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The Possibilities of Ethnomethodology in Modern Art Studies 



took part in the formation of the region’s professional fine art. For this 

reason, the problems of historical roots, ethnocultural originality and cross-

cultural dialogue are all present when considering the contemporary art of 

the territory. 

The analysis of ethnocultural traditions in the works of artists in Altai 

allows us to specify the degree of influence of those traditions on the 

formation of the image-bearing systems of the art, as well as on its creative 

methods and style. Thus, the first reference to ethnographic sources is the 

practice of painting scenes of the reclaimed Siberian territories. The 

interaction of the ethnocultural traditions of Altai with the principles of the 

Russian Realist school became a defining tendency in the course of the 

formation of professional fine art in the region. Among the sources that 

define the ethnocultural specificity are: 1. a worldview based upon 

principles connected to pride at belonging to the sub-ethnos, clan (seok) or 

local motherland, and the worship of nature and its symbolisation; 2. the 

combination of the traditions of Russian Realist tonal painting with a 

mythopoetic model of the world of the Altai ethnoculture in the structure 

of the artistic image. 

The transformation of cultural contexts has led to specific 

expressions of ethnicity in art: firstly, the unintended manifestation, based 

on the mental grounding in ethnocultural traditions; secondly, the deliberate 

realisation of ethnic origins as a programmatic thread in the work of art. If 

the artists of the second half of the 20


 century, inspired by ethnocultural 

heritage, strove for realistic accuracy, artists at the turn of the 21



have formed a new artistic space for the picture: the sign-symbolical. 



The Possibilities of Ethnomethodology 

in Modern Art Studies 




Globalisation and, acting in a counterbalance to this, the processes of localisation have 

brought forth the necessity of studying ethnic mentality, including its manifestation in the 

formal-content and image-bearing structure of works of fine art. This problem arises 

because the human sciences still lack the theoretical substantiation of the role of ethnicity 

in art. The study of the possibilities of ethnomethodology is necessary for the all-round 

development of art studies, for the study of historical compositions of schools of art and to 

understand the modern tendencies of artistic processes.  

Based on the analysis of theoretical principles, the object of this study is to highlight 

the possibilities inherent in the application of ethnomethodology to ethnic art studies. E. 

Husserl’s theory of intentionality, H. G. Gadamer’s hermeneutic principles of 

understanding and interpretation and H. Garfinkel’s theories form the basis for achieving 

this objective.  

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

L. I. Nekhvyadovich 



The possibilities of ethnomethodology in modern art criticism are revealed in the 

following research structure: the historical-ethnographical characteristics of the region; the 

revelation of origins and factors influencing ethnocultural distinctiveness in artistic 

traditions; the description of tendencies in the fine arts in the context of a problem of 

ethnocultural distinctiveness; the analysis of ethnic art influences in the formal-content and 

image-bearing structure of works of art. 

The significance of the results of this study lies in the possibility of their use as a 

theoretical-methodological and source studies basis of research devoted to the problem 

of ethnicity in art, and to in-depth study of art culture. Further research might focus 

upon the development of ethnic art studies as a theoretical-methodological basis for the 

study of arts and crafts and architecture, through the revelation of the correlation 

between distinctive ethnocultural characteristics and artistic traditions in the history of 




Bibliographical Abbreviations 



Atkinson 1981 

- Joseph M. Atkinson, Sequencing and Shared Attentiveness to 

Court Proceedings, in George Psathas (ed.), Everyday Language: 

Studies in Ethnomethodology, New York, 1981, p. 257-286. 

Bachofen 1975 

-  Johann  Bachofen,  Das Mutterrecht: eine Untersuchung über die 

Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiösen und rechtlichen 

Natur, ed. Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs, Frankfurt am Main, 1975. 

Bastian 1884 

-  Adolf  Bastian,  Allgemeine Grundzuge der Ethnologie, Berlin, 


Berger, Luckmann 1995 

-  Peter  L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann, Sotsial’noye 

konstruirovaniye real’nosti. Traktat po sotsiologii znaniya, trans., 

Moscow, 1995. 

Bromley 1983 

- Yulian Bromley, Ocherki teorii etnosa, Мoscow, 1983. 

Davydova 2002 

- Irina Davydova, Formirovaniye etnometodologii: vliyaniye T. 

Parsonsa i A. Shyutsa na teoreticheskuyu pozitsiyu G. Garfinkelya, in 

SZ, 1, 2002, p. 115-128. 

Elchaninov 2013 

- Valentin Elchaninov, Rol’ negativnoy metodologii v nauchnom 

poznanii: monografiya, Barnaul, 2013. 

Garfinkel 1967 

-  Harold  Garfinkel,  Studies in Ethnomethodology, New  York, 


Garfinkel 1970 

- Harold Garfinkel, On Formal Structures of Practical Actions

New York, 1970. 



- Harold Garfinkel, Issledovaniya po etnometodologii, Saint 

Petersburg, 2007. 

Heidegger 1997 

- Martin Heidegger, Bytiye i vremya, Moscow, 1997. 

Hester 1992 

-  Stephen  Hester, Recognizing References to Deviance in Referral 

Talk’, in Graham Watson, R. M. Seiler (eds), Text in Context. 

Contributions to Ethnomethodology, London, 1992, p. 156-174. 

Husserl 1994 

- Edmund Husserl, Filosofiya kak strogaya nauka, trans., 

Novocherkassk, 1994. 

Husserl 2001 

-  Edmund  Husserl,  Kartezianskiye razmyshleniya, Saint 

Petersburg, 2001. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

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