Throw a short, right-handed punch at the air in front of you. Make the noise, Ha!
tarix | 18.06.2018 | ölçüsü | 472 b. | | #49389 |
Throw a short, right-handed punch at the air in front of you. Make the noise, Ha! Throw a short, right-handed punch at the air in front of you. Make the noise, Ha!
With your right arm bent so that your hand is in front of your face, make a short twisting motion at the wrist to signify the comma shape. Make the noise, Shi! With your right arm bent so that your hand is in front of your face, make a short twisting motion at the wrist to signify the comma shape. Make the noise, Shi!
Do the full-stop punch, then the comma shape directly underneath it. Make the noises, Ha! Shi! Do the full-stop punch, then the comma shape directly underneath it. Make the noises, Ha! Shi!
Follow the full-stop punch immediately with one directly beneath it. Make the noises, Ha! Ha! Follow the full-stop punch immediately with one directly beneath it. Make the noises, Ha! Ha!
Perform the correct move and sound to match the punctuation mark Perform the correct move and sound to match the punctuation mark
A proper bout of Punctuation Kung Fu requires three players: two combatants and a referee. The combatants face each other. The referee says the words ''capital letter'', and the opponents bow to each other while repeating the same phrase. A proper bout of Punctuation Kung Fu requires three players: two combatants and a referee. The combatants face each other. The referee says the words ''capital letter'', and the opponents bow to each other while repeating the same phrase. The referee then calls out three punctuation marks and the players have to put the moves and sounds for these together, in sequence, as quickly as they can. The winner is the one who puts together all three moves and their accompanying sounds correctly in the quickest time.
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