2- Spraying the infected farms by Virucidal antiseptics.
3- Collecting blood samples (141 samples collected) for differentiation between the infected and the vaccinated cattle by using FMD 3ABC ELISA in local laboratory.
4- Vaccination all farms surrounding the foci of infection in a ring manner of a radius 3 km by using Aftovax Inactivated Polyvalent Vaccine (O Manisa, O-393, A Iran 05, A Saudi 95, Asia 1 and SAT2) of Merial.
5- Tissue samples were collected from infected cattle and sent to Pirbright FMD reference laboratory (FMD virus strain O Turkey 09 was identified).
Routine vaccination campaigns:
Routine vaccination campaigns:
Control and Animal Health Directorate performs a routine vaccination campaigns to eradicate FMD. Campaigns performed 2 times a year.
Decivac FMD DOE trivalent vaccine from MSD has been introduced in the vaccination campaigns of October 2015 after performing vaccine matching tests in Pirbright.