Denominations and Religious Institutions

Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (Pete Samra Ministries) aka The Church of the Champions[[@Headword:C76]]

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Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (Pete Samra Ministries) aka The Church of the Champions[[@Headword:C76]]

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Group name

Abundant Life Christian Fellowship aka Pete Samra Ministries aka The Church of the Champions




Links to

Direct relationship

  • Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (Barberton, South Africa)

  • Abundant life Christian Fellowship (Malawi, Africa)

Recommended links:

  • Emmanuel Gospel Church

  • God Mobile Online see Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International

  • Lisnadill Full Gospel Church

  • Miracle Life Worship Center

  • Oxford Bible Church

  • Skyway Church


Source of creedal statement 12 December 2013

What We Believe:

  • ✦We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • ✦We believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.

  • ✦We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • ✦We believe that Jesus Christ died for the remission of sins and that all who call on His name will be saved.

  • ✦We believe that Jesus heals; our church operates in the Gift of healing, with the laying on of hands.

Abundant Life Church of Christ | Richmond VA[[@Headword:C81]]

Group id

Group name

Abundant Life Church of Christ | Richmond VA




1950’s with merger of The Church of the Lord Jesus Chist and The Church of God and True Holiness

1956 adopted the name The Church of God and True Holiness

1965 adopted name Abundant Life Church of Christ

Links to

ALTBC: Abundant Life Teamwork Bible College


Source of creedal statement

Statement of Faith

We Believe

The Bible is the inspired Word of God; the product of holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.  The New Covenant, as recorded in the New Testament, we accept as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine.  II Timothy 3:16; I Corinthians 2:13

We Believe

Our God is one and name is one.  He has three attributes of His person:  The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; distinguishable, but indivisible.  Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14; John 1: 1, 8

We Believe

Man is a created being made in the likeness and image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world.  Jesus Christ, the son of God, was manifested to undo the work of the devil and gave His life and shed His blood to redeem and restore man back to God.  Romans 5:14; 3:10; Ephesians 2:8

We Believe

The Salvation of sinners by grace through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of the cross of Calvary.  By this, we obtain remission of sins.  The new birth is necessary to all men. Ephesians 2:8, 9;  Romans 5:11;  John 3:3-5;  I John 5:12

We Believe

The necessity of Water Baptism by immersion in the name of the eternal Godhead in order to fulfill the command of Christ.  The ordinance is a symbol of the Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.  Matthew 28:19; Acts1:8; 2:38, 39;  19:1-7

We Believe

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers and is received subsequent to the New Birth.  This experience is accomplished by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit himself gives the utterance.  Matthew 3:11; John 14:16-17;  Acts 1:8; 2:4

We Believe

The operation of the gifts of the Spirit enumerated in I Corinthians, chapters 12-14 as manifested in the early church.

We Believe

The Bible teaches that without holiness, no man can see the Lord.  We believe in the Spirit-filled life; a life of separation from the world and perfecting of holiness in the fear of God as an expression of Christian faith.  We believe this commences at the time of regeneration and continues until the consummation of salvation.  Hebrews 12:14; Ephesians 5:18; II Corinthians 6:14

We Believe

Healing is for the physical ills of the human body and is wrought by the power of God through the prayer of faith and by the laying on of hands.  It is the privilege of every member of the church today.  Mark 16:18; James 5:14-25; I Peter 2:24

We Believe

In the table of the Lord, commonly known as “Communion” or “The Lord’s Supper” for believers.  I Corinthians 11:23-32; Matthew 26:26

We Believe

In the reality and personality of satan and the eternal judgment of satan and his angels.  Matthew 25:41; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 19:20; 20:10-15

We Believe

The marriage institution is a divine blessing ordained by God.  It was ordained not only for replenishing the earth, but to establish social order and human happiness; to prevent irregular affection, and to transmit truth, purity, and holiness from generation to generation.  When this trust is violated, it corrupts the purity and harmony of an otherwise holy union.  We believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ that is found in the scriptures.  Matthew 5:31, 32; 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18

We Believe

Under certain conditions and circumstances, divorce and re-marriage may occur.  It is our belief that divorce should be discouraged and restoration of marriage should be the focus.  1 Corinthians 7:10-16, Matthew 5:32, Malachi 2:14-16

We Believe

Abortion is against the will of God and only permitted when the mother’s life is threatened.

We Believe

Sex outside of covenant marriage is, according to the Word of God, “sinning against God and His Word”.  I Corinthians 6:9, 10, 18; Acts 15:20; I Thessalonians 4:3; Ephesians 5:3

We Believe

Homosexuality is a clear violation of the Word of God.  Romans 1:26-32; Leviticus 18: 22-24; Jude 1:7;  Genesis 19: 4-13.  Therefore, we recommend persons who are inclined to homosexuality to seek help and deliverance through the Holy Spirit and counseling.

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