Theoretical grammar пәні бойынша

B A_________________O_________________C

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6М021000 «Шетел филологиясы» жауап

A B Future
Before past
After past
Before future
After future
After-past time: I know of no language which possesses a simple tense for this notion. A usual meaning
“obligation” in English most often is expressed by “was to”:
Next year she gave birth to a son who was to cause her great anxiety.
After future. This has a chiefly theoretical interest, and I doubt very much whether forms like I shall be
going to rewrite (which implies nearness in time to the chief future time is of very frequent occurrence).
The Continuous tenses he calls expanded ones: is writing, will be asking, will have been asking ... or
composite tense-forms.
The categories of tense, aspect and order characterize an action from different points of
The tense of a verb shows the time of the action; the aspect of a verb deals with the development of the
action, while order denotes the order of the actions.
When discussing grammatical categories we accepted that a grammatical category is a grammatical
meaning which has a certain grammatical means to be expressed.
The analyses of the following example will help us to make certain conclusions: When you
come he will have been writing his composition. The predicates of the sentence are in the
indicative mood. And, as has been stated, it is in this mood all the grammatical categories of the
verb are expressed. The tense is future and it is expressed by the auxiliary word/verb will. The
order is prior and it is expressed by the auxiliary verb have + -en or -ed. The aspect is continuous
and it is expressed by the auxiliary verb be + ing.
Since all these categories have their own means we may call them grammatical ones. And
as any category must have certain opposition (while defining the grammatical categories we
defined it as “at least having two individual forms”).
The category of tense is orientated with regard to the present tense. The tense category is
the system of three-member opposition. So the present tense may be called as the point of
measurement or orientation point.
The category of order is a system of two-member opposition: prior and non-prior. Compare:
I work - I have worked.
So the prior order marker have + ed is opposite to the zero of non-prior. As in English there are three
tenses. This grammatical category can be expressed in all of them. Present: I work – I have worked. Past: I worked –
I had worked. Future: I shall work – I shall have worked.
The category of aspect is a system of two-member opposition: Continuous – Non-continuous: I work – I
am working.
T o be - ing is the morpheme of the continuous meaning. This category is found in all the three tenses.
Present: I work – I am working
Past: I worked – I was working.
Future: I'll work – I'll be working.
The means of expression of these categories are arranged in a certain sequence. In the
active voice they are arranged in the following way:
Tense is expressed in the first component of the predicate: order – in first or second
(second if it is in the future tense), aspect – in the second or third components. The order means
always precede the aspect means if both are found in the predicate.
If the predicate is in the passive voice the tense is again expressed by the first component
of it while the means of the passive voice follows the means of the aspect and order categories.
Note: In the future tense the passive meaning and the aspect (continuous) is incompatible.
The form of the verb may show whether the agent expressed by the subject is the doer of the action or the recipient of the action (John broke the vase - the vase was broken). The objective relations between the action and the subject or object of the action find their expression in language as the grammatical category of voice. Therefore, the category of voice reflects the objective relations between the action itself and the subject or object of the action:

Relations of actions The category of voice

The category of voice is realized through the opposition Active voice::Passive voice. The realization of the voice category is restricted because of the implicit grammatical meaning of transitivity/intransitivity. In accordance with this meaning, all English verbs should fall into transitive and intransitive. However, the classification turns out to be more complex and comprises 6 groups:

1. Verbs used only transitively: to mark, to raise;
2.Verbs with the main transitive meaning: to see, to make, to build;
3. Verbs of intransitive meaning and secondary transitive meaning. A lot of intransitive verbs may develop a secondary transitive meaning: They laughed me into agreement; He danced the girl out of the room;
4.Verbs of a double nature, neither of the meanings are the leading one, the verbs can be used both transitively and intransitively: to drive home - to drive a car;
5.Verbs that are never used in the Passive Voice: to seem, to become;
6. Verbs that realize their passive meaning only in special contexts: to live, to sleep, to sit, to walk, to jump.
Some scholars admit the existence of Middle, Reflexive and Reciprocal voices. "Middle Voice" - the verbs primarily transitive may develop an intransitive middle meaning: That adds a lot; The door opened; The book sells easily; The dress washes well. "Reflexive Voice": He dressed; He washed - the subject is both the agent and the recipient of the action at the same time. It is always possible to use a reflexive pronoun in this case: He washed himself. "Reciprocal voice”: They met; They kissed - it is always possible to use a reciprocal pronoun here: They kissed each other.
We cannot, however, speak of different voices, because all these meanings are not expressed morphologically.

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