Trondheim Norway "Power Electronics for Sustainable Growth"

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components and simulation packages. General discussion sessions on these

topics will be organised.
We expect that over 50 compagnies (there is room for more than 100) will

show their products at the exhibition. At the printing deadline of this

programme, dSpace, Analogy, Grundfoss, Hitachi, Elis Elektro, Mitsubishi

Electric, Eldre, Sheco, Powerbox, Tellus EMI already signed up for a booth.

The exhibition set with all practical information is available from the EPE


Exhibitors presentations: Sunday 7 September, 17.00-20.00. Buses will leave

from the tutorial site to Nidarøhallen at 17.00. The final programme will

be available on site.
Related to the moto of the Conference, an essay competition is organised.

The theme to be discussed in the essay will be: "Teaching power electronics

and making new power electronics products to promote sustainable growth".
The best essay will be awarded a NOK 6.666 (approx. US$ 1.000) prize

offered by EFI and will be published in the EPE Journal.

Competition rules
The theme to be discussed in the essay is: "Teaching power electronics and

making new power electronics products to promote sustainable growth". The

final title of the essay is left to the author. The essay will explain how

power electronics in its various aspects can contribute to a sustainable

development worldwide. All aspects may be discussed: technical,

economical, social, environmental, historical, etcŠ

The essay will be judged on the broadness of the documentation, the

originality and realism of the proposed actions.

The essay will be 3000 to 5000 words long. Figures and graphs are to be

put in addition. The essay will end with a list of used references.

The essay will be sent to the EPE Association secretariat in four (4)

copies, three (3) of them being anonymous, and reach before 1 August 1997,

17.00. No delay will be accepted.
The prize will be awarded during the Conference Banquet.
"The environment is where we all live; and development is what we all do in

attempting to improve our lot within that abode. The two are inseparable"

Former Norwegian Prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland adressing the United

Nations in 1988.

Registration information
Registration desk
The registration desk and conference secretariat in Nidarøhallen will be

open at the following times:

Sunday 7 September 15.00 - 18.00

Monday 8 September 08.00 - 16.00

Tuesday 9 September 08.00 - 15.30

Wednesday 10 September 08.00 - 15.30

Conference Secretariat
SEVU, Congress Department

NTNU, Gløshaugen

N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Telephone: +47 73 59 52 46

Telefax: +47 73 59 51 50
Registration fees
The full registration fee includes admittance to all sessions, one set of

proceedings, lunches and coffee during the conference, the reception and

concert, and the conference banquet.
The full registration fee is NOK 3900 before 1 July 1997, NOK 4700 after

this date (EPE Members get a NOK 300 discount). Please observe thatboth

the registration form and the fee must be received by the Conference

Secretariat by 1 July 1997 to obtain the low fee. For all payments

received after this date, including on-site registration, the high fee

For acccompanying persons and students additional tickets for the

reception, and concert and the conference banquet can be ordered at the

registration form. Lunch tickets for accompanying persons and students can

be bought at the conference site.
Please note: The registration deadline for hotel reservations is 1 JULY

1997. After this date we are only able to confirm hotel accommodation on

an availability basis due to the special situation in Trondheim with the

millennium celebrations. We therefore strongly recommend you to register

as early as possible.
Payment should be remitted in Norwegian Kroner (NOK). Bank, currency and

transfer charges are the responsibility of the payee. Please ensure the

organizer is paid the full amount due, and state the name(s) of the

participant(s) clearly on all payments.

Bank transfer: SEVU, account no. 8601.10.34510, ref. 71084, Fokus Bank,

N-7005 Trondheim, Norway, Swift FOKBN 022.

Payment can also be made by use of credit cards. Please fill in the

requested information on the registration form.

Cancellation must be received in writing by the conference secretariat.

Cancellations received prior to 1 July 1997 will be subject to NOK 500

administration charge. For cancellations received after this date the

registration fees are non-refundable. Substitutes will be accepted at any

Cancellation terms for the preconference tours:

- No cancellation fee for cancellations received before 1 July 1997

- Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.

- All tours are based on a minimum number of participants. If a tour has

to be cancelled due to low numbers of participants, the tour fee will be

refunded in full.

Refunds will be processed immediately after the conference.
Confirmation of registration
Confirmation of your registration, including hotel and other reservations,

registration details, information regarding transport to and from the

airport etc. will be sent to all registered participants at the end of

July/beginning of August 1997 and then as registrations arrive.

Social Programme
Concert and Reception, Monday 8 September, Time: 19.30

We have the pleasure to invite you to attend a concert in the Nidaros

Cathedral, with organ music and songs by the internationally recognized

boys choir, Nidarosdomens Guttekor. The Nidaros Cathedral (map: 1) is one

of Scandinavia's largest buildings from the Middle Ages. Work on this

beautiful Gothic building was commenced in 1070, but the oldest parts still

standing are from the 12th century. The main front of the Church, is

decorated with three rows of statues, biblical motives and Norwegian kings

and bishops. The cathedral is richly ornamented in stone with magnificent

stained glass windows.

Following the concert, the Mayor of Trondheim invites us to a reception at

the Archbishop's Palace, (map: 2) Scandinavia's oldest secular building.

The palace dates from the twelfth century, and was the Archbishop's

residence until the Reformation. Today it is used by local and central

governments for official receptions.

Price: Free (Accompanying persons and students can order tickets on the

registration form)
Conference Banquet, Tuesday 9 September, Time: 20.00

May we recommend the conference banquet for Tuesday night. The menu will

propose the finest Norwegian foods, salmon of the best quality and the

typical reindeer steak prepared with its special sauce. The dinner will be

enhanced by performance of music by the Norwegian composer Grieg and

folklore dances. The evening will close with the joyful performance of a

ladies choir named "Sweet Ladies". Everything will be prepared for you to

enjoy yourself in good company and a cheerful atmosphere.

Price: included in the full registration fee.

Price: NOK 380,- for students and accompanying persons only

Party at Lian Restaurant, Wednesday 10 September, Time: 20.00

Wednesday night we can offer an informal party at Lian Restaurant at the

edge of the Bymarka woods and hills. We will go there by trams from the

city centre. The oldest tram is from 1930. You will walk a few hundred

metres to the restaurant, which has a magnificent view. A traditional meal

from the area will be served, and there will be music and party into the

early hours.

Price: NOK 130 (Partly sponsored).

Theatre evening: "West Side Story", Wednesday 10 September, Time 19.30

The theater in Trondheim (map: 27), Trøndelag Teater, will reopen Saturday

6 September 1997, after a three year building period. On Wednesday evening

you can visit this brand new building and see the famous "West Side Story"

in Norwegian.

Price: NOK 180 (limited number of seats)

Accompanying persons programme
The tours are based on a minimum of 30 participants. The organizers

reserve the right to cancel the tours with full reimbursement, should the

number of participants be insufficient.
Sightseeing in Trondheim, Monday 8 September, 10.00 - 14.00

This tour includes a guided tour of the town, followed by lunch at Galaksen

Restaurant in the revolving Tyholt Tower, a 120 metre tall tower on a

hill-top with a rotating restaurant 74 metres high and a spectacular view

of Trondheim, its surroundings and the fjord. A visit to Ringve Music

Museum (map: 17) is also included in the tour. The museum is housed in a

charming old manor from the 18th century. Your guide will play some of the

instruments which are placed in their historical setting. Price: NOK 390

Hiking trip in Bymarka, Monday 8 September, 10.00 - 14.00

Bymarka offers deep forests, open meadows, cloudberry marshes and sparkling

tarns and brooks - all this a stone's throw from Trondheim itself. Bymarka

is a paradise for joggers, hikers and skiers. Our coach takes us to

Fjellsæter and from there we stroll to Grønlia, a lodge from 1794 where

lunch will be served. Then we continue our walk to Lian. The return trip

will be by tram. Sturdy walking shoes are necessary. Total walking distance

is approximately 6 km. Price: NOK 390

The mountain town of Røros - (a guided tour ) - Tuesday 9 September,

08.30 - 17.30

Røros is unique. This 350 year old town is situated 160 km south-east of

Trondheim and takes its place with pride on UNESCO's World Heritage List.

You will be forgiven for thinking you have stepped back many hundreds of

years as you wander past the elegant wooden houses and tiny miners'

cottages, and visit the 18th century church which dominates this unspoiled

mountain town. There will also be time for a visit to the mining museum. A

rich variety of traditional Norwegian and Lappish handicrafts can be found

in the many little studios in the town. Lunch will be served. Travel by

coach. Price: NOK 570
Go for a stroll (I), Tuesday 9 September, 10.00 - 14.15

Go for a stroll with a guide in the town centre includes a guided tour in

Nidaros Cathedral, (map: 1) a visit to Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum

(map: 6), National Museum of Applied Art, and Stiftsgården (map: 3),

Scandinavias's largest timber mansion, which today is H.M. King Harald's

official residence in Trondheim. Lunch in the distinguished Palm Garden at

the Britannia Hotel. This sumptous restaurant is internationally acclaimed

for its special atmosphere. Price: NOK 390

Go for a stroll (II), Wednesday 10 September, 10.00 - 15.10

The tour starts with a visit to the Medieval Museum (map: 7). This museum

resurrects the Middle Ages and creates an environment typical of Trondheim

a thousand years ago. After a guided tour at the museum we walk to the

city's fish market Ravnkloa (map: 11). From Ravnkloa we take the boat to

Munkholmen (the Munks' island) where Benedictine monks built a monastery

in the 11th century. In 1658 it was converted into a prison fort. Today

this is a popular recreational resort, with a nice restaurant, where lunch

will be served.

Price: NOK 390

Pre-Conference Tours
The tours are based on a minimum of 30 participants. The organizers

reserve the right to cancel the tours with full reimbursement, should the

number of participants be insufficient. Cancellation terms for

participants are listed under "Registration Information".

Oslo - Trondheim, Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September

Start from Oslo Airport Fornebu at 09.45. We drive along Norways's largest

lake; Mjøsa where some of the finest farmland in the country is found. At

Hamar we will stop for lunch and a visit to the Viking Ship, one of the

best known arenas from the 1994 Olympic Games. Overnight stay at

Lillehammer Hotell. The next day the journey continues north along the

river Gudbrandsdalslågen, before turning east over the mountains to Røros

(see accompanying persons programme). We take a stroll through the

picturesque 350 years old mountain town before lunch is served at Hotell

Røros. After lunch the tour continues to Trondheim, with an expected

arrival-time of 18.00.

Price: NOK 2890/2670

The Coastal Express, Saturday 6 to Monday 8 September 1997

"The World's Most Beautiful Voyage" offers a unique combination of peace of

mind, comfort, and service on board, coupled with constantly renewed

impressions of the scenery which you sail through and the harbours you


The Coastal Express leaves Bergen in the evening of Saturday, at 22.30. We

pass Florø during the night, spend the morning in open sea crossing Stadt,

before rounding West Cape and heading for Torvik. In the "Art Nouveau

town" Ålesund you have 3 hours to soak up the atmosphere of this beautiful

and interesting town. The next stop is the jazz festival town of Molde,

before we begin our crossing of Hustadvika. The ship docks in Kristiansund

at 23.00 in the evening, before we continue to Trondheim where we arrive

early on Monday morning.

During this tour you can attend tutorial T1 or T2 (see the tutorial

programme). A registration in advance and an additional tutorial fee is

necessary for those who will attend these tutorials. Price: NOK 2110

(includes meals from Saturday night buffet till Monday morning breakfast

and a cabin 2 nights, not tutorial)

Tourist information Norway
( and

Norway is a unique and exotic destination. Norway can offer you a wide

range of activities and give you an experience you'll always remember. Its

nature has no match. Majestic fjords, a 2,650 km of coastline, mighty

mountains, glaciers, forests, valleys, rivers and lakes.

You can experience some of this in combination with the conference stay or

the pre and post conference tours. Let us recommend a few possibilities:

- a stay in Bergen, including the one day trip "Norway in a nutshell"

- a stay in Oslo, visiting the most popular attractions of the capital city

- an extended stay in Trondheim and the area around. Røros is a very nice

place to visit (see accompanying persons programme and pre conference tour)

- a tour with the Coastal Express, Hurtigruten: the presented

pre-conference tour from Bergen, or a tour from Trondheim further south to

Bergen or north to Lofoten or all the way to Kirkenes
For ordering tickets in or to Norway you may contact the travel agency

(refer to the EPE conference):

Flyspesialisten SIT reiser

Attention: Bjørn Berg

Phone: +47 73 59 67 44

Fax: +47 73 59 26 35

For further tourist information contact Norway's Information Centre:

Vestbaneplassen 1, N-0250 Oslo, Phone +47 22 83 00 50,

Fax: +47 22 83 81 50
Oslo (

Adventure, natural scenery, art, architecture and philosophy are a few of

the things you can experience in Oslo - the capital city of Norway. Oslo's

city centre is compact, most of the hotels, museums, entertainments and

shops are within walking distance. Oslo can offer some 50 museums and many

art galleries. Amongst the internationally known attractions are: the

Vigeland Park, the Viking Ships Museum, the Kon-Tiki, the Fram Museum, the

National Gallery, the Norwegian Folk Museum, the Munch Museum, and

Bergen (

Bergen is a charming harbour city located between seven mountains. It was a

German Hansa Stadt. Bergen is worth a stay itself, and it offers a

convenient starting point for the tourist to begin to visit the famous

fjords of Norway.

Tourist office: Phone: +47 55 32 14 80

Norway in a nutshell (

This unique and popular day-excursion takes you through some of the most

magnificent scenery to be found on the west coast of Norway. You leave

Bergen by train in the morning, along the beautiful Sørfjorden to the town

of Voss. From there, you start to climb to the great mountain plateau which

separates the western fjords from East Norway. In Myrdal, you change trains

and then go down the many sharp curves on the famous Flåm Railway which has

a reputation for one of the most spectacular train rides in the world. You

will pass by lofty, snow-capped mountains, thundering waterfalls and

peaceful green meadows on your way to the valley below. After a lunch stop

in Flåm, the trip continues by boat on the Aurlandfjord and Nærøyfjord, one

of the narrowest fjords in Western Norway. From the town of Gudvangen you

will go on by bus to Voss where there is a train waiting for you to take

you back to Bergen. Departure Bergen at 8.50 (return 18.50) and 10.20

(return 20.20). Price: NOK 470
The costal express - Hurtigruten (

The World's Most Beautiful Voyage is a voyage like no other. Nothing can

compare with it. Nothing about this journey will resemble anything you have

ever experienced before. A ticket for the Coastal Express is a ticket to

the theatre, an 11-day drama, from Bergen to Kirkenes and back, in which

new acts constantly unfold all around you. The World's Most Beautiful

Voyage offers a unique combination of peace of mind, comfort, and service

on board, coupled with constantly renewed impressions of the scenery

through which you sail and the harbours you visit. You will witness tender

goodbyes on the quayside next to forklifts loaded with cargo. See simple,

weather-beaten villages where you wouldn't have thought it possible that

anyone could live. Discover sheltered, charming fishing villages under the

Midnight Sun in the summer, and the spectacular night skies with dancing

veils of Northern Lights in the winter. And in large towns like Bergen,

Trondheim and Tromsø, you will find art and culture, tourist attractions

and shopping to satisfy your every need.

Trondheim (

In Trondheim you can see:

- Nidaros Cathedral - see Social programme: Concert and reception

- The Archbishop's Palace - see Social programme: Concert and reception

- Stiftsgården - see Accompanying persons programme: Go for a stroll I

- The Tyholt Tower - see Accompanying persons programme: Sightseeing in


- The Wharves - The oldest of the wharves along the River Nidelva date back

to the 18th century, nevertheless they still give the impression of the

waterfront as it was long before then. On the seafront, towards the canal,

we find wharves that were built more recently, in the 19th and 20th


Lofoten (

Lofoten is the archipelago to the west in the ocean, north of the Artic

Circle, at the 67th and 68th degree parallels. Lofoten stretches like a

wall of moutains to the southwest in the sea. Between the mainland and the

"Lofoten Wall" lies Vestfjord. Lofoten consists of mountains and peaks,

wide open ocean, sheltered inlets, stretches of seashore and large virgin

areas. The principal islands are Austvågøy, Gimsøy, Vestvågøy, Flakstadøy,

Moskenesøy, Værøy and Røst. The total land area amounts to 1,227

About 24,500 people live there. The road distance is almost 170 km from

Fiskebø near Vesterålen in the north to Å in the south, where the E10 ends.

From Lofotodden, at the south end of Moskenesøy Island, the air distance is

more than 60 km to Skomvær, the southernmost point in Lofoten.

Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September 1997: Tutorials, at Kollsnes and in the

coastal express

T1. Large Power and Industrial Drives by H. Raphael, W. Leonhard, P. Lataire, A. Bornes, and T. Chr. Stensholt.

T2. Uninterruptible Power Supplies by Asle Skjellnes, Søren Rathman et al.

Saturday 6 September 1997 - 8.00 to 18.00: Tutorials, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T3. Modeling of Power Electronics in Power Systems using EMTP by N. Mohan,

H. H¦idalen, B. Mork.

T4. Adjustable speed AC motor drives, applications by F. Blaabjerg, J. K.

Pedersen and Prasad Enjeti.

T5. Design and simulation of mechatronics applications and power electronic

systems with Matlab/Simulink by S. Colombi

T6. Application of fuzzy logic and neural network by P. Vas and M. Zigliotto
Sunday 7 September 1997 - 8.00 to 17.00 Tutorials, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T7. Neural nets and Fuzzy Logic-Applications for motion Control by D. Schröder

T8. Simulation of Power Electronics and Motor Drives using PSPICE by O.

Apeldoorn, N. Mohan, B. Robbins and M. Giesselmann.

T9. Design with Power Semiconductors by J. M. Peter

T10. Drives and electric parts of EVs by H. Kalhen, P. Ferraris, G.

Maggetto, B. Hauck.

T11. CISPR and IEC 1000 Standards on EMC by P. Tenti, A. Zuccato, G.

Spiazzi, L. Rossetto.

17.00 to 18.30: Exhibitors presentations, at the conference venue, the


19.00 to 21.00: Official opening of the exhibition including buffet dinner

Monday 8 September 1997

8.30 to 9.15: Opening session

Norway's energy situation: Oil, Gas and Hydro Power - Norway as a pump

storage power plant for Europe

By Odd H. Hoelsæter, President and CEO of Statnett

9.30 to 10.30: Lecture sessions

Passive components

Renewable Energy Systems

Electronic power supplies systems

Fuzzy logic control
11.00 to 13.00: Lecture sessions

Discussion session IGBT vs GTO


Modulation strategies

Electronic power supplies systems
14.00 to 14.45: Keynote session

Integration of power components, a status review, by A. Jaeklin, ABB, K.

Rischmüller, SGS Thomson Microelectronics and L. Lorenz, Siemens
14.45 to 17.00: Dialogue sessions
Topic 1: D1a, D1b

Topic 3: D3a, D3b, D3c, D3d, D3e

Topic 4: D4a, D4b

Topic 5: D5f, D5n, D5o

Topic 8 D8g, D8i, D8h

Topic 9 D9a, D9b, D9c, D9d, D9e, D9f

17.00 to 18.00: Workshops
19.30 to 20.15: Concert in Nidarosdomen followed by an official reception

in the nearby Archbishop's Palace

Tuesday 9 September 1997
8.30 to 10.00: Lecture sessions

Hybrid power Integration


Servo drives

10.30 to 12.30: Lecture sessions

Monolitic Power Integration

Permanent Magnet Motor Drives

Converter control

14.00 to 14.30: Keynote session

Needs for solutions and new areas of applications for power electronics, by

Lars Gertmar, ABB Corporate research, Sweden
14.30 to 17.00: Dialogue sessions
Topic 1: D1c, D1d

Topic 4: D4c, D4d, D4e, D4f, D4g, D4h, D4i

Topic 5: D5a, D5b, D5c, D5d, D5e, D5i, D5j, D5k, D5l

Topic 6: D6a

Topic 8: D8a, D8b
17.00 to 18.00: Workshops
20.00: Conference Banquet
Wednesday 10 September 1997
8.30 to 10.00: Lecture sessions

Characterization and Applications

Sensorless control

Active filters and harmonics

Resonant converters
10.30 to 12.30: Lecture sessions

Devices and modelling

Estimation Techniques

Electric Vehicles

Power converter circuits and control
14.00 to 14.30: Keynote session

The Electric Vehicle by H. Kalhen, University of Kaiserslautern, and G.

Maggetto, VUB, Brussels
14.30 to 17.00: Dialogue sessions
Topic 1: D1e, D1f

Topic 2: D2a, D2b, D2c, D2d, D2e

Topic 5: D5g, D5h, D5m

Topic 7: D7a, D7b, D7c

Topic 8: D8c, D8d, D8e, D8f, D8j

Topic 10: D10a

17.00 to 18.00: Workshops
At night: an informal party in the Lian Forrest restaurant or "West Side

Story" in Norwegian (!) at the New Trondheim Theatre

Thursday 11 September 1997
Technical Tours
1. Visit to a Hydro Power Station within the city of Trondheim.

2. Trip to Siemens, Trondheim.

3. ADtranz charter train to Oslo.
Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September 1997, Technical visit and tutorial at

Kollsnes (near Bergen, Norway) and in the coastal express

T1. Large Power and Industrial Drives by H. Raphael, W. Leonhard, P.

Lataire, A. Børnes, K. Ryen and T. Chr. Stensholt.

EPE offers the EPE'97 conference participants a package including:

- the technical visit to the Statoil Kollsnes gas terminal plant at the

outmost western island of Norway on 6 September 1997;

- transportation by bus along the Bergen archipelago to Kollsnes from

Bergen City Center or Airport and back to the costal express M/S Polarlys

(departure on 6 September at 22.30, arrival on 8 September at 06.00);

- tutorials at Kollsnes and on board of the Polarlys and technical visit of

the ship.

The Statoil gas terminal plant in Kollsnes processes the natural gas coming

through an undersea pipeline from the 472 m high off-shore Troll platform

(measured from the sea-bed) operating the centre of the world largest

offshore gas field.. The core of the plant are 5 gas compressors

individually driven by adjustable speed 41.2 MW synchronous motors.

Particularly interesting are the harmonics filers which are designed to

meet the specified harmonics

content. The filter design was a challenge due to the cable and overhead

line mixture in the power supply to the plant.

The gas transferred to Germany represents 400 TWh per year energy

equivalent, corresponding with a constant power of 45 GW.
Time schedule:
Saturday 6 September 1997
08.00-09.00 Welcome of participants to the visit in Bergen;

09.00-10.30 Bus transportation to the gas plant in Kollsnes;

10.30-11.30 Introduction to the Kollsnes Gas treatment and compressing plant

a. General

b. The adjustable speed a.c. motor compressor drives;

11.30-12.00 Coffee Break

12.00-14.00 Visiting tour in the plant, special emphasis on the compressor


14.00-15.00 Lunch;

15.00-16.00 Specification and purchase of large SM drives (HR);

16.00-17.00 Fundamentals of controlled electromechanical energy conversion (WL)

17.00-18.00 Power supply to the plant; 300 kV cable and overhead line;

18.00-19.00 Bus transportation to Coastal-Express; short stop at the

connection station for the 300 kV oil cable to overhead line change-over


19.00 Check inn at the costal express M/S Polarlys, all the cabins

have toilet with shower

20.00 Dinner at the costal express

22.30 Departure from Bergen, we gather at the observatory deck above the

steering house of the ship to enjoy the sights (do we really need a

Sunday 7 September 1997
During the breaks there will be guided trips in small groups behind the

scene of the ship by the Machine Chief. We will see the main engine room

with adjustable speed induction motors for the pumps of the cooling water

for the main Diesel engines, and we will see the UPSs in the machine room

and at the top of the ship (this one is for safe power to the ship's

communication system).

07.00-09.00 Breakfast;
Parallel Part A: High power LCI synchronous motor drives
09.00-09.45 Power supply to industrial plants with large drive (AHB)

a. General, energy requirements, reliability, redundancy, distortion

b. Kollsnes specific

09.45-11.15 Adjustable speed LCI motor drives (WL)

11.15-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 Design and manufacturing requirements; transformer, motor and

converter (TCS)

12.30-13.30 Lunch Break

13.30-14.30 Harmonic filters for large industrial drives (HR)

a. Fundamentals

b. The Kollsnes solution

14.30-16.00 Control and protection, control strategy, design of control

functions; protection strategy, design of protection functions (TCS);

16.00-16.15 Coffee break

16.15-17.00 Experience from Kollsnes, commissioning, first year operating (AHB)

18.30 Dinner on board;

Parallel Part B: Induction Motor Drives
09.00-11.15 How does an induction motor operate? (PL)

11.15-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 How does a PWM converter operate? (PL)

12.30-13.30 Lunch Break

13.30-14.30 Harmonic filters for large industrial drives (HR)

a. Fundamentals

b. The Kollsnes solution (This part will be common for A and B)

14.30-16.00 Induction motor drives (continued); How do the control circuits

and algorithms operate? (PL);

16.00-16.15 Coffee break

16.15-17.00 Induction motor drives (continued) (PL)

18.30 Dinner on board;

Monday 8 September 1997
06.00 Arrival in Trondheim;

08.00 Registration for the EPE Conference

08.30 Opening of the EPE Conference.
Intended for: engineers involved in the design of high power drives, in the

process industry (part A High Power Drives). You will learn what you never

find in a text book. ABB will provide the participating professors with

color overhead transparencies of the synchronous motors and inverter

details.; engineers who want an introduction to essential knowledge

required to well understand the operation of induction motor drives

Course Faculty: Prof. Henry Raphael,NTNU/Statoil; Prof. Werner Leonhard,

Technische Universität Braunschweig; Prof. Philippe Lataire, Vrije

Universiteit Brussel; Mr. A. Børnes, Statoil; Mr. T. Chr. Stensholt, ABB

Industry and Offshore; Mr. K. Ryen, President of the transmission division

of BKK, the main West Norway utility company.
Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September 1997: technical visit and tutorial, at

Kollsnes (near Bergen, Norway) and in the coastal express

T2. Uninterruptible Power Supplies by Asle Skjellnes; Søren Rathman; L. Malesani
The lecturers will be specialists from the University of Padova, Italy,

Silcon, Denmark and Siemens, Norway and Germany. Professor Luigi Malesani

from the University of Padova will lecture about clean power. Mr. Rathman

will present Silcons' designs for off-line UPS. Mr. Asle Skjellnes and Mr.

Pitrowsky from Siemens will lecture about their UPS and their new


The tutorial will be arranged on M/S Polarlys, one of the newest boats of

the Coastal Voyage (the Hurtigruten) built in 1996. The tutorial starts on

Saturday 6 September 1997 with a visit to Kollsnes gas treatment plant.

Here the gas from the Troll platform is processed and transported to

M/S Polarlys leaves Bergen on Saturday at 22:30 heading for Trondheim. On

board the speakers will present their designs and applications of their

UPS. Siemens has three UPS installed on M/S Polarlys. Two of them are

supplying critical equipment with clean power, the third is supplying

communication equipments, emergency lights and security equipments. There

will be arranged an interesting guided tour to these three UPS. This will

be an unique opportunity to have a look behind the scenes of this modern

ship. The ship arrives at Trondheim on Monday 8 September at 06:00.

Same programme as T1. except the visit at Kollsnes will concentrate on the

UPSs installed there. The tutorial will start at the Kollsnes gas

processing and compressing plant (see map)where there are five 42 MW CSI

Synchronous motors driving the compressors. After an one hour bus trip it

will continue on the coastal express ship, like a cruise ship, Polarlys

which leaves Bergen Saturday night and arrives in Trondheim early Monday

Time schedule:
Saturday 6 September 1997
08.00-09.00 Welcome of participants to the visit in Bergen;

09.00-10.30 Bus transportation to the gas plant in Kollsnes;

10.30-11.30 Introduction to the Kollsnes Gas treatment and compressing plant

a. General

b. The adjustable speed a.c. motor compressor drives;

11.30-12.00 Coffee Break

12.00-14.00 Visiting tour in the plant, special emphasis on the UPS


14.00-15.00 Lunch;

15.00-17.00 Tutorial

17.00-18.00 Power supply to the plant; 300 kV cable and overhead line;

18.00-19.00 Bus transportation to Coastal-Express; short stop at the

connection station for the 300 kV oil cable to overhead line change-over

19.00 Check inn at the costal express M/S Polarlys, all the cabins

have toilet with shower

20.00 Dinner at the costal express

22.30 Departure from Bergen, we gather at the observatory deck above the

steering house of the ship to enjoy the sights (do we really need a

Sunday 7 September 1997
During the breaks there will be guided trips in small groups behind the

scene of the ship by the Machine Chief. We will see the main engine room

with adjustable speed induction motors for the pumps of the cooling water

for the main Diesel engines, and we will see the UPSs in the machine room

and at the top of the ship (this one is for safe power to the ship's

communication system).

07.00-09.00 Breakfast;
UPS Tutorial
09.00-11.15 Tutorial

11.15-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 Torial continued

12.30-13.30 Lunch Break

13.30-16.00 Tutorial (continued);

16.00-16.15 Coffee break

16.15-17.00 Tutorial (continued);

18.30 Dinner on board;

Monday 8 September 1997
06.00 Arrival in Trondheim;

08.00 Registration for the EPE Conference

08.30 Opening of the EPE Conference.

Intended for: engineers involved in the process industry, in the design of

large UPS groups
Course faculty: Mr. Asle Skjellnes, Siemens,Norway;, Mr. Søren Rathman,

Silcon, Denmark; Prof. Luigi Malesani, University of Padova

Saturday 6 September 1997 - 8.00 to 18.00, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T3. Modeling of Power Electronics in Power Systems using EMTP (featuring

ATP version of EMTP for PCs, available via royalty-free licensed agreement)

by N. Mohan, H. Høidalen, B. Mork.

It is now certain that power electronics technologies will play an

important role in the power industry. Applications range from End-Use of

electrical power at home, to Power Quality, to FACTS (Flexible AC

Transmission Systems) and HVDC. The purpose of this course is to give an

overview of EMTP (ATP version), used by thousands around the world who have

acquired it free-of-charge, for simulating such systems.
Intended for

Electric utility engineers; engineers at industrial and consulting

companies involved in the design of high-power electronic systems;

educators interested in computer-aided education of utility-related power

electronics. No prior knowledge of EMTP used in this course is required.

Discussion of Power Electronic Applications in Power Systems and the role

of modeling (1/2 hr, NM)

Overview of ATP - its capabilities and challenges in using it (1/2 hr, NM, BM)

Demonstration of ATPDRAW - Graphical Preprocessor to the ATP/EMTP, New

Windows version (1-1/2 hrs)

Demonstration of ATP usage by means of a few simple examples (1/2 hr, NM,

All participants in this course will receive the following:

1. Course notes and the examples discussed on a diskette,

2. Latest version of ATPDRAW on diskettes,

3. Provided you have filled out a License Form to get it free-of-charge

and have been authorized prior to this course (a proof of licensing is

required), latest version of ATP on diskettes. The license forms can be

downloaded through the internet at the following address:

Additional information on ATP is available at and at

4. An opportunity for licensed users to have the software installed on

their laptop computers (486 or higher, 8 MB RAM, 3-1/2 inch disk drive, 10

MB of hard disk space).

Course Faculty: Prof. Ned Mohan - Univ. of Minnesota, Hans Høidalen -

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Prof. Bruce Mork - Michigan

Technological University.
T4. Adjustable speed a.c. motor drives, applications by P. Enjeti, F.

Blaabjerg and J. K. Pedersen.


Adjustable speed a.c. drives have become the preferred choice in many

industrial applications where controlled speed is required. At the

availability of fast solid state power semiconductor switches (IGBTs) has

resulted in voltage source, PWM controlled inverters becoming a standard

configuration in the power range to 500 kW. While high frequency PWM

control represents the most advanced drive concept, when inappropriately

applied, it also generates side effects, some of which have been recognized

only recently.

This course present a comprehensive coverage of application issues of PWM

inverter controlled a.c. motor drives which include: selection criteria for

energy savings, increased motor losses: damage to motor insulation due to

reflected voltages caused by long motor leads, acoustic noise problems and

solutions for sensor-reduction.

Following a description of the problems, several practical solutions are

also presented and nanlysed. Finally, line harmonic problems caused by the

input diode rectifier are also described and several low cost solutions

selected to meet IEEE 519-1992 are presented.

Basic content

Introduction to ASDs, application problems and energy savings;

Introduction of application problems to high dv/dt and long motor leads;

Filter configurations to minimize the motor winding stresses due to high dv/dt;

Application problems due to high dv/dt - continued;

Acoustic noise problems and their reduction;

Reduced sensing technique in ASD and their problems;

Power quality compliance of ASD equipment.

The audience

PWM inverter/motor manufacturers, system designers as well as adjustable

speed drive application engineers and users will find this course

informative and beneficial.

Course Faculty: Prof. Prasad Enjeti, Texas A&M, USAProf. Frede Blaabjerg,

Prof. John K. Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Saturday 6 September 1997 - 8.00 to 18.00, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T5. Design and simulation of mechatronics applications and power electronic

systems with Matlab/Simulink by S. Colombi

The presentation starts with some general considerations about the

numerical simulation of a system (modeling, integration algorithms,

quantization and numerical problems). Then, after a short overview of

Matlab/Simulink, various industrial application examples in the fields of

power electronics and mechatronics are described. The first example is a

step up-down converter. The mechatronics applications are: simulation of a

pseudo-linear system (friction and stiction), frequency-voltage control of

an induction motor, vector control of an induction motor, wrist stiffening

of a bilateral Master-Slave force reflecting servomanipulator, control of

articulated boom of JET (Joint European Torus) and finally, active control

of an electromagnetic suspension system. For each application example, the

teaching includes a theoretical part (modeling, control design) followed by

the validation on a PC. As a conclusion, general design methodologies are

outlined and advantages and drawbacks of Matlab/Simulink are summarised.


General considerations on the numerical simulation

- Modelling

- Integration algorithms

- Quantization and numerical problems
Overview of Matlab/Simulink

- Building blocks

- M-files and MEX-files

- Simulation algorithms and step size control

- How Simulink works

- Set up-down (Buck-Boost) converter

- Simulation of a pseudo-linear system

- Frequency-voltage control of an induction motor

- Vector control of an induction motor

- Wrist stiffening of a bilateral Master-Slave force reflecting servomanipulator

- Control of an articulated Boom of JET

- Active control of an electromagnetic suspension system

Intended for: design engineers, industry applicationengineers, reserchers
Course Faculty: Dr. Silvio Colombi, Laboratoire d'Electronique

Industrielle, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Switzerland

T6: Application of fuzzy logic and neural network techniques to modern

electrical drives by P. Vas and M. Zigliotto

The seminar intends to present a comprehensive state-of-the-art of the FL

and ANN applications to the drives. For each topic, the theoretical

background will first be given, mainly focusing on the aspects that have

direct practical implications. Then, several practical examples of

application to a.c. and d.c. electrical drives will be explained in

details, showing both simulation and experimental results. Comments and

cross-comparisons will finally awaken the audience to the problems and the

application niches in which FL and ANN can profitably be used, not as a

fashion, but as an effective and innovative scientific tool.
Tutorial programme

A. Introduction: Artificial intelligence-based controller advantages

B. Fuzzy logic and applications

Fundamentals, Definition, Classical crisp set, classical set operations

versus fuzzy set and fuzzy set operations, membership functions and fuzzy

logic operators, Mamdani-type fuzzy controller, worked out numerical

example, Sugeno fuzzy system; On-line and Off-line implementation -

features and comparisons; Hierarchical and parallel fuzzy logic controllers

(HFLC, PFLC) - methods of synthesis; Application of fuzzy logic to

electrical drives: speed and position control of a d.c. drive; speed

control of a switched reluctance motor drive; estimation of airgap flux in

an induction motor drive; vector controlled induction motor drive; direct

torque controlled induction motor drive; Fuzzy Knowledge Based Systems:

fuzzy logic automatic design of electrical machines

C. Neural network applications

Fundamentals, ANN model, activation functions, single-layer ANN,

Multi-layer ANN, unsupervised ANN: Kohonen self-organising map; Harmonic

estimation using the Kohonen map; Learning algorithms, back-propagation

algorithm, competitive learning; ANN identification, control; Examples

(d.c. drives, etc..)

D. Adaptive fuzzy-neural network applications

Various fuzzy-neural architecture, including the Sugeno model; Adaptive

fuzzy-neural controlled DC drive; Adaptive fuzzy-neural controlled

vector-controlled induction motor drive

E. Commercial fuzzy and neural software
Duration: 1/2 day, 8.00 to 12.00
Course Faculty: Prof. P. Vas, University of Aberdeen, UK, and Mr. M.

Zigliotto, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Sunday 7 September 1997 - 8.00 to 17.00, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T7. Neural nets and Fuzzy Logic; applications for motion control by D. Schröder

This tutorial would cover an introduction to different aspects of problems

in motion control as multi-mass-systems with elasticities and damping,

different ways of modelling the control of such systems, their influence of

non-linearities like friction and backlash. Transformations of non-linear

to linear systems, stability and convergence, fundamental aspects of neural

nets and Fuzzy logic as general multi-dimensional non-linear functions

approximators, Neuro-identification of non-linear systems,

Neuro-Identification and feed-forward-compensation; global linearization

with neural nets, global non-linear control with fuzzy logic, including

stable adaptive and convergent learning, modifications of the strategies

for practical applications, practical applications.

Course Faculty: Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.-Ing.hc D. Schröder, Technical University

of München.

T8. Simulation of Power Electronics and Motor Drives using PSpice by O.

Apeldoorn, N. Mohan and M. Giesselmann

SPICE is a general-purpose program used around the world for modeling

electronic circuits. PSpice, one of its leading commercial versions, is a

very powerful tool for modeling power electronic systems and motor drives.
This course will illustrate the use of Pspice in power electronics

and drives using the evaluation version of Pspice version 7.1 running under

Windows95. Both the basic aspects of using Pspice as well as utilizing its

advanced capabilities will be covered. This course will be divided into the

following parts:
- PSpice basics and use of schematic capture. No more hassles with writing

text files - just draw the circuit using available components (and/or make

your own components) and simulate. 1-1/2 hours. NM, OA, MG.

- Simulation of various commonly-used converter topologies and control in

time domain. Use of averaged models and response in time domain, as well

as in frequency domain. 1-1/2 hours. OA, NM

- Issues in detailed modeling of semiconductor devices in Spice. Diodes,

MOSFETs and IGBT models. 2 hours. OA

- Modeling of motor drives. d- and q-axes modeling, vector control of

drives. 2 hours. OA and MG.

No prior knowledge of PSpice is required. Bring your notebook PCs (486 or

higher) with a CD-ROM drive and a disk drive to load up the powerful

evaluation version of PSpice and other software.
Throughout the course, instructors will use a PC to demonstrate PSpice

usage and the output will be projected on a big screen.

Each participant will receive the following:
- course notes and examples discussed during the course on a

diskette, and

- an opportunity to load software on your own notebook computers

(486 or higher, 8 MB RAM, Windows95 and the display supported by it, CD-ROM

and a 3-1/2 inch floppy drive, a mouse).
Intended for: Engineers involved in the design of power electronic and

motor-drive systems. Educators interested in computer-aided education of

power electronics and motor drives.
Course Faculty: Prof. Ned Mohan, University of Minneota; Mr. Oscar

Apeldoorn, Univ. of Aachen; Prof. Michael Giesselmann, Texas Tech.

University; Prof. William P. Robbins, University of Minnesota.
Sunday 7 September 1997 - 8.00 to 17.00, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T9. Design with Power Semiconductors by J. M. Peter
1. The power semiconductor today

1.1. Basics about power semiconductors in switching mode

Diode, bipolar transistor, thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT, GTO. Max. ratings

definitions, Influence of the max voltage, Safe operating area, drive.

1.2. Fast recovery rectifier, the weak component

Turn-off behaviour, consequences, losses, overvoltages, noise current

spikes. The circuit has an influence.

1.3. Drive and protection

1.4. The power component in the field

Data sheets, typical and maximum values, second source, reliability and

safety margin.

1.5. Hard and soft switching

Component behaviour in zero-voltage switch and in zero-current switch.

1.6. Power integration

What is specific from power, monolithic and hybrid technologies, system or

improved component, smartpower, limits, what can be integrated, what cannot

be integrated today, examples, power modules, IMPs, advantages and

disadvantages of power integration, forecasted evolution.

2. Forecasted evolution

2.1. The power electronics world changes

Power electronics evolution and main requirements, from "high tech" to

"heavy industry", strategic and volume components, progresses and


2.2 Consequences for the power semiconductors

Discrete and integrated devices, new devices? or new control methods?

MOSFET and IGBT trends, some bipolar components more alive in the field of

high power, competition between the turn-off components in high power GTO

or IGBT? the fast rectifier always the weak point?

2.3. Consequences for the design

Design strategy

Intended for: All engineers involved in the design process of new materials

using power electronic components; teachers and dr. students can also take

full advantages of the contents of the course.
Course Faculty: Prof. J. M. Peter, SEE, Professor and consulting
T10. Drives and electric parts of EVs by H. Kahlen, P. Ferraris, G.

Maggetto, B. Hauck.


The important electrical parts of an EV work together with power electronic

and electronic controlled systems. The tutorial will give an understanding

of the drive system and the goals for the necessary power electronic parts

for the different drives.

Battery charging needs well controlled chargers and good equipments for

conductive and inductive connection. The spectrum for the power electronic

parts goes from net frequency to high frequencies.


- Electric vehicle drive systems and their structures (H. Kahlen)

This part will discuss the drive system consisting of electrical as well as

mechanical parts: single or multi-motor drives, transmission, hybrid

systems, etcŠ

- Drive Motors (P. Ferraris)

- Motors (permanent magnets, axial and transversal flux machines) (R. Nilssen)

- Water cooled inverter for the Volvo EEC EV (M. Hernes)

- Power electronics converters for electric vehicle drive systems (H. Kahlen)

This part will discuss the different power semiconductor available for the

design of converter circuits, choppers, inverters, Š

- Charger for EV Batteries, on-board/off-board inductive (G. Maggetto)

Analysis and discussion of different types of chargers used practically

nowadays on-board and off-board the electric vehicles, including conductive

and inductive charging systems.

- Electronics and Monitoring (B. Hauck)

This part emphasizes the small signal electronics used in the electric

vehicle: microprocessors, bus systems, memories, etcŠ to monitor and

Intended for: Power electronics and drives people with interest for the

future of electric and hybrid vehicles

Course Faculty: Prof. Hans Kahlen, University of Kaiserslautern, Prof.

Paolo Ferraris, Politecnico di Torino, Prof. GastonMaggetto, Vrije

Universiteit Brussel, Prof. Bernhardt Hauck, University of Kaiserslautern,

Prof. Robert Nilssen, NTNU, Mr Margnar Hernes, EFI

Sunday 7 September 1997 - 8 h to 17 h, at NTNU campus, Trondheim
T11. Understanding and complying with CISPR and IEC 1000 Standards on EMC

by A. Zuccato, L. Rossetto.

Since January 1996, electrical and electronic equipment sold in the

European market must bear the CE mark which attests compliance to EMC

standards, which take into account both radiated and conducted noises in a

very wide frequency range (up to 1 GHz) and require several emission and

immunity tests (including electrostatic discharge, fast transients, surge

voltages etc.).

The first part of the tutorial reviews the standards regarding

low-frequency emission and immunity to line disturbances, and in particular

IEC 1000-3-2 which limits the low-frequency harmonic distortion (from 50 to

2000 Hz) of equipment with rated current less than 16 A per phase. Common

problems and misunderstandings in applying the norms are addressed and

operational experience is reported for various families of industrial and

domestic loads. Then, basic passive and active power factor correction

techniques are illustrated and compared.

The second part of the tutorial reviews CISPR and IEC standards regarding

conducted and radiated noise emission and immunity. Typical problems

arising from their application are discussed from a practical point of view

and mitigation guidelines are given.

Lastly, the design of a power factor corrector circuit complying with all

the above standards is illustrated.


8.30-8.45 Introduction: EU 336/89 Directive - CE Mark (A.Zuccato)

8.45-9.15 Low-frequency Standards (A. Zuccato)

- Harmonic pollution (IEC 1000-3-2; IEC 1000-3-4)

- Flicker (IEC 1000-3-3; IEC 1000-3-5)

- Immunity to line disturbances (IEC 1000-4-11)

9.15-10.00 Origin of harmonic pollution - Corrective provisions


(passive filters, power factor correctors, etc.)

10.00-10.30 Coffee break

10.30-11.00 Introduction to high-frequency EMI


11.00-11.45 CISPR emission and immunity standards


11.45-12.30 Mitigation guidelines and example of application: design and

implementation of a PFC (L.Rossetto)

12.30-13.00 Discussion
This tutorial is mainly devoted to design engineers, industrial application

engineers and industrial users.


- overview and interpretation of EMC standards

- practical impact of EMC standards on typical industrial and domestic products

- basic mitigation techniques

- design example: boost power factor corrector
Course Faculty: Dr. Leopoldo Rossetto, PhD, Dept of Electrical Engineering,

University of Padova, Padova, Italy, Dr. Alessandro Zuccato, PhD,Director,

CREIVen - Research Consortium in Industrial Electronics, Padova, Italy
Opening session
Monday: 8h30 to 9h15
Norway's energy situation: Oil, Gas and Hydro Power - Norway as a pump

storage power plant for Europe, by Odd H. Hoelsæter, President & CEO of

Odd Håkon Hoelsæter is President and CEO of Statnett SF (The Norwegian

Power Grid Company). Stanett SF is the Norwegian System Operator, the

owner of, and operates the major part of the high voltage transmission grid

in Norway and the interconnections with foreign countries. Statnett is

also the owner of 50 % of Nord Pool ASA, the Nordic Power Exchange.

Since Stanett SF was established in January 1992, Mr. Hoelsæter has

possessed the post of President.

Mr. Hoelsæter obtained his electrical engineering degree (Msc) at the

Norwegian Technical University in 1969.

He started his career with Samkjøringen av Kraftverkene i Norge (The

Norwegian Power Pool). He left the Pool in 1980 to first take up the

position of Technical Manager at Årdal og Sunndal Verk AS and then as

Director for Hydro Aluminium Energy in Årdalstangen. He then rejoined the

Norwegian Power Pool in 1989 as Executive Vice President.

Currently, he is a Board Member of Employers' organisation of Norwegian

State-Owned Enterprises; Vice President of NORDEL and the Norwegian

representative to Eurelectric's section SEN. He is a former member of

UNIPEDE's Large Systems and International Interconnection Study Committee.

Keynote 1: Monday: 14:00 to 14:45

Integration of power components, state of the art and trends, by André A.

Jaecklin, ABB, K. Rischmüller, SGS-Thomson Microelectronics and Leo

Lorenz, Siemens

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