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This chapter covers:

  • This chapter covers:

    • Importance of the mission of the fire service
    • Purpose of a mission statement
    • Major events that alter the history of the fire service
    • History of firefighting and emergency response

Firefighter tasks are the same all over the world

  • Firefighter tasks are the same all over the world

    • Save lives and property from fire and other emergencies
    • Different fire departments have different approaches
  • Mission synonymous with purpose for existence

    • Legal authority to act in a certain manner
  • Mission statement

    • Written declaration describing things it intends to do to protect citizenry or customers
  • Every individual responsible for mission

Factors common to all agencies

  • Factors common to all agencies

    • Organizational structure
    • Inventory of facilities, apparatus, equipment, methods
    • Programs to protect life and property
  • Categories of programs

    • Fire and emergency operations and fire prevention
    • Arson investigation
    • Training
    • Emergency medical services
    • Communications and maintenance

Turning point in human history: recognition of value of fire

  • Turning point in human history: recognition of value of fire

    • Initial challenge: manage fire, prevent it from destroying its user
  • Ancient Greeks believed fire was a gift from Prometheus

  • Phoenix myth: fire powerful destroyer and giver of life

  • Ancient cultures used fire; fire destroyed their homes and consumed their property

Vesta: Roman goddess, protector of hearth fire

  • Vesta: Roman goddess, protector of hearth fire

  • Hero of Alexandria: created first fire pump

  • 22 B.C.: magistrates reported fire outbreaks at night

    • “Familia publica” organized along military lines
  • A.D. 6: “Cohortes Vigilum” permanent fire brigade

    • Housed in barracks; toured the city at night looking for fires

Emperor Augustus created seven cohorts

  • Emperor Augustus created seven cohorts

    • Seven military units under command of a tribune
    • Groups under a prefect (officer of equestrian rank)
    • Each prefect had 500 men, later expanded to 1000
    • Vigiles were a variety of specialists
  • Roman leaders attempted to regulate building

  • After fall of Rome, no organized fire brigades for 1000 years

  • Legacy of organized firefighting left by Rome

Crusades: Order of Saint John of Hospitaliers

  • Crusades: Order of Saint John of Hospitaliers

    • Dedicated to treatment of battlefield wounds
  • Knights of Malta

    • Dedicated to saving lives by serving as stretcher-bearers
  • Symbol on uniform and shield determined friend or foe

    • Red cross worn by Order of Saint John
    • Maltese cross worn by Knights of Malta

Fire continued to destroy European cities

  • Fire continued to destroy European cities

  • Technological advances around the globe not widely available in Europe

    • Fire brigade created in China, not copied in Europe
  • A.D. 1100 – 1600: English devised fire regulations

    • Laws requiring home owners to have ladders, buckets, and barrels of water handy
    • Arson a serious crime
      • Punishment: to be burned alive

1666: Great Fire of London

  • 1666: Great Fire of London

  • Community leaders placed emphasis on elimination of conflagration

  • Next 200 years: creation of almost all basic fire protection institutions of the modern age

    • Organization of fire departments
    • Creation of fire insurance industry
    • Rise of technology to prevent and combat fires

Early regulations on prohibition of wooden chimneys, limitations on candle-making

  • Early regulations on prohibition of wooden chimneys, limitations on candle-making

    • Early settlements built of wood; emphasis on prevention
  • 1637: firemarks used by insurance companies

  • Fires fought by bucket brigades

  • Early 1700s Boston designated fire wardens

    • 1718: fire societies, era of volunteer firefighter
  • 1752: Benjamin Franklin started Philadelphia Contributorship

Fire companies extinguished only the fires of insured buildings

  • Fire companies extinguished only the fires of insured buildings

    • Volunteer firefighters extinguished any fire
  • Fire used as a weapon of war

  • 1800 – 1850: better protection, more powerful hand pumpers, development of fire helmet

  • Arson became common in mid-1800s

  • 1853: first full-time, paid firefighting service

    • Steam-powered fire engine replaced hand-pumps

Establishment of paramilitary organizational practices

  • Establishment of paramilitary organizational practices

  • Firefighters became soldiers in the Civil War

    • Most of the country’s experienced firefighters were lost to the war
  • Military veterans replaced lost firefighters

    • Introduced military rank structure
    • Command and control similar to infantry tactics
    • Coloration and design of uniforms
  • 1873: National Association of Fire Engineers

1870s through 1900: U.S. moved from farming to industry

  • 1870s through 1900: U.S. moved from farming to industry

  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

    • Designed and installed automatic sprinklers
    • Standard number 1
  • Basic research in fire engineering started in:

    • Alarm systems
    • Fire hydraulics
    • Aerial apparatus
    • Steam-powered fire pump

International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)

  • International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)

  • National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU)

    • Evaluated level of fire defense in different cities
  • Emphasis on fire prevention

  • 1920s: firefighter education reform

    • Fire Chief Ralph Scott
    • Firefighting Bulleting Number 155, series 44, Federal Board of Vocational Education, 1931

Different technology in service simultaneously

  • Different technology in service simultaneously

  • Pre-World War I stations had both horse-drawn and motorized fire apparatus

    • Several pieces of equipment had to be assembled to fight a fire
  • Internal combustion combined three apparatus into one

  • Advances in ability to reach fire, but not in capacity to fight fire once on the scene

War accelerated need to deal with fire

  • War accelerated need to deal with fire

    • Fire still a weapon of war
  • Research resulted in:

    • Indirect attack method
    • Improved foams for use in fire service
    • Improved personal protective clothing
    • Improved fire nozzle technology
  • Fire service became more paramilitary

  • Other innovations: improved communications (radio), diesel engines

Modernization is a process

  • Modernization is a process

  • Information half-life: how long it takes for 50% of information to become obsolete

    • 1700s about 100 years
    • Half-life has decreased with every generation over last 100 years
  • Technological obsolescence: any given technology is only useful for a period of time

    • Steamers replaced hand-pumpers
    • Diesel replaced gasoline

Acceleration of change related to duties of firefighter and agency staffing

  • Acceleration of change related to duties of firefighter and agency staffing

    • Hazardous materials response
    • Search and rescue
    • Terrorism incidents
  • 1947: National Conference on America’s fire problem (Harry Truman)

  • Texas City Disaster: first catastrophic hazardous materials event in America

1960s Johnson Foundation “Wingspread Conference”

  • 1960s Johnson Foundation “Wingspread Conference”

  • 1970s National Commission on Fire Protection and Control “America Burning”

    • United States Fire Administration created
    • Incident command system (ICS) created

Twenty-first century:

  • Twenty-first century:

    • 30,635 fire departments and 1,140,900 firefighters
    • Fire department in the U.S. responds to one fire every 20 seconds
    • U.S. has fourth highest death rate among industrial nations: one person dies every two hours in a fire

Firefighter’s career is like climbing a ladder

  • Firefighter’s career is like climbing a ladder

  • We must give due credit to the past

  • Future contains difficult challenges and opportunities

  • Firefighters must develop skills that did not exist previously

  • Motto of the Roman fire brigade “Semper Vigilans”

    • “Always Vigilant”

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