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Typological Features of Chinese Culture in the Ming Dynasty (1398-1644)




stylistics of this cultural type correlated traditional symbols with everyday 

objects. Symbolic values were alien to the folk artist; archaic character was 

expressed in the practice of human sacrifice, which existed until the 17






2. Classical culture, which gave paramount importance to the act of 

stylisation, produced standard forms in which such cultural practices were 

manifested. The main values of the ancient Chinese literary tradition were 

related to this approach, including Confucianism and ancestral cults.



Paradoxically, the element of game in Chinese art also refers to this cultural 

type as a sign of symbolic existence. 

3. Esoteric tradition brought about a merging of symbolic and 

naturalistic aspects of the artistic image, which often found expression in 

calligraphy and painting. In social terms, this cultural type was the 

foundation of the development of the literati (wenren).



The unity of the cultural tradition of China during the Ming Dynasty 

was based on the premise of the symbolic nature of cultural forms. 

Correlative thinking allowed the coexistence of classical culture and archaic 

forms of popular culture, such that Confucian scholar-officials did not 

descend into intolerance, instead perceiving folk customs as being an 

inescapable and socially necessary illusion.


 Art, in this context, was 

considered to be of profound value, because it allowed the individual to 

break through from the world of illusions to the fundamental principles of 

being. The application of functional methodology to this situation allows us, 

on the one hand, to describe the theoretical achievements of Far Eastern art 

and philosophical reflection through the basic structures of Western 

philosophical language and, on the other, to use these achievements in 

contemporary artistic practices. 



Typological Features of Chinese Culture 

in the Ming Dynasty (1398-1644) 




The article deals with the typology of Chinese culture during the Ming Dynasty (1398-

1644). Study of the cultural complex of this period is important because Chinese tradition, 

characterised by cultivation of a symbolic world view, had entered its final stage, but still 

had not yet been subject to conscious “conservation” by the authorities. In the Ming 



 http://cul.sohu.com/20061023/n245950878.shtml, accessed 30 March 2014.  


 Chang 2007, р. 318-319. 


 Huang 1995, p. 29. 


 Wang 2012, p. XXVIII-XXIX. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

R. K. Bazhanova, D. E. Martynov, Y. A. Martynova 




Dynasty, spiritual and artistic synthesis, cultivated by a symbolic world view, reached 

perfection but also showed signs of stagnation, which became determinative in the 

following centuries. The obliteration of symbolic reality and the replacement of a symbolic 

world view by a naturalistic one characterises the development of Chinsese cultural process 

in the Modern age. This study of symbolic reality is based on functionalistic methodology

which proposes that the roots of symbolism can be found in the premises of human 

activity, which correspond to the history of sociality as a set of moments of experience. 

The Universe in the Chinese tradition has organic integrity; a man is equal to the 

cosmic forces of heaven and earth and occupies a central place among them. Chinese 

behavioural norms operate according to specific limitations: every deed and action of the 

individual is evaluated in terms of etiquette and morality. Thus naturalism, vitalism, holism, 

humanism and ethical imperative form the philosophical and cultural foundations of the 

Chinese world view. From this it follows that a correlated - rather than a cause-and-effect - 

principle is typical of Chinese culture, capturing the relationship between phenomena, 

revealing their likeness or kinship. A condition of attribution to a particular type means 

belonging to the positive or negative sphere of being (yang-yin), to one or another 

archetype. From this follows the idea of transformation, providing a basis for further 

specialisation and complexity within the artistic experience. 



Bibliographical Abbreviations 



Bezhin 1982 

- Leonid E. Bezhin, Pod znakom “vetra i potoka.” Obraz zhizni 

khudozhnika v Kitaye III-VI vek, Moscow, 1982. 

Bourdieu 1990 

- Pierre BourdieuThe Logic of Practice, Stanford, 1990. 

Brandauer 1978 

- Frederick Brandauer, Tung Yueh, Boston, 1978. 

Chang 2007 

- Michael G. Chang, A Court on Horseback: Imperial Touring & 

the Construction of Qing Rule, 1680-1785, Cambridge, 2007. 

Golygina 1971 

- Kirina I. Golygina, Teoriya izyashchnoi slovesnosti v Kitae

Moscow, 1971. 

Huang 1995 

- Martin Huang, Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical 

Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel, Stanford, 1995. 

Ji 2012 

- Cheng Ji, Garden Arrangement, treatise part: Foreign Literature

vol. 6, 2012. 

Jullien 1996 

- François Jullien, Procès ou création. Une introduction à la pensée des 

lettrés chinois, Paris, 1996. 

Kozhin 2009 

- Pavel M. Kozhin, Bronzovaya ritual’naya posudaepokh Shan i 

Chzhou, in NKOGK, 2009, p. 15-22. 

Kravtsova 2004 

- Marina E. Kravtsova, China Culture History, Saint Petersburg, 


Malyavin 2003 

- Vladimir V. Malyavin, Sumerki Dao. Kul’tura Kitaya na poroge 

Novogo vremeni, Moscow, 2003. 

Maslov, Loginova 2009  

-  Alexey  A.  Maslov, Evgeniya S. Loginova, Luchshiye pritchi 

dzen. Obychnyye istorii o lyudyakh neobychaynykh, Rostov-on-Don

Krasnodar, 2009. 

Schwartz 1985 

- Benjamin I. Schwartz, The World of Thought in Ancient China

Cambridge, 1985.  

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

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