Sarsenbaev Alisher is 1st-year student of the zooengineering faculty of the Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology

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Alisher (inglis til 2)

Sarsenbaev Alisher is 1st-year student of the zooengineering faculty of the Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology

The United Kingdom
The official name of the UK is ‘The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’.
The longest river is the River Severn. Other main rivers are the Thames, Tay and Tyne.
England has the largest population (number of people who live there) in the UK.
The population of the UK is
around 64 million!
5,000 years ago the UK was covered
in thick forest.
Many small islands belong to the UK such as the Isle of Wight and the Isle of Man.
The largest lake is Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland at 151 square miles.
The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
The mountain, Ben Nevis is the highest point in the UK at 1344m.
The official London home of the Queen is Buckingham Palace.
The most
northern point is Dunnet Head in the North of
The most southern point is Lizard Point in Cornwall.
Top 5 biggest Cities of the UK:

The currency in the UK is the pound sterling.
Elizabeth II is the Queen of the UK.
The capital city of the UK is London, England.
The End
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