What is computer science

int id; String name; String major; public int

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int id; String name; String major;

public int silly (int k, int [ ] c, Student s) {

k++; c[1]++; this.setID(k);

if (s != null) s.setID(c[0]);

if (!s.equals(this)) s = this;



public void setID (int newID) {id = newID;}

int i, j; int[] a, b; Student p, q, r;

i = 5; j = 6; j = i;

a = new int[3]; b = a; b[0] = 5; a[1]++;

p = new Student(8, ”Jo”, ”CS”);

q = new Student(9, ”Lee”, ”C&O”);

r = p;

j = p.silly(i,a,q);

Implementation of List as a partially-filled array

  • Uses two instance variables:

int numItems; // number of elements in List

Object [] items; // storage for List's elements

or more simply diagrammed as

  • Straightforward implementations for size(), isEmpty() and get(index) using

private int translate(int position) {

// pre: 1  position  numItems+1

// post: returns position - 1

return position - 1;


Updating an array-based List

  • simple loop needed to close gap

public void remove (int index)throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException {

// post: If 1 <= index <= size(), the item at position index in the

// list is deleted, and other items are renumbered accordingly;

// throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException if index < 1 or

// index > size().

if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems) {

for (int pos = index+1; pos <= size(); pos++)


items[translate(pos-1)] =





else {

throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(

"ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on remove");



  • removeAll () simply requires setting items to a new empty array

Adding elements to an array-based List

  • add(index, item) might require array to be enlarged

  • replacing the array:

  • allocate a larger array (but how much larger?)

  • copy all the elements (object references) to the new array

  • replace (the reference to) the old array by (a reference to) the new one

Alternative implementation of List: singly-linked list

  • Expands and contracts as needed

  • Diagrammatic representation

Manipulating linked list elements

Node methods: see Carrano & Prichard p 161

Node myNode = new Node(new Integer(5));

myNode.setItem(new Integer(7));

myNode.setNext(new Node(new Integer(9)));

myNode.getNext().setItem(new Integer(2));

Node temp = myNode.getNext();

Node node = new Node(myNode.getItem());


Implementation of List as a singly-linked list

public class ListReferenceBased implements

ListInterface {

private Node head;

private int numItems;
private Node find(int index) {

// pre: 1  index  numItems

// post: Returns a reference to the node at position index

Node curr = head;

for (int skip = 1; skip < index; skip++) {

curr = curr.getNext();


return curr;

public void remove(int index)

throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException {

// post: see previous slide for precondition and postcondition

if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems) {

if (index==1){ head=head.getNext();

} else {

Node prev = find(index-1);

Node curr = prev.getNext();




} else {

throw new






Variations on linked lists

  • circularly linked lists

  • doubly-linked lists

  • other variants: no counters; more links; “sentinel” element at end

ADT Deque

  • alternative linear collection

  • functionality:

  • add only at either of the two ends

  • read at ends

  • test for membership via contains

  • remove at ends

  • implementation alternatives:

  • as linked list (singly-linked, doubly-linked, circular)

  • as Vector or ArrayList

  • efficiency trade-offs?

Measuring efficiency

  • some possible measures:

  • the amount of time it takes to code

  • the amount of memory the code uses

  • the amount of time it takes to run

  • the amount of memory the data uses

  • costs to prepare and to maintain software critical aspects of software engineering

  • principal measures for this course: efficiency of software execution

  • How can we compare several possible choices of algorithm or several possible implementations of an interface?

  • run the code (stopwatch approach)

  • influenced by hardware

  • influenced by compiler and system software

  • influenced by simultaneous users’ activity

  • influenced by selection of data

  • analyze the code (or pseudo-code)

  • still influenced by choice of data

Comparing implementations

  • first approximation: abstraction that ignores low level details

  • calculate number of method invocations for critical methods used

  • typically interested in methods that read object’s values or change object’s values

  • for collections, often interested in

  • number of data values encountered (e.g., how many calls to getNext())

  • number of data values moved or modified (e.g., how many calls to setNext() or setItem())

  • concerned with how algorithm behaves across all possible inputs

  • worst-case analysis (worst input)

  • best-case analysis (best input)

  • average-case analysis (depends on distributions)

  • usually analysis done with respect to data of a given, but unknown, size

  • e.g., Considering all collections having N elements (for any fixed value of N), how many times is operation P executed in the worst case?

Code analysis: example

Consider possible implementation of a remove by value method for array-based representation of List

public Object removeByValue(Object obj){

// pre: obj is non-null

// post: removes and returns the first object equal to obj from the array;

// returns null if no objects are equal to obj

int index;

for (index = 0; index < numItems; index++){

if (obj.equals(items[index])) break;


if (index == numItems) return null;

Object val = items[index];


while (index < numItems) {

items[index] = items[index+1];



items[numItems] = null; // free reference

return val;


  • How many calls will be made to equals (comparing two data values)?

  • best case? worst case?

  • what would influence the average case?

  • How many elements are moved to a new location in the array?

  • best case? worst case?

ADT Stack

  • A linear collection, (s1, s2, ..., sn), of elements accessed from one end only

  • top: sn

  • Sometimes called a LIFO structure (last-in first-out)

  • Operations:

  • createStack()

  • boolean isEmpty()

  • void popAll()

  • void push(Object newItem)

  • Object pop()

  • Object peek()

  • Applications:

  • processing nested elements (e.g., subroutine flow control)

  • reversing element ordering

Using a stack to check that parentheses are balanced

  • a(b()cd(e))(f)g is OK, but not (h(i)k or l(m)) or n)(

class BalanceChecker implements

StackInterface {


public boolean check (String in) {


for (int i=0; i < in.length(); i++) {

if (in.charAt(i) == ‘(’)

push(new Integer(i));

else if (in.charAt(i) == ‘)’) {

if (isEmpty())

return false;

Integer open =(Integer) pop();

// open.intValue() position has matching (



if (!isEmpty())

return false;

return true;



  • Why does this algorithm work?

Array-based implementation of Stack

Linked-list-based implementation of Stack

Implementing method calls using a stack

  • An array-based stack is normally used within generated code

  • All information needed to support a particular method call is kept in an activation record

  • space for parameter values

  • space for local variables

  • space for location to which control is returned

  • During execution, maintain the stack of activation records

  • When method called: activation record created, initialized, and pushed onto the stack

  • When a method finishes, its activation record is popped

ADT Queue

  • A linear collection, (q1, q2, ..., qn), of elements accessed in sequence

  • front: q1; rear: qn

  • Sometimes called a FIFO structure (first-in first-out)

  • Operations:

  • createQueue()

  • boolean isEmpty()

  • void dequeueAll()

  • void enqueue(Object newItem)

  • Object dequeue()

  • Object peek()

  • Applications:

  • communications channel

  • items waiting to be serviced

The use of queues in producer-consumer situations

  • General situation: one software package is producing data and another is consuming the same data.

  • Rate of consumption or production often data-dependent.

  • Producer can use enqueue to insert and Consumer can use dequeue to take data in insertion order.

Queue using a circular linked list

public Object dequeue ( ) {

// pre: queue is not empty

// post: the head of the queue is removed and returned

Object val = tail.getNext().getItem();


if (count == 0) tail = null;

else tail.setNext(


return val;

public void enqueue(Object val) {

// post: val is added to the tail of the queue

Node temp = new Node(val);

if (count == 0) {

tail = temp;



else {



tail = temp;




Queue using a “circular” array

  • Naïve use of array

  • dequeue  shuffling values to start of array

  • Alternative: let queue drift down array

  • when reaching end of array, wrap around to start

  • Implementation details . . .

see Carrano & Prichard, Chapter 7

Recursive definitions

  • common in mathematics

Recursive definition defines an object in terms of smaller objects of the same type.

  • includes base (degenerate) cases and recursive cases

  • Example 1: factorial function

n! = 1 if n=0 {base case}
n! = n(n-1)! if n>0 {recursive case}

  • Example 2: Fibonacci numbers

f0 = f1 = 1 {base cases}
fn = fn-1 + fn-2 if n2 {recursive case}

  • Example 3: balanced strings

  • base case:

A string containing no parentheses is balanced.

  • recursive cases:

(x) is balanced if x is a balanced string.

xy is balanced if x and y are balanced strings.

Binary Tree

  • A binary tree is a finite collection of nodes that is

  • empty, or

  • partitioned into 3 sub-collections: a designated node, called the root, together with two binary trees, designated as left and right subtrees

  • Tree terms for nodes: root and leaf

  • Familial terms for nodes: parent, child, sibling, ancestor, descendant

Binary trees on three nodes

Labelled binary trees

  • Typically nodes are labelled.

  • Examples:

  • yes-no decision tree

  • expression tree (for binary operators)

  • Semantics captured by nesting

Recursive structures

public interface Nesting {

public boolean isEmpty();

// post: Returns true iff this is empty

public Object getRootItem() throws


// post: Returns value associated with the root; throws

// TreeException if this is empty

public void setRootItem(Object newItem);

// post: Replaces the item in the root with newItem, if this is

// not empty; otherwise, sets this to consist only of a root node

// whose root item is newItem

public void removeAll();

//post: This is empty


ADT Binary Tree

  • based on recursive definition of tree

public interface BinaryTreeInterface extends

NestingInterface {

public void attachLeftSubtree

(BinaryTreeInterface leftTree)

throws TreeException;

// pre: leftTree is non-null

// post: throws TreeException if this is empty or the left subtree

// is non-empty; otherwise, left subtree of this is tree originally referred

// to by leftTree and leftTree now refers to an empty tree
public BinaryTreeInterface

detachLeftSubtree()throws TreeException;

// post: Throws TreeException if this is empty; otherwise,

// detaches and returns the left subtree of this; this’ left subtree is empty.



  • other methods exist (e.g. analogous methods for right subtrees)

  • might consider additional methods such as size(), left(), right(), encompasses() or isNested()

  • Carrano & Prichard extend BinaryTreeBasis instead of Nesting

Recursive programs

  • Solution defined in terms of solutions for smaller problems of the same type

int solve (int n) {. . .

value = solve(n-1) + solve(n/2);

. . .}

  • One or more base cases defined

. . . if (n < 10) value = 1; . . .

  • Some base case is always reached eventually.


static public int fib (int n) {

// pre: n  0

// post: returns the nth Fibonacci number

if (n < 2) return 1;

else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);


  • N.B. structure of code typically parallels structure of definition

Tracing recursive programs

  • recall: stack of activation records

  • When method called: activation record created, initialized, and pushed onto the stack

  • When a method finishes, its activation record is popped

  • same mechanism for recursive programs

Recursive subtree programs

  • calculating the size of a subtree

public int size() {

// post: returns number of elements in this

if (isEmpty()) return 0;

BinaryTreeInterface left = detachLeftSubtree();

BinaryTreeInterface right = detachRightSubtree();

int subTreeSize = 1 + left.size() + right.size();



return subTreeSize;


  • following a path to find a subtree

public Object follow(Queue path) {

// pre: path is not null and path objects are all Boolean

// post: returns item at root of subtree identified by path of booleans s.t.

// true  follow left branch, false  right and path is set to

// empty queue; returns null if path invalid, and valid

// prefix of path is dequeued

if (isEmpty()) return null;

if (path.isEmpty()) return this.getRootItem();

if (((Boolean) path.dequeue()).booleanValue()) {

BinaryTreeInterface left = detachLeftSubtree();

Object result = left.follow(path);


return result;

} else {

BinaryTreeInterface right = detachRightSubtree();

Object result = right.follow(path);


return result;



Linked implementation

  • linked implementation for binary trees uses a TreeNode class:

  • 3 data fields (item, leftChild, rightChild)

  • representation of an empty binary subtree?

  • Carrano & Prichard Chapter 10

  • alternative approaches: no non-recursive wrapper, store count, parent references

Tree traversals

  • want to traverse a tree in some orderly manner

  • we visit each node exactly once (e.g. print its contents or determine if it meets certain criteria)

  • one option is to visit the nodes level by level:

  • for each level of the tree

    visit each node at that level

  • traversal: X B S K O I A C L Z E

  • known as a breadth-first traversal.

  • can be implemented using a queue


  • each element is “visited” once, and only once

  • Iterator interface from java.util

    Iterator i = someTree.getLevelOrderIterator();

    while (i.hasNext()) {

    … i.next(); …


  • May promise a particular order for visiting the elements

  • Subclasses may add two more operators:

  • void reset()

  • Object value()

  • remove() will delete the last element returned by an iterator

  • however, in general, behaviour usually undefined if a collection changes during iteration

  • Note: several iterators can visit a single structure simultaneously

Depth-first traversals

  • visit tree’s components (root, left subtree, right subtree) in some order

  • preorder traversal:

  • Preorder traversal yields parents before children, but does not completely characterize a tree’s structure.

Implementing tree iterators

  • In the absence of parent pointers, iterator supporting depth-first traversal requires a stack.

  • For preorder, stack maintains list of non-empty subtrees remaining to be visited

  • when visiting a node, push right subtree (if non-empty) and then left subtree (if non-empty) onto stack

  • peek the top of the stack to find current node

  • pop the stack to find next node to visit

  • iterator completes when stack is empty

  • Alternatively, all the work can be done during construction of the iterator using recursion

Inorder traversal

  • ordering:

  • visit the left subtree recursively

  • visit the root

  • visit the right subtree recursively

  • inorder traversal of expression tree gives an infix expression

  • traversal: 2 * 3 + 5 – 7 – 2 * 3

  • but need to insert ( before visiting any subtree and ) after visiting any subtree


or perhaps (((2*(3+5))-7)-(2*3))

  • does not characterize which value labels the root

Postorder traversal

  • ordering

  • visit the left subtree recursively

  • visit the right subtree recursively

  • visit the root

  • Postorder traversal yields children before parents.

  • Postorder traversal of an expression tree gives a postfix expression (used for some calculators)

2 3 5 + * 7 – 2 3 * -

  • unambiguous without parentheses !

  • “reverse Polish notation” created in 1920s by logician Jan Lukasiewicz

Properties of binary trees

  • often expressed recursively (following definition of binary tree)

  • depth (or level) of a node:

  • root has level 1

  • otherwise 1+ level of parent

  • height of a tree:

  • if the tree is empty, its height is 0

  • otherwise, the height is

    1 + max{height TL, height TR }, where TL and TR designate left and right subtrees

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