University of Strathclyde Calendar 009-10 Part General Regulations

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4.1 General

4.1.1 These regulations apply to all degree examinations leading to an award other than a doctorate or a degree of master by research. Degree examinations include in particular those examinations normally held at the end of each semester, with a resit diet before the succeeding academic session, the results of which are considered by formally constituted Boards of Examiners.

4.1.2 These regulations are to be read in conjunction with the provisions of Ordinance 6 Examiners & Examinations.

4.1.3 All examinations shall take place at the University, or, in the case of a class taught elsewhere, at the appropriate learning centre. In exceptional circumstances and at the request of the Head of Department responsible for the candidate's course of study, the Director of Corporate Services may authorise arrangements for examinations to be held elsewhere, subject to the payment by the candidate of any necessary costs.

4.1.4 Written examinations for undergraduate classes shall take place at the time and place published by the Director of Corporate Services, except that Heads of Department may make special provision for those registered with the University as having special academic or physical needs, or in exceptional cases otherwise.

The times and places for all other examinations shall be published by the appropriate Head of Department or nominee.

4.1.5 All examinations shall be invigilated by members of the academic staff or, in the case of a class taught elsewhere, by staff of that learning centre. A Head of Department who has made special provision in terms of regulation 4.1.3 or 4.1.4 shall be responsible for the appointment of invigilators, who need not necessarily be members of academic staff.

4.1.6 Invigilators shall ensure that examinations are conducted in accordance with these Regulations. Other than in exceptional circumstances, a minimum of two invigilators shall be appointed for and shall be present in each examination room.

4.1.7 Students are not permitted to present themselves as candidates for an examination unless they have been registered for that examination.

4.1.8 Students in attendance at the University in any academic year are automatically registered for the first attempt at any examination in that academic year provided they have satisfied the Head of the Department offering the class that the requirements as to attendance and performance have been fulfilled.

4.1.9 Students not in attendance at the University, and students making a second attempt at an examination in any one academic session, are required to register for each examination and to pay any prescribed fees by the specified date.

4.1.10 Students who fail to present themselves for an examination at the time and place published will be deemed to have forfeited that opportunity to sit the examination; except that in cases of absence through illness or other sufficient cause the Board of Examiners will take into consideration documentary evidence in assessing a candidate's position.

4.1.11 In the assessment of an examination result the Board of Examiners will not normally consider project or other work which is part of an examination but which has not been submitted by the required date.

4.1.12 During the period of evacuation of an examination hall on account of a fire-alarm or other emergency, the examination and the Regulations for Examinations shall be considered to be in suspense until the examination is re-started or is ended.

4.2 Use of Dictionaries

4.2.1 Students whose native language is not English are permitted to use paper-based English/native language dictionaries in University examinations, except as detailed in regulation 4.2.2. These dictionaries will be subject to scrutiny by the Invigilator in Charge of each examination. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted in University examinations.

4.2.2 Unless instructions have been issued to the contrary, dictionaries shall not be used in language examinations

4.3 Conduct - Written Examinations

4.3.1 Communication between candidates, or between a candidate and anyone other than an examiner or invigilator, is forbidden during an examination.

4.3.2 Candidates must act in accordance with any instruction issued by an invigilator.

4.3.3 Coats, briefcases, notes and similar items shall be deposited outside the examination room or as directed by the invigilators. Candidates shall ensure that mobile telephones and similar items are switched off.

4.3.4 Candidates are permitted to introduce into the examination room only the following items of a learning or reference nature:

(i) dictionaries as permitted by Regulation 4.2;

(ii) material identified on the relevant question paper as necessary or permissible;

(iii) material certified as permissible to meet a special academic or physical need.

4.3.5 The introduction into the examination room and the use of calculators, computers and similar items is permissible only if they are used in a way compatible with Regulations 4.3.1 and 4.3.4. Candidates are not permitted to share the use of such items.

4.3.6 Candidates are required to place their student cards on their examination desks in such a manner that the invigilators may verify each candidate's identity; any candidates failing to present their student cards may be required by an invigilator to complete and sign an examination attendance form.

4.3.7 Candidates are not admitted to the examination room after the examination has been in progress for one-third of its scheduled duration.

4.3.8 Candidates may not begin writing until authorised by the invigilators; they shall stop writing on the instructions of the invigilators.

4.3.9 Candidates are required to write their answers in the answer-books provided unless directed otherwise. On completion of an examination candidates must hand in all answer-books and other papers in the manner specified by the invigilators; unless otherwise indicated the question paper will be excluded from this requirement.

4.3.10 Candidates may leave an examination after it has been in progress for one-third of its scheduled duration but are not normally permitted to leave during the last 15 minutes of the examination period.

4.3.11 Should it be necessary for a candidate to leave the examination room temporarily the invigilators shall require that the candidate normally be escorted throughout the absence by an authorised person.

4.3.12 Candidates are required to remain in their places whilst in attendance at a written examination except in the circumstances provided for in Regulation 4.3.11. Additional answer-books and other materials will be given to candidates by the invigilators when requested and should not be collected by candidates.

4.3.13 At the end of an examination candidates shall remain in their places until they receive instructions from the invigilators. When they receive permission to leave the examination room candidates shall do so quietly and as expeditiously as possible.

4.3.14 A candidate found using unfair means during an examination may be required by an invigilator to withdraw from the examination. In that event the invigilator shall send the candidate's answer-book directly to the Director of Corporate Services under separate cover giving details of the circumstances. 'Using unfair means' includes, for example, using unauthorised aids, copying from and communicating with other candidates.

4.3.15 A candidate whose conduct is in the view of an invigilator disturbing to other candidates and who persists in this conduct after receiving a warning from an invigilator shall be required to withdraw from the examination room. In that event the invigilator shall send the candidate's answer-book directly to the Director of Corporate Services under separate cover giving full details of the circumstances.

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