Introduction to
in the
Western Cape
Provincial Government of the Western Cape:
Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
October 2007
Prepared by: Etienne Hinrichsen
Division of Aquaculture
University of Stellenbosch
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Edition 1
Issued by:
Provincial Government of the Western Cape
Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street
Private Bag X9086
Cape Town, 8000
South Africa
Prepared by:
E. Hinrichsen
Division of Aquaculture, Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602
South Africa
Coordinated by:
Division of Aquaculture, Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1
Matieland, 7602
South Africa
COPYRIGHT © Republic of South Africa, Provincial Government of the Western Cape,
Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning 2007. ALL RIGHTS
This document is copyright under the Berne Convention. Apart from the purpose of
private study, research or teaching, in terms of the Copyright Act (Act No. 98 of 1978) no
part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Department of
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Likewise, it may not be lent, resold,
hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published.
This guideline should be cited as:
Hinrichsen, E. 2007. Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape: Edition 1. Division
of Aquaculture, Stellenbosch University Report. Republic of South Africa, Provincial
Government of the Western Cape, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development
Planning, Cape Town.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
The compilation of this document was made possible through a collective effort in which the
following people and organisations played a significant role:
The project team from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development
Planning, which was led by Mr. Z. Toefy.
The project review committee, consisting of the officials from the Department of
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, The Western Cape Provincial
office of the National Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, the Marine and
Coastal Management Branch of the Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism, CapeNature, the Western Cape Provincial Department of Agriculture and
the Aquaculture Institute of South Africa.
Special appreciation is given to the Aquaculture Institute of South Africa for providing
guidance with regard to the content and framework of this booklet, as well as
coordinating the review committee.
The project implementation team from the Division of Aquaculture of the Stellenbosch
University, which was led by Prof. D. Brink.
Participants in the aquaculture sector at large who participated in various discussion
forums and gave much input around the content of the document.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP or “the
Department” hereafter) has compiled this
Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape to
assist stakeholders with finding basic information pertaining to this sector in the province. It
further serves as a forerunner for two more comprehensive guidelines that the Department
have compiled, these being:
Generic Environmental Best Management Practice Guideline for Aquaculture
Development and Operation in the Western Cape.
Guideline to the Authorisation Requirements for Aquaculture in the Western Cape.
It is important that the referenced guidelines above be consulted if further information is
required around best management practices and the authorisation of aquaculture
development in the province.
This booklet has been specifically compiled for use in the
Western Cape Province. Use outside of this province must be
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
With the rapid growth of aquaculture, the Department of Environmental Affairs and
Development Planning have released this booklet as a tool to introduce all stakeholders to
the key elements that will contribute to the development of a sustainable aquaculture sector
in the Western Cape.
The booklet defines aquaculture and provides details of its nature by explaining the
categorisation of aquaculture types. An overview of the global trends in aquaculture is
complemented by an indication of the strong position of the Western Cape in the South
African aquaculture sector.
The Department’s approach to aquaculture is one through which a facilitative regulatory
environment can complement the growth of a successful aquaculture industry. To achieve
this, the Department advocates that aquaculture activities are well planned and that the
checklist provided in this booklet be used as a foundation from which to conduct
comprehensive feasibility assessments into newly proposed aquaculture ventures. Such
assessments should cover the choice of species, site selection, market research and legal
The use of best management practices in aquaculture will ensure the minimisation of
unavoidable environmental impacts and the prevention of avoidable impacts associated with
the sector.
Aquaculture activities are subject to authorisations from various authorities and in
accordance with various laws. In this regard the Department supports an integrated
authorisation process in which compliance is streamlined through a chronological approach.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... II
PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................. III
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... IV
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. V
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................... 1
WHAT IS AQUACULTURE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
AQUACULTURE STATUS - GLOBALLY AND IN THE WESTERN CAPE ........................................................... 2
AQUACULTURE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
METICULOUS PLANNING OF AQUACULTURE IS IMPORTANT ........................................................................ 4
RE ....................................................................... 6
THE INTEGRATED AUTHORISATION PROCESS FOR AQUACULTURE .......................................................... 7
WHO TO CONTACT IN RELATION TO AQUACULTURE MATTERS ................................................................... 8
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
1 Dorp Street, Cape Town
Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: 021 483 4643
Fax: 021 483 3211
Web: www.capegateway.gov.za
Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry
Private Bag X16, Sanlamhof, 7532
Tel: 021 950 7100
Web: www.dwaf.gov.za
Muldersvlei Road, Elsenburg Building
Private Bag X1, Elsenburg, 7607
Tel: 021 808 5005
Fax: 021 808 5000
Web: www.capegateway.gov.za
and Tourism
2nd Floor, Foretrust Building, Foreshore, Cape Town
Private Bag X2, Roggebaai, 8012
Tel: 086 112 3626 or 021 402 3036
Fax: 021 402 3009
Web: www.mcm-deat.gov.za
Private Bag X29, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: 021 659 3400
Web: www.capenature.org.za
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
PO Box 51743, West Beach, 7449
Tel: 021 556 7339
Fax: 021 556 4428
Web: www.ai-sa.org.za
South African Bureau of
Liesbeek Parkway, Rosebank, Cape Town
PO Box 615, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: 021 681 6700
Fax: 021 681 6701
Web: www.sabs.co.za
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
PO Box 71894, The Willows, 0041
Tel: 012 807 6720
Fax: 012 807 4946
Web: www.aasa-aqua.co.za
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Aquaculture is a relatively new production sector in South Africa. An awareness and
understanding of the manner in which aquaculture works, including the technologies and
methods, the business principles and the impacts (financial, social and environmental) is still
limited. For this reason the Department has compiled this booklet and other guidelines as its
contribution to the establishment of a sustainable aquaculture sector in the Western Cape.
Aquaculture will continue to grow due to a growing demand for aquaculture products,
continuously declining marine fisheries stocks and the diversification of business opportunities
offered by the sector. To accommodate this growth in a sustainable manner all stakeholders,
including both the public and private sectors, must cooperate around responsible development.
Aquaculture is defined as the propagation, improvement, trade or rearing of aquatic organisms
(plant and animal) in controlled or selected aquatic environments (fresh, sea or brackish
waters) for any commercial, subsistence, recreational or other public or private purpose.
Aquaculture does not include capture fisheries, which entails the harvesting of aquatic
organisms from an environment in which no attempt has been made to manage or otherwise
influence the organisms by containment, feeding or application of any husbandry techniques.
The aquaculture sector employs a range of production techniques that can be classified
according to the nature of water use, the environment in which the activity is practiced, the
scale and intensity, the degree of “openness” to the environment, the species, the housing
facilities for production organisms and more. Firstly, aquaculture is carried out as either
freshwater aquaculture or marine aquaculture (or mariculture), which is practiced in fresh and
marine waters respectively. Estuarine and brackish water aquaculture straddles the divide
between fresh and marine water aquaculture.
Aquaculture can further be defined in terms of the intensity of production. The typical
classification in this regard refers to extensive production as opposed to semi-intensive and
intensive production, where the level of technology, capital expenditure, running costs, control,
risk and volume of production per unit area typically increases from the less to more intensive
practices. Associated, but not necessarily linked to this, is the magnitude of production that can
be broadly divided into small-scale operations (often subsistence ventures), medium scale
enterprises and large-scale enterprises (often referred to as industrial aquaculture).
A range of production facilities are used in aquaculture and these can be broadly categorised
into tank culture, pond culture and cage culture systems. Within each of these categories
various subcategories can be identified. Tank culture can range from typical glass tanks to
tanks of various sizes constructed of fibreglass, plastics, concrete or other materials. Pond
culture typically refers to earthen ponds, but various plastic, concrete or other pond linings are
common. Cage culture systems range from basic penned enclosures and basic floating cages
to technologically advanced systems that are constructed from materials such as polyethylene.
Categorisation by species not only refers to marine or freshwater species, but also to the
typical species groups such as reptiles, finfish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants or algae.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Globally the development of aquaculture is driven by market forces, the diversification of the
economic base, the sustainable utilization of resources and a quest for food security. In this
regard, aquaculture has developed into a diverse industry, with many countries participating in
the production of many species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Rohana
Subasinghe, an aquaculture specialist with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO),
recently stated that the percentage of fish produced in global aquaculture for human
consumption has grown from 9% in 1980 to 44% today (2007). Globally, aquaculture is
growing more rapidly than any other food-producing sector.
The global harvest of natural aquatic resources for food, protein, oils and other materials
has reached capacity and has already caused a collapse in the stocks of certain species,
habitat loss and pollution. Nevertheless, the demand for these aquatic resources is
increasing and aquaculture production has the potential to meet this demand. This is
especially relevant to the Western Cape, as the province is well know for the harvest of
natural marine resources, but also possesses the potential for the development of a strong
marine and freshwater aquaculture sector. This new sector will also contribute, in an
increasing manner, to the diversification of resource utilisation, economic activity, the
creation of employment, rural development, food security, poverty relief and the
development of technology and skills. Aquaculture has a significant potential for
empowerment, community-private-public and other partnerships, often without the need for
complicated reform processes.
The further growth of aquaculture in South Africa and the Western Cape depends on the
successful integration, use and development of natural resources (water, land, climate, energy
and biodiversity), human resources (labor, skills and technology), economic resources (capital,
infrastructure and market access) and a facilitative regulatory environment.
Both in terms of production volume and crop value, the Western Cape is the most significant
contributor to the collective aquaculture output in South Africa. In a recent benchmarking
survey (Botes et al., 2006) it was found that the Western Cape is the economic hub for
aquaculture production in the country and makes the most significant contribution to GDP
in terms of export based production. The survey found that 43.8% of aquaculture
producers are situated in the Western Cape, followed by Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal and
the Eastern Cape with 12.5% each. These statistics reveal the importance of the Western
Cape in terms of aquaculture development.
Various marine and freshwater aquaculture species are currently cultivated in the Western
Cape Province. These include:
a) Marine species
Abalone (Haliotis midae)
Various marine finfish under investigation (including cob (Argyrosomus spp.))
Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovinvialis)
Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas)
Seaweed species (Gracilaria spp.)
b) Freshwater species
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Goldfish ( Carrasius auratus and other spp.)
Ornamental fish (various ornamental species)
Rainbow and brown trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo trutta)
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Chinese grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Marron (Cherax tenuimanus)
Mozambique and other tilapia species (Oreochromis spp)
Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)
Water hawthorn (Plantae aquaticae)
In addition to the Western Cape’s leading position in the South African aquaculture sector,
the province is also home to the Marine and Coastal Management Branch of the
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (MCM: DEAT), four tertiary institutions
with strong links to aquaculture (the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Western
Cape and the Elsenburg Agricultural College) and the Aquaculture Institute of South Africa
In terms of aquaculture, the Department is primarily concerned with the provision of an
accessible and enabling regulatory framework to guide the development of sustainable
aquaculture practises in the Western Cape and to ensure that the Department is prepared and
equipped to deal effectively with the growing aquaculture sector. Through the establishment of
an accessible regulatory framework, the Department seeks to be an integral stakeholder and
partner in the growth and equitable intensification of the sector. In this manner the Department
will strive towards the achievement of the socio-economic and development based objectives
of the National Environmental Management Act.
The use of natural resources for aquaculture poses the potential for impacts to these resources
and the associated social, economic and biophysical environments. In order to ensure the
sustainability of the sector it is imperative that these resources are protected, and that their
utilisation for aquaculture is based on sound management, while ensuring equitable benefits to
all. This leads to the necessity for the implementation of best environmental management
practises in aquaculture, which will assist the Department in its contributions towards a
sustainable industry. For this reason the Department has compiled both a best management
practise guideline and a guideline to the authorisation requirements for aquaculture in the
Due to the diverse nature of aquaculture and the fact that it is influenced and controlled by
legislation and mandates from various Government Departments, DEA&DP strive to interact in
a co-operative manner towards the aquaculture initiatives in other Departments. This will lead
to the formulation of a common and conducive approach to the aquaculture sector, forming the
foundation for cooperative governance. This cooperative approach is manifested in the
integrated authorisation process for aquaculture as described in the Department’s guideline on
the authorisation requirements for aquaculture in the province.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
Best management practices, legal compliance, sustainability and responsible growth of the
aquaculture sector all depend on comprehensive and integrated planning around
resources, social matters, environmental aspects, technical matters and economics. For
this reason the Department supports and encourages good planning in aquaculture to
ensure that the resultant environmental footprint of any aquaculture activity is limited and
met by mitigation measures that can ensure sustainability. Such
planning should be based
on a feedback process in which designs, plans, strategies and processes are continuously
tested against the applicable resource, social and environmental matters so that any
concept can be modified to best achieve a minimisation of negative impacts.
Department also supports meticulous planning to limit the negative impacts that may be
caused by failed or sub-economic aquaculture ventures.
Just like any other business venture, aquaculture requires a detailed feasibility study
before initiation. The development of aquaculture activities must not be based on a
perception of aquaculture being an appealing lifestyle choice.
To support prospective aquaculturists, the Department has devised a basic checklist that
should be used in the planning of new aquaculture ventures. This self guided primer for
prospective aquaculturists only covers the basic drivers of a successful aquaculture
practice and it will be necessary for further research into the viability of any new venture.
Basic checklist of aspects for the planning of a sustainable aquaculture venture:
Questions to be asked
Organisations that could
assist with one or all of
details provided on page
Is the species indigenous, exotic or extralimital?
If exotic, does the species occur in the area?
Is the species suited to the conditions and climate?
Are the rearing, biology and husbandry techniques
for the species known?
Have the various approaches to production of the
species been investigated?
Does the design of the facilities suite the species?
Is feed readily available for the species?
What are the market prospects for the species?
Will the chosen species be spawned on site and if
not, are sources of juveniles available?
Cape Nature
Management Branch of
and Tourism (for marine
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
Choice of a Site
Does the project conform to regional development
objectives and is the site correctly zoned?
Can legal access be gained to the site?
Does the site have adequate water resources that
can be accessed legally?
Is the site physically accessible?
What services (electricity, water, roads, sewage and
refuse) are required?
What infrastructure is required?
What is the surrounding land use and how will this
Cape Nature
Management Branch of
and Tourism (for marine
Department of Water
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
influence the project?
What is the environmental sensitivity of the area?
Have floods, tides, winds and other forces of nature
been considered?
Has aquaculture effluent discharge been considered?
What will the influence of the project be on its
Affairs and Forestry
Local Authorities
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
General Feasibility
Has a feasibility analysis and business plan been
done for the project?
Is the project financed and has provision been
made for capital reserves?
Is the required technology available?
Are the required human resources and skills
Are the required support services in place and
have the logistical needs been considered?
Have water, species and feed resources been
considered in detail?
Have social matters been addressed. Is the project
acceptable to neighbors and local communities?
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
Market Analysis
Have the markets been identified and secured?
Has market timing, seasonality, needs and price
been research?
Is the market size and demand known?
Can the quality demand of the market be matched
or bettered?
In what form should the product be presented in
the market?
Is the market competition known?
Have market logistics (handling, freezing etc.)
been considered?
Have the phytosanitary and other legal requirements
been addressed?
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
Marketing Council
and Legal Matters
Does the project require approval in terms of the
National Environmental Management Act?
Does the water use for the project require
Are any marine aquaculture permits required?
Are any transport permits for aquaculture
organisms required?
Are veterinary permits for import and export of
organisms required?
Are any authorisations required from the Local
Cape Nature
Management Branch of
and Tourism (for marine
Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry
Local Authorities
Aquaculture Association
of Southern Africa
Aquaculture Institute of
South Africa
In addition to the planning matters above, the document titled Generic Environmental Best
Management Practice Guideline for Aquaculture Development and Operation in the Western
Cape also contains specifications related to planning around the operational activities of an
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
aquaculture venture or project. These operational best practices should also be used to provide
direction in the design, layout and planning of a sustainable project.
BMP’s are defined as the management of activities to achieve an ongoing minimisation of the
activities’ environmental harm through cost
-effective and continually assessed measures.
By their nature, BMP’s
refer to a wide range of interventions that can be made to improve or
optimise performance in financial, social, environmental and other areas or sub-categories. The
term has however been adopted strongly into the realm of responsible environmental
management. In this context BMP
promote the minimisation of unavoidable environmental
impacts and the prevention of avoidable impacts associated with aquaculture activities.
The importance of BMP’s in aquaculture is driven by:
a) The need for aquaculture to be in compliance to legislative obligations,
b) The need for resource protection and conservation,
c) The need for resource use to be equitable, responsible and sustainable,
d) The need for the aquaculture sector to become recognised as environmentally
responsible and sustainable,
e) The need for the aquaculture sector to provide independent norms and standards by
which it can be held accountable, and
f) The need for the sector to illustrate adequate environmental due diligence.
Furthermore BMP
’s in aquaculture should:
a) Be relevant to the nature of the aquaculture sector,
b) Be practical and provide for ease of implementation,
c) Provide options for management,
d) Be flexible,
e) Provide a mechanism for environmental self-regulation,
f) Fall within the legal requirements for aquaculture development and operation, and
g) Provide clear standards for performance and monitoring.
Due to the great importance of BMP’s in sustainable aquaculture development, the Department
has compiled a comprehensive guideline on the subject. This guideline is titled Generic
Environmental Best Management Practice Guideline for Aquaculture Development and
Operation in the Western Cape. This guideline provides BMP techniques to minimise the
potential environmental impacts associated with aquaculture and highlights the
environmental matters related to aquaculture. These matters are divided into four main
categories, these being:
a) The approach required towards the surrounding biophysical environment of aquaculture
b) The approach required towards the infrastructure environment of aquaculture activities,
c) The approach required in the operational or production activities of aquaculture, and
d) The approach required in dealing with the social environment around aquaculture.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
BMP’s are also the building block
s in contingency planning. These elements
and the BMP’s
however need regular auditing and review to ensure that they remain relevant to the given
The integrated authorisation of an aquaculture activity refers to a process in which all the
relevant authorities and stakeholders provide the required inputs, authorisations and permits to
ensure that any proposed aquaculture project or venture is in compliance with the applicable
resource based legislation. The Department has compiled a detailed guideline document on
the authorisation process titled Guideline to the Authorisation Requirements for Aquaculture in
the Western Cape. The core objectives of this guideline are:
a) To provide guidance on the process, steps and procedures to follow in applying for the
authorisation of an aquaculture activity in terms of the legislation for which DEA&DP is
b) To provide guidance on the process, steps and procedures to follow in gaining
authorisation for an aquaculture activity in terms of other resource based legislation
administered by other authorities, and
c) To provide guidance on the integration of the respective authorisation processes overseen
by the different authorities.
In order to simplify the authorisation process it has been broken down into ten clearly defined
steps as follows (consultation with the abovementioned guideline is important for further
information pertaining to this process):
a) Step 1: Formulation of an aquaculture project. This step consists of conceptualisation of
a project or venture so that the concept can be used to inform the authorisation process.
b) Step 2: Choosing of a candidate species. This step consists of the identification of an
appropriate species and may require consultation with various Government Departments
and organisations, especially when the use of exotic species is considered.
c) Step 3: Land access planning. This step consists of ensuring that the land earmarked for
a proposed aquaculture project or venture is rightfully owned or that consent is obtained for
the use of the land.
d) Step 4: Land use planning. This step consists of ensuring that the land use planning for a
proposed project or venture is in place. These land use planning aspects include:
Ensuring that the land is correctly zoned,
Ensuring that building plans are in place for any new structures, and
Ensuring that due consideration is given to any environmentally sensitive areas.
e) Step 5: Service planning. This step consists of ensuring that the necessary services and
service infrastructure (electricity, water, roads, sewage services, telecommunications etc.)
is available at the required capacity.
f) Step 6: Water use planning. This step consists determining the need for a water use
authorisation from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
g) Step 7: Marine resource planning. This step consists of informing and gaining
authorisation for all mariculture activities from the Marine and Coastal Management Branch
of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
h) Step 8: Environmental planning. In this step a determination is made whether a project
requires an environment authorisation and the process by which such an authorisation is
gained. The requirement for such an environmental authorisation is triggered by the
activities listed in GN R 386 and GN R 387. In cases where an environmental authorisation
is required, an application must be made in this regard to the Department.
i) Step 9: Permitting. This step determines which additional permits may be required by an
aquaculture venture. In this regard permits may be required from:
CapeNature for the capture or transport (including export and import) of live
organisms and for the keeping of certain endangered or exotic species,
The Marine and Coastal Management Branch of the Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism for the capture or transport (including export and import) of all
marine organisms and for the keeping of certain endangered or exotic species, and
The Veterinary Services of the Department of Agriculture for the import or export of
aquaculture organisms.
j) Step 10: Post approval planning. Once the necessary authorisations have been
obtained, there may be a requirement for the implementation of ongoing checks and
balances, and in certain cases, renewal of the authorisations. These post approval
requirements may include internal and external compliance and/or environmental audits,
reporting, record keeping, permitting and renewals as required by the respective authorities.
Although the steps above are sequential, the emphasis remains on their integration into a
logical process in which the concurrent execution of certain steps is possible. In order to
achieve this integration it is important to consult the associated Guideline to the Authorisation
Requirements for Aquaculture in the Western Cape. The Department also has various
generic guidelines that pertain to the application process and compliance with the National
Environmental Management Act and associated regulations.
A full list of contact details is provided on page vi of this booklet. The list contains the contact
details of all the authorities involved in the development and authorisation of aquaculture.
Furthermore, contact details are provided for the Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa
and the Aquaculture Institute of South Africa. The Association is the umbrella representative of
aquaculture producers, while the Institute is an important development agency and link
between the aquaculture sector and the Government at large.
The booklet provides a basic overview of what aquaculture is, what needs to be taken into
consideration when planning an aquaculture venture, best management practises in
aquaculture and an overview of the processes that must be followed in the authorisation of
aquaculture activities. This information will assist prospective aquaculturists, authorities,
financial institutions and other parties that may come into contact with the rapidly expanding
DEA&DP: Introduction to Aquaculture in the Western Cape
aquaculture sector. All these parties will be able to use this booklet as an entry point to further
information from the Department and from other sources.
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