The Xerox “Star” a retrospective

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The Xerox “Star”

  • A Retrospective


  • What is the “Star”

  • Features – What Makes it Unique

  • History of Star Development

  • Xerox PARC

  • Lessons Learned

  • Although Star was conceived as a product in 1975 and released in 1981, the history of its development dates back three decades.


  • Vannevar Bush describes his vision of a personal, desktop computer.

  • This was when computers were new, room-sized and used in military applications.

  • The idea languishes because of “insufficient technology and imagination”.


  • Vannevar Bush describes his vision of a personal, desktop computer.

  • This was when computers were new, room-sized and used in military applications.

  • The idea languishes because of “insufficient technology and imagination”.


  • Ivan Sutherland builds an interactive graphics system that allows a user to create graphical figures on a CRT display using a light pen.

  • These figures were treated as objects and could be moved, copied, shrunk, expanded, rotated etc.

  • Sketchpad heavily influenced Star’s user interface and graphic applications.


  • Ivan Sutherland builds an interactive graphics system that allows a user to create graphical figures on a CRT display using a light pen.

  • These figures were treated as objects and could be moved, copied, shrunk, expanded, rotated etc.

  • Sketchpad heavily influenced Star’s user interface.


  • Douglas Engelbart establishes a research program at Stanford Research Institute(SRI).

  • Experiments with different types of displays and input devices.

  • Invents the mouse.

  • Develops a system commonly called NLS.


  • NLS was different

    • It used CRT displays and not teletypes.
    • It was interactive(online) when almost all computing was batch.
    • Full-screen oriented when other interactive systems were line-oriented.
    • It had a Mouse!
    • First system to organize information in trees and networks.

The Reactive Engine(1969)

    • Alan Kay, a graduate student at the time, in his dissertation, developed many ideas that found their way into Star.
    • Later, he brought to fruition these ideas in the Smalltalk programming language.
    • Like the developers of NLS, he realized “interactive applications do not have to treat the display as a glass teletype and can share the screen with other programs”

Xerox PARC(1970)

  • Palo Alto Research Center - several laboratories devoted to basic and applied research in materials science, laser physics, integrated circuitry, CAD, user interfaces etc.

  • Researchers at PARC were fond of the slogan - the best way to predict the future is to invent it. So they began searching for a new approach to computing.

Xerox PARC(1970)

  • Among the founding members of PARC was Alan Kay, who liked the novel approach to HCI followed by NLS.

  • As a result, PARC hired several people who had worked on NLS.

  • In 1971, PARC signed agreement with SRI licensing Xerox to use the mouse.

  • One major outcome of this new approach was the Alto.


  • Mini-computer with removable 2.5 mb hard disk pack.

  • 128-256 kb memory.

  • Microprogrammable instruction set.

  • Full-page bitmapped graphic display.

  • 50 kb of high-speed display memory.

  • A mouse.


  • Standardized layered communication protocols.

  • Used to network the newly built Alto computers.


  • Language and programming environment.

  • Refined and solidified concepts of object-oriented programming.

  • Most importantly for Star, Smalltalk demonstrated power of:

    • Graphical, bitmapped displays;
    • Mouse-driven input;
    • Windows and
    • Simultaneous applications.


  • Doctoral thesis project of David C. Smith.

  • Demonstrated

    • programming is not necessarily textual; it can be done by interacting with graphical elements on screen;
    • computers can be programmed in the language of the user interface;
    • the idea of using icons for direct manipulation.

Bravo, Gypsy and BravoX

  • Charles Simolyn and Butler Lampson write advanced document editing system called Bravo(1976-78).[WYSIWYG]

  • Exemplifying modelessness, Larry Tesler writes another text-editor: Gypsy.

  • Simonyl and others add style and users’ ability to control the appearance of their documents: BravoX.

Draw, Sil, Markup, Flyer and Doodle

  • Draw and Sil: Graphical object editors that allowed users to construct figures out of selectable, movable, stretchable geometric forms and text.

  • Markup: Bitmap graphics editor(like paint).

  • Flyer: Another paint program written in Smalltalk for Alto.

  • Doodle: The above inspired Doodle for a later machine, eventually evolving into Viewpoint’s Free-Hand Drawing application.

Laser Printing

  • Invented at PARC.

  • Press page-description language developed (uniform way to describe output to printers).

  • Press -> Interpress (Xerox’s commercial page-description language) -> Postscript(Adobe’s page-description language).

Laurel and Hardy

  • Though e-mail was not invented at PARC, it was made more accessible to non-engineers through Laurel(display-oriented tool for sending, receiving and organizing e-mail).

  • Laurel inspires Hardy for a successor of Alto.


  • Prototype office automation system.

  • Supported standard office automation tasks.

  • Tracked jobs that went from person to person in an organization.


  • Contrary to popular belief, Star was not developed at PARC.

  • Separate organization called System Development Department(split between southern, El Segundo and northern California, Palo Alto).

  • SDD used Mesa, a ‘dialect’ of Pascal as the primary product programming language.


      • 8000 series network system processor
      • 384 kb of real memory
      • A local harddisk - 10,20 or 40 mb
      • 17 inch display
      • Mechanical mouse
      • 8 inch floppy disk drive
      • Ethernet connection.
      • $ 16,000 only!


    • Mammoth task to integrate all the software described above into one coherent design.
    • About 30 person-years went into the design of the interface, functionality and hardware.
    • Objects and actions: objects that users can manipulate and actions that software provided for this manipulation.


  • Since the SDD was split in two locations, it had to come up with an effective means of communication.

  • Ethernet: 56kbps lease line.

  • Design and Prototyping - Palo Alto;

  • Implementation - El Segundo.


  • Since the machine was developed in parallel with the software, it was not available initially as a development platform.

  • So early prototyping and development done on Altos.

  • When the 8000 series workstations were available, the systems group developed XDE, known internally as Tajo.


  • In spite of such exemplary vision, Star is considered a commercial failure. So why did Star fail?

    • Too expensive at $16,000?
    • Ahead of its time?
    • Not marketed well?
    • Too monolithic?

Lessons from experience

  • Pay attention to industry trends

  • Pay attention to what customers want

  • Know your competition

  • Establish firm performance goals

  • Avoid geographically spilt organizations

  • Don’t be dogmatic about Desktop metaphor and direct manipulation

What was right

  • Iconic, direct manipulation, object-oriented user interface

  • Generic commands and consistency

  • Pointing device

  • High resolution display

  • Good graphic design

  • 16-bit character set

  • Distributed personal computing

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