Review of the eu biodiversity strategy to 2020

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EU Target or Action

EU Target 1
(Please note that information from EU Member States in relation to Action 1a is supplied to the European Commission via other reports. To avoid duplication of reporting, information relating to EU Action 1a has not been included in this report)

Action 1b: Natura 2000 (and other protected areas)

Flemish region:

Extensive participatory process and consultations on Natura 2000 management programme and conservation objectives and implementation with other authorities and stakeholders aim to enhance the integration of species and habitat protection into land and water use policies and spatial planning. Specific cooperation agreements are being developed with each of those actors.

Consultation for a have been established with other administrations and with stakeholders on regional level and on site level. In the first fase to establish the conservation objectives for each habitat, species and site and now in the second fase for development of management plans, identify measures and actors. The designation acts including the conservation objectives and priority measures were adopted by the Government of Flanders and have been published in October 2014 – these objectives and measures are now being screened in other plans: water, spatial planning and land use policies, existing nature and forest management plans.
Brussels-Capital Region:

The Regional Nature Plan (in development) foresees the following measures:

  • Promote the participative management of public green spaces;

  • Adopt an operational action plan for the conservation and the development of the brussels ecological network

  • Install a ‘nature facilitator’ service aimed towards the developers of plans and projects;

  • Promote good management practices of the green spaces.

  • Adopt multifunction management plans for all regional parcs

Walloon Region:

Depuis leur sélection en 2002, les sites Natura 2000 bénéficient d'un régime de protection primaire prévu par :

  • la protection des espèces animales et végétales, précisée dans la LCN (art. 2 (protection des oiseaux), art 2bis (protection des autres groupes d’espèces animales), art 3 (protection des espèces végétales))

  • la protection des habitats naturels, due à une disposition particulière du CWATUPE (art 84 §1 er 12°): permis d’urbanisme pour défrichement et modification de la végétation dans les Habitats d’intérêt communautaire (HIC) tant qu’ils ne sont pas couverts par un AD.

  • le principe de la conditionnalité des aides agricoles qui porte sur le respect de certaines directives européennes dont la Directive Oiseaux et la Directive Habitats, desquelles découlent Natura 2000.

  • La législation générale sur l’évaluation des incidences comme prévu par le permis d’environnement/permis unique (du décret du 11 mars 1999 relatif au permis d’environnement) et le permis d’urbanisme (CWATUPE). De plus, l’étude appropriée des incidences (EAI) est appliquée de part l’Effet direct de l’art. 6.3. de la directive Habitats lorsqu’il y a risque d’impact significatif d’un projet ou d’un plan sur un site Natura 2000.

  • L’avis du DNF est également requis dans le cadre général des demandes des permis d’urbanisme, d’environnement et des permis uniques.

De plus, depuis le 13 janvier 2011, suite à une modification de la Loi sur la Conservation de la Nature, un ensemble de mesures générales s'appliquent à tous les sites sélectionnés (art. 28bis de la LCN relatif au régime de protection primaire).

  • l’interdiction générale de détériorer les habitats naturels et de perturber les espèces (art. 28, §1er LCN)

  • les interdictions générales et autres mesures préventives générales (art. 28, § 2, 4, 5, 6 et 7 LCN)

  • l’application de l’art 29§2 de la LCN sur l’étude appropriée des incidences (et donc non plus par l’effet direct de la Directive habitats)

Les mesures générales ont été révisées via l’AGW du 24 mars 2011 afin de préciser une série d’actes soumis à interdiction (par ex : plantation de résineux), autorisation (ex : labour de prairies permanentes) ou notification (par ex : l’implantation d’un hébergement temporaire dans le cadre des mouvements de jeunesse) ainsi que les dispositions concernant les ilots de conservation.

Les mesures de gestion des 59 sites désignés sont inclues dans leur Arrêté de designation.
Le code forestier, en son art. 57, prévoit que tous les bois et forêts publiques, d’une superficie supérieure à vingt hectares d’un seul tenant, sont soumis à un plan d’aménagement devant contenir le rappel des mesures de conservation liées au réseau Natura 2000.
Les zones protégées en vertu du §18 du code de l’eau comprennent les sites Natura 2000 pertinents. Pour ces zones protégées, il est prévu d’établir un ou plusieurs programmes de surveillance systématique (art. D19). De plus, l’Art. D.22 prévoit, en rendant opérationnels les programmes de mesures prévus dans les plans de gestion, d'assurer le respect de toutes les normes et de tous les objectifs pour les aires protégées au plus tard le 22 décembre 2015.
Le plan de gestion des wateringues prévu par le code de l’eau intègre les objectifs de gestion et interdictions établis par les arrêtés, pris en vertu de la LCN, portant désignation du ou des sites Natura 2000.
Les mesures du Programme wallon de développement rural 2007-2013 : telles

  • Dans l'axe 3, la mesure « Conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine rural » (mesure 323) vise la restauration de milieux ouverts ainsi que l’exploitation de résineux en vue d’avoir un impact positif sur les paysages et aussi sur la biodiversité.

  • Dans l’axe 2, les mesures 214 « paiements agro environnementaux », 213 « indemnité Natura 2000 pour les agriculteurs », et 224 « indemnités Natura 2000 pour les forestiers ».

Le PDR 2014-2020 est en discussion avec la Commission et sera adopté en 2015, il prévoit également des indemnités et des subventions à la restauration

Data links:

Action 1c: Natura 2000 (and other protected areas)

Flemish Region:

To finalise the realisation of the Natura 2000 network and provide good management of the Natura 2000 sites:

  • The conservation objectives and measures were established in consultation with the concerned actors;

  • The Agency for Nature and Forests manages its own green spaces with focus on the realisation of the conservation objectives;

  • Stop the decline of species of European conservation concern and stimulate their recovery to achieve a favourable conservation status through the development of species protection plans and support to species protection measures.

  • The Agency for Nature and Forests tries to align its policy in relation to green spaces and elements in the city with the societal needs (GidS project: Groen in de Stad – replaced by the programme ‘natuur in je buurt’) and supports and realises urban and suburban green projects.

  • Implementation of Natura 2000 through development of Strategic Site Management Plans and Management Contracts, priority setting for acquisition of land, protocols for cooperation (e.g. with ministry of Defence, Port Authorities), agri-environment contracts, financial support of nature development and management projects of local authorities and Regional Landscape Organisations and private land owners.

The designation acts including the conservation objectives and priorities have been approved on 24/04/2014 for all SCI and overlapping SPA, together with an overall plan for implementation to realise the priorities set for 2020 for the habitats and the species of European concern, to tackle environmental pressures on the sites, and to enhance cooperation with other actors and stakeholders. The Decree for Nature Conservation has been adapted to include the concept of Integrated Nature Management Plan as uniform plan system for nature, forest, park areas; and a renewed system for financial support of private owners cooperating in nature management plans.

Walloon Region:

Core areas with official protection status, or effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas: the Nature

Department of the Walloon Region continues to strictly protect natural sites through the following status: government nature reserve (Réserves Naturelles domaniales (RND)), chartered nature reserve (Réserves Naturelles agréees (RNA)), forest reserve (Réserves Forestières (RF)), wetlands of biological interest (Zones Humides d’Interêt Biologique (ZHIB)), and underground cavity of scientific interest (Cavités Souterraines d’Interêt Scientifique (CSIS ), in order to protect important sites for species and habitats.
59 Natura 2000 sites (25 351,18ha) have had their designation orders adopted and have thus, in addition to the general measures applied to all Natura 2000 sites, specific measures wich count for their managament plan.

  • Les mesures générales consistent en une série d'interdictions et d'actes soumis à autorisation ou à notification prévues par l’AGW du 24 mars 2011.

  • Des mesures particulières prévues par l’arrêté dit « arrêté catalogue » fixent les types d’unités de gestion susceptibles d’être délimitées au sein d’un site Natura 2000 ainsi que les interdictions et mesures préventives particulières qui y sont applicable (AGW du 19 mai 2011). Cet arrêté « catalogue » complète le régime de protection des sites Natura 2000 par des mesures particulières aux habitats et espèces après désignation.

  • Des mesures spécifiques aux habitats et espèces présents dans les sites qui seront comprises dans les arrêtés de désignation. Ces arrêtés sont en cours de finalisation. Ils se baseront sur l’arrêté catalogue dans la mesure où ce dernier contient la « légende » de la cartographie des unités de gestion et des mesures qui s’y appliquent. La cartographie des unités de gestion est en effet nécessaire à leur désignation. Celle ci est en cours de finalisation.

La désignation officielle du reste des sites natura 2000 est en cours.

Brussels Capital Region

The Regional Nature Plan (in development) foresees the following measures:

  • Conformément aux procédures définies aux articles 44, 50 et 52 de l’ordonnance du 1er mars 2012 relative à la conservation de la nature, le Gouvernement adoptera les arrêtés de désignation des trois zones Natura 2000, les 48 plans de gestion et le cas échéant, conclura des contrats de gestion avec les propriétaires et occupants concernés

  • Ensure the implementation of the ecological network;

  • To optimise the articulation between the different systems for the protection of green spaces;

  • The different policy levels competent for the ecological management of public green spaces should adopt a common language;

  • Develop and implement plans for multifunctional management of green spaces;

  • Develop and implement an ecological management plan for the railway verges and green spaces related to roadways.

Federal level: North Sea:

The ‘MMM’ (Marien Milieu Marin) act of 20 January 1999 on the protection of the marine environment in sea areas under Belgian jurisdiction establishes the legal basis for the protection of the Belgian part of the North Sea against sea-related pollution and for the conservation, restoration and development of nature.

The Royal Decree of 14 October 2005 establishes five marine protected areas (Trapegeer Stroombank, Vlakte van de Raan, SBZ1, SBZ2 and SBZ3), all part of the Natura 2000 network. In 2008, the Vlakte van de Raan designation is nullified by the Court of Justice. The Royal Decree of 5 March 2007 establishes a 0.6 km2 marine reserve (Baai van Heist); the Royal Decree of 5 November 2012 increases the Natura 2000 to approx. 1000 km2 under the new site name “Vlaamse Banken”). In 2009 management plans have been approved for the then designated protected areas. In 2013 zoning restriction are being proposed in the site Vlaamse Banken; this is part of the proposed Marine Spatial Plan.
Data links:

Flemish Region:

  • The species protection plans that are being implemented concern various bat species under the LIFE project BatAction (also including awareness raising, restoration of habitats in forts), hamster (re-introduction programme with 60 specimens and monitoring of the population, cooperation with farmers), and some indicator butterfly and plant species of heath habitats.

  • Species protection plans for fish species have been evaluated and reviewed, and for the eel pilot projects are running and a monitoring scheme has been developed.

  • Development and implementation of species action plans, contracts with land owners for species protection measures (meadow birds, hamster, farmland birds), financial support for birds rehabilitation centres, research for re-introduction projects (e.g. fish species).

  • Priority species of European concern have been listed for development and implementation of species action programmes

Brussels-Capital Region:

The Regional Nature Plan (in development) foresees the following measure: to develop and implement action plans for the restoration and development of species population with a regional or community interest, with priority given to wetland and aquatic species.

Walloon Region:

  • Chapter II of the law on the conservation of nature protects a list of animal and plant species.

  • The law on the conservation of nature allows also that municipalities take more stringent measures for the protection of animal and plant species. This could be a good way to protect particular sites such as the migration routes of amphibians. Unfortunately, municipalities rarely use this possibility.

  • Action plans for species are runningfor the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis), the common European adder (Vipera berus), the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita), the marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) and the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata).

  • More localised actions are implemented for the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and the whinchat (Saxicola rubetra).

  • Other projects aim to improve the status of threatened populations of fish species.

  • Several LIFE-project and restoration projects are favourable to populations of threatened species (three butterfly species are also targeted: Euphydryas aurinia, Lycaena helle and Lycaena dispar).

  • Study and scientific monitoring in order to restore populations of the Atlantic salmon; inventory of obstacles for fish circulation in the hydrographical network, etc.

Federal level:

As part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, an environmental objective has been defined for the harbour porpoise in the Belgian part of the North Sea. This objective aims to reduce by 2020 the annual bycatch levels of this species to levels below 1.7% of its population size (which is also the OSPAR Ecological Quality Objective EcoQO).

Data links for status and trends on main species groups:

Data links for information on projects:

Action 1d: Natura 2000 (and other protected areas)

Flemish Region:

Transboundary cooperation is taken up to finalise the realisation of the Natura 2000 network and provide good management of the Natura 2000 sites:

  • Together with the Netherlands: transboundary ecological planning processes.

  • Together with France: conservation measures for the coastal zone.

To enhance participation in implementation land and forest owners receive technical and financial support for training sessions.

Exchange of information and experience is promoted through specific websites.
Walloon Region:

The Walloon Region supports this and participates in the process.

A l’échelle wallonne, l’asbl Natagriwal a également pour mission de communiquer sur les possibilités de restauration et peut accompagner les propriétaires et gestionnaires à élaborer leurs projets
Data links:

Action 2: Adequate financing of Natura 2000

Flemish region

On yearly basis project calls are launched to enable local authorities and landowners to carry out small-scale restoration and management actions in Natura 2000. Projects under the LIFE and INTERREG programme are promoted as leverage to enhance cooperation, awareness raising and long-term conservation actions.

Data link:

Action 3a: Stakeholder awareness and enforcement

Flemish Region:

Awareness campaigns are organised on regular basis (by the regional nature authority, local authotities and NGOs) on the needs to involve all sectors in the conservation of nature values:

  • Organisation of campaigns i.e. in relation with port development, transport infrastructure, military domains;

  • Information sessions for stakeholders, other administrations and local authorities on Natura 2000 and the process for development of conservation objectives;

  • Training sessions for local authorities for the management of parks and green spaces;

  • Organisation of project calls for afforestation projects, Natura 2000 management actions, and competition for the best project idea for greening cities.

  • Communication and awareness actions under each of the LIFE projects

Brussels-Capital Region:

The Regional Nature Plan (in development) also proposes initiatives to increase comprehension of issues of nature and the city, and to encourage adoption of practices that facilitate their coexistence.

The proposed plan provides for developing informative initiatives to promote the image of Brussels - green city, nature city - and to strengthen partnerships with the numerous associations active in protection and raising awareness of nature.

Finally, participatory management of local green spaces will also be supported to encourage public adoption and involvement.

Walloon Region:

Several actions to raise awareness on biodiversity and Natura 2000 are undertaken:

  • Awareness campaigns by the administration (many brochures, media campaigns, informative sessions, etc.)

  • The website ‘La biodiversité en Wallonie’:

L’asbl Natagriwal : A l’échelle wallonne, l’asbl Natagriwal a également pour mission de communiquer sur les possibilités de restauration et peut accompagner les propriétaires et gestionnaires à élaborer leurs projets.

The network of ‘Centres Régionaux d’Initiation à l’Environnement’ (CRIE) is made of centres for environmental education and awareness; their actions are mainly (but not exclusively) oriented towards school children aged 6-12

  • One of the objectives of the natural parks is to inform their visitors and raise awareness on biodiversity

  • Most LIFE projects include public awareness activities

  • Naturalists’ associations organise public awareness and education activities oriented towards nature conservation (e.g. excursions, visits of nature reserves, management of nature reserves, publications, etc.) or towards specific thematic areas (e.g. forests, quality of watercourses, etc.)

  • Through partnerships such as the river contracts, ‘Plans Communaux de Développement de la Nature’, the road verges operation, the 'Semaine de l'Arbre', etc.

  • Through the 'Plan Maya' on bees and pollinators

  • The TV program 'Jardin extraordinaire' of the French Community addresses nature and biodiversity topics from Belgium and worldwide

  • Other associations such as GAWI (integrated and biological fruit production) and CARI (protection of pollinators) receive support from the Walloon Region to raise awareness on biodiversity

Television information spots on Natura 2000:

La Société Royale Forestière (SRF), la Fédération wallonne de l’agriculture (FWA), Nature Terre et Forêts (NTF).
Le DNF organise deux fois par an des rencontres avec le collège des magistrats. Le DNF a prévenu les notaires pour ce qui est des dispositions en matière d’exonération liée à Natura 2000.

EU Target or Action

EU Target 2

Flemish Region:

Information available on Natura 2000 progress on page 119 of Belgium 5NR regarding the conservation objectives of Natura 2000 sites and of species of European interest wide spread, restoration and re-development projects which have been carried out mainly through LIFE projects, and will be further initiated through the implementation plan for Natura 2000 and the Prioritised Action Framework including:

  • Agri-environment measures support to restore the connectivity between sites, to enhance habitat quality of species dependent on agricultural landscapes, to prevent erosion problems.

  • Specific measures for river banks also contribute to connectivity aspects and to improving water quality in general.

  • Through afforestation projects and restorarion of peatlands and wetlands contribution to fixation of carbon is enhanced

The Environment and Nature Policy plan includes measures to reduce air, water and soil pollution.

The action plan for sustainable use of pesticide was adopted on 1 March 2013.
The state of the environment is reported in a 2-yearly report MIRA –

In 2009, on 74 % of the Flemish nature area (forest, heathland and species-rich grassland) the critical load for eutrophication was exceeded. For forest, the figure is 100 %. For heathland and species-rich grassland, it is 90 % and 16 % respectively. Besides tackling deposition rates by general measures a specific programme on nitrogen issues has been initiated under the implementation of Natura 2000, the programmatic approach for nitrogen (PAS). Main aims in the first phase of this programme are to develop and refine deposition scans, identify zones with highest vulnerabilities and zones imperative for nature conservation, list possible restoration measures. Measures to improve environmental quality at local level will be focused on vulnerable and threatened habitat types and on Natura 2000 to contribute to reaching or improving conservation status of habitats and species of European concern.

Walloon Region:

Information available on Natura 2000 progress on page 119 of Belgium 5NR regarding the resilience of ecosystems to climate change is improved by the protection and restoration measures listed in relation to Aichi Targets 10, 11 and 14. The contribution of ecosystems to the capture of carbon is also improved through these measures. The restoration of degraded ecosystems is mainly done through Life projects, restoration projects in nature reserves, AEM; There is a Walloon working group on restoration.

In 2007, about 6% of the forest surface and almost the entire surface of open spaces (heathlands, swamps, peat bogs,) in the Walloon Region was affected by nitrogenous depositions superior to the acceptable level of eutrophying nitrogen. At the forest level, the situation improved substantially thanks to a reduction of atmospheric fallout of nitrogen. This is not the case for the other semi-natural ecosystems (in particular oligotrophic environments) which remain extremely vulnerable to such perturbations.

Concerning acidification, the situation is now far less problematic given the fact that the affected forest surfaces went from 90% (1990) to 10% (2007). This evolution proves the positive effects of measures implemented to reduce the atmospheric emissions of acidifying pollutants of 50 to 60% (between 1990 and 2010) in the Walloon Region and Europe.

List of Walloon tools and measures in place for this target:

  • The Forestry Code forbids the utilisation of pesticides. The only exceptions are defined by the Walloon government to combat certain diseases or invasive alien species that threaten the indigenous fauna and flora.

  • The Forestry Code also offers the possibility to impose the utilisation of vegetal oil for chain saws and other forestry exploitation tools.

  • The use of herbicides is forbidden in some public areas such as parks, waterways, ponds and lakes, road verges and ditches.

  • The Water Code and some resulting plans and programs:

- the ‘Plans d’Assainissement par Sous-bassin Hydrographiques’ PASH define the decontamination and clean up regime for the relevant areas

- the programme for the sustainable management of nitrogen is the application of the Nitrate Directive (part of the Water Framework Directive)

  • The Environment Code and certain resulting dispositions:

- the environmental permit and ‘permis unique’

- studies about the impact on the environment

  • The evaluation of incidences is imposed for all plans and projects that could affect a Natura 2000 site in a significant way.

  • 159 municipalities have signed the ‘Plan Maya’ thereby committing themselves 1) to put in place a plan to reduce the use of pesticides and 2) to manage green spaces more ecologically.

  • In the framework of the implementation of the Walloon decree on soil management, an inventory of (potentially) polluted soils is currently in development.

  • Reduction in the use of inorganic and organic fertilizers and pesticides: the utilisation of phytopharmaceutical products and of nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilisers is decreasing. Concerning the fertilisers, this tendency results from a more rational use of fertilisers and from the implementation of measures of the programme of sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture. The Walloon authorities have elaborated a pesticides reduction programme to further decrease their use.

Micropollutants in surface waters: evaluations performed during the period 2005-2010 indicated that about 30% of the Walloon surface waters are in a bad chemical situation. To remediate this, additional measures are foreseen in the Walloon programme for the reduction of pesticides and in the projects of the hydrographical districts management plans. They aim, among others, to install buffer zones along surface waters and to re-evaluate and better control environmental permits.

Brussels-Capital Region:

The Regional Nature Plan (in development) foresees the following measures:

  • To ensure an adequate protection and management of the sites with a high biological value and to ensure the implementation of the ecological network

  • To develop an integrated vision for the preservation and restoration of (ancient) agricultural zones and sites

  • To strengthen the presence of nature in public spaces and spaces associated with transport infrastructure

  • To strengthen the presence of nature on and around buildings

  • To implement the management plans within the protected sites

  • The different policy levels competent for the ecological management of public green spaces should adopt a common language

  • To develop and implement plans for the multifunctional management of green spaces

  • To develop and implement an ecological management plan for the railway verges

  • To develop and implement an ecological management plan for green spaces related to roadways

Federal level:

The Belgian science policy office finances the project COBIMFO aiming at: (i) providing a baseline reference data on the C-balance and biodiversity in pristine and intervened dense tropical forests of the Congo Basin and (ii) increasing understanding in the relationship between both variables as a function of forest management and degradation:

In 2012, the increase of the ecosystems resilience is one of the underpinning elements of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive (Belgische Staat 2012. Omschrijving van Goede Milieutoestand en vaststelling van Milieudoelen voor de Belgische mariene wateren. Kaderrichtlijn Mariene Strategie – Art 9 & 10. BMM, Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu, Brussel, België, 34 pp.).
A federal plan to adapt to climate change is finalised and is still waiting adoption by the government.
Strong efforts are made to reduce air pollution from transportation and settelments.
Data links: [to be updated by the Member State] [to be updated by the Member State]

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