Consortium to take into consideration the priorities that the Commission will suggest, in particular with
respect to the Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020.
The definition and implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda will promote the
key principles of Open Innovation, Open Science and Openness to the World, highlighted by the
European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, M. Carlos Moedas. This commitment,
dependent upon changes occurring in the ways science works, will allow widest possible dissemination
of PRIMA results, thereby bringing greater concrete advantages to Euro-Mediterranean end-users,
communities and enterprises, and fostering dialogue among different ministries (especially
environment, research, foreign affairs) from the largest possible number of Euro-Mediterranean
PRIMA presents high potentialities in terms of Science diplomacy. Science diplomacy produces added
value in promoting cooperation and conflict prevention, rebuilding trust and fostering shared
understanding across countries.
PRIMA Programme, as reported in the Addendum, aiming at tackling
territorial imbalances, adaptation to climate change, water and food security through an integrated
framework, could contribute to face migration issues.
International events occurred during 2015, such as the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and the related 17 Sustainable Development Goals by UN Countries and the Agreement
achieved at the Paris Climate Conference (COP 21), confirmed the crucial role played by sustainability in
the societal agenda for the future.
PRIMA topics and activities are perfectly in line both with this new international agenda and with the 10
priorities of Juncker’s Commission – with a special focus on priorities 1, 3, 8 and 9. Furthermore,
monitoring systems to assess the impacts of PRIMA projects will be based on the SDGs framework in the
field of food security and water provision, taking into consideration general (e.g. poverty, health, land
use, GHGs emissions) and sectorial issues (e.g. agriculture, water services), the biophysical limits of
Mediterranean ecosystem and the water-food-energy nexus.
Since the date of the PRIMA Proposal submission, the importance of the PRIMA Programme has been
reiterated by Ministers of Countries involved in the Initiative. In particular during the 2nd Dialogue 5+5
Ministerial Conference on Research, Innovation and Higher Education conveyed on 23-24 March 2015
in Madrid. In endorsing a work programme for 2015-2016 defining concrete steps to move forward
cooperation, the Ministers of the ten governments involved (Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta,
Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia) expressed their full support to the PRIMA
On 20 July 2015, Ministers of EU Member States confirmed their support to the
PRIMA initiative during
the Foreign Affairs Council, by inviting the Commission to a rapid adoption of a proposal for PRIMA under
Art. 185 TFEU.
PRIMA is a scientific bridge across the Mediterranean sea. We hope to count on your support to
reinforce the foundations of this bridge and make it as strong and as stable as possible in the long-term
Angelo Riccaboni
Chair of PRIMA Consortium