This book is dedicated to the Serpents of Wisdom with thanks

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A Selected Bibliography

This list represents a portion of the texts I used in researching this book. Among those not listed here are the Nag Hammadi texts, Dead Sea Scrolls and Apocrypha which can be found at Titles in bold print are good places to start.

Andrews, S. (2007) Atlantis Insights From a Lost Civilization Woodbury: Llewellen

Baigent, M. L. (1986) The Messianic Legacy New York: Bantam Dell

Barker, M. (1992) The Great Angel Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press

Bennett, J. G. (1995) The Masters of Wisdom an Esoteric History of the Spiritual Unfolding of life on this planet Santa Fe: Bennett Books

Churchward, J. (1933) The Sacred Symbols of Mu New York: Yves Washburn

Collins, A. (2000) Gateway To Atlantis New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers

Collins, A. (2001) From The Ashes Of Angels Rochester: Bear & Company

DeQuillan, J. (2010) The Gospel Of The Beloved Companion The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene Ariege France: Zondervan

Eisenmann, R. (1998) James, the Brother of Jesus New York: Penguin Group

Furst, J. (1976) Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus New York: Penguin Books

Gaffney, M. H. (2004) Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes: Initiatory Teachings of the Last Supper Rochester: Inner Traditions

Gardner, L. (2001) Genesis Of The Grail Kings Gloucester: Fair Winds Press

Gardner, L. (2002) Bloodline Of the Holy Grail. Gloucester: Fair Winds Press

Gardner, L. (2005) Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold New York: Barnes & Noble

Gardner, L. (2005) The Shadow of Solomon New York: Barnes & Noble

Gardner, L. (2007) The Magdalene Legacy San Francisco: Weiser Books

Gilbert, A. (1996) Magi; The Quest For A Secret Tradition London: Bloomsbury Pub.

Gilbert, A. C. (1995) The Mayan Prophecies New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Gilbert, A. W. (1998) The Holy Kingdom The Quest For the Real King Arthur London: Blackett Transworld Publishers Ltd.

Gordon, J. (2004) Egypt; Child Of Atlantis Rochester: Bear and Company

Grant, R. J. (2005) Edgar Cayce On Angels Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press

Hall, M. P. (1928) The Secret Teachings of All Ages San Francisco: The Philosophical Research Society

Hancock, G. B. (1996) The Message Of The Sphinx New York: Three Rivers Press

Hill Elder, E. (1938) Celt, Druid and Culdee Covenant Publishing Company

Hopkins, M. S.M. (2000) Rex Deus Boston Element Books

Jowett, G. (1961) The Drama of the Lost Disciples Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd.

Kenyon, T. S. (2002) The Magdalene Manuscript Orcas: ORB Communications.

King, C. W. (1887) The Gnostics and Their Remains: Ancient and Mediaeval Bell & Daldy

Knight, C. L. (2001) The Hiram Key Gloucester: Fair Winds Press

Knoche, G. F. (1999) The Mystery Schools Pasadena: Theosophical Press

Krajenke, R. W. (2003) Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament From the Birth of Souls to the Death of Moses Virginia Beach: ARE Press

Krajenke, R. W. (1977) Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Old Testament From Joshua to the Golden Age of Solomon Virginia Beach: A.R.E Press

LePage, V. (2007) Mysteries of the Bridechamber Rochester: Inner Traditions

Mackey, A. G. (1914) The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry New York: The Masonic History Co.

Malachi, T. (2006) Living Gnosis A Practical Guide to Gnostic Christianity Woodbury : Llewellen Publications

Malachi, T. (2006) St. Mary Magdalene The Gnostic Tradition of the Holy Bride Woodbury: Llewellen Publications

Marrs, J. (2000) Rule By Secrecy New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.

Marx-Hubbard, Barbara (1993) The Revelation - Our Crisis Is A Birth Greenbrae: The Center For Conscious Evolution

McCoy, R. (1872) General History, Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Freemasonry Kessinger Pub.

Mead, G. (1900) Fragments of a Faith Forgotten London: Theosophical Publishing Soc.

Montgomery, H. (2006) The God Kings of Europe San Diego: The Book Tree

Montgomery, H. (2008) The God Kings of Outremer San Diego: The Book Tree

Pagels, E. (1975) The Gnostic Paul Valley Forge: Trinity Press International

Pagels, E. (1989) The Gnostic Gospels New York: Vintage Books

Pagels, E. (1995) The Origin Of Satan New York: Random House

Pagels, E. (2012) Revelations New York: Viking Penguin Group USA

Peniel, J. (1997) The Lost Teachings of Atlantis Arvada: Network

Pike, A. (1871) Morals and Dogma Charleston: Southern Jurisdiction of the United States

Pinkham, M. (2004) Guardians Of The Holy Grail The Knights Templar, John the Baptist and the Water of Life Kempton: Adventures Unlimited Press

Pinkham, M. (2010) World Gnosis Kempton: Adventures Unlimited Press

Pinkham, M. (1997) The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom Kempton: Adventures Unlimited Press

Pinkham, M. (2002) The Truth Behind the Christ Myth Kempton: One Adventure Press

Puryear, H. B. (1982) Edgar Cayce Primer New York: Bantam Books

Ravenscroft, T. W. (1997) The Mark of the Beast York Beach: Samuel Weiser, Inc.

Rohl, D. (1998) Legend; The Genesis of Civilization London: Arrow Books Limited

Schonfeld, H. (1998) The Essene Odyssey Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element

Smoley, R. (2006) Forbidden Faith The Secret History Of Gnosticism New York: HarperCollins

Smoley, R. K. (2006) Hidden Wisdom A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions Wheaton: Quest Books

Starbird, M. (1993) The Woman With the Alabaster Jar Santa Fe: Bear & Company

Starbird, M. (1998) The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine Rochester: Bear & Company

Starbird, M. (2005). Mary Magdalen Bride In Exile. Rochester: Bear & Co.

Szekely, E. B. (1981). From Enoch To The Dead Sea Scrolls. Nelson: International Biogenic Society.

Taylor Hansen, L. (1969) The Ancient Atlantic Amherst Press

Temple, R. (1976) The Sirius Mystery New York: St. Martin's Press

The Gnostic Bible. (2003) Boston MA: Shambhala Publications, Incorporated

The Holy Bible New International Version (1984) Colorado Springs: Int. Bible Society

United Church of God, “The Throne of Britain: It’s Biblical Origin and Future – Appendix 3, Royal Lines From Zerah” Used with permission. ©2014 United Church of God, an International Association.

Online Resources: A large source of esoteric and Gnostic information. - One of the best - if not the best - online resource you will find on Gnosticism. There is a question and answer section that will answer most questions you may have regarding Gnosticism. - This a channeled website featuring the Host of Heaven. On this site, Lord Sabaoth tells us about our history, the Earth’s history, and ours and the Earth’s future. It specifically involves End Times material. This site speaks to the Light worker family of these times. If you do not resonate, understand, or agree with the material, it probably just means that you are not a Light worker at this stage of your evolution. - Tom Kenyon is a sound healer and channel for the Hathors. When you choose the Hathor selection on the site, I recommend going to the bottom, or oldest messages first, and then reading ‘up’ in chronological order. - A treasury of Gnostic scripture. - A large variety of sources and articles. - Pamela Kribbe channels Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ mother Mary, and Gaia, the spirit of the Earth. This site’s focus is specifically on Light workers, but I believe everyone can benefit from it. - Barbara Marx Hubbard’s website for her Foundation for Conscious Evolution. This book is fascinating and just might make you a believer in flying saucers. It’s called The New Germany and the Hollow Earth by John B. Leith. - A literal treasure trove

“I believe the Bible, the Koran, and the Zend

Avesta to be as divinely inspired as the Vedas” – Gandhi
What appear to us as very different religions are in reality the same teachings dressed up in local color. They each have their exoteric and esoteric side and all of them have a Christ or Logos.







Outer Mysteries/



Five Pillars



Bhagavad Gita/

Folk Hinduism/


Folk Taoism



Inner Mysteries/





Chuan/Mystical Taoism







Ein Sof

Truth is the might of God,

and it shall prevail in the end

over all errors.

1 The foreseeing care and guidance of God over the creatures of the Earth.

2 The Kabbalah is the Jewish ‘Old Religion’.

3 The Holy Spirit power.

4 Probably Seraphim angels.

5 Adam Kadmon

6 This is the same spirit that manifested as Eve.

7 Look for information on them in the Online Resources guide at the end of this book.

8 Again, Adam Kadmon

9 The coming of Christ on Judgment Day.

10 Also spelled Jeu, Ieu, Yew, Ieou

11 Time periods in the ‘Wheel of Life’.

12 As he did in a Nag Hammadi text.

13 This is referring to Gnosis received by God.

14 I believe this refers to Jesus

15 The brother of Jesus

16 The Logos

17 This is how we built the pyramids and other ancient monumental stone edifices.

18 He is referring to the Essenes, who practiced strict dietary and sexual regulations for several hundred years, in order to purify themselves to be able to produce the Messiah.

19 As we will see later, they made it to California!

20 Human body

21 This refers to the Jewish Exilarchs in Babylon

22 This is the same as the Holy Spirit Power or Kundalini.

23 This is the Egyptian term for the Holy Spirit Power.

24 Yaldabaoth

25 The person Cayce was doing the reading for.

26 Hatshepsut

27 The Israelites

28 Gained and lost in soul development.

29 The Fertile Crescent runs from the Egyptian delta to Upper Mesopotamia

30 Amran was Moses father.

31 Demi-gods

32 Binary thinking sees the two ‘opposites’ as two aspects of the same thing, both necessary to the other.

33 With God

34 Surely Nimrod did not rule the entire world. This is a good example of the type of thinking that could have been responsible for saying the flood of Noah was world-wide.

35 Jesus speaks of the father of the first soul of Jesus before he was overshadowed by the Logos.

36 Sex!

37 The Earth

38 Barbēlō is the Mother in the Trinity

39 This is the assembly of Gods mentioned in the Old Testament.

40 Joseph is one of the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel and was Vizier in Egypt.

41 An ancient text that can also be found on the internet

42 This refers to the androgynous nature of the Logos-Sophia. This literally says, Jesus-Mary.

43 King David’s son

44 There are two pillars in Masonry called Jachin and Boaz.

45 This is a strange insertion. Judah and Shela were father and son. All the others mentioned were husband and wife. There is a controversial story in the Bible regarding the Judaic lines descent through Judah and his daughter in law, Tamar. From them were birthed twins Zarah and Pharez.

46 All of this knowledge was the supposed ‘forbidden knowledge’.

47 Father-Mother

48 Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable

49 One of the powers emanating from the Supreme Being and culminating in the demiurge

50 Jesus refers to his androgynous self here.

51 Many people believe Jesus is referring to Cain as the devil.

52 Here Jesus is acknowledging that the Old Testament has been corrupted by man.

53 This shows that the Lord God, Yahweh Sabaoth spoke through the prophet Jeremiah.

54 He refers here to the Old Religion.

55 Through reincarnation

56 Being a pillar signifies Oneness with God-surely the reason for the Freemason’s pillar symbolism.

57 Fire refers to the Holy Spirit.

58 Jesus himself

59 This refers to that soul no longer being chained to the ‘Wheel of Life’- destiny, fate, karma.

60 He gave them enlightenment.

61 The ‘Holy’ Roman Empire

62 He may be referring to the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was a temple of initiation.

63 Jesus, son of Joseph

64 Jeshua is speaking to Light workers in the Netherlands, but this is meant for all Light workers, we are the energy Jeshua is speaking of.

65 Yaldabaoth

66 Gospel of the Holy Twelve

67 One appellation of our family is the ‘First People’

68 This refers to our Mothers very essence and probably the reason why water and Spirit are closely associated in Gnostic belief.

69 The ‘Good’ God

70 The ‘Bad’ god

71 Jesus refers to the fact that Mary Magdalene would be the one to announce his resurrection..

72 I do not believe this refers to Yaldabaoth, as the name Yaldabaoth is used elsewhere in the document.

73 The designation Culdee stems from the word Chaldean. Abraham was from ‘Ur of the Chaldees’.

74 Odin

75 I believe what is meant by misunderstanding the Resurrection is that they believed that Jesus proved that there was life after death by coming back in a Spiritualized body rather than a fully material body. This was possibly a state between Spirit and matter.

76 i.e. Mary Magdalene and her sister Martha, sisters of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead.

77 Truth and Justice.

78 I believe this refers to the Rosicrucian’s.

79 Chakras

80 Enlightenment, Spiritual Marriage, At-One-Ment, etc.

81 Another term for the Holy Spirit’s Power.

82 The chakras

83 i.e. Jachin and Boaz, who were also the names of Joseph and Mary’s fathers.

84 The author refers to the Book of Life or Akashic Record.

85 Cain

86 gods

87 The Logos-Son of God

88 Moses

89 Heliopolis was on Elephantine Island where the Essene Temple was built.

90 Moses wanted to give the Gnosis to all the people but changed his mind when he came down from Sinai and saw the people worshiping the golden calf.

91 Mordecai was also known as Marduk, son of Enki. Queen Esther of the Bible was Astarte or Ishtar.

92 ‘the Baptist’

93 Egyptian Essenes

94 Son of God, Logos

95 Jeshua says that he didn’t intend for us to deify him.

96 The Elohim or Archangels of the Planets.

97 Christ’s, Messiahs, Avatars, Saviors

98 Stonehenge is one example

99 Also seen as On and later as Heliopolis

100 I have seen reference to this name also being Osiris.

101 Moses’ brother Aaron

102 I believe this refers to the Seraphim angels bringing knowledge to them.

103 i.e. the power of the atom

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