Short Stories in English for Beginners

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Short Stories In English for Beginners Book

in our hands
. And all because his stupid
little girl felt ignored!’ Valior let out a big laugh. It was a laugh that made
Aldin’s heart feel cold.

Aldin looked at the Emperor. Here was a man who Aldin had always
trusted. A man who was so important to Aldin. But now all Aldin felt was
. Valior was using a child to get what he wanted. And he would not
let it happen.
Aldin smiled and said, ‘I understand very clearly now, Emperor. As you
Aldin turned and left the Emperor’s office. He walked quickly through
the streets of the capital.
Aldin didn’t like what was going on. But he could not show it. If the
Emperor learned that he was against him, Aldin would be killed. There was
only one person Aldin could think of for help. One person who the Emperor
couldn’t influence. He had to talk to her.
Aldin took a government vehicle. He drove quickly to Kira’s farm. He
 on her door. ‘Kira! Are you there?’
Kira opened the door. ‘Yes?’ she replied. ‘What is it?’
‘Is the girl still here?’ asked Aldin.
‘Why, yes. They haven’t taken her to the capital yet.’
‘Good,’ replied Aldin.
‘But a vehicle is coming now,’ she added.
‘Oh. Well, we have less time than I thought. We have to hurry,’ he said
nervously. ‘Take me to her.’
Aldin and Kira walked into the bedroom. The girl was sleeping quietly.
‘We have to go,’ he said.
‘Go? Go where?’ asked Kira.
Aldin looked around. He couldn’t see anyone. ‘Where are the guards?’
‘They’re at the capsule.’
‘Good,’ Aldin said. ‘Now’s our chance.’
‘Our chance?’ Kira asked. She looked confused.
‘To take Maha away,’ answered Aldrin.
Kira sat down. She looked at Maha. The girl looked comfortable for the
first time. ‘You want to take Maha out of the capital?’

‘No, I want to take her off the planet.’
‘What?’ said Kira. ‘Why?’
‘Maha’s a confused and lonely little girl. Emperor Valior just wants to
use her. He will use Maha to influence the Kalkian Emperor.’
Aldin explained Emperor Valior’s plans. Kira simply couldn’t believe it.
‘Do you see now?’ Aldin asked. ‘I don’t want them to hurt Maha. Unless
we get her home, she doesn’t have a chance.’
‘We. We need to take her to Kalkia. I can’t do it alone, Kira. I need your
Kira thought for a moment. She looked at the little girl. She then looked
out the window at her farm. Finally, she looked at Aldin and said, ‘What
have I got to lose?’
Kira told Maha they were going to the capital. They all got into Aldin’s
vehicle. Aldin drove for hours. The nearest space station was far. On the
way, Maha slept.
When they arrived, Aldin told the security guards that they were on
secret government business. The guards said they wouldn’t tell anyone.
Kira and Aldin carried Maha to a nearby spaceship. They left the station
without a problem. Maha woke when the spaceship took off. She wasn’t
happy. Aldin felt sorry for her. But he knew they were doing the right thing.
The trip across space took several weeks. The spaceship neared Kalkia.
Aldin spoke on the 
, ‘This is Earthling Ship 12913. I must speak with
the Kalkian Emperor. I am Minister Aldin of the Earthlings.’
The radio came to life. ‘Why do you want to talk to our Emperor?’ said a
‘We have his daughter.’
The radio went silent.
Soon Aldin saw a warning on his computer screen. Kalkian military
units were coming. They waited near the spaceship. Suddenly, the radio link
came to life again. ‘Give us Maha. Or you die,’ said a voice.

‘You’re not going to kill us,’ said Aldin with certainty. ‘I want to talk to
your emperor.’ Then he added, ‘Now.’
Again, the radio went silent.
After several minutes, a powerful voice came on the radio. ‘This is the
Kalkian Emperor,’ the voice announced. ‘Give me my daughter,’ he said
and paused. ‘And I’ll give you your lives.’
‘We will give you Maha on one 

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