Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About MoneyThat the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

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Rich Dad Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About MoneyThat

Finding My Path
I know some of you are now asking: Why is he spending so much time
talking about non-traditional education courses?
The reason is, that first personal-development seminar rekindled my
love of learning, but not the type of learning that is taught in school. Once
that seminar was over, I became a seminar junkie, going from seminar to
seminar, finding out more about the connection between my body, my mind,
my emotions, and my spirit.
The more I studied, the more curious about traditional education I
became. I began to ask questions such as:
• Why do so many kids hate school?

• Why do so few kids like school?
• Why are many highly educated people not successful in the real
• Does school prepare you for the real world?
• Why did I hate school but love learning?
• Why are most schoolteachers poor?
• Why do schools teach us little about money?
Those questions led me to become a student of education outside the
hallowed walls of the school system. The more I studied, the more I
understood why I did not like school and why schools failed to serve most
of its students, even the “A” students.
My curiosity touched my spirit, and I became an entrepreneur in
education. If not for this curiosity, I might never have become an author and
a developer of financial-education games. My spiritual education led me to
my path in life.
It seems that our paths in life are not found in our minds. Our path in
life is to find out what is in our hearts.
This does not mean a person cannot find their path in traditional
education. I am sure many do. I am just saying that I doubt I would have
found my path in traditional school.
Why Is a Path Important?
We all know people who make a lot of money, but hate their work. We
also know people who do not make a lot of money and hate their work. And
we all know people who just work for money.
A classmate of mine from the Merchant Marine Academy also realized
he did not want to spend his life at sea. Rather than sail for the rest of his
life, he went to law school after graduation, spending three more years
becoming a lawyer and entering private practice in the S quadrant.

He died in his early fifties. He had become a very successful, unhappy
lawyer. Like me, he had two professions by the time he was 26. Although
he hated being a lawyer, he continued being a lawyer because he had a
family, kids, a mortgage, and bills to pay.
A year before he died, I met him at a class reunion in New York. He
was a bitter man. “All I do is sweep up behind rich guys like you. They pay
me nothing. I hate what I do and who I work for.”
“Why don’t you do something else?” I asked.
“I can’t afford to stop working. My first child is entering college.”
He died of a heart attack before she graduated.
He made a lot of money via his professional training, but he was
emotionally angry, spiritually dead, and soon his body followed.
I realize this is an extreme example. Most people do not hate what they
do as much as my friend did. Yet it illustrates the problem when a person is
trapped in a profession and unable to find their path.
To me, this is the shortcoming of traditional education. Millions of
people leave school, only to be trapped in jobs they do not like. They know
something is missing in life. Many people are also trapped financially,
earning just enough to survive, wanting to earn more but not knowing what
to do.
Without awareness of the other quadrants, many people go back to
school and look for new professions or pay raises in the E or S quadrant,
unaware of the world of the B and I quadrants.

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