One of the primary goals of the Great Basin Native Plant Project, a partnership between United States Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and over 25 other cooperating groups, is to continue producing seed transfer guidelines for Great Basin restoration species. This talk will give an overview of what we can learn from seed transfer development and use in the Great Basin, and present a vision for the future of seed transfer in a rapidly changing world.

GETTING THE RIGHT SEED: SEED COLLECTION COLLABORATION IN THE GREAT BASIN. Dirk Netz*1, Fred Edwards2, Sarah M. Kulpa3; 1U.S. Forest Service, Sparks, NV, 2Bureau of Land Management, Reno, NV, 3U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reno, NV


Implementing a strategic native seed collection process begins with coordinated efforts between Great Basin regions and states. In Nevada, Federal and State partners are targeting native grasses and forbs for seed collection by seed transfer guidelines. Target species are beneficial to Greater sage-grouse and pollinators, and have some cultivation research completed to show how they will perform in an agricultural setting. The objective is to obtain multiple collections of target species across key seed zones that can be increased through collaborations with the seed industry. Our ultimate goal is to increase the availability of genetically, appropriate native seed to improve the health, diversity, and success of restoration efforts and plant communities in the Great Basin. Here, we discuss the steps taken and lessons learned from our seed collection partnerships in Nevada. 

USE OF SEED ENHANCEMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR OVERCOMING ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC LIMITATIONS TO NATIVE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT/. Matthew D. Madsen*, William C. Richardson, Ryan Call, Benjamin Hoose, Rhett M. Anderson; Brigham Young University, Provo, UT


Rangeland degradation and desertification is a global problem, with many regions of the world experiencing declines in ecosystem goods and services and biodiversity. Often the only means of restoring these lands involves seeding with native species. The sagebrush steppe ecosystem of western North America is an example of a desert system that is undergoing rapid ecological change as wildfires and other disturbances remove native perennial plant communities and convert the system to an exotic annual grassland. Land practitioners currently do not possess the tools needed to consistently reestablish native plants into these degraded landscapes. In this presentation, we will examine limiting factors impairing seedling establishment and show how seed enhancement technologies have the potential to overcome these identified barriers to restoration success. We will specifically share how seed enhancement technologies have the potential to improve seed delivery, protect seeds from predation and pathogen attack, improve seed germination timing, minimize mortality from freezing soils, preserve seed energy levels, and enhance seedling vigor to promote survival under drought conditions. These seed enhancement strategies have the potential to dramatically improve the effectiveness of seeding treatments that are intended to protect or restore the diversity and productivity of arid land ecosystems.


A DEMAND-SIDE ANALYSIS OF THE NATIVE SEED INDUSTRY IN NEVADA. Michael H. Taylor*; University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV

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