The ministry of the highest and average education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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The prorector of study part

Prof. ....................Tishaev О.R.

« _____» ___________ 2012.



Field of knowledge - 510000 "Public health services"

Formation direction:

5510100 - Treatment business

5510300 - Medical – prophylactic business

5510700 - Higher educated nurses business

Complexity in hours – 148 hours


Lectures – 48 hours

Practical employments –48 hours

Independent work – 52 hours

Tashkent – 2012

Compiler: Atamuradova F.S. senior teacher candidate of

philosophical sciences ____________

Reviewers: Norkulov D.T. doctor of

philosophical sciences ___________

Husanov S.H. candidate of philosophical

sciences associate professor ____________

The working program is made on the basis of the curriculum and the curriculum in a direction ____________________, discussed and confirmed on __________ the Academic council ___________ faculty TMA, the report № _____ from «____» ______________ 2012

The chairman of an academic council of faculty _____________ ________________

The signature First name, middle initial, last name

«_____» _____________ 2012
Chairman CMS public –

a humanitarian sciences dos. Abdullaeva R.M.

Introduction to discipline

Philosophy always played the special role in forming of scientific world view. If before it executed ideological functions mainly, now main is a comprehension of problems of life of man, his mutual relations with society, nature, other people, by itself.

Study of object «Philosophy» has an enormous value in forming of scientific world view for students, helps to understand the historical prospects of development of humanity, conformities to law of universal development, assists forming of independent thought for students, to understanding of conformities to law of universal development.

1.1.Aims and tasks of discipline

The purpose of discipline is development for the students of interest to fundamental knowledges, stimulation of necessity to the philosophical estimations of historical events and facts of reality, mastering of idea of unity of world of historical and cultural process at simultaneous confession of variety of his forms.

The basic tasks of discipline it is been:

-promoting of integral system picture of the world and place of man in him;

- to forming and evolution of philosophical world view and attitude;

-it is cognition and understanding of philosophical problems, concepts and principles, basic stages of evolution of human life and thought;

-it is development for the students of propensity to critical thought;

-it is an orientation on structural activity, constantly extending a spectrum enthralling, possible, ungot to know, understanding itself and the world as creative task;

- development of skills of dialog, collective creative search, problem analysis, defence of own opinion in a spore, discussion, report — that is gradually to mortgage foundation of the argued opinion, point of view, position;

- leaning against classic philosophical phototypographs to teach students independently to think, teach the “wise” reading and interpretation; it is stimulation of creative capabilities of student.

1.2. Requirements to knowledges, abilities and skills of discipline

In accordance with the indicated aims and tasks after completion of study of discipline a student must know:

-it is a basic concept vehicle of science;

-are main principles and conformities to law of development of life;

-it is a place and deposit of thinkers of Central Asia in development of domestic, world culture and philosophical science.

A student must be able:

- think logically and argued ground the point of view, leaning against scientific knowledges.

A student must have skills:

Of critical thought in scientific, creative and practical activity.
2. Volume of the educational loading

labour input

Distributing of volume of the educational loading on the types of audience employments

Independent work

In all








3. Lecture course

3.1. Thematic plans of lecture employments

Name of theme of lectures

Quantity of hours


Object and tasks of philosophy



Philosophy of Ancient East



Philosophy of Ancient Greece and Rome



Medieval East philosophy



West European philosophy in Middle ages and new time



Modern western philosophy and his basic flows



Philosophy of lifе



Dialectician as studies about development and method of cognition.



Categories of philosophy



Philosophy of consciousness



Cognition. Scientific cognition



Philosophy of man



Philosophy of nature and society



Ethics as science: object, object, tasks



Basic ethics categories. Bioethics: principles and problems



Object and tasks of aesthetics. From history of development of aesthetic idea



Basic categories of aesthetics



Object and laws of logic. A concept



judgement. Deduction



Problem. Hypothesis. Theory


3.2. Table of contents of lecture material

Theme 1. An object, purpose and tasks of philosophy

The Essence of concept «philosophy». Concept world «view», his essence and maintenance. Historical forms of world view. Philosophy as world view. Essence of philosophical world view, value of study of its common to all mankind and national features. Basic functions of philosophy. Intercommunication with other sciences. Philosophy as basis for many sciences. Tasks of forming of new philosophical world view of education of modern man.



Additional: 1,3,6,7, 9,10,14,17,20,23,39,41,49,50,54,55,56.
Theme 2. Philosophy of Ancient East

East - one of centers of world civilization. Early development of civilization due to Nil, Tiger and Evfrat. Belief of еgyptians. Osiris is god of reign of dead. Embalming of dyings. Pyramids.

Ancient Babylon. Invention of cuneiform letter by sumers. Belief of Babylon people.

Indian philosophy. Orthodox systems is authority of Vedas. To the heterodox systems, to not acknowledging authority of Vedy: charvaka, buddhism and dzhaynizm.

Buddhistic system. Studies of Gautamy of Buddha. Samkhity. Brahmin. Aranyaki. Upanishady.

Anciently Chinese philosophy of XVIII a. B.C. for III v. A.D. Celestial (Jan) and earthly (In). First philosophical schools: daosizm, konfucianstvo, moizm, school of law (legizm), school of in-yan , the school of names and others.


Basic :1,3,5,9,13,14,16,18,22,24,25.

Additional : 1,9,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,56,58.
Theme 3. Philosophical views in Ancient Greece and Rome

Becoming and development of ancient greek philosophy, it cosmocentric character. Basic categories of ancient idea: Space, Nature, Logos, Eydos, Soul. philosophy before Socrat. A problem at milet school (Fales, Anaksimandr, Anaksimen). Pythagoras and early pifagoreizm. Geraklit Efesskiy, his studies about dialectics, about oppositions and becoming. Levkipp, Demokrit, their atomistic studies.Problem of atom and emptiness.Determinism problem.

"Classic philosophy" of Ancient Greece.Socrat : his life and character of philosophizing. Moral philosophy of Socrat. Virtue and knowledge.Plato. Studies about "World of ideas" and the "world of things". Cognition as "remembering". Plato about the soul and its immortality.

Studies of Plato about the state.Aristotle. Aristotle about a matter and form. Studies about possible and actual life. Aristotle about the types of "reasons". Social philosophy of Aristotle.

An epoch of hellenism and philosophy of stoicism. Philosophical views are in Ancient Rome. Forming, distribution and influence the western philosophical views of christianity.

Basic: 3,4,9,13,14,15,16,17,18,22,24,25.

Additional: 6,14,17,18,19,23,24,36,38,39,41,49,50,60,65.
Theme 4. Medieval East philosophy

Essence and features of philosophy of early east Middle Ages. Essence and maintenance of islam.

Forming of philosophical idea in Central Asia. Religious-philosophical studies of sufism -tasavvuf, his essence, historical role and value in spiritual life of people of Central Asia. Idea of perfection, connection as souls of man with God, asceticism as a higher purpose is in the studies of sufism.

Philosophy and public idea of early Renaissance (IX - Khiiv.v.), its historical progressive role in development of world culture and science. Public-philosophical and elucidative ideas in Uzbekistan in XVI - beginning of XX vv. Dzhadid’s motion in Uzbekistan, his philosophical and ideological and political reasons.


Basic: 1,5,7,9,12,13,15,16,17,18,23,24,25.

Additional: 3,6,8,9,15,17,20,23,24,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,38,40,41,49,50,60.
Theme 5. West European philosophy in Middle ages and new time.

Philosophy of dark Ages is in Europe (V-ХIV а.), it's teocentric character. Idea of God in studies of the sainted Augustine. Nature and man as creation the most high in philosophy of Thomas Acvinsky.

Anthropocentrism and high humanism of philosophy of Renaissance age. Dialectics and natur phylosofy looks of N. Kuzansky and D. Bruno. The new understanding of the world in the studies of N. Kopernik.

Philosophy of New time (ХVII - ХVIII a) - as the new stage is in development of the philosophical idea of New time: Lammetri, Gol'bakh, Helvetia, Didro. Basic lines of philosophy of Inlightening of ХVIII age: V. Voltaire., J.J Rousseau.

German classic philosophy, its place and role in the development of European philosophy in ХVIII - to first third of XIX age: I. Kant, I. Fikhte, F. Shelling,, L Gegel'. Feyerbakh.

Basic: 9,13,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,24,25

Additional: 1,4,6,16,17,21,22,23,24,25,26,36,37,38,39,41,49,50,55,56.
Theme 6. Modern philosophy and its basic flows

End of classic German philosophy as completion of the important stage in development of world philosophy. Critical revision of principles and traditions of classic philosophy, origin and becoming of new philosophical studies and conceptions: philosophy of marxism, subjective-idealistic studies (empiriocriticism, empiriomonizm, positivism, neotomizm and other). Becoming of new picture of the world and new thought is in philosophy of XX age. Attitude toward reason and science in philosophy of XX age. Scientizm and antiscientizm.The philosophical ground of ideas of the post-industrial and informative society. Tekhnocrative and antitekhnocrative looks, their philosophical comprehension. Man in the world and the world of man. New raising of problem of man. Life of man and world life. Essence of man, problem of life and death from point of existential philosophy (K'erkegor, Yaspers, Berdyaev, Sartr).

Religious philosophy in the XX century. Neotomism as an expression of western religious philosophy. Modern religious-philosophical conceptions of islam. Their basic lines and principles.

Basic: 1,5,7,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,24,25.

Additional :4,9,17,20,23,24,27,38,39,41,49,50,54,55,56.
Theme 7. Philosophy of life

World (Universe), his eternity and boundlessness. World as combined reality and as unity of nature and man, financial world and human spirit. Analysis of their unity within the framework of philosophical studies about life. Looks of thinkers of East to the philosophical problem of life.

Basic forms of life. Life of material and his kinds: life of Nature ("first" and "second" nature), life of man, their unity and distinction. Life of spiritual (ideal) and his forms: individualized and the extra individualized spiritual life. Life social as unity of individual and public life. Problem of substance: dualism and monism. Pluralism.

Forming of philosophical concept of matter. Development of looks to the matter in history of philosophy.

Determination of matter and its methodological value for cognition of nature, society, practical activity.

Motion as basis of life and method of existence of matter. Concept of motion and development. Basic forms of motion, their dialectical intercommunication. Motion and rest.

Space and time is forms of existence of matter. Intercommunication of space-time and locomotive matter. Modern science about the difficult system of organization of matter and its structure at biological and social level. Social-organized matter as integral developing system.


Basic: 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 8. Dialectics as studies about development and method of cognition. Philosophical laws.

Dialectics of identity and contradiction in the process of change in reality. Concepts «identity», «distinction», «opposition», «contradiction». Intercommunication between them. Value of dialectics of identity and contradiction for nature and society. I. A. Karimov about contradictory character of changes, about ways and possibilities of resolution of conflicts.

Existence of the world as reality of amount and quality. Concepts «amount» and «quality». Violation of measure passing to new quality. An evolutional way of development and feature of his display is in modern Uzbekistan.

Principle of selfdenial in the process of changes and development. Concept «denials». Dialectics of denial. Succession - as a denial old and forming of new, problems of maintainance in new of elements old and his disappearance. Specific features of succession and update in the process of strengthening of independence. Not creating principle new, not destroy old.

Basic: 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 9. The categories of philosophy

Single, special and universal - are lines of existence and intercommunication of the world. Unit and part, the systems are a structure and element as forms of display of the world structure. Categories «single», «special», «universal», « unit» and «part».

Essence and phenomenon as forms of intercommunication in actual fact. Categories are «essence» and «phenomenon». Their display is in nature and society.

Categories «maintenance» and «form», their display in nature and life of man.

Categories: «cause» and «effect». Feasance of intercommunication of the phenomena as mutual relations between and by cause and effect.

Categories : a «necessity» and «chance», their intercommunication principle of supposition friend - friend. Categories : «possibility» and «reality», their essence and maintenance.


basic :1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.

Theme 10. Philosophy of consciousness.

Concept of consciousness. Problems of consciousness in natural science and in philosophy. Consciousness as reflection. Development of forms of reflection. Consciousness is a higher form of psychical reflection of reality.

Biological and social factors of consciousness. Consciousness and brain. Consciousness and social environment. Structure of consciousness.

Reason, senses and will. Consciousness and subconsciousness. (Z.Freyd, K.Yung, E.Fromm). Forms of display of consciousness. Opinion, doubt, persuasion, knowledge, faith. Functions of consciousness. Consciousness and creation.


Basic: 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 11. Cognition. Scientific cognition

Problem of world cognizableness. Subject and object of cognition. Scepticism and agnosticism.

Process of cognition. Perceptible cognition and his forms. Rational cognition and his forms. Unity perceptible and rational in cognition. Intuitional cognition. Creation and intuition. A problem of truth is in philosophy and science. Explanation and understanding. Concept of truth. Truth, estimation, value and their influence on cognition.

Scientific cognition, his essence and specific signs. A fact is a source of scientific cognition. Supervision and experiment. Forms of scientific cognition: problem, hypothesis, theory. Methods of scientific cognition. Analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstracting, induction and deduction, idealization, formalization. mathematization and design. A concept «Information technologies» and their value is in development of society.


Basic 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 12. Philosophy of man.

Theory of origin of man. Theory of creation. Theory of the natural-historical origin of man.

Modern science about an anthropogenesis. Natural factors are in the origin of man. Labour as central factor of antroposociogenesis.

Modern science about an anthropogenesis. Natural factors in the origin of man. Labour as central factor of antroposociogenesis. Role of language in the process of forming of thought and subject-practical activity of man. Social-moral factors of antroposociogenesis. Correlation natural and public in a man. Philosophy about a purpose and sense of life of man. Life and death is in spiritual experience of man. «Right on life» and «right on death».

Humanity as world association. Unity and variety of history of humanity. Equality and humanism as common to all mankind values. Uzbekistan is in a world association.

Basic: 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 13. Philosophy of nature and society

Concept «nature» and «geographical environment». Natural and artificial environment of dwelling of man. Geographical determinism and geopolitics.

Nature lifeless and living. Modern scientific conceptions about the origin of life on earth. Concept of biosphere. Attitude of man toward living. Life as value.

A role of nature is in development of society. Natural riches of facilities of life and natural riches of facilities of labour.

Influence of society on an environment. Conception of noosfery. Scientific and technical progress and ecology. Global character of ecological problems. A problem of ecology is in Uzbekistan.

Concept «society». Difference of laws of socium from natural laws. Problem of construction of theoretical model of society. Theoretical model and reality. Modern conceptions of understanding of society.

Structure of society. Economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of vital functions of people. Their features and basic descriptions. Features of development of independent Uzbekistan.

Basic: 1,2,3,7,8,10,13,15,16,17,22,24.

Additional: 5,15,17,20,23,36,39,41,49,50,55,56,57,58.
Theme 14. Ethics as science: object, object, tasks.

Sense of term is «ethics». Place of ethics in society as philosophical science. Essence is a moral, flows, wide-spread in natural philosophy. Hedonism, evdemonizm, utilitarianism. Functions of moral are in society. Classification of moral. Component parts of ethics. Norms of moral and right. Their intercommunication, differences. Intercommunication and ethics with other publicly - humanitarian, naturally - biological sciences. Value of study of ethics for future physicians.

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