Community Technology Centers Program
Project Abstracts -- FY 2000 Awards
The Community Technology Centers (CTC) program funds projects that create and expand community technology centers, places where children and adults in low-income communities gain access to computers, the Internet, and educational technology. In the first year of the program (1999), 750 applications from all 50 states were received and reviewed by the U.S. Department of Education. The Secretary gave preference to applications that met one or both of two competitive priorities: projects that expanded or established Community Technology Centers in a federally-designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community and projects that demonstrated substantial community support. 40 applicants received awards in September 1999. Profiles of the FY 2000 funded projects are below.
P. O. Drawer 1049
3000 Earl Goodwin Parkway
Selma, Alabama 36702-1049
Project Director: Dr. Shirley Leashore, (334) 487-9259,
Project Partners: The Ford Foundation Rural Community College Initiative, American Association of Community Colleges\Microsoft Corporation Working Connections Information Technology program, and county Departments of Housing, Human Resources, and Adult Education.
New Centers: 5
Total projected federal funding: 3 Years, $514,388 (Year 1 = $215,196)
Total projected non-federal match: 3 Years, $518,640 (Year 1 = $172,880)
Wallace Community College and partners will create 5 new CTCs in rural, Western Alabama. Three of the five counties to be served are in the top 100 most disadvantaged/high poverty counties in the country. The CTCs will provide adults and children with basic computer skills instruction, access to computer learning programs in reading, writing and math, and career development. Each center will have an Information Technology Career Resource Station for those interested in pursuing careers in computer science.
2601 Carson Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35215-3098
(Birmingham Enterprise Community)
Project Director: Chris House, (205) 856-7973
Project Partners: Jefferson County Board of Education, United Way of Central Alabama, Phi Theda Kappa, the Literacy Council of Central Alabama, the Alabama Technology Network, and the Birmingham area Chamber of Commerce.
New Centers: Total projected federal funding: 3 Years, $1,038,450 (Year 1 = $421,249)
Total projected non-federal match: 3 Years, 1,274,031 (Year 1 = $418,677)
The Birmingham Educational Technology Center (BETC) will be located at Jefferson State Community College and serve a community where 70 percent of the children qualify for free or reduced lunch. BETC will provide an intensive after-school technology program for children, as well as use educational technology to provide Adult Basic Education, ESL and GED instruction to adults. When fully functional, the comprehensive CTC will be composed of 3 interconnected computer labs and 2 classrooms. Video-conferencing links will be created with local schools to increase learning opportunities. Cooperative agreements with social service agencies will provide transportation assistance and promote the availability of the services.
Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District
Federal Programs Department
125 W. Evergreen Avenue
Palmer, Alaska 99645
Project Director: Scott Warren, (907) 376-0910,
Project Partners: Mat-Su College, Mat-Su Agency Partnership, Pioneers Home and Senior Centers, Mat-Su School District, Mat-Su College, Valley Women's Resource Center, Chugiak Children Services, and Head Start.
New Centers: 21
Total projected federal funding: 3 Years, $899,970 (Year 1 = $299,990)
Total projected non-federal match: 3 Years, $1,379,998 (Year 1 = $447,422)
The Mat-Su Digital Connection will establish a digital, cutting edge technology resource center for the life-long learning needs of the Mat-Su community and will insure that services are available to all Alaskans. The centers will provide hands on training in the use of computers, peripherals, applications and the Internet for continuing education courses, teacher-training, and technology certification programs. Populations to be served are Alaskans living in remote, isolated areas, individuals with minimal technology skills, persons living below the Federal poverty rate, women in transitional periods, students at-risk, and high school dropouts.
Literacy Volunteers of Maricopa County, Inc.
1500 E. Thomas Road, Suite 102
Phoenix, Arizona 85014
(Phoenix Enterprise Community)
Project Director: Lynn Reed, (602) 274-3430,
Project Partners: Administrative Office of the Arizona Supreme Court, City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department, Division of Adult Education, and the Arizona State Department of Education.
New Centers: 1
Expanded Centers: 1
Total projected federal funding: 2 Years, $183, 130 (Year 1 = $111,003)
Total projected non-federal match: 2 Years, $148,100 (Year 1 = $72,100)
Technology-based literacy training for adults and families will be provided by the community technology centers, including adult basic education and English for speakers of other languages, and GED preparation. The programs offered through community technology centers will improve the language and technical skills of the residents in a low-income neighborhood of Phoenix designated as a “Neighborhood Fight Back Area.” The programs aim to improve neighborhood cohesiveness, reduce recidivism and crime, and respond to educational and cultural needs as identified by community members.
Sacaton Elementary School District
P.O. Box 98
Sacaton, Arizona 85247-0098
Project Director: Dr. Leon Ben, (520) 562-3339,
Project Partners: U.S. Small Business Administration, Arizona Department of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe Educational Consortium, Gila River government agencies, Gila River Telecommunications.
Total Projected federal funding: 3 years, $560,644 (year 1=$195,664)
Total Projected nonfederal match: 3 years, $345,244 (year 1=$110,428)
New Centers: 1
The Sacaton community is concerned about the large number of bright Native American youth who are failing to achieve in school and who enter adulthood without the skills to be economically and socially productive. The community technology center will address the specific needs of the Sacaton children, youth, and adults. Programs will include academic reinforcement and enrichment, adult education, technology-based career and job preparation, and entrepreneurial support.
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