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been ruined. Though they had been created for centuries. Now everything there 
has been destroyed. Now we have a task to end the occupation, achieve peace, 
liberate the occupied territories, restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, return 
the refugees  home. The refugees will defi nitely return. But it will take a lot of time 
to restore everything in the occupied territories. So we have so many diffi culties 
that you can not even imagine. The liberation of the occupied territories and the 
restoration of our territorial integrity are the main issues on the agenda. We want to 
solve the confl ict peacefully.     
Some people call for the military way of solution of the problem. But those people 
will not go to war, if the war breaks out. But the responsibility lies on the government. 
The war would cause many losses. Because each party has its army to fi ght. The 
ceasefi re achieved by us allows stabilizes the situation in the country, develops the 
domestic economy and protects the human lives. Do you remember how many 
people we have lost in the war? Perhaps  you have visited the Martyrs` Avenue. 
What you saw is just a migure part of what had happened. Therefore, we strive 
to solve the confl ict peacefully. However, it is too hard because of the destructive 
position of Armenia. The Armenian government uses the factor of occupation of our 
territories. But I still believe that we have a chance to settle the problem peacefully. 
Unlike other people, I take into account the future perspectives. 
What shall we do then? Later we have to rebuild hospitals, schools, houses. What 
the refugees used to have in the occupied territories has been destroyed. So we have 
to recreate everything. It will take a lot of time and fi nances. We have a big problem 
to solve. But I want to achieve its solution. I want to liberate our occupied territories, 
restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan peacefully. The second part of our job 
will take many years. Tomorrow you will visit a refugee camp in Sabirabad. The 
refugees there have been living in hard condition for eight years. They will welcome 
you cordially. They will not complain so much. I like your initiative to visit at least 
one refugee camp in order to learn the hard conditions that the refugees live in. 
I think that our forum was successful. The documents adopted by you are of great 
importance for us. Perhaps you will send them to international organizations. It will 
be a big support for us. You just mentioned that over half of the population of the 
world is female. We have such a tendency in our country, too. Woman is a big power. 
What would men do without women? But it would be hard for women without men 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

either. As a man I have to say that there is no life without women. Women are worthy 
people. We can be proud that our people have achieved so much. Now our women 
are free, they take an active part in the society, 50-60 per cent of the teachers at our 
schools is female. This is a tendency of the former Soviet Union. 
Now the Soviet Union is being criticized too much. There are enough reasons 
for that. I shall never forget the Soviet period. No one should do that. Because 
without the Soviet period our countries would have never won such  big economic, 
political, social, cultural and intellectual potentials, which became the basis for our 
independence. Our countries created schools, hospitals, infrastructure then. They 
were created for decades. Therefore, I think that we shall solve all our problems. I 
am optimistic about our future. We need and shall pass this transitional period. 
I thank you once more. Please, convey my regards to the Ukrainian women. 
Everybody loves women. I love women. The Azerbaijani women mean a lot to 
me. There was an armed attempt to overthrow the government in 1994. It was a 
complicated period then. I had been President for one year. The people who attempted 
coup d`etat were armed. Then I addressed to our people on TV. It was 10 or 11 p.m. 
I asked our people to save our statehood. Two hours later the square was full of 
people. Nearly half of a million people gathered there, even though there was no 
transport at night. When I met them, I saw a lot of women among those people.  
I was impressed when I saw the women with children in their arms. They 
assembled there without fear. It would be easier for men. But the women came 
there. Our women have always supported me. 
Maria Orlik: By the way, they organized this forum with your approval. The 
Azerbaijani women are incredibly active. They had prepared all the documents and 
sent to other republics. So we came here prepared. We read all the documents and 
projects before the forum. You have very good women. 
Heydar Aliyev: Thank you. Please, convey my regards to the women of Ukraine 
and Georgia. Please, convey my best regards to my friends Leonid Kuchma and 
Eduard Shevardnadze. 
Then President Heydar Aliyev and the participants took a picture for memory. 
President of Azerbaijan looked through the book «The Women of Ukraine» 
presented by Maria Orlik. He charged Zahra Guliyeva, chair of the State Committee 
of Women Problems to publish such a book about the prominent women of 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

Maria Orlik: Heydar Aliyevich, this book includes biographies of three thousand 
women starting with Olga of Kiev. 
Heydar Aliyev: It is a very good book. 
Member of the Ukrainian parliament Elena Bondarenko addressed President 
Heydar Aliyev: 
Let me wish you the best. You are a wise leader of the Azerbaijani women.
Heydar Aliyev: Please, convey my regards to Ivan Plyushch. He visited Azerbaijan. 
Do you have many female members in your parliament?
Elena Bondarenko: There are 37 women in our parliament. There are less women 
MPs than men. I think that your wise leadership will set a good example for us, 
Heydar Aliyev: At least, there are women MPs, though their number is not so 
Chair of the Women`s Council of the Congress of the Ukrainian Azerbaijanis 
Metanet Rzayeva addressed President Heydar Aliyev: 
I want to convey you the best regards of the Azerbaijanis of Ukraine. I can`t 
express my feelings. I shall tell our women that I met you. I always hear only the 
best about you wherever I am. I was told how you helped the reconstruction of Kiev 
Conservatory. Your name is mentioned only positively everywhere. We are proud 
of your deeds. We feel your support even in Ukraine. Your friendship with Leonid 
Kuchma has a good impact on our relations.
Maria Orlik: The Congress of  the Ukrainian Azerbaijanis is an active organization. 
Over half of a million Azerbaijanis live in Ukraine.
Heydar Aliyev: I am informed about it. It has offi ces in every region of Ukraine. 
The Azerbaijanis in Ukraine voted for Leonid Kuchma.
Metanet Rzayeva: In Ukraine there is few information about the processes on 
going in Azerbaijan. We try to inform the Ukrainian society about Azerbaijan as 
much as possible.
Heydar Aliyev: It is good. But Fatma khanum should be concerned of it. There 
is less information about Azerbaijan not only in Ukraine, but in other countries, as 
well. It is an important issue. By the way, we shall organize the Assembly of the 
Azerbaijanis of the World in November. 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

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