Yoga Magazine, August 2009

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I have been asked to write an article about the aura. I like the idea, because many different healing systems talk about the human aura, and this common ground will give me the opportunity of presenting some similitudes and differences between the Avicenna Therapy and other schools of healing.
The Avicenna Therapy agrees that most people, and in fact all living beings, have an aura. In the case of living people, this aura is like an enveloppe or atmosphere that surrounds us. Healthy people should have an aura extending from one to two meters outside of their body. The shape is usually ovoid, with no meaningful differences (that I can perceive) among men and women, young or old people. Even babies have very large auras.
"The aura is an emanation or radiation of life force from the koshas. Each sheath radiates its own particular aura with a particular rate of vibration.

The auras of the different sheaths interpenetrate each other. The aura that emanates from the physical body is gross. This is known as the ‘health aura’. It is ovoid in shape."

Yoga Magazine, August 2009
From the point of view of the Avicenna Therapy, the aura is an emanation from our invisible bodies. It is made from subtle substances that are emanated and finally lost to other people or outside objects. Because we have five invisible bodies inside us, that is, the bodies of earth, fire, water, air and blood, our aura is also made from earth, fire, water, air and blood. In my opinion, the majority of people who claim to perceive the aura are really perceiving the air element present in this aura. I base this opinion in clairvoyants that I have personally met but, of course, there are also people who can perceive all five components. The most difficult component of the aura to perceive, by far, is the blood part.
Some people lack one or more of their invisible bodies, and therefore lack the corresponding parts of the aura. Specifically, I have found people who don't have the earth or blood parts of the aura because they lack the invisible bodies of earth and/or blood.
The aura is really a very large and compact set of individual emanations, or "rays". The "rays" are not straight lines. They have very contorted shapes. There are probably hundreds or maybe thousands of thin individual "rays", that together form the aura. In some respects, the aura is similar to a ball of wool. It might look like a single object, like a cloud, but it is in fact made from thin contorted filaments very densely packed.
The invisible bodies can emanate very quickly these small filaments. That is, in less than one second a small "ray" (or individual emanation) can be emanated from one of our invisible bodies and, after following a very twisted path, finish at a distance of one or two meters apart from the physical body. A big set of these "rays" form the aura. These "rays" are lost from time to time to some external person or object, on a one by one basis. That is, we can lose any number of "rays", or individual emanations. In some cases the filaments can also be taken from us, specially when we harm people, or take drugs such as marihuana in particular.
The "rays" vibrate. For as long as the "rays" (or individual emanations) are connected to the invisible body, they will change their speed of vibration according to the emotion or thought that is felt by this body. Because of this, the aura, or really the individual emanations or "rays", can give valuable information about what is happening within a client.
For example, I have recently received a spanish woman with a lot of pain in her right hip. I prefer to talk about recent cases because I remember them better. She totally lacked the left part of her earth-aura. This was because her job was harming many people, and these people were taking away parts of her aura, as a way to obtain compensation for the damages. The left part of the earth and water auras can be taken by other people. The right part can be given to them, using our will. The air aura can be given in all its parts, also using our will. I don't know if this is also possible with fire and blood auras.
When I see a big lack of compensation between the right and left part of the earth-auras I immediatelly know (in most cases when the client is phoning me because he might be interested in my sessions) that something unusual is happening. People who have jobs that harm other people, even when this happens "against their will" (for example, a secretary who works for the weapons industry), will have the left part of their earth-auras reduced or missing. I want to remember that, in my opinion, very few people are able to observe the earth element of the auras, and they won't be able to notice this very interesting phenomenon. The air part of the auras doesn't change as a result of harming others.
Some people are able to perceive colors in the auras. I have met several of these people, who are usually called "clairvoyant". In my opinion, the different colors that they see correspond to the different speeds of vibration of the different areas of the auras, and are basically subjective. This means that what one clairvoyant perceives as red might be perceived as yellow by a different one.
What is important, in my opinion, is not to see colors, which might be subjective, but to perceive speeds of vibration, or meanings, which are objective.
We can compare the invisible bodies with a rose, and the aura with its scent. The fragrance of the rose contains small molecules of moisture which leave the rose. After some time losing moisture and fragrance, the rose will dry up. This happens because the fragrance was coming from the rose itself, diminishing the amount of substance of the petals, and was producing changes in the rose, which starts to degrade and look uglier after some time. The same phenomenon happens with our invisible bodies, they lose their "moisture" and "fragrance" to the aura, and from here to the outside world, and if we don't want to have a problem we need to rebuild them again and again.
There are several ways to lose our auras to people or objects. The most common way to lose the earth and water parts of the aura is to pay too much attention to some external (or sometimes internal) object. First the earth is lost, and once we don't longer have any emanation of earth in our aura left, we start to lose our water to the outside world. Very depressed people usually have no earth and very little water emanations in their aura. They pay too much attention to their inside world, and they lose their emanations usually to their internal organs, which don't need them. Their heart, lungs and sexual organs are the most usual accumulators of these lost emanations. Needless to say, their organs cannot use them and, after a time, the emanations simply die.
Some incorrect forms of meditation also have this destructive effect. They force the meditator to incorrectly focus their attention in one of their internal organs and as a result emanations are needlessly lost. Of course, there are also correct forms to meditate and it is not my intention to speak against meditation in general. I have a spanish friend, who is a yoga teacher, that meditates in such an incorrect way. Of course, it is her teacher who has to be blamed, because he taught her to meditate like this, but it is she who is suffering the effects. After many years of losing earth and water emanations to her coxis she developped an illness and came to me for help. I did some sessions with her and recommended her increasing the intake of magnesium, using a form of magnesium that is very safe. Magnesium is much more difficult to assimilate than most people believe, but when it can be absorbed it can usually increase the strenght of the body of earth, increasing the amount of earth-emanations.
The air part of the aura is usually lost to people who have more charisma than us, that is, with more air than us. We unconsciously perceive them as somehow higher in rank and give them some of our air. People with charisma are able to produce more air, in my opinion in their solar plexus chakra, and because of this extra production they also emanate it more.
People with high charisma usually place the air that they receive from other people just above their heads, constructing something very similar to the turbans that the ottoman sultans wore. In case somebody is interested, he can look in the internet for a picture of the ottoman sultan Bayezid II and he will see the turban that I mean. I don't know if this natural invisible process has been the reason that explains the different crowns that all kings wear since immemorial times. The "turbans" that I have seen are very compact and can have a size from 10 to 40 cms. The people that I know with the largest "turbans" are Diego Armando Maradona, Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin, and some few others. The air aura is not deformed because of the "turban", but the air just above the head is made much more compact. Clairvoyants with a sense for the density of the aura should perceive this.
The fire part of the aura is lost because we become angry, depressed, fearful, sad, etc., and we lose it to the person who produces these emotions in us. Contrary to the transfer of earth, water or air emanations, it is not a good thing to receive fire emanations from other people.
To explain it better. We already know that bad karma exists. It is produced by our own spirit with the intention of teaching us some lesson. The substance that our spirit uses to create the bad karma is, in most cases, the emanations of fire that we have received from other people. These emanations of fire can be understood like "correct accusations".
The blood part of our aura is lost when we harm other people, or in other words, when we receive bad karma. The process is more or less inverse to the transfer of fire-emanations. When we missbehave we receive fire and give blood. Some of our emanations of blood are transferred to our victims. It will help them to grow their body of blood. Because blood is so important, because the body of blood is by far our most important invisible body, the body that is able to receive and give true love and compassion, and allows us to communicate with the spiritual world, a famous quote comes to my mind:

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven

Matthew 5:10

It goes without saying that I am not advocating prosecution, and I don't like to see any kind of evil. I am only stating that whoever suffers an evil will also receive a little bit of the invisible element blood that will be placed into his aura, and this will stop or diminish for some time the "evaporation" of his all-important body of blood, making its growth possible. I would still prefer that no evil had to be suffered by anybody. Even people who, because of their permanent unethical behaviour, have lost their body of blood and have no trace of blood in their aura, will give their victim a filament of blood when they missbehave. Blood is being received all the time. Blood is in the air. Whoever breathes has some blood.
To give a real example of how some part of the aura can be lost, a man who feels a lot of attraction for a woman will give her some of his "rays". I remember, when I was at school, a teenage spanish girl who enjoyed a lot of success with male students. Her earth-aura was enormous. It extended for about 20 meters from her physical body. This was because so many of her teenage schoolmates were infatuated with her and were losing "rays" to her all the time, that accumulated inside her aura, making it grow. I have also seen it happen with actors, polititians, and other people who attract lots of attention from people. I met once a spanish minister when I was on vacation. His aura was maybe 200 meters wide. So many people from his own political party, and so many citizens were supporting him, that his (earth) aura grew and grew.
While it is in general true that a normal aura shouldn't extend beyond two meters, people who receive huge fragments of other people auras may not be subject to these limits.
The same phenomenon of losing our aura also happens with objects. If we visit a museum, for example, the Prado Museum in Madrid, we will observe that some pictures accumulate the emanations that people have lost. It is interesting to note that the most famous pictures, or painters, are not always the ones that accumulate a bigger number of emanations.
Because I know that some of my readers will be from Köln, I can say that the Kölner Dom accumulates a lot of "rays" of earth, lost by their visitors. The greatest concentration of earth can be found in the beautiful colored windows.
When a person or object catches our attention, a very thin filament of earth will flow from our aura to where this person is located. If the attraction is very big, we will lose the filament to the object, otherwise we will recover it. The filament looks like a thin tentacle. The filament is so thin that it is extremelly difficult to perceive even for people who can perceive well the earth-emanations. In my opinion, it can only be perceived from the crown chakra.
The factor that makes possible that a tentacle of earth can extend beyond the usual limit of the aura is that it can be made thinner and thinner, without any known limit to this thinness.

The first of these properties of the being-Hanbledzoïn consists in this, that, if any part of it be separated and removed, then wherever and however far it may be taken, a ‘threadlike connection’ is formed between this part and the fundamental concentration of all this cosmic substance, in such a way that this connection is formed of this same substance, and its density and thickness increase and diminish proportionately with the distance between the fundamental concentration of this substance and its separated part.


Gurdjieff (Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson)

When somebody is able to give distance healing, in my opinion, the frequencies are carried by such a tentacle of earth. The filament of earth is used more or less like an elephant uses his trunk. The healer takes a ball with frequencies and gives it to the person in the distance. As the healers make progress, they can produce thinner filaments of earth which will travel longer distances. The ability to thin a filament is controlled by the different chakras. Depending on the chakra that is used to heal, the healer will be able to reach a longer distance.
When we do distance healing to people that we love, we don't use earth but blood. This tentacle made from blood can extend huge distances. This explains why some healers are able to heal close friends, or family, at very large distances but maybe cannot heal clients at a distance of ten meters.
When we lose these individual emanations, our invisible bodies become less "solid". This is because the emanation (the aura) was part of the substance of the invisible body, that has been now lost. Conversely, once the invisible bodies become "solid" enough, they start to emanate less. The main reason why the invisible bodies emanate, and in consequence create an aura, is because they are not totally solid. They have many small "holes" in their surface, that allows the inner content of the bodies to escape. Generally speaking, the surface of the bodies is more solid and the inner part more vaporous.
If auras are emanations of invisible substances (or "energies") that are finally lost, it is clear that the ideal situation would be not to lose our own energy and therefore not to have any aura at all. Very few people don't have any aura. Some people emanate but are able to reabsorb their own aura, and when this happens it is great, because the invisible bodies are much stronger and stabler. But I have to say that very few people know (or are able to) how to do this.
We might find people who are able to partially reabsorb their own auras, and this will be enough to give them a great surplus of all kinds of energy compared with the majority of people. This surplus will make possible that their higher chakras work more strongly, and for a longer amount of time: their third eye, crown and even some chakras placed above the crown chakra that can be used for different purposes. The human being is like a "factory" that takes inputs and produces outputs. People who don't lose energy to their auras, or who lose less energy, have more efficient "factories".
There are special exercises that can stop part of the emanations for some time. These exercises can be repeated as often as necessary, in some cases several times a day. When people cease to emanate, their invisible bodies grow in solidity as a consequence.
I don't use or recommend any of these exercises. In my opinion, they can even be dangerous, but I know that they exist and are given in some schools of human development. From what I have been told, these exercises combine special patterns of breathing with a certain way to focus the attention.
In case somebody is interested, I have personally seen people from the Arica School do effective exercises to create and maintain their body of fire. I still don't like these exercises and don't recommend them. However, I have nothing bad to say against the Arica School or its founder, Oscar Ichazo.
There are also people who have the genetic ability to transform their sex energy and are able to build some of their invisible bodies without having to stop their own emanations. We could say that they build their bodies faster than they lose them emanating to the outside world. Some of the greatest healers that I have met have very solid and working bodies of fire and water.
I know some healers who can genetically transform sex energy into fire. This ability is not too uncommon. Also, some of them can transform sex energy into water. This is uncommon. I know only two healers who can genetically transform sex energy into air. We could say that this is very uncommon.
But I have never met anybody with the ability to transform sex energy into blood. Maybe such a person exists, I am just saying that I don't know him. For this reason, the construction of our body of blood follows different rules. First of all, the emanation of blood in our aura has to be stopped and I am aware of only two ways to achieve this. The first one is simply to suffer unjust evil (I don't recommend this method. I mention it only because it is interesting to know something about the significance and usefulness of suffering), the second one is to receive some spiritual kind of help. I am not aware of any breathing-concentration exercise able to stop the emanation of blood in our aura. Spiritual help is also a method to stop the emanations of the other parts of the aura. I have seen it happen. The problem with spiritual help is that it cannot be forced.
When two or more people interact closely, in person or at a distance, their auras temporarily mix. When these people separate, their auras will have undergone some kind of change.
"Within certain limits, when two atmospheres meet, and if the atmospheres are "sympathetic," a connection is made between them and lawful results occur. Something flows. The amount of atmosphere remains the same, but the quality changes."
Gurdjieff (Views from the Real World)
Once they have finished interacting, they will carry within their auras a small part of the aura of the other person (Something flows). Because the aura is still in contact with their invisible subtle bodies, this can create temporary changes. The fragment of aura coming from the other person will change the speed of vibration of their "rays", or individual emanations, and in turn this will be felt by their invisible bodies.
This modification of our aura happens to us all the time. Sometimes it is good and sometimes bad. When it is bad, it is usually the beginning of a psychic attack, and I will explain it later in this article. When it is good, we carry within us part of the opinions and points of view of the other person. Maybe the other person knows more than us about something, or is a better person than us, and this can be of help.
We have seen that the individual emanations vibrate. The aura as a whole also vibrates in some specific general direction. The vibration of the aura as a whole is different from the vibration of the invidual emanations. The aura vibrates with a specific angle of vibration, so to say. Depending on the relationship between the angle of vibration of some person and our own angle of vibration, we could have a different feeling towards this person. This reaction is automatic and independent of our own will. There is very little that we can do to avoid this reaction. This automatic reaction to the aura of other people is one of the many sources of slavery that we human beings suffer.
Usually, when two auras vibrate in the same direction (in the same angle), people like each other. This can be very unfortunate, because the fact that some aura vibrates in the same direction as ours doesn't mean that its owner is honest. In fact, he might be very evil, and we will still be conditioned to like him.
When the aura of somebody vibrates in a direction perpendicular to ours, we usually won't like the other person. This can also be unfortunate, because it might be that we are disliking a honest person who wants to help us.
To sum up: The fact that the aura of a particular person vibrates in the same angle as ours doesn't mean that this person is good or that it is a good idea to befriend him. The fact that the aura of a particular person vibrates in an angle perpendicular to ours doesn't mean that this person is evil or that it is a bad idea to befriend him. But, in nine cases out of ten, we will befriend people whose auras vibrate in an angle similar to ours and will avoid the rest. This sorry phenomenon explains many of the disappointments that we suffer from friends, partners, and even within our own family.
I consider that both to like of to dislike somebody for mechanical reasons is harmful. The only way that I know to escape this harmful influence is to be very calm and relaxed. When we relax a lot, our auras don't vibrate, and we will escape being subject to the influence of the auras of other people.
One person who had a point of view very similar to mine with respect to auras, is Gurdjieff. As we know, Gurdjieff had studied with persian teachers. He calls the aura "emanations of chemico-physical substances, material in nature". I quote from one of his books:
"Man is subject to many influences, which can be divided into two categories. First, those which result from chemical and physical causes, and second, those which are associative in origin and are a result of our conditioning.
Chemico-physical influences are material in nature and result from the mixture of two substances which produce something new. They arise independently of us. They act from without.
For example, someone's emanations may combine with mine —the mixture produces something new. And this is true not only of external emanations; the same thing also happens inside a man.
You perhaps have noticed that you feel at ease or ill at ease when someone is sitting close to you. When there is no accord, we feel ill at ease.
Each man has different kinds of emanations, with their own laws, allowing of various combinations. Emanations of one center form various combinations with emanations of another center. This kind of combination is chemical. Emanations vary, even depending on whether I had tea or coffee.
To free oneself of chemico-physical influences, one has to be passive. I repeat, these are the influences which are due to the emanations of the atmosphere of the body, of feeling, of thought, and in some people also of ether. To be able to resist these influences one has to be passive. Then one can become a little freer of them."
Gurdjieff (Views from the Real World)
It is interesting that Gurdjieff mentions the effect that different foods and beverages have on our auras. When we drink coffe, usually the vibration of our aura slows down. When we drink alcohol, it usually accelerates, etc.
When we have shared part of our aura with other people, the exchange lasts usually for two or three days. After this time, the "rays" that we have received from other people usually die.
The most common problems in auras that I have observed are holes, and auric intrusions from other people which are placed inside our own aura.
Holes in the auras:
Some people have holes in their auras. Usually this corresponds to issues that have not been solved. When somebody has a deep problem one of his invisible bodies stops emanating some particular frequency. This is intended, in fact, as a kind of help because if we don't emanate we won't lose our energy and we will have more resources to deal with any problem.
It is said that people lost in the desert, without water, stop sweating after two days. In a similar way, most terminally ill people stop emanating. Their aura disappears.
As far as I can perceive, physical problems create holes in the earth part of the aura (because the invisible body of earth is in charge of the physical body), mental problems create holes in the water part of the aura, emotional problems create holes in the fire and/or air part of the aura, and ethical problems create holes in the blood part of the aura.
To explain it very quickly: the bodies of fire and air are in charge of the emotions (fire for unconscious and air for conscious emotions). The body of fire influences the first two human chakras (coxis and prostate/ovaries, according to the persian system), that correspond to the collective and personal unconscious, and the body of air influences the third human chakra (navel), where the conscious mind is located. The body of air influences the emotional content of the mind. As I said in another article, the air helps us to be in contact with our own emotions.
The body of water is in charge of the mind (it influences the navel and solar plexus chakra, and part of the heart chakra. In these three chakras the intellectual part of the mind is located). The body of blood (also called "ether" in other systems, and by Gurdjieff himself), is in charge of our higher emotions, such as compassion, love, true spirituality, etc., and influences the human chakras from the heart to above the crown chakra.
The Avicenna Therapy knows several chakras located above the crown chakra, that can also be used for healing purposes. Why these high chakras? Because the connection that some healers have to do with their masters is so heavy that lower chakras wouldn't be strong enough.
A healer who has the ability to perceive the aura will be able to understand that somebody has issues that haven't been solved just by looking at any holes that might be present. The deeper the issue, the bigger the hole. Somebody who is going to die in the near future, and cannot accept it, has no aura at all. He has only a big hole.
Depending on the speed of vibration of the matter that is missing in the aura we might know which kind of problem our client has. For example, a problem coming from the family will create a different kind of hole than a financial problem. To explain it a little bit more: most of the time, family problems may create a hole in the blood part of the aura (it is a good moment to state that most family problems have an ethical root), and money problems in the air part of the aura. We can remember here that holes in the air aura are caused by a conscious emotional problem. As we can easily imagine, people with financial problems are usually very conscious of them.
Even if the invisible elements present in the aura (the individual emanations or "rays") can be considered as "potentially lost energy", it doesn't mean that they are "dead energy". In fact, the aura is still connected with our invisible bodies and reacts to the different emotions that we feel. Different emotions felt by the person can change the speed of vibration of the aura, for as long as this emotion is felt. Clairvoyants might perceive this as a change in the pattern of colors.
For this reason, the information coming from holes in the aura is meaningful when the client is relaxed. Under the presence of some emotion, the holes might become bigger (when the client is overloaded by the emotion), smaller (when the emotion makes the client temporarily "forget" his deep emotional problem) or even disappear (when it is a positive emotion that empowers the client and makes him feel that he can solve his emotional issues).
The fact that it is sometimes possible to make disappear the holes in the aura can be used for healing purposes. When we give a good advice to a client, some hole should diminish or even disappear. This good advice is felt as empowering by the client, and an emotion of self confidence, trust, or acceptance will be felt that will reduce the emotional problem that the client is suffering in the background.
I remember a student of mine, a spanish woman in her thirties, who had the ability of clairvoyant perception. She was able to perceive the air part of the aura. To her eyes, the frequency of self confidence was green. I used this fact to teach her how to give good advice to her clients. When, as a result of her advice, 100% of the aura of her client was green, the advice was good. If the aura was just 99% green and 1% had a different color, she had to look for some improvement in her advice, intending to create an aura in her client that was green and only green, without any trace of any other color.
She was also able to perceive the emotion of sexual arousement as white. She was therefore able to know when one of her clients didn't like her partner. This was a very useful gift for her as a healer. Many problems inside a marriage can be explained because one member of the couple doesn't like the other anymore.
As I have told before, this doesn't mean that self confidence is green or sexual arousement is white. My student perceived, or visualized, these emotions with these colors. Other clairvoyant people might visualize the same emotions with different colors.
Auric intrusions from other people:
We already know that people exchange small portions of their aura when they interact. In theory, both persons should exchange equal amounts of auric material. As Gurdjieff said: "The amount of atmosphere remains the same, but the quality changes". Sometimes, somebody can give a part of his aura to another person without receiving anything in return from him. When this happens, it is usually the beginning of a psychic attack.
The explanation is interesting. When somebody gives us a part of his emanations and doesn't accept our emanations in return, he creates in us a conflict, and we might feel unconsciously guilty. This opens a channel of guilt with the attacker, that he can use to steal our energy. The attacker starts sending us mental messages that say, for example: "You have a debt with me, and I want your own personal energy in return", and this usually continues and continues until the victim closes the channel with him, in most cases after some months of suffering attacks. Of course, the attacks can be more sophisticated, or can even misuse healing gifts to extract the energy, but it is not my purpose here to teach how to harm people stealing their energy.
The simple fact of giving emanations to somebody without accepting his emanations in return is enough to create very bad karma for the person who gives, even when no psychic attack follows because the victim is stronger than him.
One of the several methods that I use to detect a psychic attack involves making sure that both people have exchanged equal amounts of emanations. When this doesn't happen, I know that somebody has done something very wrong.
I suppose that, possibly, what some healers call "cleaning of the aura", includes taking away this auric intrusions. Maybe this corresponds with what some other healers call "chasing bad entities away". Each healer, each school, has a different vocabulary. I wouldn't call it "cleaning of the aura", or "chasing entities away", but "cancelling a psychic attack". Of course this is just my own interpretation of the same facts.
In the Imaginal World, the aura is perceived as a burden that the imaginal being has to carry. The greater the aura, the greater the burden.
Because some things are better understood through examples, I'll give two.
The first one is a person that I know and whose development I have followed closely. When I met him for the first time, over twelve years ago, he had a typical aura. In the Imaginal World he could be perceived as a bird that was carrying on his back a bag, not too big, but full of wood. He travelled to the East and found a guru there. I have kept contact with him, and very recently I have met him again. He didn't have any aura that I could perceive, in any of the five elements. In the Imaginal World I could perceive him as a being with very long wings that could fly freely in almost any region of the imaginal country where he lives. He is not carrying any extra weight now.
Another example, a spanish student of mine. When I met her, three years ago, she was a fairy who carried on her back a heavy bad full of wood. I helped her to stop the emanations of her body of fire, suggesting her a very simple technique that was adequate for her. I don't want to make a secret about this technique. I recommended her to donate monthly some money to an excellent charity that I know.
In her case, the special kind of gratitude that she received was enough to stop her emanations of the fire part of her aura. This technique won't have the same effect in everybody, but I strongly suspected that it would work with her. It worked because, in the first place, her biggest desire is to become a top healer and, in the second place, this particular charity is managed by a true saint. This same saint told me many years ago: "If you want to pray, help people. The only true prayer is to help people". In this case, we could say that, in exchange for her financial help to the saint, she received a spiritual kind of help that has made possible that she becomes a heart chakra healer, or in other words, a top healer.
I met her again some days ago. At this moment she has a body of fire solid enough to work most of the time. She still emanates air, water, earth and blood, but no fire. In the Imaginal World she can be perceived as being a fairy who carries a smaller bag, still full of wood. She has lost about half of the unnecesary weight that she was carrying. From my point of view, in some weeks she should finally become a fulltime heart chakra healer. She is already a heart chakra healer most of the time, the only thing that is necessary now is to consolidate a little bit more her body of fire. This can be achieved stopping her emanations of fire for a little bit longer.
So, my student was able to stop emanating fire in her aura and build her body of fire through true prayer. The idea that the only true way to pray is to help others is not unique to the saint that I have just mentioned. The well known indian guru Neem Karoli Baba, made famous in the west by his student Ram Dass, gave exactly the same message. I will give some interesting quotes:

When Ram Dass was in India, he asked his teacher Neem Karoli Baba "How do I get free?". The master said "Feed people". Ram Dass expected a different kind of answer, so he asked, "How do I get enlightened?" Then Baba said, "Serve people".


Christopher J. Mruk

Of course Ram Dass was expecting an answer much more confortable, such as "repeat this mantra two hundred times each day". To help people is difficult. Here is another quotation concerning the same saint:

Neem Karoli Baba, called Maharaji taught his devotees in a strange way. He rarely asked his students to do any sadhana, or read any scriptures. Rather he requested people to serve the poor, to feed people, to love every living being as God.


Hanuman Dass

It is remarkable that the teachings of a true saint are perceived as "teaching his devotees in a strange way". When the simple truth looks strange, it is maybe because too many half-truths have been spread.
There are several ways to use the aura to heal.
Healers with very dense air auras, that is, very charismatic healers, usually give a part of their air aura to their own clients (of course they also accept emanations in return). This is a good method to deal with musculosqueletal problems. There are other methods to give air to the clients (such as transmitting it to the pineal gland, for example), but when a healer gives us the air from his own aura the results are usually amazing and instantaneous, and the pain disappears in a few seconds. These good results usually last for some weeks.
A different possibility of healing with the aura is to temporarily close all the holes in the aura of our client, using the emanations present in our own aura. Once this is achieved, the client can reflect about the most important problems in his life and find realistic solutions to them.
If the holes of the client are closed, he will perceive at a deep level that his problems have been solved and will be able to think about them in a more objective way, without the pressure that comes from unsolved issues.
After the session the healer withdraws his aura and the client starts to feel his problems again, but whatever solution that has been imagined by the client, will remain in place. Sometimes this solution will be conscious. More often it will be unconscious. The main use of this technique is to help people who feel real guilt.
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