Denominations and Religious Institutions

Aberdeen Christian Fellowship | Aberdeen Scotland[[@Headword:C40]]

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Aberdeen Christian Fellowship | Aberdeen Scotland[[@Headword:C40]]

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Aberdeen Christian Fellowship | Aberdeen Scotland





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Baptist Union of Scotland

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Source of creedal statement 18 December 2013

Statement of Faith

1. We believe the Holy Bible (all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) to be divinely inspired. It is the only fully trustworthy authority for faith and conduct.

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these three are co-eternal and of equal dignity and power and that this Triune God is the Creator, Sustainer, Ruler, Redeemer and Judge of the World.

3. We believe in the full deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth; in His sinless life; in His miracles; in His atoning sacrifice on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price of sin, becoming an example for us and defeating evil; in His bodily resurrection; in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal and visible return in power and glory to establish a new heaven and new earth.

4. We believe in the dignity of all people, male and female, created by and for God; that by human disobedience to God, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence; that all humans are sinners by nature and practice and that all who believe in Jesus Christ alone appropriate by the grace of God his atoning work and are declared righteous and brought into right relationship with God.

5. We believe in the present and active ministry of the Holy Spirit who leads people to repentance, unites them with Christ through new birth, enables them to live godly lives and empowers them for witness and ministry.

6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived, the everlasting blessedness of those in right relationship with God, and the everlasting punishment of those who have rejected God

Aberdeen Christian Fellowship | Aberdeen South Dakota[[@Headword:C41]]

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Aberdeen Christian Fellowship | Aberdeen South Dakota




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Source of creedal statement 26 December 2013

Our Statement of Beliefs:

The Bible as the Word of God: We accept the Bible as the inspired and God-breathed Word of God to mankind. We believe the Bible Should be the source of all teaching, doctrine, faith, and practice.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: We believe that there is one God, who has created all things, and that He has revealed Himself to mankind as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that mankind has become separated from God Because of disobedience, or sin. We believe God has freely given forgiveness and new life to mankind through the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection from the dead. We believe mankind is given the opportunity to personally acknowledge his/her own sinfulness, and to personally receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We believe that apart from Christ’s suffering and death and resurrection, mankind is destined for eternal judgment, separation from God, and perishing in hell. We believe in the imminent and actual return of Jesus Christ to earth and the establishing of His eternal Kingdom. We believe it is the church’s responsibility to proclaim, teach and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world around us.
Baptism: We believe that according to Jesus’ command, every believer in Jesus Christ should be baptized in water; through the process of immersion, submersion, and emergence; which acknowledges the suffering, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
The Holy Spirit: We believe that according to Jesus’ own words, the Holy Spirit of God is given to all believers; and that every believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit, or as Jesus spoke, “You shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit…” We believe that the Holy Spirit is given by God to empower, equip, teach, and lead believers; and the Holy Spirit gives specific gifts to individual believers.
Worship & Service: We believe that our first responsibility before God is to love God and glorify Him through offering our lives, our resources, our prayer and praise to Him. We believe that every believer is given the individual opportunity to worship and serve God and others.
The Church: We believe that every believer in Jesus Christ becomes a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and is placed by God in a local church family to help him or her grow spiritually, become more Godly in character, and find a place of serving. We believe it is God’s priority for a local church to assemble together regularly for the purpose of worship, ministry of the Word of God, sharing Communion (the Lord’s Supper) together, and to love and serve one another. We believe that God gives the Church of Jesus Christ leadership through Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers; and that God gives a local church leadership through a Pastor and Elders.
The Family: We believe that God places high value on the family, and that the family is the primary building block of the church and of our society. We believe the family begins with a marriage between one man and one woman; and that God gave the family as the setting for raising children.

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