St Mary’s – Ecclesfield

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Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim

till all the world adore his sacred name!
1. Come, Christians,

follow where our Saviour trod,

o'er death victorious,

Christ the Son of God.

2. Led on their way by this

triumphant sign,

the hosts of God in joyful

praise combine:

3* Each new disciple

of the Crucified

is called to bear the seal

of him who died:

4*Saved by the Cross

whereon their Lord was slain,

now Adam's children

their lost home regain:

5. From north and south,

from east and west they raise

in growing harmony

their song of praise:

6* O Lord, once lifted

on the glorious tree,

as thou hast promised,

draw us unto thee:

7. Let ev'ry race

and ev'ry language tell

of him who saves

from fear of death and hell:

8* From farthest regions,

let them homage bring,

and on his Cross

adore their Saviour King:

9* Set up thy throne,

that earth's despair may cease

beneath the shadow

of its healing peace:

10. For thy blest Cross

which doth for all atone,

creation's praises rise

before thy throne:

11. So let the world

proclaim with one accord

the praise of our

ever-living Lord.

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390 Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918) alt.
1. 'Lift up your hearts!'

We lift them, Lord, to thee;

here at thy feet

none other may we see:

`Lift up your hearts!'

E'en so, with one accord,

we lift them up,

we lift them to the Lord.

2. Above the swamps

of subterfuge and shame,

the deeds, the thoughts,

that honour may not name,

the halting tongue

that dares not tell the whole,

O Lord of truth,

lift ev'ry human soul.

3. Lift ev'ry gift

that thou thyself hast giv'n:

low lies the best

till lifted up to heav'n;

low lie the pounding heart,

the teeming brain,

till, sent from God,

they mount to God again.

4. Then, as the trumpet-call,

in after years,

`Lift up your hearts!'

rings pealing in our ears,

still shall those hearts respond,

with full accord,

`We lift them up,

we lift them to the Lord.'

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391 Nick Fawcett (b. 1957) @ Copyright 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Lift up your voice, give thanks with songs of praise,

sing to our God, your hymns of worship raise;

tell of his grace, so wonderful and free,

his mercy reaching out to you and me.

2. Lift up your voice, give thanks with songs of love,

sing of the Saviour sent from God above;

tell of the one who, at the Father's call,

through gracious service showed his care for all.

3. Lift up your voice, give thanks with songs of joy,

sing of a love that nothing can destroy;

tell of the friend, who died that we might live,

who offers hope that no one else can give.

4. Lift up your voice, give thanks with songs of trust,

sing of the God who lifts hope from the dust;

tell of the Christ, who, just as he had said,

defeated evil, rising from the dead.

5. Lift up your voice, give thanks with songs of awe,

sing to the Lord who lives for evermore;

tell of the king whose glory fills the sky,

the Lord of lords who reigns enthroned on high.

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392 Ascribed to Thomas à Kempis (c. 1379-1471) trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866)
1. Light's abode, celestial Salem,

vision whence true peace doth spring,

brighter than the heart can fancy,

mansion of the highest King;

O how glorious are the praises

which of thee the prophets sing!

2. There for ever and for ever

alleluia is outpoured;

for unending, for unbroken

is the feast-day of the Lord;

all is pure and all is holy

that within thy walls is stored.

3. There no cloud or passing vapour

dims the brightness of the air;

endless noon-day, glorious noon-day,

from the Sun of suns is there;

there no night brings rest from labour,

for unknown are toil and care.

4. O how glorious and resplendent,

fragile body, shalt thou be,

when endued with so much beauty,

full of health and strong and free,

full of vigour, full of pleasure

that shall last eternally.

5. Now with gladness, now with courage,

bear the burden on thee laid,

that hereafter these thy labours

may with endless gifts be paid;

and in everlasting glory

thou with brightness be arrayed.

6. Laud and honour to the Father,

laud and honour to the Son,

laud and honour to the Spirit,

ever Three and ever One,

consubstantial, co-eternal,

while unending ages run.

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393 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © Copyright 1988 Make Way Music
1. Like a candle flame,

flickering small

in our darkness,

uncreated light

shines through infant eyes.
God is with us,


come to save us,


2. Stars and angels sing,

yet the earth

sleeps in shadows;

can this tiny spark

set a world on fire?
3. Yet his light shall shine

from our lives,

spirit blazing,

as we touch the flame

or his holy fire.

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394 Nick Fawcett (b. 1957) © 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. Like a dove come to me, fill me with peace;

Lord, I leave all in your care.

Time now for worry and striving to cease:

always, my God, you are there.

When strength is fading, you heal and renew,

where all seems hopeless, your hand sees me through,

though all else may fail me your love will stay true:

always, my God, you are there.

2. Bind up my wounds and in love make me whole;

Lord, I leave all in your care.

Quieten my heart and bring rest to my soul:

always, my God, you are there.

When dreams lie broken you help me rebuild,

with you beside me the turmoil stilled,

the darkest moments with light will be filled:

always, my God, you are there,

always, my God, you are there.

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395 Michael Perry (1942-96) © Mrs B Perry / Jubilate Hymns
1. Like a mighty river flowing,

like a flow's in beauty growing,

far beyond all human knowing

is the perfect peace of God.

2. Like the hills serene and even,

like the coursing clouds of heaven,

like the heart that's been forgiven

is the perfect peace of God.

3. Like the summer breezes playing,

like the tall trees softly swaying,

like the lips of silent praying

is the perfect peace of God.

4. Like the morning sun ascended,

like the scents of evening blended,

like a friendship never ended

is the perfect peace of God.

5. Like the azure ocean swelling,

like the jewel all-excelling,

far beyond our human telling

is the perfect peace of God.

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396 Aniceto Nazareth © 1984 Kevin Mayhew Ltd Used by permission
Listen, let your heart keep seeking;

listen to his constant speaking,

listen to the Spirit calling you.

Listen to his inspiration;

listen to his invitation;

listen to the Spirit calling you.
1. He's in the sound of the thunder,

in the whisper of the breeze.

He's in the might of the whirlwind,

in the roaring of the seas.

2. He's in the laughter of children,

in the patter of the rain.

Hear him in cries of the suff'ring,

in their moaning and their pain.

3. He's in the noise of the city,

in the singing of the birds.

And in the night-time the stillness

helps you listen to his word.

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397 Eric Boswell © 1959 Warner/Chappell Must, Ltd Used by permission of IMP Ltd.
1. Little donkey, little donkey,

on the dusty road,

got to keep on plodding onwards

with your precious load.

Been a long time, little donkey,

through the winter's night;

don't give up now, little donkey,

Bethlehem's in sight.

Ring out those bells tonight,

Bethlehem, Bethlehem,

follow that star tonight,

Bethlehem, Bethlehem.

Little donkey, little donkey,

had a heavy day

little donkey carry Mary safely on her way.
2. Little donkey, little donkey,

on the dusty road,

there are wise men, waiting for a

sign to bring them here.

Do not falter, little donkey,

there's a star ahead;

it will guide you, little donkey,

to a cattle shed.

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398 Traditional Czech carol trans. Percy Dearmer (1867-1936) © Oxford University Press Used by Permission
1. Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir;

we will lend a coat of fur;

we will rock you, rock you, rock you,

we will rock you, rock you, rock you;

see the fur to keep you warm,

snugly round your tiny form.

2. Mary's little baby sleep, sweetly sleep,

sleep in comfort, slumber deep;

we will rock you, rock you, rock you,

we will rock you, rock you, rock you;

we will serve you all we can,

darting, darling little man.

Alternative Words: Christopher Massey (b. 1956) © 1999 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Little Jesus, sleep away, in the hay,

while we worship, watch and pray.

We will gather at the manger,

worship this amazing stranger:

little Jesus born on earth,

sign of grace and human worth.

2. Little Jesus, sleep away, while you may;

pain is for another day.

While you sleep, we will not wake you,

when you cry we'll not forsake you.

Little Jesus, sleep away,

we will worship you today.

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399 Charles Wesley (1707-1788), John Cennick (1718-1755) and Martin Madan (1728-1790) alt.
1. Lo, he comes with clouds descending,

once for mortal sinners slain;

thousand thousand saints attending

swell the triumph of his train.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Christ appears on earth to reign.

2. Ev'ry eye shall now behold him

robed in dreadful majesty;

we who set at naught and sold him,

pierced and nailed him to the tree,

deeply grieving, deeply grieving, deeply grieving,

shall the true Messiah see.

3. Those dear tokens of his passion

still his dazzling body bears,

cause of endless exultation

to his ransomed worshippers:

with what rapture, with what rapture, with what rapture

gaze we on those glorious scars!

4. Yea, amen, let all adore thee,

high on thine eternal throne;

Saviour, take the pow'r and glory,

claim the kingdom for thine own.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou shalt reign, and thou alone.

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400 Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) © 1971 Stainer & Bell Ltd
1. Long ago, prophets knew

Christ would come, born a Jew,

come to make all things new,

bear his people's burden,

freely love and pardon.
Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring!

Sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing!

When he comes, when he comes,

who will make him welcome?
2. God in time, God in man,

this is God's timeless plan:

he will come, as a man,

born himself of woman,

God divinely human.
3. Mary, hail! Though afraid,

she believed, she obeyed.

In her womb, God is laid:

till the time expected,

nurtured and protected.
4. Journey ends! Where afar

Bethlem shines, like a star,

stable door stands ajar.

Unborn Son of Mary,

Saviour, do not tarry!
Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring!

Sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing!

Jesus comes! Jesus comes!

We will make him welcome!

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401 Bernadette Farell 7 © OCP Publications
1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness.

Longing for truth, we turn to you.

Make us your own, your holy people,

light for the world to see.

Christ, be our light!

Shine in our hearts,

shine through the darkness.

Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church

gathered today.
2. Longing for peace, our world is troubled

Longing for hope, many despair.

Your word alone has power to save us.

Make us your living voice.

3. Longing for food, many are hungry.

Longing for water, many still thirst.

Make us your bread, broken for others,

shared until all are fed.

4. Longing for shelter, many are homeless.

Longing for warmth, many are cold.

Make us your building, sheltering others

walls make of living stone.

5. Many the gifts, many the people,

many the hearts that yearn to belong.

Let us be servants to one another,

making your kingdom come.

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402 George Hugh Bourne (1840-1925)
1. Lord, enthroned in heav'nly splendour,

first begotten from the dead,

thou alone, our strong defender,

liftest up thy people's head.

Alleluia, alleluia,

Jesu, true and living bread.

2. Here our humblest homage pay we,

here in loving rev’rence bow;

here for faith's discernment pray we,

lest we fail to know thee now.

Alleluia, alleluia,

thou art here, we ask not how.

3. Though the lowliest form doth veil thee

as of old in Bethlehem,

here as there thine angels hail thee,

Branch and Flow'r of Jesse's Stem.

Alleluia, alleluia,

we in worship join with them.

4. Paschal Lamb, thine off'ring, finished

once for all when thou wast slain,

in its fullness undiminished

shall for evermore remain.

Alleluia, alleluia,

cleansing souls from ev'ry stain.

5. Life-imparting heav'nly manna,

stricken rock with streaming side,

heav'n and earth with loud hosanna

worship thee, the Lamb who died.

Alleluia, alleluia,

ris'n, ascended, glorified!

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403 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Lord, for the years

your love has kept and guided,

urged and inspired us,

cheered us on our way,

sought us and saved us,

pardoned and provided,

Lord of the years,

we bring our thanks today.

2. Lord, for that word,

the word of life which fires us,

speaks to our hearts

and sets our souls ablaze,

teaches and trains,

rebukes us and inspires us,

Lord of the word,

receive your people's praise.

3. Lord, for our land,

in this our generation,

spirits oppressed by pleasure,

wealth and care:

for young and old,

for commonwealth and nation,

Lord of our land,

be pleased to hear our prayer.

4. Lord, for our world;

when we disown and doubt him,

loveless in strength,

and comfortless in pain;

hungry and helpless,

lost indeed without him:

Lord of the world,

we pray that Christ may reign.

5. Lord, for ourselves;

in living pow'r remake us,

self on the cross

and Christ upon the throne;

past put behind us,

for the future take us,

Lord of our lives,

to live for Christ alone.

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404 Geoff Bullock © 1992 Word Music / Maranatha! Music Administered by Copycare
1. Lord, I come to you,

let my heart be changed, renewed,

flowing from the grace

that I found in you.

And, Lord, I've come to know

the weaknesses I see in me

will be stripped away

by the pow'r of your love.

Hold me close,

let your love surround me,

bring me near,

draw me to your side;

and as I wait,

I'll rise up like an eagle,

and I will soar with you;

your Spirit leads me on

in the pow'r of your love.
2. Lord, unveil my eyes,

let me see you face to face,

the knowledge of your love

as you live in me.

Lord, renew my mind

as your will unfolds in my life,

in living ev'ry day

in the pow'r of your love.

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405 Nick Fawcett (b. 1957) ©1999 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. Lord, I lift

my hands to you in prayer,

my mind in turmoil,

heart overwhelmed by care.

2. Come to me;

and let me still your soul.

No need to fret now;

love waits to make you whole.

3. Lord, I come;

your word has been fulfilled.

Your peace flows freely;

storms deep within are stilled.

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406 Rick Founds © 1989 Maranatha Praise Inc. Administered by CopyCare
Lord, I lift your name on high;

Lord, I love to sing your praises.

I'm so glad you're in my life;

I'm so glad you came to save us.

You came from heaven to earth

to show the way,

from the earth to the cross,

my debt to pay,

from the cross to the grave,

from the grave to the sky,

Lord, I lift your name on high.

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407 Nick Fawcett (b. 1957) © 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. Lord Jesus, at your coming,

the angels joined in praise;

they danced in celebration,

they set the sky ablaze;

they brought the world glad tidings,

the news that you had come;

that you were born in Bethlehem,

God's one and only Son.

2. Lord Jesus, at your coming,

your mother sang aloud,

for you would bless the humble

and overthrow the proud.

She knew you'd free the captives

and reach out to the poor,

bringing justice, hope and dignity,

fulfilment of the law.

3. Lord Jesus, at your coming,

the shepherds rushed to see;

the question each was asking,

`Can these things really be?'

They crowded round the manger

and sheltered from the cold,

found the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes

just as they had been told.

4. Lord Jesus, at your coming,

the wise ones knelt with joy

and offered you their worship

though you were just a boy.

They brought you gifts so costly,

gold, frankincense and myrrh,

gifts which spoke of all you came to do

and ev'rything you were.

5. Lord Jesus, at your coming,

you turned the world around.

You gave our life new meaning

as multitudes were found.

You broke the hold of evil

and opened wide the door

to peace and lasting happiness,

and life for evermore.

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408 Patrick Appleford (b. 1925) © 1960 Josef Weinberger Ltd
1. Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us,

you are one with us, Mary's Son.

Cleansing our souls from all their sin,

pouring your love and goodness in,

Jesus, our love for you we sing,

living Lord.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, now and ev'ry day

teach us how to pray, Son of God.

You have commanded us to do

this in remembrance, Lord, of you.

Into our lives your pow'r breaks through,

living Lord.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us,

born as one of us, Mary's Son.

Led out to die on Calvary,

risen from death to set us free,

living Lord Jesus, help us see

you are Lord.

4. Lord Jesus Christ, I would come to you,

live my life for you, Son of God.

All your commands I know are true,

your many gifts will make me new,

into my life your pow'r breaks through,

living Lord.

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409 Bishop Synesius (375-430) trans. Allen William Chatfield (1808-1896)
1. Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin;

from earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

2. Lord Jesus, think on me,

with care and woe oppress;

let me thy loving servant be

and taste thy promised rest.

3. Lord Jesus, think on me

amid the battle's strife;

in all my pain and misery

be thou my health and life.

4. Lord Jesus, think on me,

nor let me go astray;

through darkness and perplexity

point thou the heav'nly way.

5. Lord Jesus, think on me,

when flows the tempest high:

when on doth rush the enemy,

O Saviour, be thou nigh.

6. Lord Jesus, think on me,

that, when the flood is past,

I may th'eternal brightness see,

and share thy joy at last.

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410 Jan Struther (1901-1953) © Oxford University Press
1. Lord of all hopefulness,

Lord of all joy,

whose trust, ever childlike,

no cares could destroy,

be there at our waking,

and give us, we pray,

your bliss in our hearts, Lord,

at the break of the day.

2. Lord of all eagerness,

Lord of all faith,

whose strong hands were skilled

at the plane and the lathe,

be there at our labours,

and give us, we pray,

your strength in our hearts, Lord,

at the noon of the day.

3.Lord of all kindliness,

Lord of all grace,

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