Scripting: channels showGraphEditor now also accepts a channel group index parameter

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20.8.3 (initial release) (2021/03/17)

10936 Added buttons to copy gradient colors in the color selector
10873 Use new open and save dialogs everywhere in the program itself
11012 ZGE Visualizer: added warning when exporting uncompressed video files
10971 ZGE Visualizer: use new open and save dialogs

10998 Automation of the mix level knob for effect slots is compensated by the wrong latency value
11031 Envelope editors don't show hints when the mouse cursor is moved over them
10974 Linked controls are updated in increments of 2 instead of 1 for the Fire controller
10913 Env Editor: hints do not follow FL hints rules
10654 Crash with audio loop recording in FL 20.8.1
10263 Gradient editor in colour selector gets wrong colour for defaults
11011 It's not possible to select an empty filter group in the Channel Rack
9032 Note color in the piano roll is different when the color dialog is opened and accepted
10246 "Render all playlist tracks" (and track groups) doesn't render from the song start
11038 Render to DWP file holds a lock on the resulting file so it can't be deleted
11004 Some colors can't be selected in the color dialog if the "safe colors" option is enabled
10970 The audio clip list in the Picker Panel is not updated after rendering the pattern
11006 The same size is shown in the render window when trying to render a 24 bit or 32 bit wave file
11016 The selected Channel Rack filter group is not remembered
10984 DirectWave: the about screen doesn't display a waveform at 200% scaling
11040 Distructor: incorrect value shown in the control popup menu when used in Patcher
10941 DrumSynth Live: incorrect hint for the OSC 2 envelope shape
11008 DX10: the sound is different in version 20.8.2 compared to earlier versions
590 Edison: plugin window doesn't snap to edges when resizing
11047 Edison: metadata is not saved to wave file
10937 FPC: the pad popup menu affects the selected pad instead of the one that was clicked on
10935 FPC: no hint shown for pads
11033 GMS: the preset list doesn't have a scroll bar
10983 Maximus: inconsistent selector types for the Time smoothing option in the Options menu
10994 Maxx plugins: visual glitches when using 300% legacy scaling
11018 Slicex: trigger notes are not saved
11001 Stereo Shaper: some visuals are misaligned
11057 Wrapper: the sidechain menu treats entries that start with "-" as a caption
10925 Delay 3: crash when tweaking controls

10940 The Detached option is enabled for plugins that can't be attached but have to remain detached.
10258 Various visual bugs related to using multiple screens

20.8.2 (2021/02/25)

10657 Improve the project size warning dialog
4838 In the channel settings window, show what stretch mode is used when Auto is selected
4953 Open either the channel rack or the playlist depending on where you click on the Pat/Song switch
10692 Plugins can now send note off velocity for preview notes
10779 Show a warning message on exit if the user changed the language
4620 Added "Ungroup selected" item in popup menu for patterns in the picker panel
10662 3xOsc: add context aware type-in value support
10738 Control Surface: added "Scrollbar color" property for the keyboard control
10819 FL Keys: added context aware type-in value support
FL Studio Mobile updated to v3.5 (
7005 FPC: pads can now be duplicated by drag and drop
10683 Parametric EQ 2: Add note snap values from band token popup to frequency knob popup?
10499 Tuner: response time (previous fast mode) can now be defined with more precision
2758 ZGE Visualizer: allow export of final output audio
10836 Scripting: added device.getLinkedParamName function
10832 Scripting: added device.getLinkedValueString function
10830 Scripting: added Next and Previous preset selection functions in plugin module
9735 Scripting: show text values for Keyboard Controller, DX10, DrumSynth Live, Kick and Plucked

#9311 Various improvements to work properly under Rosetta 2 on Apple Silicon

6850 Access violation while loop recording
10252 "Clone with links" doesn't show when the automation clip isn't selected in the channel rack
10355 Color dialog's random button only uses a limited range
10356 Color dialog's random button doesn't pick unsafe colors if the "lock to safe colors" option is off
10789 Crash report: reset time stretch while a 3rd party plugin is open
10797 Crash unlocking FL Studio
6867 Crash when steps in the step sequencer change
10731 Empty project is opened unnecessarily at program startup
10693 Different hints on the Fire display and in the program
10655 First point of merged automation clip can get lost in some cases
6868 Freeze when loop recording runs out of playlist tracks
10559 Notes in the graph editor show zero for the octave
10609 Crash in tempo detection
10902 No save dialog when you exit the program in trial mode after making changes
10732 Piano roll: looped ghost notes are shown on top of real notes that cross the loop marker
10667 Pressing cancel on the restart message after unlock doesn't close the unlock window
10918 Recording to an audio track doesn't place clips on that track (or subtracks of it)
10746 "Set" menu item is missing in plugin parameter popups
4834 Selecting items in the browser sometimes shows "Loading: Startsnd.wav" as a hint
10760 The channel rack doesn't switch to "All" when all channels in a filter group are deleted
10696 The disk space displayed on the render window is incorrect for large values
10857 The language change warning doesn't show the current language name on the Revert To button
10666 The Newstuff demo project is not shown if the user unlocks on first startup
10660 The plugin performance monitor doesn't scroll when using up and down keys
10834 Waiting for input doesn't respect the selected recording filters
10833 Waiting for input doesn't stop when recording is cancelled and "Only when recording" is checked
10817 Chinese characters missing in various plugins on Mac
10665 Beepmap: crash to desktop
10728 Control Surface: digits control doesn't adjusts font size on higher scaling
10921 Dashboard: internal controllers set their destination control to zero
10804 Delay 3: noise when using the plugin for a while
10690 DirectWave: channel volume is ignored when playing notes on the plugin's preview keyboard
10687 DirectWave: resizing handles for zones aren't scaled properly
10555 DirectWave: selection window is not shown when loading multi-instrument soundfonts
10715 FLEX: macro names are not shown in correct case
10803 FLEX: some presets sound different than before
10825 FLEX: error on free or store tab while clicking on most presets
10915 FL Slayer: crash when its engine dll is not present
10729 Fruity 7 Band EQ: old settings cause cpu issues
10762 Fruity Convolver: unpublished controls do not show parameter value on hover
10659 Granulizer: logo animation is active when animations are disabled
10673 Maximus, Parametric EQ 2: glitches at some sample rates if LIN mode and oversampling are on
10540 Patcher: VST pitch is incorrect for voices received from a VFX plugin
10924 Patcher: last parameter in MIDI out is deactivated when another knob is configured
10911 Some plugins show incorrect note names
10724 Wrapper: Waves 12.8 plugin window disappears when using its preset browser
10805 Wrapper: VPS Avenger crashes when its editor window is closed
10713 ZGE Visualizer: Neptune Racing effect has visual glitches
10927 Scripting: plugins.setParamValue only works for first plugin on each track
10717 Scripting: raw long hint shown for some plugin parameters

10829 Momentary visual glitch while the program closes
10930 Video Player crashes
10768 ZGE Visualizer: export problem on Big Sur

20.8.1 (2021/01/21)

10488 Added filter option to plugin performance monitor
10388, 10424, 10453 Changed accelerator key for "Paste value" in some menus from "p" to "v"
10508 Increased the maximum width of the mixer so all tracks can be shown without having to scroll
10573 Moved piano roll Helper options to View menu
10336 Open plugin performance monitor window when the user double clicks the CPU panel
10596 The maximum width of the touch keyboard window now depends on the key size
10522 Granulizer: added context aware type-in value support
10649 Granulizer: added logo animation like in FL Studio 11
10207 Keyboard Controller: keys light up when notes are active
10403 Diagnostic: added more information about the computer's screens
10444 Maximus: added Monitor Input selector option in the settings menu
10208 PanOMatic: internal modulation is shown on the XY control
10470 Parametric EQ 2: added context aware type-in value support for frequency and gain controls
10542 ZGE Visualizer: added an option to preload audio, to allow videos with audio playback
10604 MIDI scripting: allow selection of next and previous plugin preset
10590 MIDI scripting: channels.selectOneChannel now scrolls to the selected channel
10588, 10589 MIDI scripting: added screen functions: removeTextLine and addMeter
10586 MIDI scripting: added getLastPeakVol function
10579 MIDI scripting: Added channels function: getActivityLevel
10578 MIDI scripting: Added patterns function: burnLoop
10557 MIDI scripting: Added optional parameter to channels.showCSForm to allow closing a window

10613 Date in news panel can be too long for the available space
10505 English help is shown when Chinese language is selected
9234 Fire: Access violation setting loop options
10580 Fire: Notes played in drum omni mode are not displayed in the hint panel
10576 Fire: Alt + Jog doesn't work correctly with grouped channels
10575 Fire: Alt + Mute doesn't work correctly with grouped channels
10585 Formulas are translated in the "Link to controller" window
10592 Items that start with a lowercase letter are sorted after all items that start with uppercase
10597 Keys on the touch keyboard window show out of bounds and disappear from view
10587 Channel links to instrument tracks may be broken after moving them in the channel rack
10564 News panel doesn't show any items
10641 Plugin performance monitor does not scroll with mouse wheel
10535 Potential crashes when routing plugin inputs and outputs
10506 Randomization of trial mode exit pages doesn't use all pages
10431 Record button looks wrong when pressed
10624 SG.dll and SG_x64.dll missing when starting older FL Studio versions
10300 "Shift notes" in the playlist affects hidden collapsed groups
10515 Smart disable state turns back on when "Allow smart disable" is disabled and re-enabled
10462 System buttons on the FL Studio toolbar have the wrong color when changing from flat to 3D
10518 Test log shows warnings for every test if there were warnings in an earlier test
10610 Touch keyboard: current root note is not checkmarked in the selection menu
4758 Tweaking precomputed stereo delay with long sample causes error
10630 Wrong upgrade options shown in the shop when you own All Plugins Edition
10543 Control Surface: deleting multiple controls at once will cause an error
10536 Control Surface: checkmark in checkbox controls is not scaled
10556 DirectWave: automated parameters always change to minimum or maximum values
10489 Distructor: visual glitches can occur in some cases
10473 FLEX: Master Filter type isn't saved when the Master Filter panel is locked
10554 FLEX: access violation when the user data location is set to a read-only folder
10550 FLEX: potential access violation when download of pack fails
10548 FLEX: arpeggiator state os not set correctly when loading projects from older versions
10519 FL Keys: loading the Rhodes instrument doesn't initialize controls correctly
10491 Frequency Splitter: legacy mode is saved but ignored when loading settings
10647 Fruity Free Filter: mix level not applied properly
10454 Gross Beat: "Delete" and "Move semitone down" in the node menu have the same shortcut key
10583 Maximus: low pass linear mode filter slopes change when oversampling is used
10534 Maximus crashes using negative values in the compression envelope
10439 Parametric EQ 2: SIDE / MID frequency histogram monitoring is not correct
10457 Parametric EQ 2: graphic glitches on rounded buttons at 100% scaling
10463 Parametric EQ 2: playback stops for a moment in LIN mode when band solo is turned on
10607 Parametric EQ 2: change order of heat map menu items to match Maximus
10561 Parametric EQ 2: access violation when resizing
10419, 10455 Parametric EQ 2, Frequency Splitter: frame rate drops when the plugin is maximized
10645 Parametric EQ 2, Frequency Splitter: inverted dB scale in hint bar
10443 Parametric EQ 2, Maximus: LIN mode is broken when the sample rate is 96 KHz
10450 Parametric EQ 2, Maximus: LIN mode crashes when the sample rate is 22 KHz
9864 Patcher: crash activating audio inputs on the "To FL Studio" module
10162 Patcher: crash when changing routing in Fruity Limiter
10538 Patcher: crash calculating audio peaks while adding IO
10533 Patcher: freeze when activating inputs on "From FL Studio"
10495 Plugin Manager: Combine 32/64 bit option doesn't work
10552 Scratcher: erratic scrolling in the wave scope
10438 Some plugin logos are translated when they shouldn't be
10551 Sytrus: mouse wheel can only be used to scroll the keyboard to G#2
10560 Transistor Bass: new engine doesn't react to pitch transpose changes
10640 Transistor Bass: channel 13 transpose doesn't work in engine V2
10440 VFX Level Scaler: parameters are not updated correctly when the relevant tab is not selected
10526 Wrapper: unsoloing a track with Console 1 doesn't properly unmute other tracks
10525 Wrapper: muting a mixer track with a Console 1 instance makes the program unresponsive
10643 Wrapper: muting the Waves Metafilter Stereo plugin freezes the application
10507 ZGE Visualizer: RGB Shift effect shows error on certain GPUs
10514 ZGE Visualizer: preload "Compress" option doesn't work in 32 bit

10445 Korean font doesn't look good
10496 Some unicode characters are not drawn by the font engine

10471 Memory leaks when opening a JPEG image
10421 Chinese font looks doesn't look good
10459 FLEX: pack images are displayed incorrectly
10436 Parametric EQ 2: audio artifacts when resizing during playback
10621 Wrapper: context info sent from a plugin is not processed by the host

20.8 (2020/12/09)

10428 Crash report: resizing text of items in the browser sometimes crashes
10415 Mini Piano Roll in the channel rack displays the wrong bar count in the hint panel
10429 Multitrack audio recording put the clips in the wrong Playlist tracks
10423 Edison: freeze when using the denoise tool
10420 Patcher: missing connections in some factory presets
10418 Wrapper: "Allow smart disable" option doesn't work

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